- FEATURES - STATE ggflggSi&ißaß* THEATRICALS - - GENERAL Second Section SPORTS - SPECIAL PAGES —NO. 20 2146 St. Antoine VOL XXI THE DKTROIT TRIBUNE, SATURDAY. JULY 31, 1943 PHONE CLifford 2924 Pastor Points Out Klan Hold Through Ministry Pastor Tells Os TABLES TURN: STEPIN FETCHIT JAILED. CHILD FREED Dangerous Isms, “Frameiip” Plea CAPABLE STAFF AT LEWIS BUSINESS SCHOOL Business School SPECIAL TRAINING FOR THE BLIND AIDING IN DEFENSE; Smith’s Movement Fills On Serving Needs Os CALL MEETING FOR SUNDAY Carolina Paper Carries Ad On ili) il< \ HI.Ks K01.1,1Ns) mg w ami handling and » id A group of Mind nun of Detroit r! Klan Rides Again Ears Growing City ! Turn gunge. Deaf who have special fain* received . This Trim guago i« being hailed !r .1 i ■ rum* rous opeiating certain type- of ma- J •' inn as th<* Mind muni salvation in in voi>, V ll'. s ami Infill* Judge Says i taught in vocational train- Enrollment binery * dua'i y. gs it onghlea him guute <lal. tth.il il I . Vi !.I *,<•)! In ing classen the Washington to Should at !; (la Comedian Begins For pails within the 2 i !»■ i’ -of a •mih 11* i*i fr y* . jt ii Wtl* school ate planning to meet Sun- * . ! :i.js Careful of a thou nd'h of an inr h. \\ eh i t-r, ie- Be More Fall Term day. August 1. «' the Schiller aui h a gu&gt. Iha pos* poasj- ' vralf-d m mi? <: v -fti T.or>n m*rf» hall. and St Auhin. The Although he* Gratiot lilt at It* ’i/t ' -li * h Unit CHICAGO From in store Millie- for the blind at*- virtually! I hurt -lANIM one student a purpose of the meeting will he to e »(7n international famr and many s' ' - < i 1 r Km Rlhx , front In r> 1 unllmiied. Indiannpolls, to 1 stu- plan wav* and mean* for helping fortune* for Ilia • w* ri in;»-exl a huge* dents in a modernly equipped The sightless eerv > mat). i etnrD- Kluit in si'l"- t‘vr mil employment - there wan secure Induatrial for • !< a'i. t mfh provoking antles. building In Detroit, the l>'wls Bus- iticc fr >tu the win. w ■no i ng.•• th*- sail* '"it if lothcd ?n of the* eontlet a target number of the blind who noticeable absence iness college has grown in 14 short find Ufa lhe blank emptiness r Judge have be< n trained for defense [the coiiiiroom of Joseph nnif was, Ilia future though dark >:V i'i Si .tii uni s'>ih*> > pars. work. Thiourl’ k he • I Hei m* s last wee when sen- Now It is preparing to pnd the ill not ha h Jieless He «an In {■■■it -of ' • Nil' 'i) (• inf tdut, noted stage So far. three clashes of blind rne'rd Ste'f'iii F' most successful year in Vs history. taught. as in the ia.-e o’ rv> ha ' at.il ‘ i■: i< i «•« r - *l.k* itt) graduates have been turned out at s n(•! 11 < muedlan, to days In graduate of these trainings: riasses. arc w h Klari tpriit. The founding rtf the Lewi* Busi- the Washington action!, both col- ih- T’nivi hr h use eif «orrce tion. Fete-hit In If 1; by the sense Os lOU' h. thl Hi \S jil-a'ti.s na'nl Ti' y ness college, was a result of a ored ami white, and of this num- I.piii ibarged with eontrlliut- difference in thp thickness of am- >• tpV- B il faith In thf young Afro-American ber half of the graduates f' • • if: :!■ at tl I' in to ■* 1 »*- about ■ rx io i delinquency of a nits as elo'-e as one.half of op. 1 • |i. ii: \ i • v s»* Ml hy Mrs. Violet I'. Lewis, its found* have received good jobs In local ■ ■ •ii mm Ai £ , age crm k Riri, years thousandth of at) ini h H fill' || 4-f VO- fa ei, and president. Fourteen factories. Os the thirty-four grad- I: Il!*'t <• y fer ago. Mrs, Lewis saw busi- Os the ihli’y-f. blind ...,d- inufKh • kV» aai. Irl Negro uates to date, six are colored and t ■ ■ ■ ■. ■ ▼1.,,. «, mail in the cane. Juanita \ president of practice department; professional gov- ! . Mrs. Lmls Jin man tlie shorthand department, the ness men, men. only one has been placed. Katas of file ilass in 1 M u’, ll to ii il» I.