Web Service Protocols Instructors: Peter Baumann email: [email protected] tel: -3178 office: room 60, Research 1 Advanced Databases (P. Baumann) 1 Overview . HTTP . SOAP . REST . AJAX Advanced Databases (P. Baumann) 2 HTTP: GET, POST, & Friends Advanced Databases (P. Baumann) 3 GET Requests . Recall: http offers • GET, POST, PUT, DELETE • …plus several more . Request modification through key/value pairs • ? • & . Client sends: http://acme.com/srv ? mybasket=6570616275 & article=656e44204456 Advanced Databases (P. Baumann) 4 Request Parameters: How Passed? . GET parameters: URL text • Can be cached, bookmarked GET srv?k1=v1&k2=v2 HTTP/1.1 • Reload / back in history harmless • Data visible in URL . POST parameters: HTTP message body • Not cached, bookmarked POST srv HTTP/1.1 • Reload / back in history re-submits k1=v1&k2=v2 • Data not visible, not in history, not in server logs http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_httpmethods.asp Advanced Databases (P. Baumann) 5 SOAP Advanced Databases (P. Baumann) 6 XML, SOAP, WSDL, UDDI . Web Services four main technologies (bottom up): . XML (Extensible Markup Language) • Encode & organize the Message . SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) • Defines message standards and acts as message envelope . WSDL (Web Service Description Language) • Describes a web service and its functions . UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery and Integration Service) • Dynamically find other web services Advanced Databases (P. Baumann) 7 What is SOAP? . Used to stand for Simple Object Access Protocol • but it is no longer an acronym . SOAP is a protocol which allows ... • exchanging structured and typed information between peers in a decentralized and distributed environment • accessing services, objects and servers in a platform-independent manner . Encompasses: Envelope + encoding rules + RPC Operations – that„s what was . XML missing with XML . Main Goal: • Facilitate interoperability across platforms and programming languages Advanced Databases (P. Baumann) 8 SOAP Message Structure . SOAP Envelope • Required . SOAP Header • Optional . SOAP Body • Required Advanced Databases (P. Baumann) 9 SOAP Architecture Sender Receiver Whatever SOAP System SOAP System XML Encoding XML Decoding SOAP Message Packaging Binding Retrieving Bound SOAP Request Underlying Network Underlying protocol (with intermediaries) protocol support support Advanced Databases (P. Baumann) 10 Example <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <soap11:Envelope xmlns="urn:GoogleSearch“ . Google API xmlns:soap11="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <soap11:Body> SOAP 1.1 msg <doGoogleSearch> • Searching for <key>00000000000000000000000000000000</key> “boston”, <q>boston university</q> “university” <start>0</start> <maxResults>10</maxResults> <filter>true</filter> <restrict></restrict> <safeSearch>false</safeSearch> <lr></lr> <ie>latin1</ie> <oe>latin1</oe> </doGoogleSearch> </soap11:Body> </soap11:Envelope> Advanced Databases (P. Baumann) 11 Ex: Java on SOAP import com.google.soap.search.*; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { try { GoogleSearch search = new GoogleSearch(); search.setQueryString( args[0] ); GoogleSearchResult result = search.doSearch(); System.out.println( result.toString() ); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } www.google.com/apis Advanced Databases (P. Baumann) 12 Wrap-Up: Pros & Cons of SOAP . SOAP = HTTP + XML for Web Service messaging with server-side code invocation . Advantages: . Disadvantages: • Interoperability • Lack of security • Extensibility …custom security measures on top of • Vendor-neutral SOAP loss of interoperability • Independent of platforms and • Lack of efficiency programming languages …most time used in en-/decoding • Firewall-friendly (?) . Powerful, but inherently dangerous Advanced Databases (P. Baumann) 13 REST (Representational State Transfer) Advanced Databases (P. Baumann) 14 REST [Thomas Roy Fielding, 2002] . REST . URI defines resource = Representational State Transfer being requested • Resource + URI • Consistent design philosophy • Web = one address space • easy to follow • representation • Client requests follow xlink . Relies on four basic • new state http operations: . Not a standard nor product, • GET – Query but „architectural style“ • POST – Update • = way to craft Web interface • PUT – Add • DELETE – Delete Advanced Databases (P. Baumann) 15 Sample RESTful Application . Scenario: online shop . Fetch information: "shopping basket with id 5873" GET /shoppingBasket/5873 • Response: <shoppingBasket xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"> <customer xlink:href="http://shop.oio.de/customer/5873">5873</customer> <position nr="1" amount="5"> <article