Korean Combat Action Reports for USS Kearsarge

Korean Combat Action Reports for USS Kearsarge

U, S.S. KF,ARSA3GE (CV 33) Fleet Post Office San Francisco, California DOWNGRADED AT 3 YEAR INTEIWALS; NOV I 1952 DECLASSIFIED AFTER 22 YEARS From: Ccmmanding Officer DOD DIR 5200.10 I7 Chief of Naval Operations Via: (1) Comander CarrSer Division FIVE (2) Commander Seventh Fleet (3) Cemmwlder Naval Forces, Far East (4) Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet Subj: ActTon Report for the Period lf+ September 1952 to 20 October 1952 Ref: (a) OPN4V INSTWT':TION 3480.4 Rricl: (1) Carrier Air Group 101 Action Report for the period a September 1952 ta 20 October 1952, 1, Tn accordmze with reference (a), the action report for the period I,!+ Sept,ember 1952 to %C October 1952 is herein submitted. PART I COMPOSITIOfi OF OTlTl FORCSS AVD 'IISSION (a) bring the period of this report the U.S.>?. KYARSAFGE jdperzted in company with the U.q.S. WJHOPE1" rZTCH,TRD (CV 37), U.S.T. PRIITCETO'T (CV 3l), the U.c.c. RSWX (CV 9) and with various heavy smport and screen?.n,o ships. The composition of carriers in the force varied from two (2) to four (4) carriers' (b) During the subject period the U.S.S. KUWARGY (CV 33) opepated off the Tast coast of Korea in accordance with CTF 77 Operation Order 22-51, second rqvj SZ oq> plus sulcrplemental plans and orders issued during the period. (c) The assinned mission-of the force, in supnort of the United Bations conflict w5th-Morth Korea, was interdiction of supply and transportation facilities and. close air support of United Nations troops. PART I1 14 Sepz 0552 Underway from Yokosuka, Japn, for Operating Area in accerdance with Cbii5C9W~IV5 dispatch 13006162 of September J y53 and C.fMSWIQJTf-4 FIATdispatch lG@l36Z of SeFternber 1952, 15 Sep: Proceeding to operatin? area, 1315 Conducted AA "Uncle" firing exercise. 1512 Refueled U. P .5. KIUD (DD-661). 1 ORIGINAL 1 9 ' DECLASSIFIED PP~RT 11 GCbntinued) 16 sep: Conducted r fr sher air operations, 1622 Refueled USS KIDD (DD-661). 23?2 Joined TP 77. OTC MDM H, T. R'TA'T, USN CTF 77 adCO!.ICLR 3TV 1, in the lJ.S.S. BON HOMJIF: RICHARD (CV 31j. i'7 c. i UF2TZ Conducted Air Gperations. 1844 Refukled U.S.S. HUBBARD (DD 7'48)i 2l40 IJ. S .S. FRIMCETON (CV-37) departed 3he Task Force , 18 Sep: Conchcted air operations. 0942 U.F.S. TOLTDO (CA 133) joined Task Force. 19 @ep: Task Force reQlenished. 20 Sep: Conducted air operations, lC45 lJ.C.S. TSSEX (cv 9) joined Task Force. 1852 Refieled Us?.?. "73DTRQUR.N ("D 684) 21 sep: Conducted air operations. 1850 IZADY 3. F. hiCKVY, IJSN, COECARDIV 5, in this ship, relieved RA4Q1T Ii. 7. TCTGAJT, USX, COMCARDIV 1, in the U.~.~.EON HONXF, RICH4'D (CV-3l), as CTF v7. 1904 Refueled 7.c. c. HO'JT TLL (39 681). 2030 U .@ .$. TPLYDO (CA-133) departed the Task Force. 22 Sep: Conducted air operat: ons. 1245 U.S.S. HTTA (CA 75) joined Task Force. 