Friends of the Koala Nursery Rifle Range Road, East Lismore NSW 2480 (PO BOX 5034, East Lismore NSW 2480) * OPEN BY APPOINTMENT * Contact: Mark Wilson, Nursery Manager 0413 339 554 Email: [email protected] PLANT LIST – JUNE 2021 1. EUCALYPTS: (a) Koala food - price $1.00 (Commercial price $2.00) E. microcorys TALLOWOOD E. grandis FLOODED GUM E. robusta SWAMP MAHOGANY E. tereticornis FOREST RED GUM E. resinifera RED MAHOGANY E. siderophloia GREY IRONBARK E. saligna SYDNEY BLUE GUM E. propinqua GREY GUM E. acmenoides WHITE MAHOGANY E. dunni DUNN’S WHITE GUM E. amplifolia CABBAGE GUM E. racemosa SCRIBBLY GUM E. pilularis BLACKBUTT (b) Non-Koala food - prices as marked 2.00 Corymbia citriodora LEMON-SCENTED GUM 30m, lemon-scented foliage 2.00 Corymbia gummifera RED BLOODWOOD 30m large white flowers, good timber tree 1.50 Corymbia intermedia PINK BLOODWOOD 30m large white flowers, good timber tree 2.00 Corymbia maculata SPOTTED GUM 30m, good timber tree 2.00 Eucalyptus moluccana GREY BOX 25m mottled bark, good honey tree 2. SHRUBS: Order Price Variety Description 1.50 Acacia suaveolens SWEET-SCENTED WATTLE 1-2m, pale yellow sweetly scented flowers 3.00 Acmena ‘Allyn Magic’ DWARF LILLY-PILLY 50cm, burgundy new growth all year, 3.00 Acmena ‘Forest Flame’ 2-3m, lovely red new foliage, psyllid-free, great screen plant 3.00 Acmena smithii ‘Minipilly’ DWARF LILLY-PILLY 2m, red tips, great hedge or container plant 3.00 Astartea fascicularis ‘Pink’ 1m, pink flowers from Autumn to Summer 3.00 Austromyrtus ‘Copper Tops’ 1.2m, spreading shrub with edible berries, coppery new growth 3.00 Austromyrtus inophloia ‘Blushing Beauty’’ RED MYRTLE 1.5m, white flowers, glowing red/pink new growth 3.00 Baeckea ‘Clarence River’ WEEPING BAECKEA 2m, white flowers, weeping foliage 2.50 Baeckea stenophylla (frutescens) WEEPING BAECKEA 2m, white flowers, weeping foliage 2.50 Baeckea virgata HEATH MYRTLE 2-4m, white flowers 3.00 Banksia ericifolia HEATH BANKSIA 3m orange flowers 2.00 Banksia oblongifolia RUSTY BANKSIA 1-2m pale greenish-yellow flowers 2.00 Banksia robur SWAMP BANKSIA 2m, green flowers 2.00 Banksia spinulosa HAIRPIN BANKSIA 3m orange flowers 2.00 Breynia oblongifolia COFFEE BUSH 2-3m, rainforest shrub, red berries like small apples 2.50 Callicarpa pedunculata VELVET LEAF 2m, soft velvety leaves, clusters of purple fruit 3.00 Callistemon ‘Captain Cook’ 1.5m red flowers, weeping habit 3.00 Callistemon ‘Cherry Time’’ 1.8m red flowers, weeping habit 2.00 Callistemon citrinus 3m, large brilliant red flowers 3.00 Callistemon citrinus ‘White Anzac’ 1m white flowers 3.00 Callistemon ‘Dawson River’ 5m red flowers, weeping habit 3.00 Callistemon ‘Endeavour’’ 3m, red flowers, bird attracting 3.00 Callistemon ‘Glasshouse Beauty’ 2m, masses of deeper pink flowers 3.00 Callistemon ‘Hannah Ray’ 4m, red flowers, weeping habit 3.00 Callistemon ‘Kings Park Special’ 3m, red flowers, good screening plant 3.00 Callistemon ‘Lavender Showers’ 2m, lavender/mauve flowers 3.00 Callistemon ‘Little John’ 1m. red flowers 3.00 Callistemon ‘Mary MacKillop’ 2m, deep maroon flowers 2.00 Callistemon pachyphyllus ‘Red’ WALLUM BOTTLEBRUSH 1-2m, red flowers 3.00 Callistemon ‘Pink Alma’ 2-3m, pale purplish/pink