AM, Spartan Doily Serving San Jose State University Since 193-1 Volume 91, No. 33 Ii tli'tictobet 14. s..11111MMIMB, Campus Your wurst lunch Old equipment safety problems missing from continue computer lab By Sallie Mattison \ Daily stall writer 21.11 \ III \ \ k. I newt,. A custodian suffering chest pains atteinoim. I t Shairtion ,l. in Tower Hall Wednesday morning I iiilli 11.11iines 1 s t called for help. I1 V1ov1.1.1 \ .11 l'olido said she did not 1,11, I.. %%II> But no one dialed 911. .41,isiihorn 111e thlest, At1111t1 t4 a lint thes the I liginc 'W11,11114! Hut lit Shortly before 5 a.m. Wednesday. did Earl Sievers. 51, felt pains in his stolen dies 14401,5-41 I ',MI, 1 hal lit it chest, so he called his custodial su- .Ihit ktlilt Is. she said ''110 he pervisor. James Jackson. according (hie 441 the dol. ill ite dies look had to he punch ad, icd. said \Lit that's ss Its those ntis (11.11. t11111pk. to Jackson. an enguieviing ellt111,111011 sseie 1.1k011 Miele as VIC Its,' otliV1 Jackson then called his boss, Leon 141 Vecti :11,00t Itt 11111C1,111 11111 utensils 11.1 \ lo 1111 Waddy. assistant manager of custo- `ta-i.otNi 1.11, Ii it_it h., But they ss dial services. 11 10 Vet 11 AM 1.11,1.! til ...1/11ce.11. I \\Ittlid Jackson said Waddy told him hews taken how Room 117 in I 111111 L.11,1, hat e had to he pusliet1 out there were no university vehicles art available to drive Sievers to the Aid' .111114%1 ruotht., '11'11." 1 he looked emergency room. He said Waddy aii,1 111C.. 11,,11,1.1,Ra1. ' 11 .1,,1.11,sk Cdlids like the \ ,t/tilt1 It 'iii IliaC Instil !MI I ol a kit. advised him to call the university po- luii'Act, lice. Jackson did call UPI) on the 1 he onls thing think ot non-emergency line. 1 ,inicone 14)ok thew to gii \\ 1111 .1 "I didn't want San Jose police." iinnlli,'tl thin Si i liVR(;1 IRV Ina. I luvr he explained. "And I was calling from my office. I wasn't near a blue phone." UPI) summoned an ambulance to transport Sievers to Kaiser Medical Drafts finished Center, where he was treated and re- leased. Two weeks ago. rise students took 20 minutes to dial 911 after a 21 -year-old student collapsed during a chemistry test and later died. for child facility Apparently, sonic of the college it \ I at , II Ii ,iui,il ti. 144.- i community still isn't clear on what S1St lii to do in an emergency, said Harold ith the ri cutest , 10,1 care. V. Manson, special projects coordi- t.:,111 1 'II said Patila iti l'1111 11c, \ 5 kC pre,' las , ’. tl dein :mil child it ,.,......Ittee chan. nator at UPD. He said he was sur- she thilt1 entet and situ( she behest's ilie nustees will prised that the custodial department 4t.iiii ii ''..11,1 the I iii its 'ii ii plop4,4,41. did not use the 911 line. 1111- p5 '' '0111'11' suppoit the 'st slauuutis " 1 his is linalls hapticuing.' l'lul- "Custodians used to be our front- 11i lips We in, su, liii k it, liaise line of defense," he said. "They H110114,11 and the \ Sul the siippoii ol hesident I'Illleruiiii is were here at all hours of the day and dents still piesent the 111.1..101 .11 ttell as the suppot I ot the A.S. presi- night. They were always around Chill:0111e .111.1 p1:111 :11 .1 C:111 dent this seal when something happened. They tt11.111:1 1.11.. I iIiS''?',Il pin.liminais iii iii outlining the were the ones who would call." Ii 11,1,,, l'10:1111:' 111 1.11111.11% nIuulu'n, until Dialing 911 from any university and s15155. plan the extension will connect to UPI) dis- ,111.' 1,14 it' itaiistotn. the 1,14 Ipoke.1 ,t'111,1 it ,is tl1.1, 11 up by prope.it i ins patch, Manson said. Dialing 7 to get ..t1t. ,e111.1 .111d [smell Shoodan duet:toy it Ii s's SS.uIiItii' 1111(1 an outside line and then 911 v. ill still .11e .1111/1.1,11 I tetelopment Centei. 11111,-1 ton \At.) .1 .1 i1In 1,111ril.11: 111;11 It ring in UPD dispatch, he said. i ewe, on .111,1 San S.11 \\ 11, will, 1 than ,.1,10i 'Calling the dispatch extension Haer Daily staff photograph'', 11111C111, \ 1924-22221 still pie, through to dis- Items'1 s Allti .1.11 I 11, 1111 \ t..11,1. 