ISSN: 2171-6315 Volume 2 - 2012 Editor: Jaime Almansa Sánchez www.arqueologiapublica.es AP: Online Journal in Public Archaeology AP: Online Journal in Public Archaeology is edited by JAS Arqueología S.L.U. AP: Online Journal in Public Archaeology Volume 2 -2012 p. 24-54 FORUM 7KHOLPLWVRIFROODERUDWLRQ2VPDQDJLüLQWKHFDPSXV This forum responds to the controversy generated after the invitation of 6HPLU2VPDQDJLüWRJLYHDOHFWXUHDW/LQQDHXV8QLYHUVLW\ODVWDXWXPQ Was it convenient? Did it ‘hurt’ in some way archaeology? Could it be helpful to understand certain alternative approaches? And social perspectives towards the past? What is our role towards these issues? After a contextualization of the topic by Tera Pruitt, four professionals will raise their opinions about the event. Finally, Cornelius Holtorf and Jacob Hilton analyze the consequences of the lecture. INVITATION 'U6HPLU2VPDQDJLü +RXVWRQ7H[DV The Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids in Context Time: 18 October 2011, 2.00 – 4.00 pm 9HQXH/LQQDHXV8QLYHUVLW\.DOPDU8QLYHUVLW\/LEUDU\6WXGLR The lecture will also be broadcast from Room Plato, Campus Vaxjo 6HPLU 2VPDQDJLü LV EHVW NQRZQ IRU KLV FRQWURYHUVLDO ZRUN RQ WKH %RVQLDQS\UDPLGVDW9LVLNR,QWKLVOHFWXUH ZLWKGLVFXVVLRQ KHZLOO FRQWH[WXDOL]HKLVZRUNLQ%RVQLDERWKLQUHODWLRQWRRWKHUS\UDPLGV around the world and in relation to tourism and heritage in Bosnia. Although most scholars dispute the existence of any such pyramids in %RVQLD2VPDQDJLüFRQWLQXHVWRLQYHVWLJDWHZKDWKHEHOLHYHVDUHWKH oldest pyramids in Europe and the largest pyramids in the world in 9LVRNR$IWHUWKHOHFWXUHZHZLOOFULWLFDOO\GLVFXVVWKHZD\LQZKLFKWKH Bosnian pyramids received global media coverage and the relations among the media, archaeological research and cultural heritage in Bosnia and beyond. More information at ZZZVDPRVPDQDJLFKFRP ZZZERVQLDQS\UDPLGRIWKHVXQFRP KWWSLUQDODXWUHQHW Free entry! All welcome! )2580 Is Public Archaeology a menace? - 25 $662&,$7('35(665(/($6( $Q LQWHUQDWLRQDOO\ NQRZQ DQG KLJKO\ FRQWURYHUVLDO JXHVW ZLOO EH SUHVHQWLQJDW/LQQDHXV8QLYHUVLW\QH[W7XHVGD\$OOZHOFRPH %DFNJURXQG PRVW DUFKDHRORJLVWV FRQVLGHU 6HPLU 2VPDQDJLü D pseudo-archaeologist since the pyramids he claimed to have found in Bosnia are, in all probability, natural, geological formations. In spite of that, he has received large attention in the global media, and his activities in Bosnia have attracted many tourists to a poor country that has obviously had a strong own need, and also a demand by tourists, for a sensational cultural heritage. 6HHDOVRKHUHKWWSVYZLNLSHGLDRUJZLNL%RVQLVNDBS\UDPLGHU 3URIHVVRU &RUQHOLXV +ROWRUI LV UHVSRQVLEOH IRU /LQQDHXV 8QLYHUVLW\¶V SURJUDPPH LQ +HULWDJH 6WXGLHV IRU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ DERXW WKH SURJUDPPHVHHKWWSOQXVHXWELOGQLQJSURJUDPNJNXP “We invited him not because we take his interpretations VFLHQWL¿FDOO\VHULRXVEXWEHFDXVHZHWKLQNZHKDYHWRGLVFXVV his activities and its outcomes. The Bosnian pyramids have affected not only tourism and the perception of cultural KHULWDJHLQ%RVQLDEXWDOVRKRZZHVHHWKHFXOWXUDOKHULWDJH in society more generally. Can invented heritage have the same (or greater) power than genuine cultural heritage? What are tourists really looking for when they visit cultural