flowers 3.00 Callistemon 'Pink Champagne’ 2-3m, weeping, pink flowers 3.00 Callistemon ’Purple Cloud’ 2m, deep mauve flowers 3.00 Callistemon ‘Reeves Pink’ 2-3m, pink flowers 2.00 Callistemon sieberi RIVER BOTTLEBRUSH 3m, cream flowers, pinkish new growth 1 3.00 Callistemon ‘Taree Pink’ 3m, pink flowers, good screening plant 3.00 Callistemon ‘Wilderness White’ 3m, white flowers, good screening plant 3.00 Callistemon 'Wildfire' 2-3m, weeping, red flowers 2.00 Cordyline congesta NARROW-LEAVED PALM LILY 3m, orange-red berries 1.50 Cordyline petiolaris BROAD-LEAVED PALM LILY 5m, red berries 1.50 Cordyline stricta NARROW-LEAVED PALM LILY 4m, black berries 2.00 Dodonea triquetra LARGE LEAF HOP BUSH 3m, masses of colourful pink hops (flowers) 2.50 Dodonaea viscosa STICKY HOP BUSH, 2-4m, masses of colourful pink hops (flowers) 2.50 Dodonaea viscosa ssp cuneata WEDGE LEAFED HOP BUSH, 2m, masses of colourful pink hops (flowers) 3.50 Doryanthes excelsa GYMEA LILY large lily, red flower spikes 6m tall, leaves 1m long 3.50 Doryanthes palmeri SPEAR LILY large lily, red flower spikes 6m tall, leaves 1m long 3.00 Goodenia ovata HOP GOODENIA 1m, bushy shrub, yellow flowers 3.00 Graptophyllum excelsum NATIVE FUSCHIA 3m, bright purplish/red flowers 3.00 Graptophyllum illicifolium HOLLY FUCHSIA 3-5m, holly-like leaves, red flowers 2.00 Grevillea banksii ‘Alba’ WHITE SILKY OAK 2-3m, large white flowers 3.50 Grevillea ‘Caloundra Gem’ 2-3m, cream/honey coloured flowers all year 3.50 Grevillea ‘Coconut Ice’ 1.5m, large pink/orange flowers all year, excellent bird-attracting plant 3.50 Grevillea ‘Forest Rambler’ 1m, pale pink/white flowers 3.50 Grevillea ‘Honey Gem’ 3m, large gold/yellow flowers all year, excellent bird-attracting plant 3.50 Grevillea ‘Lollypops’ 1.5m, deep pink flowers 3.50 Grevillea ‘Moonlight’ 3m, large white flowers all year, excellent bird-attracting plant 3.50 Grevillea ‘Ned Kelly’ 1.5m, large pink/orange flowers all year, excellent bird-attracting plant 3.50 Grevillea ‘Robyn Gordon’ 1.5m, large red flowers all year, excellent bird-attracting plant 3.50 Grevillea ‘Sunrise’ 75cm, apricot flowers 3.50 Grevillea ‘Superb’ 1.5m, large pink/orange flowers all year, excellent bird-attracting plant 3.00 Hakea actites WALLUM HAKEA 3m, spiky foliage, white flowers, can handle wet areas 2.00 Hakea salicifolia ‘Fine-leaf form’ WILLOW-LEAFED HAKEA 3-4m, white flowers, excellent screen plant 2.00 Hakea salicifolia WILLOW-LEAFED HAKEA 3-4m, white flowers, excellent screen plant 3.00 Hakea sericea SILKY HAKEA 2-3m, prickly shrub, white flowers, great bird nesting plant 3.00 Indigofera australis INDIGO PEA 2m, blue-green foliage, pink/purple flowers 2.00 Kunzea baxterii CRIMSON KUNZEA 2m, red ball-shaped flowers 3.00 Leptospermum flavescens ‘Cardwell’ 1.5m, masses of white flowers 3.00 Leptospermum ‘Lemon Frost’ 2.5m, white flowers, lemon-scented foliage, good screen plant 3.00 Leptospermum ‘Lemon Hedge’ 2.5m, white flowers, lemon-scented foliage, good screen plant 2.00 Leptospermum juniperinum PRICKLY TEA-TREE 2m, pointed leaves, white flowers 2.00 Leptospermum liversidgei MOZZIE BLOCKER TEA-TREE 2m, strongly scented leaves 1.50 Leptospermum polygalifolium TANTOON TEA-TREE/JELLY