NC"'!<Oool""I' O>l'l'l""'O..... .., < ~ om'I o-:;i,m::t:i '" .. m O>c..l'U< Blende Parish To Start ~ .... .. o o.., c c.r- ... c... 0 < Fund for New Church x .. "'.. lk~~~ ~~ Serro Club To Honor REGISTER THE OFFIOAL CAlHOLJC NEWSPAPER Of THE DIOCESE Of PUEBID CN... Rqb:te,_. •U.S. Patat Of'f'lel) Altar Boys FllOAY, APRIL 30, 1965 VOL XIX No. '5 World Day of Prayer For Vocations Set In Diocese May 2 P\aeblo - <DiottAn Voe-•· tlle .saerf'd Coftaf'1'11lt0n of tllf(bl praru to be uM"d b1 llon Oftiat-S\Jnld•;• .lit•)'2. Semharlu ind Unlnm1ie1 IM 1lck In orterint U'ltlr 11Uf· fti.rt 9' .......rl~• l'11rl11" la\W..,.. 1111: LO r 1 11wr J-•li llallctrH, fl'IH•r, tltr wlll be 1he .t.e«iftd annual in Rome. tcdo_. for an lntrH.MI or YO­ ...._a, ~•W. lilt rrM'l•I<" lltbr ''•>•Wlr~ d1r Ark .r tile t'•"·aa•I "Wor1d D.1y ol Pni)'er• for Tlw- Jprdal day of pr&)C'r caUot11. ti ik' lllrfiH S1rrall('ll .. St. • .,,., •JO tt... C.W -... .,,.. •Wdo C.. ..,.,.nf'll \'otlUOM "' The ObM'rv-&.IM'C wu ntabi11hifd lul }'HJ' b,. V•Yter Grilllf'S 1lM 1111· ,._,_., nr _. ....,._, &Mtt •••- nr ...._.. r\stin k • C'JQ,"-., ltn. •••~lloJBld-.. ~rald\1 ltU~ S~IN1lbtfJ1mll7,...,., Clwlf't \ ....__.... ~ Ii_..._...,,,. •ktl ~tk. nr JraQt et o ..nr. llllln el Ounr. fft'4 Mt~ «adll )«It,_ !be~ S.. ...... ~ nriaid ... ,... lllC'e •U. • direcdff ,,.. .. 1ltit f-n-1'"9... alte el ·~- cw.tnnr4 lk &aMtutk. .,T •rttt l"AI*· ~ u Uau~dlit-Lk. •11•.del1.Wf'lldrt:U.. \1. AttM111· "·Good•-rdSlmdaJ'." 5'-,... o.~ Dltlta.U\11. S•uno ObMr.-aacet Sciecl.al M"rmon outhan: are Theresians f~tbcr Roymo11d P. bdn.a dJ1tnlM!trd by Ult dlcice· Grl~t. dloceun \'"OC'ltloin 1111 "Ot-atlon otfitt. dlreC'1or, 1111 IUIUttWci Ui•I Att0rd1111 t.o the S.cnd ontrose Parishioners To Sponsor the obiotn·Hce • ~ pariU C•ltt'PUCm:I. ·111e lalfllbOD ""''d r...w btdlde . SPlri.t .. tJw, 4.1.rel. pn,-tt .. " ... ilt"OOl9 9 dw: Wd.al lalmrtQ~...0.-tM ~ti at MIU, a paridl ~u.od ud - Ule n:&- 2-Week Trip hol.J' hour, llld !be dJ11n"OIJ11Q111 11o1&1 lile Jtsaiml.t.qirltwil ol \"Ol;'atlon praytn tllrGu1th •nd •e hope thn lt wm dnw et To Attend Mass f'ueblo - (Tbe Thott•h\11! tllf' parl1b b11lklllru. IOAtllM!r 1.\1 the IMntblrfl or Otrkt) - A l •"o• N1tkN11I ~\""CK'8UonC1UitTh.1.J M'• thtt1uirth-prk111.llC'mln1· •ffk uc.11bl trip to t~ Sa ~ • croup oC ,.,.,-en for ri•ll. ttliJkMu, u1d r1Jtblii;I tieul Sl.llerboad \'or11JQ9 themeot!JwfaUhlr.illlirw.;t~ - U! a f~ tntUdit of ~1'ttW'r. ..~D<". •tbt-tt..••~ ""'''"" te a!.t M9': Renovated Church ,~ ,.. Cot .. ... .. .-... - Smlla~ Tbrw i.tilllk • •neo-U 1111 IDttl me n.r..;n-· 'po!UIWfd 'OT I.be ~1.UIUI.... QI. • Loni .u tM 411• ol. ., laailf Pf.l}lff "' ni«llOM. INIW'C'd." 11.fe;.. • ~' •~ c1tlleM wlth "" tl tk ntrainl • mnl pn)f'f, a pr.)