A CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF ISLAMIC STUDIES IN MALAY ON CONTEMPORARY ISSUES; MALAYSIA*.APPROXIMATELY 1975 TO THE PRESENT DAY By Md.Zaki bin Abd Manan A Thesis presented for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Faculty of Art at the School of Oriental and African Studies University of London Department of Language and Culture of South East Asia and the Islands 1994 ProQuest Number: 10673066 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a com plete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. uest ProQuest 10673066 Published by ProQuest LLC(2017). Copyright of the Dissertation is held by the Author. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States C ode Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106- 1346 ABSTRACT Abstract My thesis is divided into six chapters which include a general overview of the socio-political and economic background of the Malay Muslim society, a definition of the term Malay and Muslim and the various interpretations that arise from these definitions, the changes experienced by the Muslim society before and after Malaysia's Independence, the importance of Islam in the everyday life of the Muslims, the subsequent developments of the Malay textual tradition starting from the coming of Isl"am to Malaysia until the present day. Chapter two deals (briefly) with 'Sastra Kitab’ and discuss the efforts to re-interprete the meaning of the term 'Islamic literature' as a result of the Islamic resurgence in Malaysia that began in the early 1970's. The textual analysis in Chapter Three is the main part of my study. It focuses only on Islamic books written in Malay from 1975 to the present day (1992) and includes discussion of works on Theology, 'Akida', Islamic law, 'Fikh1, Islamic Jurisprudence, devotion services, 'ibadiTt1, 1 mu'"amalat' , marriage, 'munakahat1, criminal 'jinayah' and moral, 'akhlak'. Controversial issues such as al-Arqam, anti Hadith, the position of women, marriage, Islamic rule and administration (Islamic democracy, Islamic politics, Syura system, Islamic state) and Sufism are discussed in detail in chapter four. Chapter five analyse critically the Islamic books in Malay, as mirrors of society particularly their approach, nature and academic standards within the terms of Islamic teaching generally. In conclusion, I present general view on the future role of Islamic writing in the context of the development of Muslims society in Malaysia. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT My gratitude to Allah almighty for with His help and grace I am able to complete writing this dissertation succesfully. I also believe that without the continuous encouragement, guidance and assistance from my supervisor Dr. E.U Kratz it is doubtful that my studies will progress according to plan and be completed on time and within the period stipulated. My deepest gratitude also to Dr. N. Philips, John Okell and staff in the South East Asia Department for their assistance. My thanks are extended to the staff at several academic institutions, government departments, publishers and librarians who are directly and indirectly involved with my research. My sincere thanks to Mr J. Adams, Mrs Kirsty Stalker and Mrs Jill Heales for reading and correcting my English. I am grateful to the Islamic Affairs Division of the Prime Minister's Department and the Government of Malaysia for awarding me a scholarship and fully paid study leave to enable me to pursue my graduate studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of ► London. Finally special appreciation and thanks also due to my wife, my daughter, my son and parents for their unfailing love, sacrifice, patience, support and prayers. * n TRANS LITERATION TRANSLITERATION (Consonantal) a q 1 sound o > Long vowel a k j ) ) b 1 *__> J t m f th n o j > h £ * £ h consonant w £ kh long vowel o £ d diphthong au j » 2 consonant <_s y S long vowel i LT* <^5 sh diphthong ai (J-° c 5 s / (fatha) a dh f kasra) i s' > t 7 (dhamma) u 2 Ji? o (inverted apostrophe) t GLOSSARY OF TERMS COMMONLY USED BY MALAYSIAN MUSLIMS (The meanings and spellings of the Arabic words according to Encyclopedia of Islam and for the Malay words according to Kamus Inggeris Melayu Dewan) 'AD AT ADA LAW [ see ’ADA] ’ADA Custom, customary law AD-DEEN self-sufficient way of life AHL those who occupy with one the same tent. It may come to mean "sharing in a thing, belonging to it" or owner of the same AHL-I HAKK__ "Men of God" AHL AL-HADIJEH [q.v.] Traditionists AHL AL-&UNNA the "Sunnites", i.e. the orthodox [ see SUNNA] SUNNA AHL AL-KITAB ("possessors of the Scripture" or "People of the Book") ’AID AL-FITRT Festival of the fasting month of Ramadhan ’AID AL-ADHHA Festival of Sacrifice or hadjdj pilgrimage AKAL_ intelligence AKHIRAT, _ Day Hereafter, Day of Judgement, (HARI AKHIRAT Life after death, Resurrection HARI PENGADILAN _HARI KEBANGKITAN AKHLAK noble character, virtue, morality, ethics. ___ AKHIRA fern, of akhir, "the