~~rdo f GCJrt tlCbe .orlbwibej}eW5 OF THE WORLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD VOL. III ,NO. 15 PASADENA, CALIF . JULY 21, 1975 English campus may reopen this fall BIG SANDY - There is a " 60 to possibility of reopening the campus 70 percent" chance that Ambassador is great, and all kinds of things can College at Bricket Wood , England, come out of the decision ." will be reope ned this fall , said Gamer Leon Walker, chairman of the Ted Armstrong in a surprise an­ Theology Depanment in Big Sandy nouncement in his "Personal" for and fanne r dean of students in En­ this issue of The Worldwide News. gland, said he was " thrilled pink to He said he wanted to take the breth­ see it open again. I think there's a lot : ~ ren into his co nfide nce" at the earli­ to be said for a small. intimate cam.. " est planning stages. " but he said the pus of that nature where everybody decision was not defi nite . knows' everybody . I would be very Mr. Armstrong is presently study­ thrilled if it would open again." ing the feasibility of reope ning the Dr. David Wainwright, who was Br ick er Wood camp us "with a dean of facu lty in Bricket Wood streamlined curric ulum aimed pri­ when the college closed and cur­ rrtarily at developing the ministry and rently on vacation here. said: leaders who would go into the Inter­ "'One tends to think the Interna­ national Division." He asked the tional Division will increase in te­ Business Office in Pasadena to con­ sponsibility and will need a lot more duct a thorough study of the financial manpower . With the smaller setup in feasibilit y of thecampus' reopening . Bricket Wood , it is ideal for special­ "Meanwhile , I am conduc ting ized t.raining.·' far-reaching meetings with many of Dr. Wainwright, who has a B.A . our leading ministers concerni ng the and an M.A. from Oxford University necessary personnel changes which in England , said the "theological would be required , selection offacul­ section in the library is good and ty, and all of the dozens of related would need very little tooling up if subjects which would need thorough we have .a ministerial-train ing pro­ discu ssion prior to reopening the gram." CAMPUS MAY REOPEN - The Bricket Wood campus of AmbassadorColJege, above, may recipento students Bricket Wood campus," Mr. Arm­ Nationalities this fall. Garner Ted Armstrong feels there is a to percent chance the campus will reopen. (Photo Ian strong said. 23 60 70 by He said the college there had 35 Henderson] . -', . , . 120 Students countrie s represented in the student velopm ent . ·'It is great for the British . po~~/t;:st:~re ~~dr~;:S :~~ ::::~;i:'ithH~3f:::;~~:I~~::u~~~: ~:: 'Sl~~~;:~~~a~lt~:~e~~~:~~ . A 'Personol.Leuer . r. .' .~ .."around .tzn..studel)ts.':. rather .than "useful from .the .proxiini~~iQi.o-.e.~:thji&,~PS-~ n~y'ot:. , ,, Y{~~ ~ ;;. ~ JI1.: . ~.:~., :.\.·..;.:~. ·.t':'.'(;:f. ·,,~ <.:~.t : :, ~ ·~. : ~, ~ -_ -:-- > 'J ~ ' '.'..'t;.-..,.:., _ -~-;: .;.t",. ~~ ., . .:o...~":.: ~~:~:-:'>"' :;.' : ":.~.-,:..,,, ' ,--' ." «~ : -4: >;~~~~f::::::;:::::~: ~ ~ ~[~;2~~~~fF~i~ " " 1~~~~~?~ff~1~;1;~{ < " ~o m ~»~ t., -. * ,.' ( -'.. pote ntial reopening are in Mr. perspectives.' Work in Europe." . ,i;I~ ~ : Armstrong's " Personal," beginning . Ian Hufton , 1975 Big Sandy grad- He said the announcement is " re- . , on this page, which is devoted en- uate who was slated to be Bricket ally explosive," comparab le to the to conduct a thor ough fina ncial tirely to the subject.) Wood student-body president the time when it was announced the Dear brethren in Christ: Leslie McCullough , director of the year the college closed , thinks the cam pus was closi ng in Bricker Greeting s! I have SENSATIO NAL . feasibility study, Meanwhile, I am NEWS I want to share with you. ' conducting 'far-reaching mee tings International Division. said," The announcement is a "fabulous" de- (See ENG LI SH CAMPUS, page 7) I have been having top-level con­ with many of our leading ministers ferences. with several of our leading concerning the necessary personnel evangelists and other ministers con­ changes which would be required, Conference.in England 'profitable' cerning a wonderful development in selectionof faculty and all of the doz­ God' s Work which I know would ens of related subjects which would BIG SANDY - Leslie L. McCul­ assistant to Mr. McCullough, were meetings ~ith ministers were held have soon leaked out and be put on need thorough discussion prior to re­ lough, director of the International also on hand for the conference. over dinne r in the evenings. the 'grapevine. As I have frequently opening the Bricket Wood campus. Divi sio n. returned to the Unite d Mr. McCullough said the " work­ Mr. Knowles, who toured En­ done in the past in my " Personal" in Brethren , that