TRADES DIRECTORY.] STAFFORDSHIRE. DRE 663 Slater William, Halesowen t;treet, !IThomas Dvd, II Dudley rd.W'hmptn IIWightman Geo. g Caldmore rd. Walsll Black Heath, Dudley Thorley George, Kingsley, Stoke tWild G. & C. II London rd. Stoke Smith & Johnson,6~ewport la.Burslm rhursfield Mrs. Katherine~ 78 Lower *Wilde & Co. 21 Park street, Walsall 1Bmith Arthur Henry, 65 & 67 Liver- Mayor street, Hanley Wilkinson Mrs. E. 13 Hill st. Hanley pool road, Stoke Tildesley .Arthur Thomas, I4 Market Wilks E. S. Market pi. Uttoxeter S.O Smith Edwin, High street, Quarry place, Willenhall, Wolverhampton tWillett George Green, High street. Bank, Brierley Hill Timmis Edward, High street, TunstaU Chase Town, Cannock Chase.Walsall Smith .Miss E. 40 Francis st.W'hmptn Tipper & Son, High st.Cheadle,Stffrd Willett Thos. 23 Newcastle st. Burslem Smith F. W. Station st.Hednsfrd.Stffd Tipton Co-operative Industrial & Pro­ Willetts .Alfred, I03 & I04 Lawrence Smith Mrs. J. P.gHeron st.Fentn.Stke vident Society Limited (The) (Wm. lane, Old Hill S.O Smith Job J oel, Burntwood, Lichfield S. Stain ton, sec.), 48 Owen street & Willetts Mrs. Susannah, Beholding Smith John, 25 Oxford st. Bilston High street, Prince's end, Tipton Green road, Cradley Heath S.O tSmith Jsph. I9 Church st. Darlaston Toft T. 99 Leek rd. Smallthorne,Stoke Williams D.94 Garratt's la.Old Hl.S.O ~Smith Mrs. Mary, go Walsall street, tTolefreeJ.&Son,24Dudley st. W'hmptn Williams Geo.High st.BlackHth.Dudly W illenhall, Wolverhampton TompkinW. Church st. Silverdle. N we stl Williams T. H. Mill st. Brierley Hill Smith Mrs. M . .A. Pitts Hill, Stoke Tranter Mrs. J. I25 High st. Longton Williams William, 7I Belgrave road, Smith Samuel, High street, Quarry Turner & Marshall, Bird st. Lichfield Florence, Longton Bank, Brierley Hill Turner Jas. High twn.Cannock,Stffrd t Williamson Jas. Tape st. Cheadle,Stf!d Smith Thos. 97 B!oomfield rd. Tipton Turnock John & Son, Bank ho.Rugely Williamson Miss Mary, I4 Russell st. Smith T. Fegg hayes, Gt. Chell,Stoke Underwood Geo. R.270xford st.Bilston Dresden, Longton Smith Thomas Charles, Station st. rcpton Mrs. A. 22 Greengate st.Stffrd IIWilson Jas. I9 Lower Hall la. Walsall Hednesford, Stafford Valiance George William, Brewood ho. Wilson J. Cannock rd.Hednsfrd.Stffrd Smith William,I08 Bath street,Walsall Brewood, Stafford t*Winfield Jn. S. 9 Market pi. Leek Smyrk & Bradbury, Dam ~t.Lichfield I!Vallance James Baird, 39 Waterloo Wingrove R. Brindley Ford, Congleton ~Smyth Mrs. L.soa, Station st.Burton road south, Wolverhampton fWinzer Geo. -4I Rowley st. Stafford Snaith Joseph,39 St. Edward st.Stoke 1"Vaughan .A. 8 Red Lion sq.Newcastle tWood Geo. S. 83 Station st. Burton tSnape J. & Son, 47 Church st.Bilston Vernon J. Five Ways, Cannock,Staffrd Wood Hy. 9 New st. Bucknall, Stoke Snape James, High street, Wednes- Vickers Mrs. Hannah,74 Heathcote st. Wood Mrs. M. 27 Russell st. Leek field, Wolverhampton Kidsgrove, Stoke Wood Mrs. Sarah, High street, Sparrow Mrs. R. Coseley, Bilston Vig~;ars Misses Elizabeth & Annie, Bradley Green, Congleton Spencer Tyeth .A. 2 Sheep mrkt.Leek Church street, Silverdale, Newcastle tWoodall & Co. 55 Greengate st.Stffrd Spicer Mrs. A. 266 Stafford st.Walsall tWagstaff & Co. Hig-h st.Uttoxetr.S.O Woodhall Mrs. Mary E. 223 Stafford Standley Mrs.H. I4 Pinfold st.Wdnsbry Wain .Mrs. S . .A.Ashley,Market Draytn street, W alsall Stanley E.J. 158High st.Bloxwch. Wlsll Wakefield J.Speedwell cstl.Brewd. Stffd tWoodroffe Thomas, I Market street, Stephens S. &, M. 47 Butt rd.Walsall Waldron Mrs. Priscilla, 30 Ranelagh Kidsgrove, Stoke Stephens &, Stephens,_ I7I High street, road, Wolverhampton Wooldridge Jn. 8 Gaolgate st.Stafford Bloxwich; -40 Park street; 44 Brace tWalker Frank, Io Dudley st. W'hmptn Woolley Miss Sarah Ann, High street, st. &, ll59 Stafford st. Walsall Walker Richard, Brownbills, Walsall Cheadle, Stafford !Stephenson Frederick, I7D High st. Walklate H.High ~t. Wolstanton,Stoke Wootton A. L. 32 Market st.Tamwrth West Bromwich; & at Bilston Wall Jn.J.166 High st.West Bromwich Wright Edward, Norton Canes,Staffrd Stephenson J.43 Market st.Fentn.Stke Wall Miss M.Waterfall la.Old Hill S.O Wright F.2a,Carlisle st.Dresdn.Longtn Stevenson Fredk. 78 High st. Bilston Waiter Hy. I3I Hill top,We.Bromwich Wright Jn. 4 Willenhall st. Darlaston I!Stevenson Jas.26 Albert st.Newcastle tWalton Mrs. S. 104 Hope st. Hanley Wright John H. 268 Stafford st. Walsll +Stevenson Jn. 29 St. Edward st.Leek Ward Charles, Cawdry buildings, Leek Wright Wm. SI Greengate st.Stafford Steward William, Church street, Wed- Ward Charles Edward, 54 & 56 Great Wyke R. 7I New st. West Bromwich nesfield, Wolverhampton Bridge street, West Bromwich Yarnold & Yarnold, 249 High street, ~Stobart R. 38 Queen sq.Wolverhmptn tWard F.72 Hall green,Bradley,Bilston West Bromwich tStodd-ard James,High street, Bradley tWard John, 23 Stafford lit. Longton Yates Richd. 29 Liverpool rd. Stoke Green, Congleton !Ward Mrs. L. M. I22 High st.Brly.Hl Yeomans Arth. Wm. Brewood, Staffrd tStoddard T. 7 l'arliament st. Hanley !Ward Mrs.S.ReddalHill rd.OldHl.S.O York T. J. Cods all, Wolverhampton Stokes J.I77 High st.Bloxwich,Walsall Warder .Misses Mary & Edith, Castle Young Mrs. M. 82 .Ablewell st. W alsall Street Wm. Norton Canes, Stafford street, Coseley, Bilston Stubbs Miss .Ann, I .Adelaide !!treet, Warder Jn. H. 82 Bloomfield rd. Tiptn Allison J. & Co. Lim. Regent house, Fenton, Stoke Warner Alfd. Lawrence, Alton, Stoke Regent st. & Argyll st. London W Stubbs Mrs. E. 4 Liverpool rd.Bnrslm Washington Mrs. Eliza, I8 Victoria Whiteley William,3I to 55 & 6r West­ Stubbs W. Hig,h st. Tutbury, Burton road, Fenton, Stoke bourne g,rove W& 147 to I59 Queen's tStubb!! William,r Silver st.Tamworth Watkin Mrs . .Ann, 6o Vine st. Hanley road, LoP-don W Summerfield John Benjamin, 35 Staf- tWatkin:\frs.S . .A.73Stoke rd.Shltn.Stke DRAPERS' STATIONERY ford street, Wolverhampton Watkins J.30 Bromford la.We.Brmwh WAREHOUSE. Smnmerland William, 39 & 40 Vie- tWatkins T. 23 North st.Wolvrhmptn Clernents, Nevvling & eo. drapers' toria street, Wolverhampton Watson Mrs. Emma,I8 High st. Stoke stationery, account book,gnm ticket, tSurtee& Robert,r3 Longsdale st.Stoke I!Watts Wm. Jas.IB West st.Newcastle label & window ticket warehouse, Sutherns Miss .Alice, 59~ Horninglow Wayte Philip Henry, I & 3 Uttoxeter duplicate bill-head printers, bag street, Burton road, Normacott, Longton makers, lithographers &c. &c. 95 & tSutton Mrs. H. 154Spon la."