BUSH 3m, white flowers, honey plant 2.50 Leptospermum scoparium MANUKA 3m, white flowers, good honey plant 3.00 Leptospermum scoparium ‘Ballerina’ 2-3m, pink flowers 3.00 Leptospermum scoparium ‘Burgundy Queen’ 3m, deep red flowers, bronze/purple foliage 2.00 Leptospermum speciosum SHOWY TEA-TREE 4m, white flowers, can handle damp spot, honey plant 2.00 Melaleuca armillaris BRACELET HONEY MYRTLE paperbark, white flowers, 4-5m 3.00 Melaleuca armillaris ‘Pink’ BRACELET HONEY MYRTLE paperbark, pink flowers, 4-5m 2.00 Melaleuca irbyana 3m, mauve flowers, fine weeping foliage 3.00 Melaleuca linarifolia ‘Claret Tops’ 1.5m, purple-tinged foliage, white flowers, compact plant 2.00 Melaleuca nodosa PRICKLY-LEAVED PAPERBARK 2m, white/yellow flowers 3.00 Melaleuca 'Snowfire’ 2m, compact shrub, white flowers, red-tinged foliage 2.50 Melaleuca thymifolia THYME HONEY MYRTLE 1m, purple flowers 3.00 Melaleuca thymifolia ‘Cotton Candy’ THYME HONEY MYRTLE, 80cm, pink/purple flowers 3.00 Melastoma affine BLUE TONGUE/NATIVE TIBOUCHINA 2m, purple flowers, likes some shade 3.00 Ozothamnus diosmifolius RICE FLOWER 1.5m, white flowers, excellent cut flower 3.00 Pavetta australiensis BUTTERFLY BUSH 2-3m, highly perfumed white flowers 2.50 Pittosporum revolutum BRISBANE LAUREL 3-4m, yellow flowers and red fruits 3.00 Prostanthera ovalifolia MINT BUSH 1-1.5m, masses of purple flowers in Spring 2.50 Pultenaea villosa EGG & BACON BUSH 1.5m, yellow flowers 3.00 Syzygium australe ‘Aussie Compact’ DWARF LILLY-PILLY 3m, white flowers, good hedge plant 3.00 Syzygium australe ‘Aussie Southern’ DWARF LILLY-PILLY 3-4m, white flowers, good hedge plant 5.00 Syzygium ‘Cascade’ PINK FLOWERING LILLY-PILLY 2-3m, pink flowers, pink/red new growth 3.00 Syzygium australe ‘Crimson Lights’ DWARF LILLY-PILLY 3-4m, white flowers, red new leaves, good hedge plant 3.00 Syzygium australe ‘Elite’ DWARF LILLY-PILLY 3-4m, white flowers, good hedge plant 3.00 Syzygium australe ‘Hinterland Gold’ DWARF LILLY-PILLY 3-4m, white flowers, good hedge plant 3.00 Syzygium australe ‘Resilience’ DWARF LILLY-PILLY 3-4, white flowers, good hedge plant 3.00 Syzygium ‘Copperhedge’ 3-4m, weeping habit, pink/red/copper new growth 2.00 Syzygium wilsonii POWDER-PUFF LILLY-PILLY 2m, large red flowers 3.00 Thryptomene saxicola 1.5m, pink flowers, good cut-flower 3.00 Westringia fruticosa NATIVE ROSEMARY 1.5m, white flowers 3.00 Westringia ‘Wynyabbie Gem’ NATIVE ROSEMARY, 1.5m, mauve flowers 3.00 Xanthostemon verticillatus LITTLE PENDA 2m, pale yellow flowers, ideal hedge plant 3. GROUNDCOVERS, CLIMBERS & SMALL ORNAMENTALS: Order Price Variety Description 3.00 Agapetes meiniana MOUNTAIN BELLS shrubby semi-climber, large red/pink tubular flowers 1.50 Alpinia caerulea NATIVE GINGER, 2m, blue berries 1.50 Alpinia caerulea 'Purple Form’ PURPLE-LEAF NATIVE GINGER, 2m, blue berries, purple foliage 4.00 Anigozanthos ‘Orange Cross’ KANGAROO PAW 1.2m, bright orange flowers 4.00 Anigozanthos ‘Ranger’ KANGAROO PAW 60cm, bright orange/red flowers 3.00 Austromyrtus dulcis MIDGEN BERRY 50cm-1m, spreading shrub with edible berries 3.00 Baeckea virgata ‘Dwarf’ 30-50cm, small rounded shrub,
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