beautiful, fabulous States after conducting , along with ing" ministerial conference, held in gland and Scotland for a week by car the WN, I want to take all of you campus has been simply closed up, C . Wayne Cole. director of the U.S. Bricket Wood for all ordained men in after the conference, said he felt the brethren into my'confidence at the with only a token maintenance CT( W Church Administration Division the British Isles as well as' aU En­ conference was a unifying influence earliest PLANNING STAGES in order to keeping its buildings intact, and we (CAD), a ministerial conference iri glish-speaking ministers in Europe , for the ministry there. " The prime avoid any rumors or distorted ver­ had even allowed the college proper­ England, visiting four Scandinavian was " very profitable;" benefit was for the unification which sions reaching you which may not be ties to be listed with one of the lead­ services and,Bible studies and hold­ He said doc trinal and procedural it gave in' philosophy, approach and clear . ing estate agents in England. I have ing talks with regional directors.of ' matters were discussed over the four outlook." Now the news: in my posse ssio n their brochu re the Intematjona l Division during the days' of meetings, which were held The only non-European minister J am studying the jeasibiliry ofre­ which was published for the purpose three weeks from June 21 to July 13. from 10 to 12 in the morning and 2 to atte nd ing the meetings was Bob opening Am bassador College, of advertising the college as being , Brian Knowles, man aging editor of 4 in the afternoon. Fahey , director of the South African Brickel Wood! . for sale. (see CONFERENCE, p8g8 7) I have asked ou~ Business Office The Good News , and Steve Martin, Mr . McCullough. sa id further Blood, Sweat and Tears 'Here is a complete college cam­ .- pus. representing YEARSof develop­ Buck Owens, Charley Pride ment and the blood, sweat and tears . of hundreds of lives, including that of to',perform.at Festival sites . my father, Mr.Herbert Armstrong, who devoted so much of his personal BIG SANDY - Country-western tiga te the possibilities of signi ng time and energy to the development singer Charley Pride will perform at quality , name entertainers for some of the campus in its very early years Niagara Fa lls ; N:Y .• and Buck special performances during the Fes- after he and I together had seen the Owe ns and the Bucka roos . the tivals. " . wonderful possibility of the original country-western singing group and Tickets for the Buck Owens per­ grounds of Hanstead House clear principa l performers on the U.S. fonnan ces will sell for $5 each . back in 1959. television series Hee Haw, will per­ Charley Prid e Show From the time of its closure one form at each or the four Church­ (See PERSONAL. _ 71 owned Festival sites in the United The Inte rnatio na l Convention States during the Feast of Taberna­ Center at Niagara Falls has booked . ATIENTION cles in September. Chartey Pride' s show for an eveni ng According to Festival director Bill during the Feast; according to Gary This issue of The World· McDowell , Buck Owens and his Amlon, Festival coordinator for that wide News is the last copy group will perfoim al Big Sandy; site. He said the convention center that will be mailed 10 you if Lake of the Ozarks, Mo.; Wisconsin would give Church members ,ofJlSI you have not renewed your Dells, Wis.; and Mount Pocono. Pa. , shot" at tickets for the show. , subscripUon. MINISTERIAL CONFERENCE - English·speaking ministers from the ~o r British I$Iwlind 1;\I11lllQ, ~ ho w n out3Kl6 6llnj6mln Rell HlIli In Brickel ondates yet 10 he dtlemUlltd. The program will be at Q pm. renewaJInslrucll ons, Wood , England, were partof a four-oay conterence there June 2310 26. Mr. McDoweU said Gamer Ted Thursday, Sept. 25. Tickets are $4. see our ad on Page 16. [Photo by Brian Butler] . Ann strong had "asked me toinves- (SM BUCK OWENS. _ 71 ' ... :..,..... .....__.. ._. 2 The WORLDWIDE NEWS Monday, July 21 , 1975 lisb this constitution for the United States tioo were thoroughly familiar with. ceo­ of America.,. It is evident from this and Ira1 go vernment: that of Greal BriWn. the above that wbal was established was They were familiar100 with the idea of a ,!,etteM not a DeW natio n. but a new government central governmeot in America. since TEEN WRITING for a nation that was clearl y already in many plans for one bad been proposed TO THE EDITOR existence. duringthe 18thcentury. Mostof theplans had· been for frontier defense and DOne CONTEST As of die mometlt John Adams. secondPresident and a Thank you {Herbert W. Armstrong} signerofthe Declaredon, stated tbat: " the bad been adopted, so they offered little guidance in 1776.
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