heritage sites? How does one present archaeology and heritage to the global media so that they will be covering it? How does Osmanagiühimself see his critics among academic DUFKHRORJLVWV DQG VSHFL¿FDOO\ DPRQJ WKH DUFKDHRORJLVWV working in Bosnia?” %/2*6 :KHUHWKHGLVFXVVLRQ¿UVWVWDUWHG Aardvarchaeology: KWWSVFLHQFHEORJVFRPDDUGYDUFKDHRORJ\VZHGLVKB XQLYHUVLW\BLQYLWHVBLPDSKS Archaeological Haecceities: KWWSKDHFFHLWLHVZRUGSUHVVFRPRVPDQDJLFK ZLOOVSHDNDWDVZHGLVKXQLYHUVLW\ )2580 Is Public Archaeology a menace? - 26 ,QWURGXFWLRQ 7HUD358,77 3\UDPLGV3HUIRUPDQFHDQG3VHXGRVFLHQFHLQ9LVRNR%RVQLD $9DOOH\DQG$0DQ7KH6WRU\%HKLQGWKH%RVQLDQ3\UDPLGV The story is quite simple: an alternative archaeologist in Bosnia- Herzegovina claims that he has discovered the oldest and largest manmade pyramids in the world. Most professional archaeologists strongly disagree; they call his project pseudoscience, arguing that the ‘pyramids’ are simply straight-edged mountains, in a naturally hilly landscape formed by glacial movements and natural erosion. Despite this seductively simple narrative, the socio-political tale behind the Bosnian Pyramids project, which has held a great deal of power and LQÀXHQFHLQ%RVQLDLVDPXFKPRUHFRPSOH[VWRU\ ,Q$SULODPDQQDPHG6HPLU2VPDQDJLüDQQRXQFHGWKDWKH KDGGLVFRYHUHG¿YH3DODHROLWKLFS\UDPLGVLQWKHVPDOO%RVQLDQWRZQRI 9LVRNR ORFDWHG PLOHV QRUWKZHVW RI6DUDMHYR 2VPDQDJLüZDV QRW an archaeologist; he was a business owner and alternative historian, DXWKRURIERRNVRQDOLHQHQFRXQWHUVDQGP\VWLFLVPLQWKHDQFLHQW0D\D FLYLOLVDWLRQ 2VPDQDJLF $FFRUGLQJWR2VPDQDJLü¶VQHZFODLPV WKHKLOO\9LVRþLFDULYHUYDOOH\LQ%RVQLDLVDFWXDOO\DULFKDUFKDHRORJLFDO ODQGVFDSH IXOO RI PHJDOLWKLF S\UDPLGV DQFLHQW URFN TXDUU\ VLWHV riverbeds full of ‘mysterious stone balls’, an a labyrinth of underground tunnels, and includes the largest and oldest manmade pyramid in the ZRUOG ZKLFK WKH ORFDOV FDOO µ9LVRþLFD +LOO¶ DQG 2VPDQDJLü UHQDPHG µ3\UDPLGRIWKH6XQ¶ Figure 1. 9LVRþLFD+LOO 3\UDPLGRIWKH6XQ DERYH WKH VPDOO WRZQ RI 9LVRNR Bosnia-Herzegovina. (This is a freely distributed image) )2580 Is Public Archaeology a menace? - 27 7R WKLV GD\ 6HPLU 2VPDQDJLü PDQDJHV ODUJHVFDOH DPDWHXU H[FDYDWLRQVLQ9LVRNR$ORQJZLWKDFRUHWHDPRIDPDWHXUHQWKXVLDVWV DQG YROXQWHHUV 2VPDQDJLü KDV HQOLVWHG WKH KHOS RI FUHGHQWLDOHG historians, geologists, Egyptologists and archaeologists, as well as an eclectic mix of alternative historians and paranormal energy specialists ,&%3 (DFK VXPPHU KLV HPSOR\HG WHDP DQG KXQGUHGV RI FRPPXQLW\ YROXQWHHUV H[FDYDWH WKH VLWH 'XULQJ ZLQWHU 2VPDQDJLü runs a circuit of media performances and institutional presentations to promote the site and its importance. Previous stops on this circuit LQFOXGHDFDGHPLFSUHVHQWDWLRQVLQSODFHVOLNHWKH%RVQLDQ(PEDVV\LQ /RQGRQDQGWKH6RFLHW\RI$OH[DQGULDLQ(J\SWDVZHOODVSUHVHQWDWLRQV DWIULQJHDQGSDUDQRUPDOKLVWRU\FRQIHUHQFHVOLNHµ0HJDOLWKRPDQLD¶LQ *ODVWRQEXU\DQGWKHµ+LVWRULHV 0\VWHULHV¶FRQIHUHQFHLQ(GLQEXUJK ZKLFKIHDWXUHGFU\VWDOVNXOOV The Bosnian Pyramids project has a strange dynamic between D µKDUG VFLHQWL¿F¶ DQG D µIULQJH¶ LGHQWLW\ 6HPLU 2VPDQDJLü ¿UVW DQG IRUHPRVW SURPRWHV WKH SURMHFW DV D JHQXLQH VFLHQWL¿F HQWHUSULVH ZKHUH µSURRIV¶ DUH FROOHFWHG WKURXJK VFLHQWL¿F PHWKRGRORJLHV OLNH UDGLRFDUERQGDWLQJ ,&%3 JHRWKHUPDODQGUDGDUDQDO\VLVFRUH