NOVEMBER HONG KONG FOOTBALL CLUB NOVEMBER 2020 20 HONG KONG FOOTBALL CLUB READY, SET, MOVEMBER EXERCISE OF THE MONTH CORE ACTIVATION MINI RUGBY PREPARE FOR THE NEW SEASON, MEET THE PRO COACHES b Club Magazine Contents 3 The Thoughts of the Chairman 5 From the Desk of Mark Pawley 11 20 7 Food and Beverage Monthly Promotions 9 Fitness Centre 11 Mini Rugby 25 15 Hockey 17 Squash 18 Netball 15 20 Golf 17 25 Tennis 26 Badminton 28 Movember 33 Food and Beverage News 28 26 GENERAL COMMITTEE President : Nick Hunsworth Development : Maurice O’Brien Vice President : Fook Aun Chew Discipline : Malcolm Kerr Vice President : Bobby Lawson Membership : Neil Roberts Vice President : Iain Valentine Sports & Recreation : Karin Looram Vice President : John Shanahan Hockey Officer : Charles Poulton Chairman : Mike Wood Lawn Bowls Officer : Mike Worth Hon. Secretary : Neil Jensen Rugby Officer : Don Rider CLUB MAGAZINE Hon. Treasurer : Fredric Teng Soccer Officer : Stephen Tew Monthly journal of the Hong Kong Football Club. Constitutional Affairs : Jeff Lane Squash Officer : David Cross Arranged by Jericho Lui and Crystal Cheung. For information and requests for placement of MANAGEMENT advertisements in “Club” please call 2830 9503. The opinions expressed in the articles are those General Manager : Mark Pawley Facilities Manager : Evan Tao of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the Director of Operations : Tony Sealy Membership Services Manager : Kerry Ogle opinions of the Hong Kong Football Club or the Director of Food and Beverage : Randal Linhart Human Resources Manager : Angela Chan General Committee. The Club reserves the right Director of Finance : Ricky Chan Executive Housekeeper : Lily Huynh to edit and clarify all content. The copyright of all Financial Controller : May Chang Digital and Communications Manager : Denise Chow materials is held by the Hong Kong Football Club. Executive Chef : Yan Mak November 2020 1 FREE EVENT VIRTUAL FUNDRAISING EVENT ALL PROCEEDS SUPPORT ISF CAMBODIA’S HOLISTIC AID PROGRAMME DATE: SATURDAY 14TH NOVEMBER 2020 TIME: 11AM UK, 7PM HK, 10PM SYDNEY Celebrity Appearances: Jason Leonard, Daley Thompson, Craig Challen, George Gregan, Sam Allardyce FEATURING ISF Video Updates Music Auction Prizes and Much More JOIN OUR VIRTUAL FUNDRAISING EVENT AND/OR HOST A PARTY TO REGISTER, E-MAIL US NOW: [email protected] t is good to see most of our sports back in action again, albeit 高興見到本會大多數體育運動再次恢復 most are still training and all are subject to constraints on the 很進行,雖則很多運動暫時只進行操練, Inumber of people allowed to train at any one time. However, 任何時候的練習人數亦有限制,但我們還是已 at time of writing we do have our three Yau Yee League soccer 經有三隊友誼聯賽的足球隊重返七人賽事。 teams back playing league soccer. 在上一期的月刊提及到,Carlos Cornes成為 We also welcome Carlos Cornes as the Director of Squash. 我們新一任的壁球總監。Carlos經常出戰職業 Carlos, a regular Professional Squash Association tour player with 壁球協會的巡迴賽,現時世界排名第66位, a current world ranking of 66, has a wealth of experience in sports 而且在體育管理及訓練不同程度的青少年和成 management and coaching both juniors and adults of all abilities. 人兩方面均有豐富經驗。大家可以透過電郵 You can get in touch with Carlos on [email protected] Michael J. Wood [email protected]與Carlos聯絡。 