xlink:href="http://shop.oio.de/article/4501" nr="4501"> <description>lollypop</description> </article> </position> <position nr="2" amount="2">... </position> </shoppingBasket> • Client can follow links, that changes its state • No side effect (status change) on server side Advanced Databases (P. Baumann) 16 Sample RESTful Application (contd.) . Place order: "add article #961 to shopping basket #5873" POST /shoppingBasket/5873 articleNr=961 • Changes server state . Add article PUT /article • Again, changes server state <article> • Returns new id <description>Rooibush tea</description> <price>2.80</price> ... HTTP/1.1 201 OK </article> ... http://shop.oio.de/article/6005 . Delete article DELETE /article/6005 • Server state change Advanced Databases (P. Baumann) 17 Choice of Return Formats . Propblem: how to indicate output format • Ex: Old browsers understood GIF, JPEG for imagery • GET/KVP: http://.../service-endpoint?q=...&format=image/tiff . REST: use http Accept-Encoding parameter [IETF RFC 2616] • More powerful than GET: negotiate alternatives, quality factor q [0..1] • However, RESTafarians typically ignore this, use „...&f=...“ ...back to GET/KVP ;-) . Examples: Accept-Encoding: compress, gzip Accept-Encoding: Accept-Encoding: * Accept-Encoding: compress;q=0.5, gzip;q=1.0 Accept-Encoding: gzip;q=1.0, identity; q=0.5, *;q=0 Advanced Databases (P. Baumann) 18 Security . Remember: SOAP, XML-RPC do http tunneling • Major security leak: cannot determine request payload unless body is inspected and understood (!) . REST: typed requests, firewall can judge better security hermes.oio.de - - [26/Nov/2002:12:43:07 +0100] "GET /shoppingBasket/6 HTTP/1.1" 200 hermes.oio.de - - [26/Nov/2002:12:43:08 +0100] "GET /article/12 HTTP/1.1" 200 hermes.oio.de - - [26/Nov/2002:12:43:08 +0100] "GET /article/5 HTTP/1.1" 200 hermes.oio.de - - [26/Nov/2002:12:43:09 +0100] "POST /shoppingBasket/6 HTTP/1.1" 200 hermes.oio.de - - [26/Nov/2002:12:43:13 +0100] "POST /shoppingBasket/6 HTTP/1.1" 200 hermes.oio.de - - [26/Nov/2002:12:43:14 +0100] "GET /Order/3 HTTP/1.1" 200 . admins much more inclined to open firewall for REST services than for SOAP Advanced Databases (P. Baumann) 19 REST: How Powerful? . Local path uses historical directory syntax strict hierarchy http://.../service-endpoint/MyShop/ShoppingBaskets/14731/Article/67236 • Standard Web servers, proxies etc can cache . What breaks hierarchies • Multi-dimensional indexing – Lat/Long/height/time has no particular sequence • SQL: joins – join tables come in no particular sequence • SQL: complex predicates – .../filter1/filter2/filter3/... cannot express AND / OR / NOT • SQL: nested queries . Remedy: old-school KVP http://.../service-endpoint/MyShop?q=select-from-where • So much more powerful, but no caching etc. Advanced Databases (P. Baumann) 20 REST: Appraisal . Strengths • Simple paradigm; Web = RESTful resource (SOAP: individual spec per service) • Caching (SOAP: based on POST, not cached) • Proven base stds: http, URI, MIME, XML (SOAP: WSDL, UDDI, WS-*, BPEL, ...) • Oops: cookies break REST paradigm . Weaknesses • Assumes addressability by path + identifier (URI!) = single-root hierarchies only fraction of SQL power • Schema to represent all URIs is complex • response data structure definition outside REST (how was that with SOAP?) • limited support for HTTP PUT & DELETE in popular development platforms • Power of http headers not accessible via browser URL Advanced Databases (P. Baumann) 21 Summary . Web services: want function invocation on server Remote Procedure Call (RPC) • Existing since 1980s: XDR . Web World is evolving • New paradigms emerging (and some disappearing) • GET/KVP, POST/XML, SOAP, REST, JSON, OpenAPI, ... Service protocol independent from database query languages! • Ex: • GET/KVP: http:/acme.com/access-point?q=select%20*%20from... • POST/XML: <query>select *from...</query> Advanced Databases (P. Baumann) 22 AJAX (Asynchronous Javascript and XML) Advanced Databases (P. Baumann) 23 History . Challenge: want more interactivity than "click link / reload complete page“ • HTML's iframes . Microsoft IE5 XMLHttpRequest object • Outlook Web Access, supplied with Exchange Server 2000 . 2005: term "AJAX" coined by Jesse James Garnett . made popular in 2005 by Google Suggest • start typing into Google's search box list of suggestions Advanced Databases (P. Baumann) 24 AJAX . AJAX = Asynchronous Javascript and XML . web development technique for creating more interactive web applications • Goal: increase interactivity, speed, functionality, usability • not complete page reload small data loads more responsive . asynchronous: c/s communication independent from normal page loading • JavaScript • XML • any server-side PL Advanced Databases (P. Baumann) 25 AJAX Constituent Technologies . The core: JavaScript XMLHttpRequest object • Sends data,
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