23 Sepr Task Force replenished. 0745 U,' .S. HEL'WA (CA 75) departed Task Force. 1757 U.S.S. E'SFX (CV-0) departed Task Force. 24 Sep: Conducted 3ir oper%tions, 0,500 [email protected]. IO'*'A (BB 61) joined Task Force. 1'3830 General Mark CLARK, Commander, United N? tions Forces Far East, VADN Ii. P. 9RIJC@E, CC!";N,?VFE, and VADIY J. J. CLARK , CQ14FWHJTTHFLT, came on board via helicopter from the U.S.S. TOWA (SB 61) for an official visit, 1253 the abo e visiting officers returned to U.S.3. IO-'-h (P- 61) via, helicopter, 1305 U.S.S. IOJA (BB 01) departed Task Force. 25 Sep: Air operations cancelled due to weath-r. 0702 U.S.S. JUNYAU (CLU 119) jo5ned Task Force, 2000 U.S.-C. JUNQU (CLAA 119) departed Task Force. 26 Sep: Conducted air operst'ons. C525 U.S.S. 1O'~'A (BS 61) joined Task Force. 27 S(?F: Conducted air operations. 0711 U.S.S. JuTJ%?'7 (CLA1 119) jo'ned Task Force, 1008 I:.@.?. 1O.i' (?R 61) deuarted Task Foroe. 28 Sep: Task Force reDlenished. 0559 U,S.S. F"S2X (CV 9) joined Task Force. 1320 T1.S.c. SON HOI?')T RTCHORD (CV 31) departed Task Force. l419 Conducted AA qnnery exercise. 2125 U.C.S. JUM'WJ (CLAA 119) departed Task Force. 2 , CLASSIFIED P PART I1 (Continued) 29 Sep: Conducted a.i r operati ons . 30 Sep: Conducted eir operations, ,1515 LT.JG J. TsJ. SHOOK, 521443/1310, in F41J Bureau Number 81277, crashed in water near Songjin. Probable cause unknown, rdnqnan reports no SurVivors, 1650 U.p.S. TOT'? (BT! 61) joined Task Force, 1 Octr Conduc%ed air operations, 0825 VADF J, *J. CLARK, COKSYVTJTHFLT, came on board via helicopter from V.S.S. IOTTA (RB 61) for conference with CTF 77, 0940 V4DI5 CL".",K deprted via helicopter. 0945 [email protected]. J0"A (FB 61) departed Task Force. 2.0ct: Task Force reQlenished. 1447 Conducted 'A firing exercise. 3 Oct: Conducted ?ir operations, 4 Oct: Conducted air operations, 0930 U,?.S. PRIIJCYTCY (CV 37) joined Task Force. 1015 LT., R. F. JOHVON, 3057Pr/1305, USNR, in air- craft B4VY Bureau Number 80798, while on scr,cdulec! combat mission, was shot down bv MTG aircraft near WOXSX'L', VORTH KORE?=. Filot preslimed killed. 1945 U.S.?. IQrU (FB 61) jo'nld Task Force. 5 Oct: Conducted air operations, 1110 V'Dr? J. J. CLfiRK, CONSEVPJTHFLT, came on board via helicopter, l4O4 VfibDP? CL?.hqK departed the ship viF helicopter. 1747 4D brean Vwnber 125712 crashed into water due to f~jhlreof catanult sling on take-off, Pilot and crew member recovered, unink-ed. ltSZl, U.S.C. I0"A (BB 61) departed Task Force. 6 Oct: Ta,sk Force renler;ished, 1558 Conducted firing 2xcrcise. 7 Oct: Conducted air operations. ll01 F4U Bureau ?lumber 96769, Ensign Lioyd F. TR@UTl 139355/1315, USVR, landed with wheels up due to mechanical failure of landing gear. I10 personiel injured. 1512~AQ Bureau Nwber 123993, Lieutenant C. Q. >I?JRPHY, 4195C4/1315, USNR, cmshed in water off T?OB?S'N HARBOR, NORTH KORU, due to enqine failure. Pilot rescued uniqjurod, 8 Oct: Conducted air operations. 