1,111 \ iii patch.' ' Manson said. "But that's Greg Barnett. a senior studying German. cuts toherfest held at the barbecue area. Barnett is t lie links of knack w tirst and weissviurst fur their /k - also the president of SJSC's l:ermania Club. did1,1 lilt, lo sISI hut Oleic ale still 114 See SAFETY, hack page 1 k1151,. t'o' VA( // it t\ft Campus building renovation dependent on proposition By Dan Turner I" '''"u1". "1 Ii u11114111e 51, Daily staff writer Opponents say measure would benefit small group at expense DI taxpayers pliwett .1 mato, Three campus renovation projects Building. which w ill cost about Die west 'sing 01 1)ss ight tientel C,M1C1 Ail, its mat st. s slated to begin next semester will be $564.000, rent's alum nit Dwight Hall, which houses the OppOtletitS to l'1011 m. V.11.1ke 'mm limit's Ill oldtil canceled if California voters oppose Hemel Hall, at a cost of S3.4 mil- department. was closed iii 111sh he mess'. are represented by I iheitat lair I Proposition 78 this November. lion, and expansion 01 the Central cause it contains ashesti is l’a11 members Sam (list' and Mai t Plant to pros ide Limited water and air ballot Prop 78 is a $64,X) million measure ()titer students hi, Lens in the state's i. in lion, ate t conditioning lot the eampus, might he a little 1101 5.it that would fund the construction ot at tor the November sits lion Ilit' .11151:1 .I mn. t111.111, t' uncle' Ills collai this spring if funds about $1.5 million. i classrooms, libraries and 'Amato onlv a small group still hcl,-..1,1 I/1,11 \ 1..11 1,111111, ',"1, 1,o111 ol aren't mask as ailatile tor the expan state colleges and universities -We 'lawn.' des eloped a tall the funding, ss hile tlic Lit eel glom. 101/11111 fol., 11. 11 list Ille I telle1.11 I 1111d 1. ill 11..111 l sine. Ii. ries at slim of the Central Plant in the esent it doesn't go tithed 444 using General Obligation Bonds. back yet oh California taxpaseis us 11.11il 010\01,11nd dd.! through.- said Peggy Asuncion. di -People are Ill,111e tin he un- foot the hill. tAlit,11111ii IsI,elaw nal The initiative has the bipartisan rector ot spate management lin the comfortable with the la,k rit ad- 'Vslis should taspas et. he lith 4,1 Aclape ui th, governor and the state support of the office tit tat:1101es and development. equate \ suncion 5,1151. Ii, suhsithie the edmation i.t 1 '111,1 spend if,. 1 pei..cia .I in. I.egislature. 'It's goilie in he sery hard on "We can't cool all the buildings 4)11 elite gioup tteacheis. ....nines Olt tioilds arc re- The three affected projects people in the WWII:111.m department campus ;is it is the esisling tors, cligineets. business 1,C1,1l .1,111 ,1f1111,1111112 P1111, 11,1 ol the Old St etice construction if that happens.' she said. tem. let alone new buildings like the lake1,1, (inw and l'. RI \ fIf 14 I41% AIDS-related death Service held for professor in Golden Gate Park Do I hear . By Martin Cheek hem I, said Rohe' la I sIi nitssii but at the end 'a tall sumo. Daily staff writer pational theiaps uulst I lit liii 'He was (et 10)47. he realued that hp. tailing Gregory Stone, an assistant pro very piupul.ui lIe tsas idlyperson- health would not allow him hi con lessor in SJSU's occupational the- able, easy to get .1101'1.2 ss ith unite to do his best and keep up with rapy department. died Sept 11 in San Stone's stork in the occupational the tigoious demands ot his teaching Francisco of con iplications related to therapy department its1 01 \ 0,1 hands schedule AIDS. on instruction. but I's lei said this As future health workeis. theie Stone had been diagnosed with never pulsed a problem w miii the de- is no doubt that al some point sou AIDS two years ago. hut continued partment or administainiiii will have to deal is ith this disease teaching until January, said Depart- "You don't get 'ill)". horn touch- and its devastating Oleos tilt the pa ment Chair 1,elal.lorens. ing an AIDS paticIa. slue said tient and the patient's supi,,,it Thirty students attended Stone's ' 'The only way you s ml u eel 511)5 is group. memorial service in the Shakespeare through tratrillittilitilll ot hi 'us il Killingsworth concluded the lettei Garden in Golden Gate Park.
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