Chairman Carlos effectively takes over from Phil Head who steps down from the Head Coach position, and we thank him for all his years Carlos成功接手總教練的工作,意味著Phil of service. Being a member of the HKFC and also the current Head亦功成身退,在此很感謝Phil多年來的 Chairman of the Golf Society, we will still see Phil around the Club. 服務。儘管如此,Phil仍是香港足球會的會員, 也是高爾夫球組的現任主席,大家還是有機會 A further reminder that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) 在本會與Phil碰面的。 will take place on Thursday 5th November although this year due to prevailing social distancing measures we will arrange for 又再提提大家,周年大會 (AGM) 將於11月5日 the seating of no more than 20 persons in a group (at any one (星期四) 舉行,不過由於現時有社交距離措 time) and this group will be socially distanced from the next 施,我們會安排一組不多於20人 (任何時候) 的 group of 20 persons, and so on. As a statutory meeting, the 座位,而這組座位與下一組20人的座位之間設 AGM is exempt from much of the social distancing rules 有社交距離,如此類推。周年大會屬於法定會 but regretfully the usual Cocktail Reception that we hold 議,可以豁免很多社交距離限制,但很遺憾, following the AGM, is not. Therefore we will not be holding 以往緊隨大會後的酒會並沒有任何豁免,所以 this event and as such no food or drinks will be provided 我們將不會舉行酒會,亦即是周年大會完結後 after the AGM. 不會提供食物或飲品。 A note for your diaries are the Christmas Fete on Saturday 5th December and the Christmas Carols on Monday 7th 最後,即使受社交距離措施所限,仍請大家記 ( ) December, albeit they will be subject to social distancing 下12月5日 星期六 的聖誕遊樂會,以及12月 ( ) measures. Of course, under the current uncertain outlook we 7日 星期一 的聖誕頌歌表演。當然,現在前 might have to make changes at a later stage, but hopefully we 景未明,活動也許需要作出變動,但希望最後 can proceed with them. 都可以順利舉行。 Michael J. Wood 主席 胡米高 Chairman Obituary We were saddened to hear the news of the recent passing of longstanding Members Thomas Young and Johson Lee. Our thoughts and prayers go to their family and friends. May they rest in peace. November 2020 3 Festive For Sale CORPORATE Celebrationswith Hong Kong Football Club SUBSCRIBERSHIPS The HKFC is currently offering 50 Corporate Subscriberships for sale, at a price of HK$3.3m each, to help fund the future renovation of the HKFC. On purchase of a Corporate Subscribership a company becomes a Corporate Member and is entitled to nominate an individual and their immediate family to enjoy the benefits of membership of the HKFC. More information can be obtained by Looking for the best party venue? contacting Kerry Ogle, Membership Services Why not host your event at the Club! Manager on 2830 9502 or by email to [email protected]. We have plenty of recommendations For information on HKFC facilities please view for a perfect venue celebration. the website at www.hkfc.com.hk Interested parties should submit a written Call the Catering Oce application to: The Membership Services Manager at 2830 9513 or email [email protected] Hong Kong Football Club, for a site inspection now! 3 Sports Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong For your party package, please scan here 4 Club Magazine y now you should all have received the Festive Events 了現在,大家應該都已經收到今年的聖 programme for this year. At the time of writing we are 到誕特刊。我們目前仍然受到政府頒布的 Bstill restricted by the social distancing measures that 社交距離措施所限,希望當中部份措施很快會 Government have put in place. We hope to see some relaxation 獲得放寬。