0901 U.=.S. IC:r. (I32 61) joincd Task Force. 0935 V.".DM J. J. CL'IGC, COI'ISYVEYTHFLT, came en board via helicopter. 1041 V'DM CL"V departed via helicopter. 1133 V'Pr CLnRK retumled on board. 1259 V?Dr/( CL'RK departed via helicopter. 1545 U.S.S. 10'" (23 61) departed Task Force. 9 Oct: Conducted air operations. 1010 2. F .S . JUNPXJ (CL.L: 119) joined Task Force. 3 DECLASSIFIED PART I1 (Continued) 10 Oct: Task Force replenished. 0645 U.S.S. FELENA (CYi-75) joined Task Force. 1130 R'IX T,T. G. SCHINDLVR, C'E 77.1 and COMCL"L;XCIV3, came cn board via helicopter. 1340 R'DM SCFINDLER departed via helicopter. 1539 Conducted nA firing exercise. il Oct: I4orninq air operations cancelled due to weath, r. Flew t? sorties during afternoon. 0845 U. -,c. H,7LEDlR:11(C:? 75) departed Task Force. 12 Oct: Conducted air operations. G7C4 1J.S.S. IOTR(a" 61) joined Task Force, 0839 ADM A. W. R-',DFCRD, CINCP'CFLT, VA'iDIvI 3. P. BRISCG3, C0fiPizVrr7;;, V"_CY J. J, CI,''?,K, C@?%TVr;S\jTMFLT, -2JD R"<.DIY J. %. GTNGRICH, CTF 95, c-me on boqrd vla helicopter on official visit. lS09 U.S.S. BOb3 HOIr'T: 9ICF ?I! (CV 31) joiii,d Task Force, 1130 R"DH H. E. T?G'V, CO!fCnRDJV 1, came on board via helicoptcr, 1301 the above visiting officers departed via helicopter. 1339 U.P.S. 10';" (BB 61) denartcd Task Force. 13 oct: Conducted air opcr8tions. ill5 IJOC.FC,Er"SEY (CV 9) and U.'.S. JTThiT"^.!T (CLYi 119) departed Task Force to replenish. 1404 U.c.S. TC)": (RR 61) joined Task Force. 1408 V'.C?I J. 2. CL-"RK, C0XSEEXTH-r FLT, came on board via helicopter for conference. 1700 U.S. C. ,TTTnT"XJ ( CLoUr:119) joined Task Force. 1825 U.cI. S. IUCi (EE 61) departed Task Force. U.S.S. R@S.!X (CV 9) joined Task Force. If+ Oct: Conducted air opera tjons during morning. 0400 U .S, S PRINCETON (CV-37) departed.Task Force to renlenish. C937 R*DDiI H. 3. R'G.'J> IlSiY, CONCFRDTV I, assumed Tactical Ccmarld of Task Force 7'7. 0940 9"DM R. F. HICKPI-', CGVC*J.DIV 5, departed this ship for the U.S.S. RODT HOW RJCH"P,D (CV 31) via helicopter. 1045 U.S.S. KB;RS'RGE (CV 33) departed Task Force to replenish. 1740 R'DM HICKEY returned on board via. helicopter. 2312 Rejoined Task Force 77. 2318 R'DM HTCKEY, in tkis ship assumed Tactical Ccmmand of Task Force 77. 15 oct: Conducted air operations. 16 Oct: Condu-cted air operations. 0940 'D Bureau Number 123962, pilot Cammaqder B, T. SII.IPlJDS, lO@25G, crashed while making deck launch. at Pilot was not recovered. 1210 U .$. S. FRINC3TGR (CV 37) departed Task Force. 17 Oct: Conducted air operations. 0328 U,?.S. BOI3 HOPME XCH RD (CV 31) departed Task Force to real ezish. 1010 U.S.S. 13OV HOIP'X TZICH RD (CV 31) rejoined Task Ferce, lU+5 U.,C.S, LC' >JJGELTS (C~L135) joined Task Force. __ 18 Gctr Tssk Yoorce replenished.

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