-NEWS- Jewel provides opportunity for reflection - PAGE 11 -SPORTS- President Murray receives award for triumphs Football team defeats Iona 30-7 and eN Food Girl reviews Bugaboo Creek - PAGE 6 in education and service -PAGE 3 improves record to 1-1 - PAGE 16 Volume 49, Number 2 The Student Newspaper of Marist College September 26,1996 WMCR forced to change radio band Marist radio station changes frequencies and attempts to become FCC certified by TOM SCHWAB WXHD was poorly funded, a roof of Champagnat. StaffWriter company named Shawangnk "He's helped us out before," stepped in and teamed them up said Melichar. "He looked all over When Charlie Melichar, presi­ with WFMU. Finally, during the the band for a new station, and dent of Marist College Radio, re­ Summer and 10 years later, the only clear station he could turned to Marist earlier this WFMU transmitted its signal via find was 88.1." month, he was shocked at what satellite to its new simulcasting Melichar said he thinks the tem­ he heard playing on 90.1. station, WXHD. porary loss of the station helped "The first thing I heard was a "We weren't on the air, so they more than it hurt. song about some guy's mule, and didn't know we"existed,"-said "We were at a stage where I was I almost had a heart attack," said Melichar. "No one up here was pushing for people to be aware Melichar. paying attention, and now they of the station," said Melichar. WMCR had been replaced in­ have it." "Once this happened, people all directly by WFMU, located in Ken Freidman, station manager over campus were fighting East Orange, NJ. WFMU origi­ for WFMU, said no one would against the problem." nally was a student-produced have heard the signal since it only This prompted Dennis Murray, radio station at Upsala College broadcasts one tenth of a watt. president of Marist College, and in New Jersey. However, when He said he extended his apolo­ Guy Lometti, dean of the school the college went bankrupt in gies to WMCR.. of communications, to help cor­ May of 1995, the station was "I feel very bad if we disrupted rect the problem. taken over by members of the the station," said Freidman. "I "First, we need to get the local community. hope that you can find a new fre­ band station that covers the col­ WXHD in Port Jervis, NY, ap­ quency to broadcast on." ; lege up and running, but we also plied and received an FCC li­ Melichar said he expects the applied for an FCC license to get P„j v i T Cuck photo/Dune Kolod led Kennedy, Jr. came to Marist to speak to students about living cense to broadcast on 90.1 in station to be up and running by a broader band that will cover rith a disability. 1986. When WXHD searched the end of this week with help Dutchess County," said Murray. through the FCC available sta­ from Dave Groth, an'engineer at Marist's application for the Kennedy advocates for the rights tion list for the Hudson valley, WPDHandWEOK. new license is still pending in they found that 90.1 was free Earlier this week, Groth helped Congress, along with seven of Americans with disabilities because WMCR was never li­ Melichar change the frequency other applicants for the same sta­ censed by the FCC. Yet, since of the transmitter located on the tion. by KRISTIN RICHARD of it. I am who I am because of that » 1 .•* y."'V^w^r Ted speech focusing on the chal- , , leg 3 lenges handicapped Americans .' -'-Kerinedyjalsb addressed" the.J:. face^pn-Sept.18 in the Nelly-' chariging-jiature. of public ,j)Oli^f . GolettiTffieateiv - ... ciesigeared-towards^disabled' In' his speech,. Kennedy dis­ 'Americans, including the Ameri- ,. cussed the hi'stofy'and develop-, cans-, with ^Disabilities Act' ment of thedisability'Vights '• (ADA),'which .was signed'into " movement, explained the impor­ law six years'ago by President" _. tance of this movement, and ex­ Bush. •- -_" -" plored the nature of discrimina­ The ADA addresses society's - tion against people with disabili­ discrimination against people ties. with disabilities, and it also ac­ y^ I $& *JSi ^^ 'There are.many similarities knowledges the political power- between-discrimination against lessness of disabled Americans. those with .disabilities and sex­ However, Kennedy said the act ism and racism," Kennedy said. fails to address stereotype, ^""safcsifers^ Kennedy lost his legin 1973, at which he believes is one of the ujj«ilv.