Meter Marks Nomenclature for Post Office (Abbreviation, Acronym, Deviation & Anomalies) Index <City> <PIN> <PO> <Post Office> <PIN> Non Abbreviated (Std.) Label Numerals Alphabets ALLD = Allahabad MBC = Mail Business Centre A A.V.Colony = Avas Vikas Colony M MDG = Mukhya Dak Ghar M.I.A. = Matsya Industrial Area BPC = Business Post Centre B B.P.O. = Branch Post Office Night PO B’NESS = Business Post N NPO = Night Post Office NSPC = National Speed Post Centre C CANTT = Cantonment PIN = PIN refers to the Postal Index Number. P PO = Post Office GBS = ? G GPO = General Post Office RAJ = Rajasthan R R.H.B. = Rajasthan Housing Board RMS = Railway Mail Service H.O. = Head Post Office R.S./RS = Railway Station H HO = Head Office RLY_JN = Railway Junction HYD = Hyderabad RAJ.SECTT = Rajasthan Secretariat IA = Industrial Area S.C. = Shastri Circle I IC = Industrial Complex S S.O = Sub Post Office I.E. = Industrial Estate SP = Speed Post ICO = Inland Container Depot SPC = Speed Post Centre IGNOU = Indira Gandhi National Open University SPCC = Speed Post Collection Centre S.D.Nagar = Sarvodaya Nagar J JP = Jaipur V V.K.I. = Vishwa Karma Industrial Area K KSH = Kishangarh LKO = Lucknow L LKU = Lucknow LSG = Category of a Post Office Abbreviated Label Numeral Post Office (?) Udaipur Shastri Circle NPO (313001) <City><PO><NPO> <PIN> V_2020-11-19_Updated www.pamnani.info 01/30 Meter Marks Nomenclature for Post Office Tracing the change in style of Meter Marks - Kota HPO A Sample Study 2002 - Type I <Business Post Centre><KOTA><PIN> 2003 - Type II Gap between SP & EMS Number Gap 2006 - Type III PO name shortened to B.P.C. Kota HPO Can any fellow Philatelist help me cover the rest of the story of this post office till 2020 ? V_2020-11-19_Updated www.pamnani.info 02/30 Meter Marks Nomenclature for Post Office Tracing the change in style of Meter Marks - Shastri Circle NPO NPO = Night Post Office Abbreviation <NPO> in code EMS_2003_151 Shastri Circle NPO (313001) EMS_2003_091 Shastri Circle (313001) <PO><NPO> <PIN> <PO> <PIN> EMS_2005_084 Udaipur Shastri Circle NPO (313001) EMS_2006_067 Udaipur S.C. (313001) <City><PO><NPO><PIN> <City> <S.C.> <PIN> V_2020-11-19_Updated www.pamnani.info 03/30 Meter Marks Nomenclature for Post Office (Abbreviation, Acronym, Deviation & Anomalies) Numerals Anomoly Q : What is 01-02? Ans : ? EMS_2009_012 01-02 (302021) <Numeral> <PIN> EMS_2016_168 <Numeral> <PIN> 110017 0103 PIN (?) V_2020-11-19_Updated www.pamnani.info 04/30 Meter Marks A Nomenclature for Post Office (Abbreviation, Acronym, Deviation & Anomalies) Abbreviation A.V.Colony = Avas Vikas Colony LKU = Lucknow EMS_2001_017 Abbreviation ALLD = Allahabad EMS_2001_018 V_2020-11-19_Updated www.pamnani.info 05/30 Meter Marks B Nomenclature for Post Office (Abbreviation, Acronym, Deviation & Anomalies) BPC = Business Post Centre Abbreviation EMS_2003_059 Business Post Tripolia Bazar (302002) EMS_2004_092 B’NESSPOST Jp2 <302002> <Business Post> <City> <PIN> JP2 = Jaipur 2 B’NESSPOST <PO> <Pin> Pin = 302002 EMS_2003_037 Business Post Centre Kota <324001> Business Post Centre <PO> <PIN> EMS_2009_097 BPC Alwar HO (301001) <BPC> <City> <HO> <PIN> V_2020-11-19_Updated www.pamnani.info 06/30 Meter Marks C Nomenclature