CENSUS OF INDIA, 1921 VOLUME XIII MADRAS --~---=--- PART I REPORT BY G. T. BOAG, M.A. OF THE INDIAN CIVIL SERVICE Superintend_ent of Census Operations, Madras MADRAS PRINTED BY rHE SUPERINTENDENT, GOVERNMENT PRESS 19 22 AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF MADRAS GOVERNMENT PllBLICAnONS. )r ..... ~ IN INDIA. BUTTEUWORTH &; co. (LTD.), 6, Ha~tings Street, Calcutta. R. CAMBRAY & Co., Calcutta. E. M. GOPALAKRI8HNA KONE, PudulUnntlLp::1m, Madul'''. HARTLEYS, Mount Road, Madrl1". HIGGINBOTHAM;! (LTD.), Mount Hoad, Madrl1K. V. KALYANARAMA lYER & 00 .• ERptaDlule. Madras. G. C. LOGANADHAM BROTHERS, Madras. S. MURTHY &; CO., Madras. G. A. NATESAN & CO.. Madra". 'rhe Superintendent, NA.ZAIE KANUN HIND PUESH, AU .... h"ba<.l. NIVASARKAR, Manager, .. Hitawada," Nagpur. P. R. RAMA lYER & Co .• Madras. nAMAKRISHNA & SONS, La,hore. R. SUNDER PANDURANO. Kalbadevi Road, Bombay. D. n. '.rARAPOREVALA SONS & Co., Bombay. TUACKER & Co. (LTD.), Bombay. TUAUKEll., SPINK & CO., 3, E'plttnltde East, Calcutta. S. VAS & CO.• Madras. S.P'.O.K. PRESS, Vepory, Madras. IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. B. H. BLACKWELL, 50 and 51, Rroad Street, Oxford. CONSTABI.E & CO.. 10, Orange Street, Leicester Square, London. W.e. DEIGHTON, BELL & CO. (LTD.), Cambridge. T. FISHER UNWIN (LTD.), 1, Adelphi Terrace, London. W C. GRINDLAY & Co.. 54. Parliament Street, London. S.'V. KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO. (LTD.). 68-74, (Jarte!" J.u,ne, London. E.C., and 39, New Oxford Street. London. W.O. HENRY S. KING & Co., 65, Cornhill. London. E.C. P. S. KING & SON, 2 and 4, Great Smith Street, We"tmin~ter. London, S.W·. LUZAC & CO., 46, Great RUR"ell Street, London. w.e. B. QUARITCH, n. Grafton Street, New Bond Street. London. W. W. THACKER & CO.• 2. Creed Lane, London. E.C. OLIVER AND BOYD. Tweeddale Court, Edinburgh. E. PONSONBY (LTD.), 116. Grafton Street, Dublin. WOELDON AND WESLEY (LTD.), 28, .Essex Street, stra.nd. Lun<lon . _ ON THE CONTINENT. EnNE~!1' LEROUX. 2<!. Uue Bonaparte. Parillo FRIEDLANDER AND SOHN, Berlin. MARTlNUS NIJHOFF, The Hague. Holland. OTTO HAEltASSOWITZ. Leipzig. GENERAL TABLE OF CONTENTS OF THE FOUR PARTS. VOLUME XIII.-PART 1. - THE REPORT. PAGE INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER 1. Distribution and movement of the population 7 II. Population of cities, towns and villages 34 III. Birth-place 46 IV. Religion 57 V. Age •. " 67 VI. Sex 86 VII. Civil condition 101 -VIII. Literacy 113 IX. La.nguage 134 X. Infirmities 142 XI. Caste, tribe, race 01' nationality 152 XII. Part I-Occupation 163 Part II-Industries and industrial occnpations (by Mr. C. W. E. Cotton, O.I.E.,I.O.S.) 183 LIST OF MAPS AND DIAGRAMS. Maps. 1. The Madras Presidency ... ") 2. The Madras Presidency showing the density of the population per square mile by districts in 1921 3. The Madras Presidenoy showing variation in density of the popnlation per square mile between 1911 and 1921 4. The Agency division showing the density of the popUlation per square mile by taluks and di.visions in 1921 ••• .., ••• 5. The East CQast North division showing the density of the popUlation per square mile by taluks and divisions in 1921 6. The Deccan division showing the density of the population per square mile by taluks in 1921 '" ;:> 7. The East Coast Central division showing the density of the population per square mile by taluks and divisions in 1921 ••• ~ Q) 8. The East Coast South division showing the density of the population per ,..Q square mile by taluks and divisions in 1921 ~ ....0 9. The West Coast division showing the density of the population per square bIl 1=1 mile by taluks in 1921 .~ 1=2 ___ 10. The Madras Presidency showing variation in population between 1911 and ~ 'be 1921 Q) ..a II. The Agency division showing the variation in population between 1911 and G) ..=1...., 1921 by taluks and divisions ...., 12. The East Coast North division showing the variation in popUlation between GS "t:I 1911 and 1921 by taluks and divisions <I> C 13. The Decca.n di vision sbowiDI5 the variation in population between 1911 and dI 1921 by taluks P: 14. The East Coast Central division showing the variation in popUlation between 1911 a.nd 1921 by taluks and divisions 15. The East Coast South division showing the variation in population between 1911 and 1921 by talnks and divisions 16. The West Coast division showing the varjation in population between 1911 and 1921 by taluks 17. The Madras Presidency showing the distribution of Hindus 18. Do. do. Musalmans 19. Do. do... Christians • IV TABLE OF OONTENTS Maps-oont. I 20. The Madras Presidenoy showing the proportion of sexes in the actual popula- tion in 1921 ... ... ... ... .•. .. ~c 1;> 21. The Madras Presidency showing the number of literates in every 1,000 of the :;: male population of each district ... .., ... ..