BEKI Bulletin A New Haven Tradition since 1892. Visit us at www.beki.org July-August 2001 Vol. 7 Issue 7–8 ktrah r,f-kt ,hc e"e Av-Elul 5761 Tisha BeAv at BEKI of mourning, many refrain from wearing leather shoes and ostentatious clothing, and do not enjoy The fast day of Tisha Be’Av (“ninth day of the music, intimate physical relations or entertainment. Hebrew month of Av”) will be observed on Satur- Tisha Be’Av commemorates the destruction of day night 28 July & Sunday 29 July. Minha after- the first two Temples and other tragedies that have noon services are from 5:45p to 6:20p Shabbat af- taken place in our long and glorious history. On ternoon 28 July. The traditional Maariv (evening) Tisha Be’Av in 1290, King Edward I signed an edict service begins at 9:00p. The Shaharit (morning) ser- expelling the Jews from England. Likewise, the vice on Sunday is from 9:00a to 10:15a. The evening expulsion of Jews from Spain occurred on that date and morning services include the reading of the in 1492. The fast is the only full day fast on the He- Biblical Book of Eikha (Lamenta- brew calendar besides Yom Kippur. Those with tions). The fast is observed from medical conditions that require oral medications sundown Saturday night until or eating are urged to consult their medical and 8:50p Sunday night. As a sign rabbinic authorities. BEKI’s Big Backyard: Jewish Tradition and Local Bioversity In honor of the talking donkey of Parashat Balaq in the book of Numbers, the Johnston family is organizing a mini- symposium on local biodiversity on the evening of Sandy’s bar mitzva observance, Saturday 7 July, from 7p to 8p. Come and learn about our own fascinating flora and fauna! We will begin with text study about biodiversity in Jewish law and tradition. Local experts will then discuss the natural history and inhabitants of West Rock Ridge and the West River watershed – BEKI’s backyard.A light seuda shelishit (in this case, desserts in honor of the Shabbat queen) will follow. Children are welcome, although the talk will be aimed at older children and adults, but some hands-on explorations will be available. Take home information for your own family nature study, as well as information about the local groups working to protect our natural treasures. For information, please call Anne Johnston at 389-9184 or e-mail [email protected]. Administrative Announcements How to Contact the BEKI Bulletin BEKI-Bulletin Responses to "A Message from Rabbi Tilsen," questions for "Dear Rabbi" and Letters to the Editor The newsletter is published monthly by Congregation Beth El-Keser Israel for the benefit of its members. can be sent to: Editor, BEKI-Bulletin, 85 Harrison Congregation Beth El-Keser Israel is affiliated with Street, New Haven, CT 06515 or by email to the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. [email protected]. To contribute articles or for inquiries regarding Rabbi Tilsen's mail and e-mail are opened directly membership, donations, or special activities, call the Synagogue office (203) 389-2108, or write to 85 and exclusively by the Rabbi himself and are as secure Harrison Street, New Haven, CT 06515-1724 and confidential as mail and e-mail can be. or email: [email protected] or see our web page created by Phill Simon: www.beki.org For information about advertising, call the synagogue office. Deadline for submission of ads or articles is the 1st of the month preceding publication. Information on the Counter Annual subscription is $36.00. Literature may be placed in the literature rack, BEKI-Bulletin on the coatroom counter and on the Community © 2001 Congregation Beth El-Keser Israel. Bulletin Board by permission only. To request per- A Message from Rabbi Tilsen & Dear Rabbi mission for placement on this counter or on the © 2001 Jon-Jay Tilsen. All rights reserved. Community Bulletin Board, please contact Syna- Editor Rabbi Jon-Jay Tilsen gogue Administrator Mary Ellen Mack at 389-2108 Associate Editor Donna Levine ext. 14 ([email protected]). After office hours, you may Associate Editor Donna Kemper Circulation Manager Saul Bell leave one copy of your submission, with your Production Editor David Golden phone number, under Mary Ellen’s door, or you Advertisement Editor Sheila Gardner may fax it to Mary Ellen at (203) 389-5899 (24- Advertisement Associate Editor Ronni Rabin hours). Photographer Charles Ludwig The lobby display areas are reserved for BEKI programs and activities. We receive frequent re- Calling BEKI quests to promote activities of the Jewish Commu- To call BEKI, dial (203) 389-2108. nity Center, Jewish Federation, Jewish Foundation, Jewish Home, Jewish Family Service, Ezra Acad- Extensions emy, United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, Cemetery Association ........................... 57 the Jewish Theological Seminary, and the Schechter Kadima & USY Youth Groups ............. 30 Institute for Jewish Studies, along with a host of KISS Program ......................................... 33 other worthy and important communal agencies Kitchen .................................................... 