Six month Special Training Progaramme on Elementary Education for Primary School Teachers having B.Ed/B.Ed Special Edn/D.Ed (Special Edn.) (ODL Mode) Art Education, Work Education, Health & Physical Education West Bengal Board of Primary Education, Acharya Prafulla Chandra Bhaban D.K. - 7/1, Sector - 2 Bidhannagar, Kolkata - 700091 i West Bengal Board of Primary Education First edition : March, 2015 Neither this book nor any keys, hints, comments, notes, meanings, connotations, annotations, answers and solutions by way of questions and answers or otherwise should be printed, published or sold without the prior approval in writing of the President, West Bengal Board of Primary Education. Publish by Prof. (Dr) Manik Bhattacharyya, President West Bengal Board of Primary Education Acharyya Prafulla Chandra Bhavan, D. K. - 7/1, Sector - 2 Bidhannagar, Kolkata - 700091 ii Forewords It gives me immense pleasure in presenting the materials of Art, Health, Physical Education & Work Education for Six Month Special Training Programme in Elementary Education for the elementary school teachers in West Bengal, having B. Ed. / B. Ed. (Special Education)/ D. Ed. (Special Education). The materials being presented have been developed on the basis of the guidelines and syllabus of the NCTE. Care has been taken to make the presentation flawless and in perfect conformity with the guidelines of the NCTE. Lesson-units and activities given here are not exhaustive. Trainee-teachers are at liberty to plan & develop their own knowledge and skills through self learning under the guidance of the counselors and use of their previously acquired knowledge and skill of teaching. This humble effort will be prized, if the materials, developed here in this Course-book, are used by the teachers in the real classroom situations for the development of the four skills – Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing of the elementary school children . March-12, 2015 Dr. Manik Bhattacharyya President, WBBPE, Kolkata-700091 iii xyõyˆÏîÓ˚ Ñ˛Ìy !ü«˛yÓ˚ x!ïÑ˛yÓ˚ xy£zò SRTE ActVÈÙÈ2009 ÈÙÈ~Ó˚ ïyÓ˚y v˛z˛ôïyÓ˚y õyÌyÎ˚ ˆÓ˚ˆÏÖ !Ó. ~v˛. ≤Ã!ü«˛í≤ÃyÆ Ñ˛õ≈Ó˚ì˛ ≤ÃyÓ˚!Ω˛Ñ˛ !ü«˛Ñ˛ˆÏîÓ˚ !v˛. ~ú. ~v˛. ≤Ã!ü«˛í òy ÌyÑ˛y ¢ˆÏ_¥Áñ ~£z hfl˛ˆÏÓ˚Ó˚ v˛z˛ôˆÏÎyÜ# !ü«˛Ñ˛/!ü!«˛Ñ˛y !£¢yˆÏÓ ÜˆÏv˛¸ ˆì˛yúyÓ˚ ãòƒ N. C. T. 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Unit - 3 Performing Arts: Dance, Music, Theatre and Puppetry (Practical) Listening/viewing and exploring regional art forms of music, dance theatre and puppeetry. Participation and performance in any one of the regional art forms keeping in mind the integrated approach. Planning a stage setting for a performance by the student teachers). Evaluation of creative expression in Performing Arts with a focus on individual expression, originality and creativity ˛Suggestions for curriculum Transaction Part B - Health & Physical Education ˛Rationale Obejectives Concept of Health and importance of being healthly Health needs of a growing child Importance or personal cleanlinees, Care of diffirent parts of the body vi Enviromental Cleanliness Record of height and weghts, Use of growth schedule Safe drinking water, Sanitary facilities Heat, light and ventilation, Healthy school environment Nutritional requirement of child, Eating habits, Malnutrition, its effects and remedial measures. Identification of locally available and their nutritive value. Organizing Recreational Activities, Sports and Games Imitations - of frog, rabbit, butterfly, elephant, dog, lion, aeroplane, train etc. Free Play - Simple tag games - chain tag, cat and rat. Tumbling - Rolling-forward and backward, cart wheel, camel roll Volley ball, Kabaddi, Football, Kho-Kho and Indigenous Games. Jumps, throws etc. Importance of rest, sleep and postures, gains of good postures, genera postual deformities and remedial measures. Yoga Education Yoga, its meaning, definitions and misconceptions Brief Introduction to Yoga and Yogic Practice Ashtanga Yoga Yogic Practices for children to promote positive halth. Suggestions for Curriculum Transaction vii Part C - Work Education Rationale Obejectives Unit - 1 Work Education - Concept and Scope Concept of Work Education Scope of Work Education Work Activities relating to Science, Mathematics, Social Studies, Languages Local Crafts Identification of local crafts Interviews with local craftsmen Preparation of reports on the local crafts and craftsmen Designing and Organising School-Based Work Activities ˛Social cleanliness Gardening Clay Work Paper Craft Puppetry Toys making Repair of electrical and electronic gadgets viii Suggestions for Curriculum Transaction While selecting work activities, local context must be the prime consideration. The trainees must be encouraged to observe the work process of local craftsmen and local industries. They must be prepared to use work activities in the teaching of different curricular areas. For example, puppets can be used in the teaching of poetry and short storise and clay work can be used while teaching geometrical shapes. The methodogy of curricum transaction may included demonstration, observation, visits, project work etc. Suggested Readings - NCERT (2005) National Curriculum Framework, NCERT, New Delhi Vasant, D (2004) Childhood, work and school education, some reflections ix x !ü“!ü«˛y Art Education xi xii Unit - 1 Appreciation of Art Structure Introduction Rationale Obejectives Meaning and Concepts of Arts and Aesthetics and its significance at elementary level of School Education. 1.4.1 Significance of Music at Elementary level and Its importance. 1.4.2 Identification of different performing Art forms and artist : Music, Dance, Musical instrument, Theatre and Puppetry etc). 1.4.3 Dance 1.4.4 Musical Instrument 1.4.5 Theatre 1.4.6 Pappetry 1.5 Understanding child art–Creative experience, Free expression and stages of Artistic development. 1.6 Knowledge of Indian Craft Traditions and its Relevance in Education. 1.6.1 Knowledge of Indian Contemporary Arts and Artist : Visual Art. 1.7 Indian Festivals and their artistic significance). 1.8 Suggestions for curriculum transaction 1.9 Let us sum up 1.10 Unit End Exercise 1.11 Answer of Check your Progress-1 Answer of Check your Progress-2 Answer of Check your Progress-3 Answer of Check your Progress-4 1.1 Introduction “Aesthetic needs are fundamental to all human beings and that through the medium of Art Education – opportunities can be created to develop harmonious individuals.” Arts are organised expressions of ideas, feelings and experiences in music, in images, in language, in gesture and in movement. They provide emotional, intellectual and creative enrichment and contribute a lot to the child’s holistic development. Thus a society is developed through a variety of art forms which contribute to cultural ethos and to a sense of well-being. Art education enables the child to explore alternative ways of communicating with others. Art education is integral 1 to elementary education in helping to promote thinking, imagination and sensitivity and the art activities can be a focus for social and cultural development and enjoyment in school.
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