j&timk 95° ti The London Gazette. faubltffjed 6p 8utl)orttp. From featUFtiag August 9* to 'ŒittsDa}? August 12, 1755. George Lenox arrived here ; Yesterday they T the Council Chamber Whitehall the were presented at Command were most gracious A 12th Day of August, 1755;, received. PRESENT, Rastadt, July 26. The Margrave our Sq- vereign having been infqrmed that the Princess The Lords Justices in Councils df Bavaria his Spouse was to arrive at Ettlingeri Tt was this Day ordered by the Lords Justices last Saturday,, his Highness set out early that in Council, that the Parliament which stands Morning with a numerous Retinue to meet rorogued to Thursday the Fourteenth of this her. The next Day they received the Nuptial ?nstant August, should be further prorogued to Benediction from the Bishop of Spire^ and that Tuesday the Second Day of September next. Night the whole, Court arrived her*. Berlin, July st6. Last Thursday the King Bologne, July 15. The Margrave of Barfeith came hither, and, aster giving some Audience*,1 Snd the Margravine his Spouse, arrived in this his Majesty went to the Queen-Mother's at City on Tuesday last from Rome, with a nume­ Montbijou, .and supped with the Princes and rous Retinue. Notwithstanding they travel incog­ Princesses of the Royal Family, and Yesterday nito, by the Name of the Count and Countess Morning he returned to Potsdam, Lieutenant of Marck, all the Honours due to their high General Bredow has obtained LeaVe to quit the Birth were paid them here. Their Highnesses Service » and the Regiment of Cuirassiers* staid to fee what is most remarkable in this which he; commanded, Is given to Major Ge­ City and its Neighbourhood, and on Friday neral JDriesen. On Tuesday last five Houses^ Morning continued their Route for Bareith. besides several Barn? and Stables, were burnt Munich, July 17. The Elector our So­ down by Lightning, at tbe Village of Neuen­ vereign and the Elector of Cologn, who ac­ dorfs in the Neighbourhood of Petzdam , arid companied the Margravine of Baden-Baden to 'tia thought the Loss -would have been much Friedberg, a small Town in the Neighbourhood more considerable, if the King had not went of Augsbourg, returned here on Tuesday last. there on Horsebatk, -with some QfEcerej and To- Day their Electoral Highnesses dine at the encouraged the People Who wefe labouring tfl Castle of Berg, and in the Evening they are te extinguish it, return to the-Palace of Nymphenbourg. The Uanoper, Aug^ 1, The Day before Yester­ Empress Dowager has presented the Baron d£ day the Church, School, and 95 Houses, besides Geriimingen, who negotiated the Affair of the Barns and Stables Jn the Village} of Sol fen near Marriage of the Margrave of Baden-Baden with this Place, were- burnt down by an accidental the Princess Mary, with a Ring of great V?lue s Fire, the Wind being extremely high, and the) %nd the Elector has also presented hint with People at Harvest Work in tbe Fields. Thejf N* Gold Snuff-Box set with Diamonds. write'from Lunenbutg, thaf the Canoneft Mar­ Stockholm, July 22. The Magistrates and garet Elizabeth of Brunswick was; chosen Abbess; Citizens of this City have already nominated of the Cloyster at Meding the 44th of last Month, their Deputies to the next General Diet. The M, Bussy, the French Jpjiqjster, set out front Court is still at Drottningholm, where Prepara­ hence this Morning for Paris* tions are making for celebrating-, on Thursday Paris', Aug. 1. The "Gotat tie Sartyraoe, next, the Queen's Birth-Day, who then enters Ambassador frqm the King of Sardinia, ii re* into the 36th Year of her vAge. turned here from Turin, and proposes te set out Hanau, July 25. Last Week we had some To-rrtorrow or next Day to join the Court at violent Storms of Rain and Hail in this Country, Compejgrie. by which our Corn, Vines, and Plantations? of Prufels, Aug, 3, The Princess.Charlotte $ Tobacco, which are the best Branches of our Lorrain, who arrived here last ^Monday fronl Commerce, are greatly damaged. But we hear Mariemont, set out the (text Day for the Castl^ they have suffered much more by Storms in the of Ter-Vuren, in order *o see Prince Charles Neighbourhoods of Friedberg and Budingen, her Brother. where the Fruits of the Earth are almost en­ Utrecht^ <Aug. 4. The Prince of Baderi- tirely ruined. Dourlacb, Brother to the Margrave of that • Vienna, July t6. The Emperor, who went Name, arrived here last Thursday Night front on the 16th Instant to Hollitsch in Hungary, the Court of Wirtembourg. On Friday that returned from thence last Saturday Night to young Prince visited her Royal Highness the; fichonbrun, where there has since been held an Princess Governante, the Prince Stadtbolder* extraordinary Council. The Baron de Brandau, and the Princess Caroline, dt Soestdyk} and oa Counsellor of the Aulick Council of the Em­ Saturday Morning lie set out for Amsterdam* pire, died here on Monday last, in the 65th from whence he is to go to Leuwarden, to spend Year of his Age. A few Days ago several seme Time with the first Princess Dowager of Boats were sent from hence down tbe Danube Orange his Grandmother. to Presbourg, with Cloaths and Arms for the Hanover, Aug. 5. The Count de Coloredd,-1 Imperial Troops garrisoned in Hungary. Nephew of tfi"e Emperor's Minister, being arri-* | Turin, July 26. Wednesday last his Grace ved here last Saturday, was presented the next the Duke of Richmond and his Brother Lord Day to his Majesty. Yesterday there was a Very* full .
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