* rnld I h. Mitifft ,j; h «lio earlier Intel lieen I* July, e I l.enl* Muslins* eolletre ably Hnrrl*. heail of bookliccplni; ami college has made it po«s|li|e for ernmental agencies and private en- persons oirr oi ha f are now em- "T . !. •\. M Wi u :f., h l jnil All blind interested in .. xl a mv months term in by a tery I’m* Mrs. of set King and en- ployed in iti'lus >, iteoivirg week- H**i*ted effleient aeeoiintinir department; hundreds young people to re. terprises. efficient training for and receiving indus- s-«i v• ;• -I •-\ • • i!t- ft>ontft. bemuse of the malty it reading left to riirht, LI t.artier, the ergetic workers. Sh< saw ai the Iv salaries ranging from * imttetnft from Irabelli Lnirlish rehe Inerathe rlerleal position* trial jobs ar* urged to attend tin ?t*i t.* fa" r ft .;., the* * r :< «nd all irinutions that Hlukeinore, In ail typewriting department*, the doors of training However, Si'll- 1 ii.dii -1 ha- MU* Annie of and in iroternmontal and Inral final- same time meeting st Si tiiller hal!. Sunday. 1 h rv k f-i i-- : <f. • m* ti «t-> tuThly !>♦>• olat, hail In-ell intimate with oitire mnil ofliee nnd VH*s Temple l.aj, heading it li e*. < io young • alow to adrnli the blind. wi tiliuir. niurlilne*, ness o institutions losed N'» Aug. 1 at 1 Hi p in. n In r 1 i mi pi of • intil better. Judge lle*i mes. who could serve these var- hopt bt , grots Milton ha* said "He also serves th»’ i a ili n. in t at.') a’.t'l i ’.'ll'.* i niti, , for h'-r :a- 'frit sorry" individuals and agencies. If have educated the [rtihle- *nd « OF ious who only stands and waits" But in T.. 1 «.1 ; ayu::«l!, i apr«'Ht*'<i h'-r t'i""iiT, Mis. Juauitu Ran- IDENTIFICATION duy in > .• Mi. > »t they had a chance to learn 'he tech- waiting isn't enough for the blind- th. f,,. ■ ■ 1 ■ mill. 'h* a.vpi.-i > of Hi*' Birth*I - :h, of a musician, with and skills necessary to do have a definite pla • in th.e wo k MORE RIOTERS THROUGH nique ed men and women of Detroit. Htn l * : -ii. f- It! In.'. ChaM I. K. * {hr m nit-nee and dismissed a-day r. Insurance Executive the woi k. You see, world ftnrt i •im:.."'i> pt f»n» they have beard that rr As- State's Attortlev. transfer- George Hu> ker, of th. eo In Ithe School was there is a war to bo w. n. Karly in one Tliout* it tl !'at‘l !.t» ;i usffl to fight lyi'in la wv. who asked tha'., PICTURES IS URGED which was ored Mind graduates < red to dynamic Detroit, the spring, due in a large measure oT the la*s J'-vo. N.gron- f:. .1 Thotniin an<l -.p;n fi-and guilty, did not oil- cal) issued this week hy and the way in Negro who reside. on Alger. »ss s,. [•" i-• ■ A was Is leading to the efforts of Claude C. Going. |thr laSo: kt<»<:;■ ■. Wiihains mention* 1, ;o ! :s «• tion. the Ni'tion.'il Association for the business and in securing oppor- firient In operating the drill ; • , Harry Pace Dies Innie. If. a blind insurance at* nt. a t ■t .1 ivi ti*>ovi ri.n’.ent |:t si, !,rr d<-( ision In the now Advam einc'Ut of Colored Pfopjf tunities for Negrorts In the larger tha* when top esentativ.« of it. it training course in inspection »«> • ui’h r i’ :tifprn<ahon ton orn- riot victims of Mor- 4 economy of the community. Admiralty v.sit. | I»i ei » ir.. ,s i. • eif “Stepin and the titki Robert CHICAGO (A.NP)—llarry Pace, started nt the George Washington Hellish i :s A-- >•; r",;. i-n gan. identitied by newspaper and registration for this year is som«» time aco 'o s*udv methods of '* ' A"- ■n« v Wade (’. Morgan, president of the Supreme Liberty The school here. This is a federal spon- .i mi:. rs y**u• int". tui: ?h* y history «.<- - »wid mapiziiie photos, to bile a rnm- company and the largest the of the 1 draining the blind Km ker '• iho Ml-.i 'd in eourt and Life Insurance ac- in sored training project. The clas- , or.!.’- ' ■ ly ttiovi l v. do sum « Randolphs plaint students, leeted to his tel- ,-i tned the tive in Negro business circles for school, all which shows is under the supervision of (.'apt. 1 demonstrate -kill nihl \ ? hiflr a tipnt t’. Police Lewis Business college piituits of him at wv rh-ih w:« d< tiled hv the hirer, was In a letter to Commission- more than 33 yours, died at his thiat the Clyde C. Frazier of tlie Army lie- k were hillll Villi rlisos Witherspoon, (Hosier H Monday. seeks believe in taken. i'ei li . nr nipt of e ourt. er John II home in Chicago Kiftv- to not only Itself rating t • • serve.
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