![Calling All Cars 'Vialenee of the Combat Cauaed the Neutrauty Law, Was Brought Up](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
• O- . THURSDAT, SBPTEM Bra 14,1989-i^ The Weather M m abfttn Etmtins U m lA Foi et O. a. We Average Dally Clrcalation woman 8,746. Damocratle man aum tor the raoath of Aagnst, tSSt rtoes Brb, ehalrmaa a t tba Sap«it- Generally fair aad maat ot muale, eondNetiag. bar 1,881 aad womaa 1,174. Elect Officers Independents Expect Arrival FOOD SALE iiltm rlifB tn * S u m lttg Ilfra lh A bou t Town In additioa to tbs aoetal «v «ito et This briaga to 10JH7 tha total FUEL OIL e a s e FraMimaB Waak, tbara will ba varl' Dumber of raglstersd party votera HATURDAT, SEPT. If. f A. BL as contained in tha caucua lists. 24-Ronr Service! Member el the AeSIt oua examinations and maatlnga with Number 1,048 O f Jassie Today H ALEn STORE ef ObealaMeae For PTA Unit Praaldaat Bluat Oaaa Butdlek, Dr. Thera are, bowevar, in Marichaatar, MancheBter^A City of ViUage Charm . — V I f * • * •■ * * a total of 11,548 I c ^ votars. tear­ L. T. WOOD CO. Litib, aad 3(laa U AUea Raaaaaj, Andavsan-Bhaa Anxmary, PRICE THREE CENTS > IS M rfi k m w poultiT peraoiuM dlroetor. ing a balance of 1,040'not allied with Phone 4496 Veterans Foretgn Ware. (SI.XTEEN PAd^^S) ‘ aflald M d hl» *011 0«org« O. any party. MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15. 1939 ^leghew eight. la addlUon Thirty Parrnts, TeRchers Registration of tbs fraahmeti win Large Bloc of Voters W ife o f Athenia Survivor (IJasstacd Adxvrttelag on Page 14) taka plaea Monday, Sapt. IS, and This month, on September 14 and POL. LVIH., NO. 295 _ _ »« M u wiB ihow In Have No Party Tie#; 23, new votera will to made by tbe Receives Telegram; iM tuueid ha haa antared it u Gather at the Green that of tha uppsr elaaampn on Ihiaaday. Claasea will eonvana ac­ Selectmen In tha office of the town XbaaiowB. Pa. Ha plana to attend To Form Organization GOP Leads Dems 3-1. clerk from 10 a m. to 9 p. m. day­ Suffers Fractured Leg. tlda ahaa^ ia a tl^ llaaeheatar to- cording to schadula tmmadlatoty Dancer Entertains Fellow Survivors' aftar tha opening aasembly Wadnaa- light time. Voters may, on this oc­ Hopes Congress Completion of tha periodical casion, register with tbe party of Mrs. James Jsasle at 544 Hil­ Nazis Report More The Maacheater Orean Study day m oml^. Germans Retreat Group met last night at tha school checkup on the town's voters by the tha preference. These saaalons are liard street, notified The Herald UMl B una Dowd raquaUs tta and voted to disband. A now or- two party regiatrara ahoara that held for those who come of voting laat night that she had received a Want To Keep Your Special Session Mlhbara ot tba rafraabraent eom- ^nliatloD was formed to be known over 9 per cent of thia town’a 11.545 age, attain residency ellglblUty to telegram from her husband In Hali­ to r Suaaat Rcbekah'a aodal •a tha Manchester Green P. T. A . Reports Latest alectora are Indepandenta, not align- vote, or secure tbe right to vote fax informing her that he had been Before Continual toBautaw aaaoing la Odd Fallowa unit of the NaUonal Congress of ad wlUi either the Republican or through naturalization. landed from the Coast Guard Pa­ House Uniformly Warm W ill Be Limited j Successes in East; a«n ta raport aa near 7 o'clock aa Parents and Teschera. DamoAatlc partira. Speciflcally, 1,- trol boat "Bibb." He had previous­ poaHbia. Mra. J. L. Mariner of Bast Hart­ In Hair Styles 048 votera here do not belong to ly been taken off the "City of ford, president of the Hartford either party, and do not vote in Flint." the freighter which had French Pressure ‘twmpto eSupter, O. 8 . which County Council of the P. T. A. of prlroarlea auch as tha one Juat past. Manchester picked up 220 survivors of tbe This Winter — Automati­ Roosevelt Indicates Revi­ hold tU Brat meeting laat evening Connecticut. Inc., was the gueet They do. however, swing Influence Athenia diaaater at sea, having. It sion of Neutrality Leg­ at the Ifaaonlc Temple, and Man- speaker end organiser. ' About In alactlona, but with one notable Date Book w-as reported a badly fractured leg. Half Poland Is Lost Miss Bernice Juul Writes , Only Item on Expense ebaatar Aaaembly, Order o< Raln- thirty parents and teachers at­ axcaptlon, have gcnarally voted for The telegram stated that he bad cally And At The Lowest Leaving Advance Posi- j islation All He Plans Ww, bava *et tbe daU of Thuraday, tended. From New York Con­ candidates put up by either of the arrived at Halifax safely and waa Account Mailing Coat The following ofneera wrere elect- major groups. The notable excep­ Coming Events tions Before Siegfried ' I ------- , To Request at Meeting * October 1*. for a Joint rummage Sept. 23—District meeting ot Or­ then departing home by way of Hitler’ s Warriors Slrail- U hc Judgment In Reading Germans Begin to Draw aale, datalla of which will be an­ ed: vention; The Letter. tion waa the laat state election when Montreal by special train. Mrs. Line, Ripping up Rail­ Elizabeth, N. J.. Sept 15.