正如前面主席在有關聖誕遊樂會及 of these measures going forward. As the Chairman has noted in 歌頌表演 (兩者皆於十二月初舉行) 的一段提 his article, particularly as regards the Xmas Fete and Xmas Carols 到,此時此刻,前路充滿未知之數,之後亦有 (which are at the start of December), with the current uncertain 機會可能要更改活動安排。當然,假若未來得 outlook we may have to make changes at a later date. We will, 悉任何放寬措施的最新消息時,會立即一字不 of course, look to keep members fully informed and updated as 漏通知大家,收緊措施的消息也不例外! soon as we know of any relaxations, or otherwise! 部份會員也許已經發現,本會與香港木球會共 Mark Pawley, 用的跑馬地馬場廂房,早於十月某些星期三已 General Manager Some of you may have noticed that our Racebox in Happy Valley, 可供預訂。馬會告訴我們,廂房將於11月8日 which we share with the Hong Kong Cricket Club, was made (星期日) 及11月11日 (星期三) 開放 (預訂),至 available for bookings on certain Wednesdays in October. We 於有關11月11日後訂房的安排, 會再另行通 have been informed by the Jockey Club that the Racebox will be 知,想知更多詳情,可以到接待處查詢。再提 available (for bookings) on Sunday 8th November and Wednesday 提大家,由於現行社交距離措施的關係,廂房 11th November. They will inform us later on about bookings to 只能坐滿最多兩張四人枱! be taken after the 11th November. Please check with the Front Desk about this. Again, due to social distancing measures at the 幾個月前,有人建議我們選用無Paraben防腐 moment the booking limit is two tables of four! 劑的沐浴用品。現在,很高興向大家宣布,從 2020年11月1日起,一樓及二樓的更衣室將會配 We received a suggestion a few months ago as regards the use 置全新的沐浴露、洗髮露及護髮素,共造「零 of Paraben-free products. Well, I am delighted to announce that 腐空間」,而當我們把手上含有Paraben的洗 from the 1st November 2020 the 1/Fl and 2/Fl Changing Rooms 髮露等沐浴用品存貨用得一乾二淨時,中場席 will go “paraben-free” with the introduction of a new shower gel, 的更衣室再也不會見到任何Paraben的蹤影。 new shampoo and new conditioner. We will go paraben-free in the Infield Changing Rooms once we have depleted all of our existing 文章結束前,想向大家提及2020年10月12日 (星期一) 這個峇里島爆炸案18週年的日子, stocks of shampoo etc. 本會當天在中場席的通道底部舉行了一場簡短 悼念儀式,很感謝欖球部主席Ian Petersen在 In closing, I would just like to note that a short memorial service 儀式上簡短而至關重要的一番話,亦很感謝 was held at the bottom of the Infield Tunnel on Monday 12th Jeremy Summers於我們在本會進行儀式的同 October 2020, the 18th Anniversary of the Bali Bombings. My 時,在鄰近倫敦聖占士公園球場的峇里島爆炸 thanks to Ian Petersen, Chairman of the Rugby Section for saying 案紀念碑安排獻上花圈。 a few but, very appropriate words at the service. My thanks also to Jeremy Summers who arranged to lay a wreath at the Bali 總經理 龐禮文 Memorial in London near St James’s Park at virtually the same time we were holding the service at the Club. Mark Pawley, General Manager November 2020 5 Christmas Quiz Night 2020-MAG.pdf 2 19/10/2020 3:23 PM Thursday 10th December FUN GIVE AWAY & LOTS QUESTIONS GIFTS OF FUN From 7pm to 10:30pm - Buffet starts at 7pm - Quiz starts at 8:30pm sharp (Quiz master will not wait) Price: 388 per Person (Inclusive of Bubbly on arrival, Mulled Wine, Buffet, Quiz and prizes) Maximum of 4 persons per team (with at least one being a Club Member) Please call the Sportsman’s Bar at 2830 9531 to book your team table or email: [email protected] 6 Club Magazine FOOD AND BEVERAGE MONTHLY PROMOTIONS From From Wine Dinner and 2nd Monday 6th Friday Master Class: • 13th Nov: A’lba Wine Dinner with White Truffle • 19th Nov: Beaujolais
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