IIEg1.1 CITY F FLINT OFFIC’EOFTHEEMERGE YkIAM1GER ~ .4. Dame!! Earley. ICMA-CM MPA Emergency Manager October 8. 2014 Mr. R. Kevin Clinton. State Treasurer Michigan Depar ment ofTreasury 4th Floor Treasury Building 430 West Allegan Street Lansing. Ml 48922 Dear Mr. Clinton: Attached please lind the three month report for the period July 8,2014 through October 8. 2014 as required by Public Act 436 Section 17. This report is being submitted through you to Governor Rick Snyder. The entire report ~~ill be posted on the City of Flint website as soon as it is approved Respectfully submitted. Darnell Earley, ICMA-CM, MM Emergency Manager cc: Governor Rick Snyder Randy Richardville. Senate Majority Leader James Bolger, Speaker of the House of Representatives James Ananich. State Senator Woodrow Stanley, State Representative Phil Phelps. State Representative lnez Brown, Clerk of the City of Flint Wayne Workman .Deputy Treasurer Edward Koryzno, Bureau Director of Local Go’ ernment Services Randall Byrne. Office of Fiscal Responsibility City of Flint • 1101 S. Sagina~ Street • Flint. Michigan 48502 . (810) 766-7346 • Fax: (810) 766-7218 Public Act 436, Section 17: Three Month Report October 8, 2014 Introduction This Three Month Report of the status of the Financial and Operating Plan for the City of Flint is submitted to the Governor Rick Snyder, the Senate Majority Leader, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and Clerk of the City of Flint through the Department of Treasury for the State of Michigan, in accordance with Public Act 436, Section 17 which requires this report beginning six months after the appointment of the Emergency Manager. Included are the items detailed below from P.A. 436, Section 17: (a) A description of each expenditure made, approved, or disapproved during the reporting period that has a cumulative value of $5000 or more and the source of the funds. (b) A list of each contract that the emergency manager awarded or approved with a cumulative value of $5000 or more, the purpose of the contract, and the identity of the contractor. (c) A description of each loan sought, approved, or disapproved during the reporting period that has a cumulative value of $5000 or more and the proposed use of the funds. (d) A description of any new position created or any vacancy in a position filled by the appointing authority. (e) A description of any position that has been eliminated or from which an employee has been laid off. (f) A copy ofthe contract with the emergency manager as provided in section 9(3) (e). (g) The salary and benefits of the emergency manager. (h) The financial and operating plan as required under section 11. Update #7 to the Financial and Operating Plan for the City of Flint. Section Separator (a) A description of each expenditure made, approved, or disapproved during the reporting period that has a cumulative value of $5000 or more and the source of the funds. 