VDPSOLQJDQGVFLHQWL¿FH[FDYDWLRQ 2VPDQDJLFD $FFRUGLQJWR 2VPDQDJLü³7KH$UFKDHRORJLFDO3DUN)RXQGDWLRQEHOLHYHVWKDWRQO\D PXOWLGLVFLSOLQDU\ DSSURDFK ZLWK VHULRXV VFLHQWL¿F DUJXPHQWDWLRQ RQ internationally recognized level will yield a successful realization of the %RVQLDQ3\UDPLGVSURMHFW´ 2VPDQDJLFD However, hidden underneath the project’s veneer of science is an equally intense New Age sensationalism and endorsement of ‘mysterious energies’ that drive the pyramid mythology. Many, if not PRVW RI 2VPDQDJLü¶V FRUH VXSSRUWHUV KDYH EDFNJURXQGV HQGRUVLQJ fringe, supernatural, extraterrestrial and conspiratorial theories in their RZQERRNVDQGUHVHDUFK ,&%3&RSSHQV $VKLVSURMHFW KDVPDWXUHG2VPDQDJLüKDVEHFRPHPRUHFRPIRUWDEOHSURPRWLQJWKH pyramids’ esoteric side. For example, the headlining picture on the most UHFHQWRI¿FLDO%RVQLDQ3\UDPLGVZHEVLWHVSRUWVDSLFWXUHRIDS\UDPLG ZLWKDQHQHUJ\EHDPFRPLQJRXWRIWKHWRS )RQGDFLMD 5HDFWLRQDQG5HFHSWLRQ$3RVLWLYH:HOFRPHIRU3\UDPLGV $IWHUKHDGOLQHVEURNHLQS\UDPLGIUHQ]\VZHSW%RVQLDDQG 6HPLU 2VPDQDJLü EHFDPH DQ RYHUQLJKW FHOHEULW\ 7HOHYLVLRQ PHGLD GHSLFWHG2VPDQDJLüDVDNKDNLZHDULQJDGYHQWXUHU²D³%RVQLDQ,QGLDQD -RQHV´² FRPH WR KHOS %RVQLD¶V HFRQRP\ LQ UHFHVVLRQ E\ ERRVWLQJ )2580 Is Public Archaeology a menace? - 28 tourism and by giving the country a positive and sensational past worth LQWHUQDWLRQDOQRWLFH $%&)RHU:RRGDUG 2VPDQDJLüSURPRWHVKLVSURMHFWDVDJUDVVURRWVPRYHPHQWZKHUH the discipline of archaeology is democratized, and where any person can be involved in a positive message and positive economic change. $FFRUGLQJWR2VPDQDJLü Our wish is that Bosnia and Herzegowina [sic] becomes a OLYHO\SODFHZKHUHH[SORUHUVVWXGHQWVSURIHVVRUVYROXQWHHUV RI OLJKWHQHG IDFHV H[FKDQJH WKHLU LQWHUQDWLRQDO VFLHQWL¿F NQRZOHGJH7RXULVPZLOOGHYHORSWKHPDUNHWWKHHFRQRP\ZLOO raise and infrastructures will be built. 2VPDQDJLF He has often implied that the discipline of archaeology, as it is professionally practised now, is an undemocratic and exclusive operation, bordering on a conspiracy, which ‘hides the truth’ about the real past from the public. The project’s sudden popularity has certainly had an impact on WKH ORFDO HFRQRP\ 9LVLWRUV WR 9LVRNR URFNHWHG IURP D PHUH YLVLWRUVD\HDUEHIRUHWKHS\UDPLGVWRU\WRYLVLWRUVLQWKHSHDN \HDU RI )RHU ,Q D UHFHVVLRQ HFRQRP\ VWLOO UHFRYHULQJ IURPDUHFHQWFLYLOZDU WKHS\UDPLGVKDYHJLYHQ9LVRNR a much-needed economic boost. The region has bloomed with new stores selling handmade pyramid souvenirs, new paved roads, new MREVDVWRXUJXLGHVDQGQHZUHVWDXUDQWV 6LWR6XFLF 7KHSURMHFW has undeniably been a great stimulus and inspiration to the Bosnian people. Figure 2. 1HZ EXVLQHVVHV OLNH WKLV RQH ZHUH EXLOW LQ 9LVRNR WRDFFRPPRGDWHWKHLQÀX[ of tourists. This restaurant advertises with a large brick pyramid on its front lawn. (Photo by Tera Pruitt) )2580 Is Public Archaeology a menace? The project has also created a much-desired new history: a Bosnian µ*ROGHQ$JH¶,QDSROLWLFDOO\GLVMRLQWHGFRXQWU\ZKLFKH[SHULHQFHGD JUHDW GHDO RI VXIIHULQJ LQ LWV UHFHQW FLYLO ZDU³QRVWDOJLD IRU WKH ORVW native places and homes, shattered dreams, insecurity, disappointment, SHVVLPLVP DUH FRQWLQXLQJ WR KDXQW HYHU\ERG\´ =KHO\D]NRYD $FFRUGLQJWRPDQ\PDQ\%RVQLDQVDUHGLYLGHGRYHUZKHWKHURU
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