• ... .. '", 22. The Madras Presidency showing the number of literates in every 10,000 of the ·S~ a; :female populat ion Qf each district . .. .. ... ... ..c 23. The Madras Presidency showing the distribntion of insane in each district ... rI ,.s:: -0.='" 24. The Madras Presidency showing the distribution of deaf-mutes in eaoh ..., district "1:::'" a; 25. The Madras Presidency showing' the distribu tion of blindnesB in each <:: ~ district 2i: 20. The Madras Presidency showing the distribution of 1eprosy in each district. 27. Madras city showing the. density of the population per acre by divisions 28. Madura city showing the density of the population per acre by wards 29. Trichinopoly city showing the density of the population per acre by wards 30. Madras city showing the proportion of sexes. in the actual population by divisions 31. Madura city l:5howing the proportion of sexes in the actual population by wards 32. Trichinopoly city showing the proportion of sexes in the actual population by wards Diagrams. 1. Diagram showing thA yearly number of births and deaths per mille in each natur'al division, 1911-19:W 1'" 2. Diagram comparing the birth-rate with (a) death-rate of chilnren below onc year and (b) death-rute of persons over one year in the years 1911-·19:2.0. 3. Proximity in yards of the population enumerated in 1921 4. Diagram showing the variation smee 1871 per 1,000 of the population in each IJatuntl division 5. Diagram showing the variations Rince 1881 per 1,000 of the population in the Agency and East Coast North divisions 6. Diagram showing the proportion per mIlle of the population of. each district living in urban areas and villages ..• . •. Facel 7. Variation in population of cities since 1871 8. DIagram showing the actual ages retut'ned hy 100,000 maIeR 9. Do. do, by 100,000 females 10. Proportional numhers enumerated at various ages in 1921 compared with the corresponding numbers at former censuses 1871-1921, 1881-1921, 1891- 1~21, 1901-1921, 1911-1921 11. Sex and age distribution of the population of cities, towns and villages com- parea with that of the population of the PreHidency 12. Sex proportion in districts per 1,000 persons in 1921 13. Sex proportion in cities per 1,000 persons in 1921 14. Proportion of unmarried. married and widowed males and females per 1,000 Ii ving in each age-group, 1921.. ... .., •.. 15. Number of literate persons per mille by sex in each natural division 16. Nu~ber per mille aged five years and over of each main religion who are literate 17. Diagram showing the n umber of insane per 100,000 persons at each age­ period 18. Diagram sbowing the number of deaf·mutes pel' 100,000 persons of each age· period ... 19. Diagram showing the number of blind per 100,000 persons of each age­ period 20. Diagram showing the number of lepers per 100,000 persons of each age­ period 21. Diagram showing the general distribution of the popula~ion by occupation ... 22. Diagram show~[l~ .the uistribution of the population by oocupation (classes) in natural dIVISIons ... • •. TABLE OF CON'l'ENTS v VOLU~{E XIII.-PART II. THE IMPE/i,IAL AND PROYINOIAL TABLES. Thtl Imperial Pabltls. 'TABLE PAGE I. Area, houses and population 1 II. Variati<ln in population since 1891 3 III. Towns and villages classified by population 5 IV. Towns olassified by population with variation since 1871 7 V. Towns arranged territorialJy with population by religion 17 VI. Religion 27 VII. Age, sex and civil condition- Part I-Provincial Summary, Districts and States 31 " II-Cities •.. 57 VIII. Education by religion and age- Part I-Provincial Summary, Districts and States 61 " II-Cities .•• 73 IX. Education by cal'te, tribe or race 75 X. Language .•• 79 XI. Birth-place- Part I-Districts and States 85 II-Cities 95 XII. Infirmities-" Part [-Distribution by age ..• 101 " II-Distribution by districts and States 103 XII-A. Infirmities by selected castes, tribes and races 105 XIII. Part I-Caste, tribe, race or nationality 109 " II-Territorial distribution of principal castes, etc. lrs-"-" XIV. Civil condition by age for selected castes 125 XV. Territorial distribution of the Christian population by race and denomination. 127 XVI. European and allied races and Anglo-Indians by age­ Part I-Districts and States 133 " II-Cities .•. 136 XVII. Occupation 139 XVIII. Snbsidiary occupations of agriculturists-actual workers ouly 237 XIX. Subsidiary occupations of actual workers who returned a non-agricnltural occupation 8s t.heir pl'incipal occupation 249 XX. Occupation by religion. (Not compiled for the Madras P'l"88idency.) XXI. Occupa.tion by selected castes, tribes or races ... 253 XX1I. Industrial statistics- Part I-Proviucial Summary 261 II-Distribution by districts " 287 " III-Industrial est.ablishments classified according to the ola.ss of owners and managers 305 " IV-Caste or race and birth-place of skilled workmen olassified according to their industry and occupation ..
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