DOCUMEMT, RESUME ED 158/584 F 001 691. AUTHOR Moody, Charles D., Sr., Ed. I TITLE ' Bilingual Bicultural Education: Conference Papers. INSTITUTION Michigan Univ., Ann' Arbor. Program for Educational Opportunity. SPONS AGENCY Office of Education (DHEW), Washington, D.C. 'PUB DATE 77 CONTRACT 305-75-0001 NOTE 136p.; Some pages may not reproduce clearly AVAILABLE FROM Program for Educational Opportunity, 1046 School cf. Education, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 o EDRS. PRICE MF-$0.83 Plus Postage. HC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS Arabs; *Biculturalis; *Bilingual Education; v *Bilingualism; Bilingual Students; CoamunicatiVe Competence (Languages); Community Resburces; Cultural Background; Cultural Factors; *Educational, Legislation; *Educational Philosophy; Elementary Secondary Education; Federal Legislation; Language Instruction; *Language Programs; Liiguistics; Progfam Development; Second Language Learning; Spanish Speaking; Teaching Methods; Vietnaiese IDENTIFIERS Lau v Nichols; Michigan; Michigan Bilingual Education Act -'ABSTRACT, The articles included in these proceedings are 'presented in order to give sopa insight into the meaning and scope of bilingualism and bilingual education. The Volume is divided into sections respresenting the following five areas ofconcern in bilingual education: pililosophy, legal aspects, language and linguistics, culture, and techniques 4nd teaching strategies. The papers dealing with these areas ate: (1)"A.Mew Philosophy of Education," by A.'Castaneda, P.L. Howard and M. Ramirez; C4 nen v Nichols: Implications, for Bilingual-Bicultural Education," by E.H. Steinaan;(3) "Language and Linguistics in Bilingual Education," by E. C.4Troike;(4) "Spanish Usage in the United States," by L. B. Kiddle;(5) "Spanish Speakers' Linguistic Interference on Their English" by D. A. Thomas;(6) "Arguments in Support of Bilingual-Bicultural Education," by S. Betances;(7) "The Cultural, Social, and Educational Backgrounds of the Chaldean and Arabic -7StUdents in Michigan Schools," by G. H..Sesi;(8) "The Communkty:A Neglected Resource for Bilingual Program Effectiveness," by R. Martinez; (9) "Appropriate Models for Bilingual-Bicultural 'Instruction in Michigan," by W. Katra and W. Cline; (10) "The Iapleaeatation of the Bilingual Program for the Vietnamese Children at Nader Elementary School, Grand Rapids,. Michigan," by T. C: Yuan; and (11) "Strategies fox th Implementation of Bilingual Programs," by J. Thomas. The appendices give the texts of the U.S. SUpreme Court Decision; Lau q.'Nichols, and the Michigan Bilingual Education Act.(ANH) ram for Educational Op ortunity School Of Education Theniversity of Michigan 4 4111111." "PERMISSION TOREPRODUCE 'MIS MATERIAL INMICROFICINi ONLY- U.S. DEPARTMENT OP NSALT'S. BY 2.4 EDUCATION vnitymti AS BEEN GRANTED NATIONAL INISLTUTE OF EDUCATION MIS DOCUMENT., HASSEEN REPROY'''' FRO/IA' CED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED RCES NE PERSON 1 lriAll, .,X4 OR IGIN- TO THEEDUCATIO OPINIONS (ERIC) POD . rINCV IT. POIPItS OL.,..-1.,mblit REPRE, INFORMATION. CENTER STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY USE1S OF THE ERICSYSTEM." SENT OFFICIAL NATIONALINSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSITION ORPOLICY . ? BILINGUAL-BICULTURAL EDUCATION Conference Paper§ Editor Charles D. Moody, Sr.. Associate Editor. .Mary B. Davis Prograin for Eddcational Opportunity The University of Michifan, Amu Arbo 1977 101 . 2 ,The presentationsincorporated herein' were deliveredet sonference conducted pursuant to a .dontrAct from-theU.S.Office .of Education, Department ° of Health,. Edudi-tion and Welfare, DE/HEW305-75-0001. TheopiniOnsexoieSied herein,.however,'dOnot necessarily reaeCto the position.Or policy. of theU.S. Atfice of-EdUcatiOn, and no endorsementShould-be . inferred. It is theAlloIicY of The University of ichiqed . not to discriminateon e'besis of sex,-Fn isaions, employment,,, or in the ope Ation of any educational prograA or activity: . n All inOiries or requests.for. dditional.prOdded ingb, copiegA or reprints of individuar presentations should be sent to:: Dr. Charles D.*MoodY, Director; Program for.Educational bpportunity, '1046.Schdol of Education The Univereity.of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan:48109 I 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface. ... - . ...... ; Censultants ....... - . , . 7Workshop Leader s. : . vii IntrodUCtion" Charles D. Moody, -Sr. I. 'PHILOSOPHY OF BILINGUAL EDUCATION A New Philosopy:af Education- . 