--er for 11w pnyC'n: l'lltnttd fol· the s.i.u.u, 11111 membert of ni. 1rlp wlU teavr l\lnlo one'• ow11 ''ootlo~. •Dlf a. ... God'a ltou~." Uld ..l~I by t'.hi&rl(lred bw. on T'llr1d1y, l'rlJtt for VeudoH by Ill' lleU•cn l'O'pe Jl'1nl VI VJ1.9u,wlUltfJtolhcHOUM1 Ai.t1. n, al'ld mum )lofldar. efOwCod"' AUi • ~ fee Of SIM fl('J" "O Jn:iu, Dlviff ~rd oC IOUb, 'libo t.aUrd tbe AJIOl­ ..w..ii•a.1 ....IMIP1lall la ptt1D11-iDilldudetn11~pt11a­ UM to btto_. rb.M-n: of mca.. ,... m.11 lbt ardor« Hd s:t"fltt· U... IJ ...-n-4idil stopl a., die..,.:UW._....,..... ._ -.ru et ..,. ,_ui .. ..u llwm \'eur r~ .­ Ill dlr "'""'atntl, anttid ~ ""' dbl Mtds - mold.t.. raio.la1nl. W .._ aba y., ddtsl for dial •nn.al ,. .... .n etbtr ttJll!'llMll f'!CtTf( )In....., ttu. mtah, an.-:llC'Cd Da.11; lilalo, demptloo. t.r •bklr You dallr mew \ 'OU" Saailitlt .,_ U.. A otW aahoaa;i)' altar, ea. tour tbalnn... albr. O Lord Juwi. alw•fl llTiitr to 11U1b lllll'rtotuWlfl ror dtthd l'Okk'& ~!Id. wtu. • 111: t:itend our borllOI\$ lo t lwl 1t1Ure wortd, •btre " com111aad1 ~ att~Uoa la &he Optn To ft'•n:ic•, Shltt1 m•l\1 ttmock*i uKtur1. At'C"Ord· TIM trip will bt opt'ri 10 •ll brelbfClfl mak111 ..ne:a1 tt.ipplitatkln tor lht U1bt of tnJtb 1'14 ti.. \l•'!"Me,.,.. ...~ .. .. ratiw'r Jow,. Paa.r­ ialcrultd Laywomn ucl tell• wa.rmtb of kn't, IO WI annuiAJ 'l'wr taU. many )"GUl'IJ mni • UM. ... ~ .... ,....,, dMr altar .u ... ..._ Slm-n of the heWo. IDQ" prOloq ltrre Yev Oii..-, Hif.1 \'CIW" » >"Akal Bod7• ~ G4cW ~.. ~ .. ·~dte Att A~ ud De•,er .. O.rd. ... ""'--""' ...... " llW n.rtb ............ ., lft'U. •'clbcT ...... ...,. •an- tM bd'lll " .... eltk~wU.ltat* ... _.., •re 1Dtm11itrsllf ta.~~ Tboociwrcb ~­ Sop •P* W1Lktl COd appeared 0 IArd. 'l'ouir IO\ ...I tall I• mat11 JllUtt Hd ftlln" ll lJU. IH2, and IHI, •lint, "E.I""'· to1hept0pl.elold So,,.,.. 0111:t·Montd YM!ftl •omtt1. l~t thf.y ml )' llT11'I' 1n 11w>lr d('1lrT llpli11!.td•111•1klhSoo· dcau God •PIM'•r lo bl.t Pffl!k 111.ahlltllt or the 11lert1l111n fM enn1itlJtal pnfectiew1 •rid may dtd.IC"Alt! thitmH:h·ta to I.be btt Ill thn"I, ~I lM Oii 1h11 f't'fttnl rlltuni or t.be 1our "'IU tie 1he N111tlon1I :r-11· Hn>lte ol tbt Cb11rc.b aod thitir Mltlibort wbo to duper1tt>ly pn..-emnu fUttl;Laft. duud" terhood \'otaliOrl canll',,.nte n.allarma••-• .... C1e\·danll. o_, • s..1w-d1y nel'd web a.nbta~ a.od d1art1y. Amm." ~tM·--­ ud ......7.A~'1Mll!2 ~ l"nJtt fer \'«•"*- " ·~ ctn9lat WM'oll ,&alt--. ' a..,,., ... ·~ t••••1. «~ CFM Groups Sponsor ,.,._OH...._ -OCcid.,. W1111• lbf-.,..ll1., a. 1U1D1T• n11wrU..t C".edlk •l"fMt lo UNn... will bl- l.P.to .. \ .. *'" ~ ,,.,, r11b. he ~ C"Mftfttd and bft, rrur.... lrHoettb n.. 111...p t1te dire ~Jle et U.. tllurdii, houta i111erttllion el the Bleaed Mir), enr , ...,sfn 11td ID Uie tf1bu to mumlnalt' the aftAr, T• !Wade wa... 1'1111(\1111 , O.C. Semi-Formal Dance Ninl.f "' lntr'Hle ol l.1boren for Ttli1 Church. fellow l• IMlnn. TI>t co11ur1111 ol ll•bt. lilttr• A pll11.rlma11:e t i) the N•ll-nn· lal don »pon 0111 1lU1r trt1i• PIM!blo - (CP'll ) - A tJ)aU(ln the r'n'-C11n111 confer· witb ctirltl, to 1pmd 111nd cocuum~ lbcintth'U for aCl'lll rncu foe tfl.Cl'td touplH, at ShriM, the Sbrlaci ot tlw ~HllOfl7, f~l''111e 1p.rlft1 a.tmt.lormal d•D« FM th.roui:.h lhfo .nm~ .lttlH Clin~t. 111) !<en '-''ho lh!!ltl and t'f'l;tn• lille puWk CF'3& membt.ra mttl 1a 1•111Hlal81111 Con<irplloai, ii c"-d ... ~ .. 6"'-0.. •ill k~ Ni ..-ilh 11lll't la tdl wdoft Cll lhf llolJ Spi.rit, ...,.., wttbwt tilt OiUlolM: Fa.lllllly ,,.,..,.. -.II ~ .. Meta 1.-itt Waa.hin,U.. D_C. ii ......... ... tnta.9MI ..... God~ llJ' ited.Alllf'a'" -- .,.... .. \le-~ nd~1"r7~ .. ·~ IUMnrJ", . .... .. ... yntifMlk ........ •ltM u• ...,....w-atN W~ lit Tltm~ A r"nr'f .11 >I"'°' n- *tut... ~ 1o r atbt1" ana lift ~IAJ'. April • ·~aad..nalilftWritt Jilttrf, d~ '"*" ~11rlq: le lbe ma.w: llMi at Heb mtt«q ~ *.tr •UI 'fish W Ul,_'a "'Lwd. O'.. l II> )"OID" c;hirtll ..ln1'7 pnKU ud le~ot 1:w. A fllfllft. er• lla.Jlot-... *' Capl10i1 Hd tlll!! Lale PYnlde-nt Larry Monae1111 ort~Slnl It ire NMd .,. CM1tll.11u rrom ttli,pMIL St:ltd lorth. O Loni, labtlttn lnto Your llarntL'" rtPfUf'lltlD1 the llolr Nn bWl"ll.lf"l" Or1111J11ni.t'd Kenned)''• i;ra' e al Arli~lon pl.n~ from t p.m. to I 11 m, lhe NatJarul CF)f OfRCt". Top­ , 1.11d llll Pitcnpdot1 or· Dirt!!~tlr MlllM tbe • It.tr, ic Of lhl1 year'• •ocl11 lftq\ll• temc:ttrr. Vcir11tlon Fr•rer .t Ill• Slr:ll !tl lilt bapelwy .,,..., the Ni.ltf-1111' 1 dllliJ" is nu.di In t he Mhv*!ua duti. "O God, Who f'l'deemed 111 lhMUth n1,. •tillf'rlno and ry ta. "R11ee and l~ltt~" J.lr M•ki 1a,;1rd ta1ur-.t"4& .. I ,_; ....... 8du.d 1M TlctN ..1 S2 pu rou~ art ... ..,. Mn.. .1• Tbe llMh'«IM'.fll tfftl to Pt:f'IO!ll df'.ilriq hln.twr ill· dita.th cl. V1111r .SO.. arttpt tho! 11.1Utrinp •·~h I no- bur fat .,........._ ..... ulakul'• duolr... U. tt9oo anllaMe ,,... all cna mf'•· llN'IMU.. .-na. otra le of tam marriN ~ t4I llf, tct l>atfC'IOf u.e '°"• ., \'-. I dlMI all Y• hr ur incrNM lttel ....... dlie!Drurd Kn. T'ktt•t .U. will M Mid ~n-attelditatl"lksill .. ~n.r~ TWatiolitt. ..... ~ ... Urie ma,;.. lite.~ 1Q --~-ilM~~I 1-Aftif'" &10. .... dM.tr familln. ~ liMs of AlllMOCa. m Qart: .... cim/dtieal)J .,. m.ahof.•Q"Sa~-~-· iallttudt. ,... .-t'ttlllll 0"""'9 tbe,...,. ..... A;rtltc ~ ... and C01nfll11llllllt1 ~.... ii:iem­ ................. ca.. 11-. tit' dedk•r.e Ultir i.vn &o the .lUbl.t...,. ol ..is ti> .... dit ¥"Utibult, 1111• tabmllld~ .. onu.mn1ttd will mall 1 1peei.all.)'1WfPlttd wort brinJ1n.t IM'n Join by C"1111!arll11.1 acth·e You.
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