for Post Office (Abbreviation, Acronym, Deviation & Anomalies) CANTT = Cantonment Abbreviation EMS_2005_036 Delhi Cantt PO (110010) <City> <PO> <PIN> V_2020-11-19_Updated www.pamnani.info 07/30 Meter Marks G Nomenclature for Post Office (Abbreviation, Acronym, Deviation & Anomalies) GBS = ? (Acronym) GPO = General Post Office GBS What is GBS? EMS_2009_067 EMS_2001_023 GPO Lucknow (226001) EMS_2007_040 Kolkata GPO (700001) <GPO> <PO> <PIN> <PO> <GPO> <PIN> EMS_2009_041 Jaipur GPO MI Road (302001) <PO> <GPO> <Location> <PIN> V_2020-11-19_Updated www.pamnani.info 08/30 Meter Marks H Nomenclature for Post Office (Abbreviation, Acronym, Deviation & Anomalies) HO = Head Post Office (Acronym) EMS_1999_035 Shivajinagar HO Pune -5 3105949 EMS_2001_039 <<Agra HO>> <PO> <HO> <City> <AREA CODE> <City> <PIN> EMS_2001_085 Varanasi Cantt H.O. (221002) EMS_2001_022 Moradabad H.O. (244001) [Cantt = Cantonment] <City><Location><H.O.><PIN> <City> <H.O.> <PIN> EMS_2003_081 Sikar.HO (332001) EMS_2003_026 Udaipur HO (313004) <City>. <HO> <PIN> <City> <HO> <PIN> V_2020-11-19_Updated www.pamnani.info 09/30 Meter Marks H Nomenclature for Post Office (Abbreviation, Acronym, Deviation & Anomalies) HO = Head Post Office # Difference 2008 to 2010 (Acronym) <302016> bracket change ( ) < > EMS_2008_093 Shastri Nagar HO Jaipur (302016) EMS_2010_030 Shastri Nagar HO Jaipur (302016) <PO> <HO> <City> <PIN> <PO> <HO> <City> <PIN> HPO = Head Post Office EMS_2001_025 Chowk HPO LKO (226003) EMS_2001_083 Faizabad HPO (224001) LKO = Lucknow <PO> <HPO> <CODE> <PIN> <City> <HPO> <PIN> EMS_2006_153 B.P.C.Kota HPO (324001) EMS_2009_127 Beawar Head Post Office <305901> <BPC> <City> <HPO> <PIN> <City> <HPO> <PIN> V_2020-11-19_Updated www.pamnani.info 10/30 Meter Marks H Nomenclature for Post Office (Abbreviation, Acronym, Deviation & Anomalies) HYD = Hyderabad (Acronym) EMS_2009_007 IM COLONY PO (HYD) (500082) <PO> <CITY> <PIN> V_2020-11-19_Updated www.pamnani.info 11/30 Meter Marks I Nomenclature for Post Office (Abbreviation, Acronym, Deviation & Anomalies) IA = Industrial Area Abbreviation IC = Industrial Complex I.E. = Industrial Estate ICO = Industrial Complex Dundahera I.A. IA EMS_2008_098 Bhiwadi I.A. (301019) EMS_2010_034 Bhiwadi IA (301019) <PO> <Area> <PIN> <PO> <Area> <PIN> EMS_2009_048 I.E. Gurgaon (122007) <Area> <PO> <PIN> EMS_2002_077 IC Dundahera (122016) EMS_2005_174 ICD (122016) <Area> <PO> <PIN> <PO> <PIN> IC DUNDAHERA SO Gurgaon - 122016 IC = Industrial Complex (Normally People assume) ICO = Inland Container Depot V_2020-11-19_Updated www.pamnani.info 12/30 Meter Marks I Nomenclature for Post Office (Abbreviation, Acronym, Deviation & Anomalies) IGNOU = Indira Gandhi National Open University Abbreviation EMS_2010_169 IGNOU (110068) <PO> <PIN> V_2020-11-19_Updated www.pamnani.info 13/30 Meter Marks J Nomenclature for Post Office (Abbreviation, Acronym, Deviation & Anomalies) JP = Jaipur Abbreviation EMS_2007_089 Ramganj Bazar PO JP (302003) <PO> <“PO”> <City> <PIN> V_2020-11-19_Updated www.pamnani.info 14/30 Meter Marks K Nomenclature for Post Office (Abbreviation, Acronym, Deviation & Anomalies) KSH = KISHANGARH Abbreviation EMS_2009_163 Madanganj KSH <305801> <PO> <City> <PIN> V_2020-11-19_Updated