09/30/2014 08:19 AM INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR CITY OF FLINT Page: 1/30 User: KRau POST DATES 06/28/2014 - 09/30/2014 DB: City Of Flint BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID GL Number Grant Inv.Ref Line # DescVendor Invoice Desc. Invoice Chk Date Amount Check # Fund 101 General Fund Dept 000.000 Balance Sheet Activity 101-000.000-275.000 D 266705 DORT COURT PLAZA 41-16-101-018 07/24/14 6,289.71 173777 101-000.000-275.000 Du 267737 SBALLC 2012 TC ASSETS, 41-04-302-016 08/14/14 7,094.31 173843 e 101-000.000-275.000 Du 269896 GSALLC PROPERTY 21-00-663-001 09/25/14 13,632.02 174019 ue TAX e CONSULTANTS Total For Dept 000.000 Balance Sheet Activity 27,016.04 Dept 101.100 City Council AND 101-101.100-729.000 P 268301 MAIL ROOM SERVICE 07140261 09/12/14 4.54 23632 101-101.100-801.000 Fo 267862 YEOCENTER & YEO PC FY14 AUDIT SERVICES 341513 08/29/14 9,400.00 23284 s 101-101.100-801.000 FY 268956 YEO & YEO PC FY14 AUDIT SERVICES 342687 09/12/14 11,500.00 23688 1 101-101.100-823.000 PY 266046 XEROX CORP 14 XEROX COPY MACHINES 800631981 07/25/14 183.29 22621 1 101-101.100-823.000 PB 267376 XEROX CORP ACCT 716152152 XEROX COPY MACHINES ACCT 800634579 08/08/14 459.95 23037 B 101-101.100-823.000 PB 269264 XEROX CORP 716152152 XEROX COPY MACHINES ACCT 800635894 09/26/14 183.29 23778 B 716152152 B Total For Dept 101.100 City Council 21,731.07 Dept 136.100 District Court 101-136.100-729.000 P 270322 PITNEY BOWES POSTAGE FOR 68TH DC 15082373 10,000.00 101-136.100-814.000 EO 267448 STATEPURCHASE OF MICHIGANPOWER AT 1530-02 08/07/14 7,902.33 173820 S 101-136.100-850.000 Cd 266428 AT & T SBS 14 8102303151595 07/17/14 167.43 173728 p 101-136.100-940.000 Ro 267762 GENESEE COUNTY APRIL 2015 59,508.00 m 101-136.100-940.000 Re 267763 GENESEETREASURER COUNTY MAY 2015 59,508.00 n 101-136.100-940.000 Re 267764 GENESEETREASURER COUNTY JUNE 2015 59,508.00 n 101-136.100-940.000 Re 267757 GENESEETREASURER COUNTY NOVEMBER 2014 59,508.00 n 101-136.100-940.000 Re 267758 GENESEETREASURER COUNTY DECEMBER 2014 59,508.00 n 101-136.100-940.000 Re 267759 GENESEETREASURER COUNTY JANUARY 2015 59,508.00 n 101-136.100-940.000 Re 267760 GENESEETREASURER COUNTY FEBRUARY 2015 59,508.00 n 101-136.100-940.000 Re 267761 GENESEETREASURER COUNTY MARCH 2015 59,508.00 n 101-136.100-940.000 Re 267753 GENESEETREASURER COUNTY JULY 2014 08/22/14 59,508.00 23178 n 101-136.100-940.000 Re 267754 GENESEETREASURER COUNTY AUGUST 2014 08/22/14 59,508.00 23178 n 101-136.100-940.000 Re 267755 GENESEETREASURER COUNTY SEPTEMBER 2014 08/29/14 59,508.00 23244 n 101-136.100-940.000 Re 267756 GENESEETREASURER COUNTY OCTOBER 2014 09/26/14 59,508.00 23781 n 101-136.100-940.000 Re 267863 GENESEETREASURER COUNTY 08122014 08/22/14 21,106.00 23178 en TREASURER n Total For Dept 136.100 District Court 753,271.76 Dept 171.100 Office Of Mayor 101-171.100-729.000 P 268301 MAIL ROOM SERVICE 07140261 09/12/14 14.62 23632 101-171.100-823.000 Po 266046 XEROXCENTER CORP 14 XEROX COPY MACHINES 800631981 07/25/14 91.64 22621 s 101-171.100-823.000 PB 267376 XEROX CORP ACCT 716152152 XEROX COPY MACHINES ACCT 800634579 08/08/14 406.49 23037 B 101-171.100-823.000 PB 269264 XEROX CORP 716152152 XEROX COPY MACHINES ACCT 800635894 09/26/14 91.64 23778 B 101-171.100-850.000 CB 266428 AT & T SBS 14716152152 8102303151595 07/17/14 26.74 173728 oB m 09/30/2014 08:19 AM INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR CITY OF FLINT Page: 2/30 User: KRau POST DATES 06/28/2014 - 09/30/2014 DB: City Of Flint BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID GL Number Grant Inv.Ref Line # DescVendor Invoice Desc. Invoice Chk Date Amount Check # Fund 101 General Fund Dept 171.100 Office Of Mayor 101-171.100-880.000 C 267905 BRENNAN ELM PARK 07022014 08/29/14 20,000.00 23279 101-171.100-880.000 Co 267904 UNITEDSENIOR SENIORCOMMUNITY 