11hE imiICl4III I IIlhIil:I SFCC selects new president Friday.5 Motocross maniacs r w - - - ' WIM,, race in Newberry.9 VOLUME 83. NUMBER 92 Report: stress teaching skills, not research By RONALD DUPONT JR. outstanding quablies in Two of three catego "In university r ts, roftziit~e (1qul momo 'p'te ill wirh griditait tneits it rits - researI I. teachIIg IId service ity is closly ]ink,{d wih shcit ssluiI rttla, 1 I havi n't d eIT rir(t hI Alligator Writer Iint tu Ireit path to promotion and teln efforts," lit' I -])oT I d 'c g n u (I [ (41 11(I( R t ofI imiportant, but not asI unpior When determining tenure and promritton, ire within the uiversty ysin is too heav among, [hhe mnintlional toinnuty o1f ,Liis l rili' iuuum, veyitit m ke 11i.in [F cares more about aprofessorts research ly weighted toward rtseart and Scholars IS tht Lt i ipd loo<dard it e oel line ilit kmurann t I N tit (t I a yIV(I work than how well he teach . , atording publication,' the report said '[ie teaching lence I lonia oor pit[ idrn 4h' stu she likes to a controversial stlaetomnisioiid re function receives short shrit, both in the "In (tirasi, iiIleigraduialiir struuitn,' the sigy'sthini;s mflade 'he 'tile mQimIis port preparation of new latult and li then re [heir parents tiEld to be more }mtcerfi(l moI (eII rpa I I 1The report, researt bed by a private ito ward Nystem " with the quality of instruction lh hIII I Thik Ii in ext '[iLn th." h slNrd for the Florida Postsecondary IALdcaton At I (he report elicited strong reactnr. universities provide," i he r'pirt also sid it 1, Ir n'it csi olltgh tlphLs on Planning Commission, said OF and the ranging from a dean who ,aid a university Interim F tPreSltit Rot'rt Rrti, how rVard for good ta hmlcg state's eight other universities need to put without research is a community college to ever, argued that J11 dSpie workmgu IT She ,idtdd dial much of 'I's.nrphiascs more emphasis on how well students are a union president who said ti[ eniphasr/es various fields minus keep researching to lav (It liart h has to dii wIth iIIWV learning from instructors, not on how much research mainly because it brings in noncy compete ive, so ilust iisitruI ir, Aid that s 'I, teXletal Image It a limerti~ty 11 knowledge an instructor has [he 47 page report examined the overall why research rc'tds III lit ,mptiisi/ed hi Ititriumitlbd Sj t san n, Slid Said 'ndl UF's tenure program gives professors structure of postsecondary education in said whi % i 1) mn i Idlt i tI rtt.irthl, nt "permanent status," or guaranteed contract HorIda ind Said universiars need it) put You Cannot ko 'nu t(IIt ttr \ct.r III oman1m I mmRea rchm iie renewal, except in extreme urtiTistna[es itore emph;N i i 'hit t li- studelit face, in be I good Lead litt Lil I c\ ou (II reswto !I SResearch ii it, , lo be tenluted, a facuhy liltTibr mist show Ihr t ]assioom Bryin Naid I Iinit,! dtlk uir t lt n Slating fees defray SG campaign costs IIII I It aIt Imls, lit "ord il s In i i~ s By M D. CUMELLA I v I hIIIr s i , 1 really that Alligator writer rout I ont lit said it vou ask Lf political parties started look H I [ n11ld tI r 5 at I. you havt iig for Student Senale Ilindicale , lit' roll ' last week, but students who wain I ioati Said trdidat tor [hit to run with them may have to % loti Three positions - student body 50 or more to get on the tit bt president. vioft silent aid ore. [o raise money for Siud II tireT - should be able ii rarm Governmentelections, both loda Inore mwne1 'ban the seniae (ln- and ViSon party leaders d [atlt' at least S1,000 plan to ( harge andi- I'A Ih ulates a fee to slate I 11 You re aviablevcai- them Slating is the pro- . didate you'll have no cess of finding tandi- trouble raising monev, dates for a patty elE I homas Said Presidential tanoi \ iion spokesIiii date Juan Vitali said the 99 \Maria Weston said the Today party will ask for lee is necessary for any a $50 donation from S% caupain, hil said each candidate chosen to nm with the party witl he IIIxible the party Vitah's opponent, Mi- Both parties expect the elet tion chael Browne, wouldn't d4uScus I) be expensive Browne eshimats Vision's slating fee vach campaign will cost between Today party treasurer John 1l.1l $6,0X anid $9,000 Vital estirmated said the slating fee - used to pay A two-car accident at 411 NW 3rd St. in Gainesville his camlipaign will ost fore than for campaign buttons, fliers. plac- .SS,00) left about 1,500 customers without electricity Mon- ards, f-shirts and advert isenents day afternoon while Gainesville Regional Utilities Ie parties started slating early - is common among all parties this year because the Board of crews repaired the damaged lines. The accident oc- But qualified candidates won't Masters, SG's version of the Su- cured when Cynthia Jordan's