conservation byLouAnnSeellg ., "The walls-'that moved are «;->Large-scale .* energy—.con-,"~ would not disrupt the residents, the memo said. Engineer's reports' "made witHjjheetrock and" were servation "would solve the'pro--;- but residents continue to'com- were inconclusive. "I have been * * A long-term solution to the the against "the metal window, strips blems-„'of-,heat,' condensation, • plain.of light and noise that pass unable to ascertain any reason for deterioration of sheetrock walls in . mg. The cbndensation'from those , drafts 'from''the^'wiridowsfc.you,; through the space at the ceiling.' the movements of,, various" Champagnat Hall will be part of a windows-caused-the sheetrock jto . name •'it,V*.said-^Ta'rantino.V •"','Which"is the worst inconve­ building components as observed multi-million, dollar energy- deteriorate,?. Tarantino said. "T fc\! However, he said he is unable to ~ nience, going in there and tearing by us in -our inspection of conservation program, according Thevenergy-conservation pro-- estimate how long it will be before it apart or the noise? The choice is December "10, -1984,-". said to Anthony Tarantino, director of gram, according.to Tarantino, the new program goes into effect. theirs," Tarantino said.- Wilfred A.Rohde, a professional the physical plant. • ~; /*. i ,- -will include redesigning the win-; <- "We have two short-term'op- ,.' . According sto a memo' Taran­ engineer with Haywood and i Separations - which > were dows; and. placing- insulating tions. We can continue plastering tino sent to Vice President Ed­ Pakan Associates of Poughkeep- reported last semester are located blocks.'on the "Wtsides of the the walls and they'll open-up. ward , Waters in October, the sie. - . at, the ceiling and windows- of buildings, putting an end to the, again, or we can put molding up separations are not dangerous. '- "They are not saying it is a divider walls of most ninth-floor condensation that caused the and anchor it-to the ceiling,"- said "The walls...are free standing structural problem," said Taran­ rooms and were caused by con- sheetrock to crumble. Tarantino. walls dividing the .structural bays tino of the engineers. "They're densatiori^from poorly-insulated "The program is in the research'v Tarantino said it would be of'the building. This is not a qualified in everything but every­ windows, according to Tarantino. stages, but the problem is not be-.' easier to repair the walls when the structural bearing wall and should day housekeeping and condensa­ ing ignored," Tarantino said. building is empty so that his staff have no effect on the building," tion," he said. Volume 30, Number 12 Marist College, Poughkeepele, N.Y. February 7,1985 Real-life *Ghostbusters? to speak at Marist by Brian O'Connor the "most haunted church in England." ,.- .'. y- ." „~ , A 19-year-old "possessed" ' For 38 years Ed. and Lorraine Even pros youth fatally stabs a friend. A, Warren have investigated the - house in Lee, Mass., has happen-' realm - of »• the supernatural.* ings similiar to those in the movie throughout ' North ,- America, ' won't return "Poltergeist.^' Cadets at the Europe arid Australia. They have United States Military Academy . researchedjthe-areas- of voodoo,' at West Point, „N.Y., see and•; .excorcism, -'/possession, .curses, to Amityville record an apparition of a muskets- reincarnation,~'-humarf- combus-» toting cavalryman. ' " Si *- .tion,'"' - psychic,- photography,'^ by Brian O'Connor - ~ . 3 > -'What-can*"they>do? .Whol'can . seances,sr'telepathyC.'and , other ~. -j'-They .thought",their; hearts ,• jtheycall?-, /,-J, - AjT^,- ,: v/" y ;-; Ghostbu^tersi-'But ^don'^all] ahJarasJ%« were gonna jumpout-or'they„ : ,-were ^ gonna /ha\;e-",heart-[, at-j Bill "Murray^-and^Dan ;£ykrpy&i~ pairiting^hjs^impres^or^ofiaheft^ : instead'c'all Eel and Lorraine War-' j'phenbmeM'She^^pJriehcey^iif^" lacks,;' Vaid Paul Bartz, 'agent~ ren, "seekers of the -^super­ haunted houses: Lorraine-WarrehT ^nd.^colleague^.of..Ed .and-' natural.". -" .A v i- - S"~ _/ .said- she had.^powefs' of^clair- . Lorraine Warren, a-pair.of The Warrens will be at" the - voyance asa child "and after", con--_" ghost hunters': ; Bartz/was speaking about Marist College Theatre tonight, at; tinued confrontations while.. ac-' 8:30; with their .bone-chilling companying her husband, decided ; ^the Channel 5 television- "presentation. The two and one- to develop her latent powers. Camera, crew, seasoned half-hour multi-media, show will Clairvoyance is the power of Vietnam veterans, when the delve into^approximately 12 of discerning objects not present to group spent part of a day in a over 3,000 cases of ghostly the senses. The Warrens have ap­ haunted Long Island house , phenomena investigated by them. peared on "AM America," "The. which later became the subject" Admission is $1.00. Mike Douglas Show.'V'Iri Search of a best-selling book and Of...," "PM Magazine," -"Real movie, "The Amityville The presentation, sponsored