—(IP) Mra. Ernest Krltaraacher, preel- der of Vasa, at Masonic Temple. European War Dispatches On Already Conquered nounced later. Mancheater went over the traces Jassie expects further Information Possible Fuel Cost ? ? —When George Banbury, run­ Washington. Sept. 15—(e>—Presi­ dling Main Highway dent; Mra. John M. Derby, vice Miss Bernice Juul of the Weldon for Jasper McLavy. Of course. In Oct. 14-15 — State convention of road Tracks Follow-: ning In next Tueaday'a primary Luther League at Concordia Luth­ today when her husband Is expect­ dent Roosevelt Indicated strongly Regions of P ola^ for prealdent: Mra. Julian Watayjne, Beauty Salon who la attending the this Instance, It wasn't the thousand ed to arrive in Hartford from Can­ aa en Independent freeholder, Running Through the Every government Involved in John Mather Chapter DaMolay secretary; Arnold Thompson, treas­ eran church. ing Course of Moselle;' today that he hoped to limit legis­ the European war and some not will begin Ita fall eeaaon with a New York Convention of Halrdreaa. odd Independents noted above who ada. filed his campaign expense ac­ SuppUefl with W W A urer. did the trick, but the thoueanda orf Oct. 14-17— State convention of count. he Hated It at two cenU. lation at the epeclal eeseion of Con­ Middle of Poland Ex- engaged In It are operating maatlng Monday evening at 7 SO in Committee chairmen appointed ere and Coemetlclana at tbe Hotel Knights of Pythias here. Fear Auack at Trier. I the Maaonlc Temple. Election ol temporary runawaya from both He sent bis account to the gress to revision of the neutrality atrict preu censorship. It Is Im- To Wage W ar Against !■ were: By-lawa, Mrs. Robert Haw­ eept for Area Near poeaible for American corre- offlcera will take place. Pennsylvania and World's Fair. In a parties. county clerk by mall and under law. ley; program, Mrs. Tracy: mem­ letter to The Herald fells us that However, the independent vote la Peru, Sept. 15.—<A5— German; purpose for which the amount eptindents to sand to this coun­ France and Britain; bership. Mra. Hall: publicity. Mra. Many farmers in the outlying aec- For A Good THE ELECTRIC Asked at his press conference Wamawr; Lark o f Offi­ troops were reported today to be re- { Robert Alley, aon of Mr, and Mra. Mr. Louis, director of the American one that both town committees are tlona today were busy getting in waa spent he wrote: try balanced accounts of events Derby. Meal whether he planned to request antl- to enable their readers to obtain Navy Reports Sinking Herbert Alley of Waahington atreet Hair Institute declares that since seeking to whittle down and Una up com ensUaga for tba winter feed­ treating slowly down the Moeelle I "To mall thli aUtement." ptpflteering legislation, he said he cial Statistics Makes Mra. Mariner spoke In place of dreeaes this fall will feature high to their owrn advantages. It la quite an accurate picture of the prog- Of Polish W ar Vesads. baa returned to Benaaelaer Poly­ Mra. Hubert Blalock who waa ing of their itock. or : valley in the face of persistent did not expect to. He told reporters Casualty Toll Guess. technic Inatltute, Troy, N. Y., for hia busts, smooth backs, modified poaatbla that, in any one of aeveral reea of the war. Much ot the scheduled, but Illness In tha family Snack. French preaeure. also that he planned to make no re­ news as Influenced by the can- aopboroore jrear. ^ bustles and low skirt flares, hair Initancca, 1,000 Independent votea By AM b 4. prevented her attending. Unofficial French advlcea sold the quest for a deficiency appropriation By Uoyd Lehrbae son la propaganda. stylet will neceaaarlly follow the might be a deciding Influence. Still, Stop At The ' nor for war risk insurance leglsla- Berlin. Sept. 15—(ST—White th# same silhouette. there la also the poailblllty that tha Annual Peach Supper Germans were leaving their advance British Enlist Budapest. Sept. 15 — (41 — Ger­ The Mancheater Shrening Her­ General Welfare CenUr No. 41 FURNACE MA] I tion. ald suggests to Its readers the German high command reported thousand would not vote In a bloc, will bold Ita waekly meeting at tbe Ha says to compliment high bust poelUona before the Siegfried line, At the same time, the prealdent many's blltikrteg (lightning war) llnea, colffiiree will be egtremely and migbt split In several dtrectlona, ripping up railroad tracki which fol­ ndvlaablllty ot making due al­ new eue o mea on tha eastm front Saat 81da RaereatJon Center tomor­ Freshman Week Sat.y Sept.
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