\Ve.Brmwh Weaver John, 9 .America st. Tunstall 90 Wood street, London E c; list of Sutton Henry, Kingsley, Stoke Weaver T. Meir la. Caverswall, Stoke prices post free tSutton John, I7 Stanley st. Leek Weaver W.Fegg hayes,Gt. Chell,Stoke Sutton Samuel, 257 Uttoxeter road, Webb J.ga,Hopkins st.Burnt tree,Tptn DRAUGHTSMEN. Normacott, Longton Webb William, Gnosall, Stafford Keys T. 288 High st. West Bromwich Sweetnam Wm. Wheaton .Aston,Stffrd WebsterMissR. wGeorge st. Tamwortb Leach J. S.22Nicholls st. We.Bromwich t*Swifb Thos.1&3Parliament rw.Hanly Webster Wm. 41 Ironmarket, Newest! DRESSMAKERS. Swinnerton Mrs. Emily, Church st. Weinstein S. Market hall,W'hampton .. Silverdale, Newcastle I!Weir A.27 & 28 Snow hl.Wolvrhmptn See also Milliners. Sylvester C. & .A Liverpool road, !Wenlock T. Church st.Cannock,Stffrd Adams :Miss Florence, 65 Belgrave rd. Kidsgrove, Stoke t"Westwood John,Brockmoor,Brierly.Hl Florence, Longton Sylvester Chas. 6 Station rd. Tunstall WhalleyMrs.C.Ravens la . .Audly.~wcstl .Adams Mrs.H.7Rm1buck st.We.Brmwh Taylor John, Harriseahead, Stoke !Wheatley Jas,237 High st.We.Brmwh .Adams Miss R. J. 77 Darlington st. tTaylor MissL. .A. 55 Vicarage st.Wlsll Wheeler G. E.54 & 56Market st.Lngtn Wolverhampton Teeton Wm.75 & 77 Stafford st.Hanly tWheeler Mrs.R. Ilnkermn. st. W'hmptn .Aldridge Miss A . .Alrewas, Burton Thacker J.London rd.Chestrtn.Nwcstl Wl1etstone Mrs.L.I Bull st.We.Brmwb .Allcock Miss M.6o Westwood rd. Leek IIThom J. 36 St.J ohn's sq. W'hampton Wheway Miss K 14 Church st.Burton .Allnutt Mrs. A. Victoria rd. Stafford Thorn W. 37 St. John's sq. W'hampton White Miss E. B. 13 Penn rd.W'hmptn .Allsopp Mrs. Hannah, 3 Stranraer pl. tThomas Misses A. & B. :r .Arcade, tWhite Miss Harriet & Mrs. Frances Aldergate, Tamworth Digbeth, Walsall Harvey, 47 Caldmore road, Walsall .Allsopp Mrs. Mary, 32 Bedford street, Thomas .A. r87 Hig-h st.WestBromwch fWhite Jsph. Blakenall Heath,Walsall Shelton, St<Jke 'l'hom6s G. 20 Bucknall Nw.rd.Hanley "\"\'bite William, Gnosall, Stafford Amison Miss Gertrude, 68 Spring rd. tThomas Stephen Thorpe, 77 & 78 Whitehouse D. Cheslyn Hay, Walsall Normacott, Longton Bilston road, Wolverhampton tWhitehouse Mrs. Rose Hannah, Wol- .Anwyl Miss A.5 Greengates st. Tunstll Thomas Wm. 55 Horseley rd. Tipton verhampton rd.HeathTown,W'hmptn ApplebyMrs.T.Newinvention,W'bmptn Thompson Fredk. I8 Park st. Walsall WnitemanWm.456Dudley rd.W'hmptn Archer Miss E.4.5Cobden st.W'hamptn Thompson Jas.Walbrook,Cosele)·,Eilstn Whitney E. C. 'Yordsley, Stourbridge Arkinstall Miss E. Gnosall, ~tafford .
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