by People," ."The David Susskind Horror." the College Union Board's Lec­ Show," "Tom Snyder's Tomor­ In the only investigation ture Committee, includes facts on row Show" and "To"Tell the ever allowed by the then- the famous house in Amityville, Truth." They have had two" of owners, a group of 17 people N.Y., - and the Warrens' ex­ their own television "programs, entered the Colonial-style periences in it, according to Paul "Ghost \Hunting with Ed and house during the first weekend Bartz, the Warrens' agent. Lorraine Warren" and "Seekers Real-life,ghostbusters Ed and Lorraine Warren will speak in March, 1976. Among them Bartz said they will also discuss of the Supernatural," shown on in the Theatre tonight at 8:30. were the Warrens, a husband- a case in which the Warrens tried Connecticut stations; and a book wife team of ghost hunters;v " to prove in court for the first time about their work by Gerald Brit­ several Connecticut high schools. nominated for the 1985 National that a .youth was possessed by a tle, called, "The Demonologist: Demonology - is the study vof Association of Campus-Activities continued on page 2 demon when he committed a The Extraordinary Careers of Ed demons and beliefs about them;- Entertainment Awards in the murder. This case was later made and Lorraine Warren" was paranormalology is the study of category of Topical Program. into a television movie with Andy published by PrenticeHall, Inc. the supernatural. They have been Marist's College Union Board is Andrew Crecca, starting his se­ • The Warrens have taught on the college circuit for over 16 part of the National -Association cond term as the College Union Griffith as Ed Warren. Other classes on demonology and cases include the Passetto years and have lectured to over of Campus Activities and has sent Board's,president, said, "People paranormaloiogy at Southern . -people to its conventions and will who aren't into it — the super­ family's haunted house in Lee, Connecticut State College and 800 college audiences. Mass. and the Warrens' trip to The * Warrens " have been again this month. natural — are still interested." Marist students 'siblings' to local youngsters by Janet McLoughlin Brother to Duane, a 14-year-old program next year, but said he would like child who wasn't as fortunate as herself. Although there are more than 3,000 peo­ Poughkeepsie boy. — to get a little brother from a more troubled "I had a very good childhood and I felt ple on campus to befriend, two Marist Duane is one of many children in the environment than Duane's. He added sorry for these kids because most of them students have sought the rewards of off- county who comes from a. broken home, though, he wants to remain close friends have a hard life," she said. "I wanted the campus friendships.' Sophomores John and through the Big .Brother, Big; Sister with Duane. - chance to share what I had with a little Montanaro and Mary Jo Murphy are in-" agency was able to fill a gap in his life. - sister.". volved in Dutchess County's Big "You are a model that they can follow," Montanaro," along with Sister Eileen Brother, Big Sister program. Motanaro said. "You want the kid to open Halloran, assistant director of campus Murphy's little sister is 7-year-old Shan­ "You get a satisfaction in. helping up to you first. Your role is not to change ministry, and other Marist students are non, who she said comes from a low in­ somebody," said Montanaro, from Toron­ the kid but to be there when he needs you looking into starting a program on campus come familyand suffers from apathy. to, Canada. "It's nice to know you are giv­ for some advice." Montanaro said he sees to get more students involved in helping children who need sotne extra attention. "She's not used to getting so much atten­ ing rather than receiving, but in a way you Duane once a week for two to five hours, tion. When she's around my family she's are receiving too." when they go shopping, rollerskating or Murphy, from Highland, N.Y., became the center of attention and she shys away Montanaro, who has been involved in come to campus. involved in the program in December, from it," Murphy said. "She's a very af- the program since September, is a Big Montanaro said he hopes to continue the because she said she wanted to help out a contmued on page 9 Marist faces NCAA sanctions p. 10 •,-.,---f •••••.:=•.•-• -' .Feb. 7,1985-THE CIRCLE - Page 3, Page 2^ THE CWCLE»Feb, 7,1985, J|l|t|r County lopks at eoiistructive alternatives to jail by Barbara Ruby ;V> representative of the state division which results in pver-crpwding. • to provide alternative sentencing a family. continued from page 1 ':•/::•£ of criminal justice services said :';'.'..-"The population in the county to first time offenders of non­ ''It makes more sense than put­ 'Coubties; may; develop some ::; , the 62 counties in New-York can jails has increased to the point violent crimes.
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