3 Alfredo GaStaneda, P. Leslie Howard, and Manuel' Ramirez III II. LEGAL AS ?ECTS OFD BILINGUAL EDUCATION -.Lau 'I/. Nichols: Lmplications for Bilingual- Bicultural Education: 21 ' td14ard.H. SteinmaR , 1 I III. LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS IN BILINGUAL' EDUCATION . Language and Linguistics in BiligUal , Education ;. ,--,37 Rudolph C. Troike ,) (01 Spanish Usage in the United Stites '45 . Law Fence B. Kiddie Spanish Speakers' Linguistic Interference of Their English 53 Dorina A. Thomas . CULTURE AND BILINGUAL EDUCATION Arguments,ind'Support of Bilingual-Bicultural Education 65/ Samuel Betances Thl-tural,Social, and Educational Backgrounds of thy- Chaldean andrabic Studentsin\ ) Michigan Schools 73 GeOrgette-H. Sesi ,- `i I. TECHNIQUES,AND:TEACHING,STRATEGIES IN BILINGUAL-EDUCATION The Community: AN Neglected Resodrce for Bilingual-Pr6gram Zffectiveness 85 Marti4et. : _ . ' : Appropriate Models for Bilingual-Bicultural Instruction in Michigan 95 Katra and WilliaM Cline Implementation :of.the Bilingual Program. for the Vietnamese Children at Palmer- Eismentary,School, Grand Rapids, . Michigan. , a .105 Ttan.Canh Xu'in 4 . Strategies for the Implementation ok Btlingual Programs. ...... .1.09 'Jesse Thomas VI. APPENDICES Supteme Court.D-eCision' Lau v.. Nichols. .. , . .125 The Michigan Bilingual' Education Act 135 PREFACE' r The PrograM.for Educational Opportunity is a university- based institute designed to assist school _di_s;tri_c-ts in _the proceas_of desegregation based -On race,: national origin, and sex. The Program, based at The Univer4ty of Michigan, was established by the U.S. Office of Education pursuant to Title IV of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Besides providingin-district services on request 4 and without charge to public schools in Michigan, the Prograth alindally donducts'a series of conferences. Several conferences were held during the Winter and'Spring. of 1975-76:covering topics of critical, impoitance to schoo1 board members, administrators, teachera,'student and commtplity. Papers from these - conferences areincorporatedinto several sets of- proceedings, this .° e, among thiem. To the consultants from phofessionat asaocia- - tions, 9overnmental agencies,uhiversity,communitieS, , and practicing educators and attorneys, the Program :'Nexpreases its appreciation for their sharing of experience and dedication to the proposition of eqUal. 'educational opportunity. .'' SPeci4I appreciation is due Dr. Wilbdr Cohen, Dean-of the School of Education, or his continUtng , interest and support of the Program. 'Finally, contributions of the individuals respon- .sible-for the'planning and coordinating of the confer- encesand theselproceedings are acknowlddged. CONgERENCE COORDINATOR: Michael J. Garcia RESEARCH AND EVALUATION: . c Judith Hale. _TRANS,CRIPTIOWAND TYPING: Betty Evans AUDIO-VISUAL ASSISTANCE: , Colleen Birphett, . COVER DESIGN:: The University of Michigan Publications Office, Arthur Spinney CONSULTANTS Armando Ayala Director, BilingU41-Bicultural Education Project 2Sacramento, California, Samuel Betances Professor of SdCiology Nbrthastetn Illinois University Chicago, Illinois ) Hernan LaFQntaine Executive Administrator of Bilingual EducatiOn Department New York Board of Education New York City Rodolfo Martinez , .bilingual PrograM'Coordinator Grand Rapids, Michigan . Edward Steinman Professor of Law University of Santa Clara California Rudolph Troike Director, Center.of *lied Linguistics Arlington, Virginia- v p , WORKSHOP LEADERS, 2 Joe Benavides '',t Commgni'ty Relations Representative aria Legal Assistant: Flint, Michigan .- , e William Cline '14.. Bj.linqual-Bicpural Teacher Education Program Eastern Michigan University (- Ypsilanti, Michigan it Minerva COyne 18s . Bilinqual'Educatioh Service Center 4 Arrington Heights, Virginia . \ Fernando'Gomez , aMichigan, State University' IP East Lansing '... , . Q Renato Gonzales_ Al ion College i" Al ion," Michigan t , . nc#.'es Gutierrez isor,,B'iingual ProgFams', Pont, igan ., . Father.John Haskill 4 Pagtor of Indian Mission DioceSe of Marquette, Michigan Sara .Katra University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. , 4illiam -Katra Bilingual- Bicultural Teacher. Education Pl-ogram'. Eastern Michigan University Ypsilanti, Michigan Lawrence,.B. Kiddie UniveNcty.of'ftichigan, Ann-Arbor' William G..Merhab / --tniversi,ty of MiChigstAnn Arbor .1, 4,1 , vii V Ray Padilla Latino .rd ucation C&Stdinatcer Lansing, Michigan Sylvia, Rendon , Michigan State University east Lansing . e. PaulRuiz . 'Supervisbr, Pl'ograms Baginaw,, Michigan'',4-4 . Lourdes Santiago Bilingual BeadtartProgradi Universi,ty of Puerto Rico Georgette H. Sesi B.S.L. Teacher 'Southfield, Michigah Juan de Dios Solisy': National Center for the Develotimentof Bilingual CurriculumDallas [Callas, .Texts Dorina Thomas University of Michigan,. Ann'rbor ,Jesse Thomas d University of Michigan, Ann Arbor QuintinVagas.rIII. Univ'ers,ity of Aichigan, Ann Arbor Tran tlaun XUan Palmer Elementary School Grand Rapids, Michigan Zavaleta, Annkrbor Public Schools ;Mn'4rboi, Michigan V111 110 .14 . INTRODUCTION 'Charle,? D. Moody, Sr.* 1 Tho willingness of some -04Cators,politicans, and lay citizens to,
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