07022014 08/29/14 20,000.00 23280 om NETWORK m Total For Dept 171.100 Office Of Mayor 40,631.13 Dept 172.100 City Administrator 101-172.100-801.000 P 266248 MANUFACTURIN 14 0114402 07/18/14 10,000.00 22567 101-172.100-823.000 Pr 266046 XEROXG ALLIANCE CORP 14 XEROX COPY MACHINES 800631981 07/25/14 91.65 22621 o OF 101-172.100-823.000 PB 267376 XEROX CORP ACCT 716152152 XEROX COPY MACHINES ACCT 800634579 08/08/14 406.50 23037 B 101-172.100-823.000 PB 269264 XEROX CORP 716152152 XEROX COPY MACHINES ACCT 800635894 09/26/14 91.65 23778 B 716152152 B Total For Dept 172.100 City Administrator 10,589.80 Dept 191.100 Finance -Admin/Accounting/Payroll 101-191.100-729.000 P 268301 MAIL ROOM SERVICE 07140261 09/12/14 91.73 23632 101-191.100-823.000 Xo 266046 XEROXCENTER CORP 14 XEROX COPY MACHINES 800631981 07/25/14 181.16 22621 s 101-191.100-823.000 XE 267376 XEROX CORP ACCT 716152152 XEROX COPY MACHINES ACCT 800634579 08/08/14 181.16 23037 H 101-191.100-823.000 XE 269264 XEROX CORP 716152152 XEROX COPY MACHINES ACCT 800635894 09/26/14 181.16 23778 EH 716152152 H Total For Dept 191.100 Finance -Admin/Accounting/Payroll 635.21 Dept 191.201 Finance Purchasing 101-191.201-729.000 P 268301 MAIL ROOM SERVICE 07140261 09/12/14 54.41 23632 101-191.201-823.000 Po 266046 XEROXCENTER CORP 14 XEROX COPY MACHINES 800631981 07/25/14 183.29 22621 s 101-191.201-823.000 PB 267376 XEROX CORP ACCT 716152152 XEROX COPY MACHINES ACCT 800634579 08/08/14 353.10 23037 B 101-191.201-823.000 PB 269264 XEROX CORP 716152152 XEROX COPY MACHINES ACCT 800635894 09/26/14 183.29 23778 B 716152152 B Total For Dept 191.201 Finance Purchasing 774.09 Dept 215.200 City Clerk-License And Permits 101-215.200-452.000 C 268979 FLINT BOARD OF TAX YR 14 09/12/14 10,548.82 23612 101-215.200-729.000 Pa 268301 MAILEDUCATION ROOM SERVICE 07140261 09/12/14 33.77 23632 b 101-215.200-823.000 Vo 266046 XEROXCENTER CORP 14 XEROX COPY MACHINES 800631981 07/25/14 113.61 22621 s 101-215.200-823.000 VX 267376 XEROX CORP ACCT 716152152 XEROX COPY MACHINES ACCT 800634579 08/08/14 113.61 23037 W 101-215.200-823.000 VX 269264 XEROX CORP 716152152 XEROX COPY MACHINES ACCT 800635894 09/26/14 113.61 23778 XW 716152152 W Total For Dept 215.200 City Clerk-License And Permits 10,923.42 Dept 233.100 Purchasing 101-233.100-823.000 V 266046 XEROX CORP 14 XEROX COPY MACHINES 800631981 07/25/14 113.61 22621 101-233.100-823.000 YX 266046 XEROX CORP ACCT14 716152152 XEROX COPY MACHINES 800631981 07/25/14 48.56 22621 W 101-233.100-823.000 VH 266046 XEROX CORP ACCT14 716152152 XEROX COPY MACHINES 800631981 07/25/14 113.61 22621 T 101-233.100-823.000 LX 266046 XEROX CORP ACCT14 716152152 XEROX COPY MACHINES 800631981 07/25/14 74.35 22621 W 101-233.100-823.000 LB 266046 XEROX CORP ACCT14 716152152 XEROX COPY MACHINES 800631981 07/25/14 74.35 22621 P 101-233.100-823.000 LB 266046 XEROX CORP ACCT14 716152152 XEROX COPY MACHINES 800631981 07/25/14 74.35 22621 P 101-233.100-823.000 YB 266046 XEROX CORP ACCT14 716152152 XEROX COPY MACHINES 800631981 07/25/14 48.56 22621 HP ACCT 716152152 T 09/30/2014 08:19 AM INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR CITY OF FLINT Page: 3/30 User: KRau POST DATES 06/28/2014 - 09/30/2014 DB: City Of Flint BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID GL Number Grant Inv.Ref Line # DescVendor Invoice Desc.

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