Rockstar Invitation

Rockstar Invitation

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Her tail female, Roxie Pine, was one of Zippo Pine Bar!s best producers. Nominated to the AQHA Incentive Fund, NE Breeders Futurity, NSBA Breeders Championship and eligible for NSBA Licensing Programs and Southern Belle. By ABSOLUTE INVESTMENT (1995). A Dan & Carol McWhirter Reference Sire. 1st dam Good Roxie Pine, by Good Asset. Dam of 6 foals, 1 performer-- Iotas Lil Miss (f. by Iota Invest). 14 points: top 15, NSBA World 2-Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure. 2nd dam Roxie Pine Miss, by The Invester. Dam of 3 foals, 1 performer-- Hes Investability (g. by Investment Capital). 10 points & $1,640: Silver Classic 2-Year-Old Limited Open Reserve Champion; Open Performance ROM. 3rd dam Roxie Pine, by Texas Pine. Dam of-- FOUR L ROXZIP (Zippo Pine Bar). 275 points: Reserve World Champion Western Pleasure; Open & Youth Superior Western Pleasure. ZIPPOS CARDINAL (Zippo Pine Bar). 256 points: Open & Youth Superior Western Pleasure. ZIPPO!S JAN (Zippo Pine Bar). 251 points: AQHA Champion; Open & Youth Superior Western Pleasure. Dam of-- EYED BEA ZIP. 117 points: Open Superior Western Pleasure. She Be Zippin. 21 points: Open Perofrmance ROM. Zippos Roxie Ann (Zippo Pine Bar). Dam of-- ZIPPIN READY. 109 points & $16,363: Big Cheese 2-Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Whistle Stop 3-Year-Old Limited Western Pleasure Co-Reserve Champion; Tom Powers 3-Year-Old Lim- ited Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Southern Belle 3-Year- Old Limited Open Western Pleasure Reserve Champion; Superior West- ern Pleasure. REBEL N ZIP. 111 points: Open Superior Western Pleasure. Jenny Pine Bar (Zippo Pine Bar). Dam of-- Good N Plenty Pine. 68 points & $1,871: Open Peformance ROM. Sheza Bar Leaguer. 3 Halter points: Georgia QHA Futurity 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure Champion; Dam of-- NR CANYOUSAY GOODBAR. 124 points & $3,201: AQHA Champion; top 15, World Show Amateur Performance Halter Gelding. svp 5/10 CATALOG CORRECTION-SELLS IN FOAL Hip No. Property of Dan and Carol McWhirter Hip No. 4 Good Roxie Pine 4 2000 Chestnut Mare BRED TO ABSOLUTE INVESTMENT Zippo Pine Bar Zippos Mr Good Bar { Tamara Wess Good Asset { Top Rebel Miss Rebel Rita { Rita!s Orphan Good Roxie Pine { Zippo Pat Bars 4013797 The Invester { Hank!s Peppy Lou Roxie Pine Miss { Texas Pine 1993 Roxie Pine { Bay Kinker NOTES: Good Roxie Pine is a picture perfect daughter of Good Asset with a beautiful head and neck, correct legs and good tail set. She uniformly stamps her foals with her quality and style. Easy breeder, she maintains her pregnan- cies without regumate. Last BRED on June 29, 2010 to ABSOLUTE INVEST- MENT. PRODUCE RECORD: 2004 Lil Miss Iota, f. by Iota Invest. 2005 Double Ur Investment, g. by Iota Invest. 2006 Iotas Lil Miss, f. by Iota Invest. 14 points: top 15, NSBA World 2-Year-Old Limited Open Western Pleasure. 2007 Iota Be Roxie, f. by Iota Invest. 2009 Absolutley Roxie, f. by Absolute Investment. Sells today as Hip 2. 2010 Absolutely So Pine, f. by Absolute Investment. Sells today as Hip 3. By GOOD ASSET (1989). Earner of 51 points in 3 events: 8th, Congress Junior W estern Pleasure. A 2009 AQHA Leading Perform ance Sire in 3 divisions and an NSBA All-Tim e Leading Sire, siring the earners of 13,885 points, 275 ROM and 70 Superiors and $640,000.

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