19 and institutions. It would not be possible to place Kulanu KeEhad Havura ....................... 33 them all on the counter by the coatroom. Posters Lower Lobby .......................................... 17 and flyers for these institutions are found on the Office Manager Mary Ellen Mack ....... 14 Community Bulletin Board. Rabbi Tilsen ............................................ 10 Sometimes flyers and posters that are inappro- Rosenkrantz Library ..............................11 priate for display at BEKI have been found placed Saul’s Circle ............................................ 33 without permission. Flyers and posters placed with- Service Times Recording ...................... 88 out permission are immediately discarded. Your coop- Religious School..................................... 13 eration in maintaining a fair and respectful policy USY & Kadima Youth Groups ............. 30 is appreciated. June 2001 BEKI Bulletin 2 A Message From Rabbi Tilsen “Give me a banana!” One way that our tradition teaches the notion “Honey, how do you ask politely?” of expressing appreciation is the ritual of reciting “GIVE ME A BANANA PLEASE!” berakhot (blessings) before and after eating. These Parents of young children (indeed, children of berakhot force us to be conscious of what we are any age) are aware that the notion of “apprecia- eating, and the act of expressing appreciation to tion” is one that is learned. At some point in their the Almighty is both uplifting to our own souls development, children feel entitled to the complete and instructive to our children. and undivided attention and servitude of their Texts of various berakhot are presented in Sid- parents. Parents, after having gone through the dur Sim Shalom (the one we use at BEKI) as well travail of childbirth or adoption, diapering and as in other prayer books. You can hear the bless- caring for an infant, feel that their appreciation is ings on the web by using BEKI’s audio library. already earned. Only after these children grow to Parents of young children in particular are urged adulthood, support themselves and their family, to make the recitation of these blessings part of and raise their own children, can they begin to re- their daily meal ritual. alize the appreciation owed to their parents. Parents, grandparents, teachers and others in a child’s life are as a rule taken for granted. Learn- ing to feel and express appreciation is a learned behavior. AA Open Meeting at BEKI marks fourth anniversary A weekly AA Meeting has been held at BEKI since May 1997. Open to any person who can ben- efit from a recovery program, the meeting is held according to standard AA procedure. This is not a specifically Jewish recovery group, although a large proportion of participants are Jewish. For information on the weekly meeting call Jay at (203) 387-6019 or email Jay at [email protected]. Stress is inevitable, misery is optional 1460 Whalley Avenue New Haven, CT 06515 BAKERY FAX DELI 387-2214 387-4129 397-0839 Specializing in: Bar/Bas Mitzvah, Weddings, Office and Home Parties • Platters for all occasions • Prepared foods July-August 2001 BEKI Bulletin 3 News Religious School Update interviewing candidates for principal. Information on the new principal will be distributed when ar- Registration Opens rangements are finalized. Registration is open for BEKI’s religious school. Classes begin Wednesday 5 September. BEKI re- All interested new and returning students should ligious school meets on Sunday mornings and have registration material completed and sent to Wednesday afternoons. Note that school hours on the BEKI office by 1 August to receive the early reg- Sundays this year will be from 9:00a to noon. (Last istration discount. For more information contact the year hours were from 9:30a to 12:30a.) This change school at 389-2108 x13. was made to make it easier for drivers and older We express our gratitude and best wishes to Terri students to attend the Congregation’s 9:00a morn- Stern, who has completed her tenure as principal. ing service, and to make it easier for students to Terri is now working full-time at the Peabody Mu- participate in afternoon activities after school (such seum. Under her direction, the School developed as sports or music lessons). Wednesday classes will new and engaging curriculum and numerous in- meet from 4:15p to 6:15p, the same time as in pre- novative programs. Many parents and visitors ob- vious years. served a high level of engagement and depth of David Goldblum is the School’s representative learning in our classrooms. We thank Terri for her on the BEKI Board of Directors. years of dedicated teaching and leadership of the The School and its programs are supported by School. We are very glad to note that Terri will be the Gladys R. Lipkin Fund, the George & Leah just a “phone call away” to offer her continuing Posener Endowment for Jewish Education of BEKI support during the transition and beyond, and will Youth, and the Borick Family Endowment.
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