www.pamnani.info 15/30 Meter Marks L Nomenclature for Post Office (Abbreviation, Acronym, Deviation & Anomalies) LKO = Lucknow (Airport Code) Abbreviation LKU = Lucknow LKO LKO EMS_2001_088 Raj.Nagar LKO-4 (226004) EMS_2001_020 Chowk HPO LKO (226003) <PO> <City> <Code> <PO> <HPO> <City> <PIN> LKU (?) LKO EMS_2001_017 A.V.Colony.LKU EMS_2001_019 Mahanagar.LKO-6 <PO> <LKU> <PO> <LKO-6> A.V.Colony = Avas Vikas Colony <PO><City><Code> V_2020-11-19_Updated www.pamnani.info 16/30 Meter Marks L Nomenclature for Post Office (Abbreviation, Acronym, Deviation & Anomalies) LSG = A type of Post Office Abbreviation LSG Postmaster is not the post you get selected to it is the post you get promoted to . LSG offices in post offices are large offices as compared to Sub offices where there is staff is of 5 to 6 peoples and the workload is more than sub offices and less than MDG’s and Head post offices, so the sub post master of LSG offices is termed as LSG Postmaster. LSG EMS_2009_071 Sadulpur LSG (331023) EMS_2009_152 Kekri LSG Sub Office <305444> <PO> <LSG> <PIN> <PO><LSG><SO><PIN> L.S.G EMS_2010_070 Satpuli L.S.G. (246172) EMS_2011_121 Khairthal LSG (331023) <PO> <L.S.G.> <PIN> <PO> <LSG> <PIN> V_2020-11-19_Updated www.pamnani.info 17/30 Meter Marks M Nomenclature for Post Office (Abbreviation, Acronym, Deviation & Anomalies) MBC = Mail Business Centre Abbreviation M.I.A. = Matsya Industrial Area MBC = Mail Business Centre CSO = (?) EMS_2010_031 MBC CSO Jaipur (302015) <MBC> <CSO> <PO> <PIN> EMS_2010_037 MBC Alwar (301001) <MBC> <City> <PIN> Q : What is M.I.A. ? Ans : M.I.A. = Matsya Industrial Area, Alwar, 301030 EMS_2011_014 <SP> M.I.A.Alwar <301030> <SP> <M.I.A><City><PIN> V_2020-11-19_Updated www.pamnani.info 18/30 Meter Marks M Nomenclature for Post Office (Abbreviation, Acronym, Deviation & Anomalies) MDG = Mukhya Dak Ghar Abbreviation [English Acronym for a Hindi Terminology for a Type/Category of Post Office] Rewari MDG (123401) EMS_2002_076 EMS_2009_043 Bharatpur City MDG (321001) <PO> <MDG> <PIN> <PO> <MDG> <PIN> EMS_2009_011 <PO><M.D.G.><City><PIN> EMS_2009_035 Ballabgarh MDG (121004) <PO> <MDG> <PIN> Full form of MDG EMS_2010_033 Bijainagar Mukhya Dak Ghar (305624) <PO> <Mukhya Dak Ghar> <PIN> V_2020-11-19_Updated www.pamnani.info 19/30 Meter Marks N Nomenclature for Post Office (Abbreviation, Acronym, Deviation & Anomalies) NPO = Night Post Office Abbreviation EMS_2008_005 Dadar Night PO (400014) EMS_2003_151 Shastri Circle NPO (313001) <City><Night PO> <PIN> <PO><NPO> <PIN> <NPO> in code EMS_2003_091 Shastri Circle (313001) EMS_2005_084 Udaipur Shastri Circle NPO (313001) <PO> <PIN> <City><PO><NPO><PIN> V_2020-11-19_Updated www.pamnani.info 20/30 Meter Marks P Nomenclature for Post Office (Abbreviation, Acronym, Deviation & Anomalies) PO = Post Office Acronym EMS_2001_024 Alambagh PO (226005) EMS_2006_147 Nehru Place P.O (110019) <PO> <PO> <PIN> <PO> <P.O> <PIN> V_2020-11-19_Updated www.pamnani.info 21/30 Meter Marks R Nomenclature for Post Office (Abbreviation, Acronym, Deviation & Anomalies) R.H.B. = Rajasthan Housing Board Acronym RMS = Railway Mail Service RS = Railway Station EMS_2008_038 RMS (302006) <RMS> <PIN> Note: City
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