last" AKIDA creed; but sometimes also doctrine, dogma or article of faith 'AKIKA * * is the name of the sacrifice on the seventh day after the birth of a child ’AKL, M A ’KUL systematic legal thought ’ALAM * (pl.’alamun, ’awalim) world ’ALAM AL-GHAYB the world_of mystery 'ALIM [see ’ULAMA'] 'ULAMA religious learned; theologian VII AL-IMAM monthly newspaper first published in Singapore in 1906 AL-KADA' WA'L KADAR the Decree of God, both the * * eternal Decree (the most frequent meaning of kada') and the Decree given existence in time (the most frequent sense of Kadar) Predestination, AL-KHALIQ the Creator AL-KUR 1 £N the Muslim scripture, * containing the revelations recited by Muhammad and preserved in a fixed, written form. _ AL-SAHABA, [see ASHAB], Companions (of Prophet Muhammad) AMAL 1. 'Amal, performance, action is usually discussed by the speculative theologians and philosophers only in connection with belief. 2. (the pi. a'mal), "that which is practised " and following the usage of Kur1 an and Hadith "the works" 'AMAL SALIH a morally good action synonymous • « with m a 1ruf AMANA commission, from Arabic word araanah AMAR MA'ARUF enjoin what is good or leading the NAHI~ m u n g k a r people in the right path to hinder them from following the wrong path 'AQIDAH belief; faith or world-view/ ideology, 1a q T q a h slaughtering of a goat to express thankfulness to Allah for giving a child ARQAM, AL-ARQAM Darul-Arqam or Jema^ah Muhammadiah ’ARIF __ "one who knows" 1ASABIYYA Ar. word meaning originally I "spirit of kinship" (the 'asaba are male relations in the male line) V I 11 ASHAB (sing: Sahib) or §ahaba (a single one: sahabi) "Companions 'ASYURA1 name of a voluntary fast-day which is observed on the 10th Muharram A ’YAN plural of 'Ayn the particular thing that are perceived in the exterior world1 ’AURAT limitation of uncovered parts of the body, genital AWRAD a routine programme of dhikr and reading the Al-Kur'ah. From singular Arabic word wird AYN, A'YAN essances, the thing itself, the real, concrete thing rather than its description or idea; in a way, quite contrary, the idea of a thing in God's mind, prior to its existence in the world A 1YAN THABITA means the stable or eternal thing that are perceived in the exterior world AZAN (Ar. Adhan) call to pray 1AZIMAHe conjuration, strict or unmodified law_which remains in its. original rigour due to the absence of mitigating factors BAHAGIAN HAL _ EHWAL ISLAM Islamic Affairs Division, BALA' calamity BARAKA blessing BATIN __ internal BAYT AL-MAL in its concrete meaning "the House of wealth", but particularly, in an abstract sense the "fiscals" or "treasury", of the Muslim State ix t BERSANDING Hindu-style sitting of the bridal pair on an embellished dais or a traditional Malay wedding during which the bride and groom are installed in bridal throne called "pelamin" BIDADARI houris BIDAN traditional Malay Muslim midwife BID 1 A" reprehensible innovation BIDVAH JAHAT false innovation BILAL muezzin - man who summons Muslims to prayers, traditionally from the minaret of a mosque BISMILLAH in God's name BOMOH, PAWANG traditional medicine man BUMIPUTRA indigenous, or son of the soil CINTA DUNIA worldly desire ClNTA PANGKAT (GILA PANGKAT) crazy for power DALIL it can mean sign or indication finally it is used as synonymous with proof, generally DA'WA pi._da'awat, from the root da'a, to call, invite has the primary meaning call or invitation, "summons" to the true faith DAR AL-ISLAM 'the Land of Islam' or, more simply, in Muslim authors, 'daruna'our country is the whole territory in which the law of Islam prevails DEWAN NEGARA Senate; Upper House of Parliament DEWAN RAKYAT House of Representatives; Lower House of Parliament DHALALAH astray DHIKR reminding oneself DJAMA’A postpone pray X DU'A appeal, invocation (addressed to God), either on behalf of another or for oneself or else against someone DZANNI doubt, from Arabic word zann ESA, KEESAAN existence FALAK sphere, in particular the t * celestial sphere FALAKIAH astronomical, FARD* also farida literally "something which has been apportioned, or made obligatory FARD KIFAYAH it is an obligation which falls only on the community in general, provided that there are enough volunteers FAS IK unjust man, guilty of fisk-that l is to say, one who has committed one or several "great sins" FATWA opinion on a point of law FIKH originally "understanding, knowledge, intelligence and applied to any branch of knowledges has become the technical term for jurisprudence the science of religious law in Islam FIKR pl.afkar, thought, reflection FIRASA a technique of inductive divination which permits the foretelling of moral conditions and physiological behaviour from external indications FUKAHA' scholars of or experts on Islamic jurisprudence; singular form is fakih _ FURIT [see Fikh, Usui] the body of positive rules derived from the usul, the roots or sources and physical states GHANIMA or cjhunm, booty GHAYB (Ar.
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