«..t the age of 12, to a rare bone tu­ biggest problems disabled mor. ^S^^k^zM people have to deal with. Circle phoui/ Jacquc Simpson He said at the time, it seemed "When people tell me I have Parking, especially in Beck Place, is a concern for students who tear the iong waik home. as if his life were over. overcome my handicap or that I "I remember thinking this is it. don't let it interfere with my life, I may as well be dead," he said. it is like a racist telling a black Students petition parking problems Kennedy attributed much of his man, 'You are the least black per­ , insecurity about fiis disability to son I know,'" he said. guaranteed for "them," she said. •being raised to believe that to by MICHAEL GOOT thing happens to me walking Kennedy said society seems to back at night, I'm going to hold Jim Raimo, director of housing grow up with a disability is to be moving from a paradigm of Managing Editor grow up living a life of misery. the college liable for that, ht- and residential'life said he does charity for the disabled to a para­ The issue of parking on cam­ cause they're forcing me to make not see any big problems with However, now that Kennedy is" digm of independence. Over the the current policy. an adult, he said his disability has pus has come up yet again at that walk," she said. past 10 years, he said the con­ Marist. McEvoy's proposal is to "I don't think its unrealistic for made him who he is today. Rather cept of self-help, rather than de- than being ashamed that he lost • A petition to protest the park­ change the permit system. There students to walk a short distance his leg, he said he is now proud Please see Kennedy, page 4... ing regulations on campus has would be two types of parking to their car," he said. "Most stu­ been circulating. Sophomore permits—one for residents and dents live within reasonable walk­ Helen McEvoy, who started the one for commuters. One lot of ing distances." petition, said she was concerned campus would be designated Raimo said students should about the safety of students who solely for commuters. Resident try to take steps so they don't walk back from their cars late at students would be able to park have to do things like shopping night, especially female students. in any lot near their residence. If late at night, but rather during the "Basically, we want to change commuters could not find a space day, when they have a free mo­ Do you think the internet is a useful part of your it so that everybody would be in their lot, they would be allowed ment education at Marist? able to park in a spot closer to to park in any of the lots for resi­ Raimo said the commuters need their dorms," she said. dents. to have easy access to their cars, Yes-315 No-66 McEvoy said if anything hap­ McEvoy said she realized that because they need to get things pens to her, she would blame the the commuters need to be guar­ like their books and their lunch. The Circle conducted an unscientific poll on Sept 12-21. Three hundred college because of the parking anteed parking. "Many times, a commuter has eighty-one students were asked this week's question. system. "If they couldn't find a space, to kind of live out of their car for See related story, page 4 "If I make a long walk and some­ they would have a spot in the lot Please see Parking, page 4... THE CIRCLE, September 26,1996 THE CIRCLE Marist and Beyond September 26,1996 •'.,1^ National & Political author will speak British police seize explosives linked to possible IRA plot World Newis on upcoming election by SUE LEEMAN province. They refused to comment on a report by KARA FLYNN . Associated Press Writer The IRA has, waged a limited bomb­ by Sky TV that they found enough ex­ The Gillespie Forum, a co- Briefs ; ing campaign in England since it . Staff Writer sponsor of the event, is an orga­ plosives to build four bombs the size Since the upcoming presiden­ broke a 17-month cease-fire with a of one which injured 200 people in the nization mat invites speakers of tial, election is approaching, fxom the Associated Press LONDON (AP) - Police stormed build­ bombing Feb. 9 in London that killed northwestern city of Manchester on all different types to speak at area Marist College invited a unique ings in London and southern two men. June 16. f colleges, such as Vassar and speaker to give a perspective of England early Monday, seizing arms and Recent news reports have specu­ Residents in Hammersmith's tree- Dutchess Community College. presidential campaigns through Federal Deficit Totals $144 explosives and arresting five men they lated that the IRA, which blamed Brit­ lined Glenthorne Road reported hear­ Tim Massie, chief relations of­ the eyes of the media.
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