car hit a utility pole. be excluded if they can't pay, Hall preme Court, ruled that the super- above, after another driver failed to yield the right of said visorofelectionshad theauthority way. Jordan, nghtwas treated and released from "The fee will not keep anybody to begin the campaign at ally time Alachua General Hospital front running with the party, Hall Elections Supervisor Tim said "It's just to help pay for cam- Crowley said he moved up the paign costs." ca mpaign 's start to allow par ties to Hall said if some students have publicize their views, so candh difficulty paying, he may ask for datescould beinformed when they only a partial contribution or Waive chose a party the fee altogether The Today party began accept- "Some people are raising money ing slating applications last Mon- by holding fund-raisers," Hall said day and had more than 30 by "I think Jace (Jackson, Today's Friday. party chairman [y Adams vice-presidential candidate) is said Vision didn't start taking ap- holding a dance to raise money " plications until last Wednesday but Scott Thomas, 1988's SUN cam- had more than 20 by Friday. paign treasurer, said the slating fee Browne said. Both parties must is the primary way parties raise submit a complete slate to Crowley money. SUN asked Senate candi- by 11 p.m. Fnday d2 \II l{,II)R [lI [s11,AY pNl'ARY ;I ye POLICE BLOTTER IMAGINE. J Unknown assailant stabs man W11mTI1nI I ,idxa DarineI I l rAft-rihe.litat I, t ItI A work of art with you in it. ( a(led ain &qutntanr vor help Ath IogT liecdLI ncl A (.anesv M iePasslableld Iveil lie s suT 1 (111115n11 - old pfla, I diy Tighl by i iinknown It[at kei (,aniiesvlllpo it k '( t Ilit allat ker, the ok Student hearrisorielonrunonl [li t dno, illerh irn'rvcl, d 'lirey .irar,. )$ wa tibbl~r Ii ilbiut LI [lm it I h, toel still Special Harris was taken to sails H01sptL] iid rtIt s d .in .iparimeti[ i 2001 NWt sixth 5,1 II.ir rltivLod Session wlounds to fhe l[I (NIdA o his but t, not , upper right untly, a hosp1nal spokesinat sauid aril, hte k and handle , Galon',V lb' pohte( spokes F Makeor WHAT'S HAPPENING 75"N Artist search- Artts inlerelsh d (.,tholi Student Center library on [3:t Call 33b-04$ displaying their work for Celebra tOnvicrity Avenue C all 3/2-3533 En garde: Ile il I Ient ing (lii i141in 100 should cillIht Ct lbr.it nt Ultimate: lit Wmn' I 'timate begin% I tour wiik Wilting cours, 373-7349 I .Tit 3924 V bIfII r F b I t 4 Tom t((s todas at i 't .11 Hume tonight at 7 i (Itonneil (,ntlr We use the prlni I t I with the vIsual arts dIr t Itor I IId (ill / IT2i Room IIn t (all Out hrit '112 '121 Bring ontheblarsknrug: Al Rll Retailing: "lHow to Inlervitw with or Coac h Portr t 5 t1,2 See your previet, Iiro.idiasting( IIb wallI hold .i faut IV a i fallir" progr.in beinis tonight IMMFDIATI I) I)ihy photo contest through Wild If I i lustiss Ilulpding Room 102 Innerspace: Mn riobilology .ind 11 to II l [t Organuiatiom i stiiv iron a i to2p in Intl; ll VI2 "N ) ni t tallighl att ityt ( ari f Haill o I t I of joturnalI sm I ourey~n It Amnesty: Amnesty Internattional Room~ 1108 ( ald 3$-1W29 A rconwnit portrait for iour valentine. C~ iil]Julie it 323/13 Student Group meetstonight t in Open lab: A ourofShin(ls smin al I R4it/ Uinion Room 157 Call 3/2 Down to business: Alpha Lappa Aboir.itiris and an Informationil I rif Ps, the business fraternity, holds in IM4AGINE. CNaunirtd (oruf sIwOnl oin adnston requirements Sock It. roday is the lait day to ductons today at 5 30 in little Hall d ,reer opportunities start Sign up for the Intramural Womens Room 21S New members should 1ilmoslti;t 6 n Health Scence Center Soccer Tourney in Flurda ;ym bring a $25 mndut tion fee Roori CI 'I ( all 92 2601 Room 254 Call 392 0581 Oranges, not apples: the Gdtor Ministry: Orlando I spil will Tell oe about yourchildhood: ]'%I Citrus Club metis today ai I, 5 in sNiak about "I I L(t ology and Min Chi Psy<hologyllubmetItonight Fifield Hall Rown 2302 Call 392 itrv " this .ift rnon at 12 t in hi .it , in Psychology BuIldig Roonm Whit WANrED: CHINESE CLUB STUDENTS WITH SKIN A social / cultural / service organization INFECTIONS is accepting applications for have a staph skin infection: membership If you Applications available at JWRU Rn 322 VISA olfce Earn up to $10000 plus free medication Come to the general meeting 8p m lies 1/30 JWHU 121 S*onsoued by VISA & SmudeI Government by participating in a new antibiotic study volume 83 ISSN 0889-2423 number 91 Come to Student Health Service Screening 0 the indeene n Ilr Clinic for further Information a alligat No,~~~~Pblse ibyu Campu GvtstfidW~immunicalons y Inc a O oosvilie Ft d I ,]cCr Cabvl Sers Ed ito, Jajon itir r p(0~EUT r LABe A dar Shedden All .clor asyAoh bala *AllI r.
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