SOCIAL MEDIA 11 - 17 MARCH 2019 ISSUE N: 102 PresideNt Salome Zourabichvili Paid aN Official Visit to ArmeNia 13-14.03.2019 YEREVAN • WithiN the frames of her visit, PresideNt Zourabichvili held meetiNgs with the PresideNt of ArmeNia ArmeN SarkissiaN, Prime MiNister Nikol PashiNyaN, PresideNt of the NatioNal Assembly Ararat MirzoyaN aNd His HoliNess KarekiN II, Catholicos of All ArmeNiaNs. • Discussed: AdvaNciNg bilateral relatioNs, streNgtheNiNg political, ecoNomic aNd cultural cooperatioN, eNhaNciNg parliameNtary cooperatioN, situatioN iN the occupied territories of Georgia. • “We attach great importaNce to implemeNtiNg eNergy aNd logistics projects iN the South Caucasus to eNsure regioNal security, sustaiNability, aNd developmeNt….” PresideNt SarkissiaN said. MORE Prime MiNister Mamuka Bakhtadze Paid a WorkiNg Visit to JapaN 13-15.03.2019 TOKYO • IN the frames of his workiNg visit Prime MiNister Bakhtadze met with Deputy Prime MiNister aNd MiNister of FiNaNce Tarō Asō, MiNister of ForeigN Affairs Tarō KōNo, other goverNmeNt officials aNd busiNess sector represeNtatives. • Discussed: StreNgtheNiNg political aNd ecoNomic relatioNs, favorable iNvestmeNt eNviroNmeNt of Georgia, eNhaNciNg cooperatioN iN the field of educatioN aNd tourism. • DuriNg the visit PM Bakhtadze officially opeNed "Georgia-HomelaNd of WiNe" ExhibitioN celebratiNg GeorgiaN viNiculture aNd history, where the visitors are able to see uNique archaeological exhibits of Georgia. • WithiN the scope of the visit JapaN-Georgia BusiNess Forum was held aNd MemoraNdum of UNderstaNdiNg was sigNed betweeN the MiNistry of EcoNomy aNd SustaiNable DevelopmeNt of Georgia aNd JapaNese GoverNmeNt CorporatioN - NippoN Export aNd INvestmeNt INsuraNce. MORE MiNister of ForeigN Affairs of the Republic of VaNuatu Paid His First Official Visit to Georgia 14.03.2019 TBILISI • IN the framework of his visit MiNister of ForeigN Affairs of VaNuatu Ralph RegeNvaNu held meetiNgs with PresideNt Salome Zourabichvili, Speaker of the ParliameNt Irakli Kobakhidze aNd MiNister of ForeigN Affairs David ZalkaliaNi. • Discussed: CooperatioN iN the fields of educatioN, culture, ecoNomy, healthcare, eNviroNmeNt, situatioN iN the occupied territories of Georgia, eNhaNciNg multilateral aNd regioNal co-operatioN. • DuriNg the visit MemoraNdum of Co-operatioN betweeN the ForeigN MiNistries of Georgia aNd the Republic of VaNuatu was sigNed. • MiNister RegeNvaNu also visited the occupatioN liNe Near village Odzisi aNd observed the situatioN oN the grouNd. MORE 100 Years of GeorgiaN ParliameNtarism 12.03.2019 TBILISI • Georgia celebrated the CeNteNary ANNiversary of ParliameNtarism. The history of the GeorgiaN CoNstitueNt Assembly dates back 100 years, wheN it coNveNed its first sessioN oN FOLLOW US ON: 12 March 1919. With its compositioN aNd two-year activities, the CoNstitueNt Assembly weNt as a uNique case oN the record of GeorgiaN aNd eveN world democracy. /mfageorgia/ • The ParliameNts of various couNtries, iNcluded Norway, Israel, FraNce, Great BritaiN, /MFAgovge SpaiN, FiNlaNd, HuNgary, ArmeNia, Kuwait, PolaNd, Turkey aNd RomaNia coNgratulated /DZalkaliani Georgia aNd uNderliNed that the first ParliameNt of Georgia has created the excelleNt /MFAGEO example of democracy aNd thus, gave the fouNdatioN to the free aNd democratic Republic of Georgia. • “It is the greatest hoNor for us to mark the 100th aNNiversary of this historical fact iN free aNd iNdepeNdeNt DEVELOPED BY: Georgia, the ParliameNt of which keeps the democratic traditioN created by our great aNcestors”, - the Strategic CommuNicatioNs DepartmeNt MFA of Georgia Speaker, Kobakhidze stated. MORE [email protected].
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