Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions SIAM Activity Group on Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions ???? Newsletter ???? Published Three Times a Year October 1997 Volume 8, Number 1 Contents formatik, Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften). My new address there is: From the Editor . 1 Prof. Dr. Wolfram Koepf Message from the Chair: Charter Renewal . 2 Fachbereich IMN Reports from Meetings and Conferences . 4 HTWK Leipzig Forthcoming Meetings and Conferences . 5 Gustav-Freytag-Str. 42 A Books and Journals . 9 D-04277 Leipzig Call For Papers . 16 phone: +49-341-307 64 95 Software Announcements . 17 fax: +49-341-301 27 22 Problems and Solutions . 17 e-mail: [email protected] Miscellaneous . 19 WWW: http://www.imn.htwk-leipzig.de/~koepf How to Contribute to the Newsletter . 24 Activity Group: Addresses . 24 At least for the next few months, I will, however, be still a±liated with Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum so that you can send your messages to both places, L P O N A L Y and my old WWW homepage will still be valid. O N G O O M These changes are time-consuming, and I am H I A T L R SIAM indebted to Tom Koornwinder and Martin Mul- S O Activity Group doon who do a great job as Editors of the elec- tronic newsletter OP-SF Net. Fortunately I could S S P E Est. 1990 N borrow much material from them. Indeed, their C O I I A C T material was the main source for my collection L F U N today. I would like to announce that I will resign my From the Editor editorship at the end of the period of my appoint- ment, i.e. by the end of next year, and although Beginning in September 1997 I was ap- this is more than a year away, candidates to ¯ll pointed Professor of Applied Mathematics at the the position should get in touch with me without Hochschule fÄur Technik, Wirtschaft und Kul- delay. It would be probably much easier for a new tur Leipzig, Germany, Department of Computer editor to do the editorial work jointly with me for Science, Mathematics and Natural Sciences (In- the next year before taking over. October 1997 Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions Newsletter 2 SIAM Activity Group send them to the reviewers. on Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions I am very happy that Dick Askey and George Gasper were able to solve one of the early prob- 3 lems of the Problems Section. You will ¯nd their Elected O±cers solution of Problem 2 on p. 18. Charles Dunkl, Chair Tom H. Koornwinder, Vice Chair As usual I hope you enjoy reading this issue! Willard Miller, Program Director September 30, 1997 Wolfram Koepf Nico M. Temme, Secretary Appointed O±cers Wolfram Koepf, Editor of the Newsletter Martin E. Muldoon, Webmaster Message from the Chair: 3 Charter Renewal The purpose of the Activity Group is Dear Colleagues, |to promote basic research in orthogonal polyno- mials and special functions; to further the application On June 12, 1997 I sent an application for renewal of this subject in other parts of mathematics, and in of our Charter (see below) to Allison Bogardo at science and industry; and to encourage and support SIAM. This was her o±cial answer. the exchange of information, ideas, and techniques between workers in this ¯eld, and other mathemati- Dear Charles: cians and scientists. I am pleased to advise you that the SIAM Coun- cil and Board of Trustees approved the renewal of the charter for the SIAM Activity Group on Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions. The charter is for a three-year period beginning I would like to thank the Editors of SIAM Re- January 1, 1999 and ending December 31, 2001. view and of the American Mathematical Monthly We will be in touch with you in the spring of 1998 who gave their permission to reprint two reviews to begin work on your activity group ballot. In which may be of interest to our readers, one by the meantime, if there is any other way we can myself (SIAM Review) on the book A = B by be of assistance to you and your activity group, Marko Petkov·sek,Herbert S. Wilf and Doron Zeil- please do not hesitate to be in touch with me. berger, and the second one by Jet Wimp (Amer. Thank you. Math. Monthly) on the book and CD-ROM ver- Allison Bogardo ([email protected]) sions of Table of Integrals, Series, and Products by Gradshteyn and Ryzhik, edited by Alan Jef- Charter Renewal Application frey. Note that an independent review by Marvin Rosenblum of the CD-ROM version already ap- This Charter Renewal Application (hereinafter peared on p. 11 of Newsletter 7-1. called \RENEWAL") applies to the SIAM Activ- In future issues of the Newsletter I would like to ity Group on Orthogonal Polynomials and Special incorporate more book reviews rather than just Functions. announcements. This procedure entitles the re- The SIAM Activity Group (hereinafter called viewers to receive free copies of the books under \SIAG") to which this RENEWAL applies was review. Such reviews should have more depth originally formed under the aegis of the Society for than announcements and might be more helpful Industrial and Applied Mathematics (hereinafter for the readers. Hence I would like to ask every- called \SIAM") in July 15, 1990 by the SIAM body who is willing to write such a review to make Council and July 19, 1990 by the SIAM Board suggestions on books to be reviewed. Then I will of Trustees with its initial operating period be- try to receive these books from the publishers and ginning Jan. 1, 1990 and ending Dec. 31, 1992. October 1997 Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions Newsletter 3 Its charter has been renewed by the council and nually. The electronic news service OP-SF Net board two times thereafter. This SIAG has 133 is produced about six times per year. There is members as of March 15, 1997. an ftp site for electronic circulation of preprints According to its Rules of Procedure, the objec- which is maintained by one of the SIAG's mem- tives of the SIAG are to promote basic research bers, and it is linked to the SIAG's permanent in orthogonal polynomials and special functions; web site. The SIAG has been involved in diss- to further the application of this subject in other eninating news about current projects of several parts of mathematics, and in science and indus- groups of workers who are planning handbooks of try; and to encourage and support the exchange of special functions, in print or digital forms. These information, ideas and techniques between work- handbooks are intended to be used by the gen- ers in this ¯eld, and other mathematicians and eral mathematical and scienti¯c public. The vice scientists. chair of the SIAG has had discussions with a new mathematical society dedicated to special func- Its proposed functions are as follows: tions, based in India, regarding possible coopera- \The group is concerned with the following tion and links. topics and their applications: general systems In an e®ort to continue to foster activities and of orthogonal polynomials - asymptotic analysis, interaction between members of this group and three-term recurrence relations and Markov pro- the special functions community in general, this cesses, numerical quadrature, Julia sets, least- SIAG has planned and proposes the following ac- squares of orthogonal polynomials - harmonic tivities: There will be a minisymposium at the analysis, approximation theory, representations of July 1997 meeting in Stanford regarding the hand- compact groups, quantum mechanics, combina- book projects. There will be speakers repre- torics, coding and design theory; orthogonal poly- senting the NIST project revising the well-known nomials in several variables - Lie groups, tomog- Abramovitz and Stegun tables and the \Askey- raphy, optics, wave functions in crystals; special Bateman" project, which is taking the Erdelyi- functions - for example, Bessel, gamma, theta, Bateman \Higher Transcendental Functions" se- spheroidal wave, etc., solutions of partial di®eren- ries as its beginning point. These are both ex- tial equations, harmonic analysis of noncompact citing projects which should lead to much more groups, statistical mechanics, integral transforms, useful ways of retrieving information about and number theory. using special functions. One will be able to com- \Activities will include dissemination of infor- pute both symbolically and numerically, locate mation about upcoming conferences and sponsor- references, and ¯nd useful facts. The newsletters ing special sessions at SIAM meetings. Also, the will continue to serve researchers and users of spe- group will assist researchers in the use of sym- cial functions, with useful news about conferences, bolic computer calculations by publicizing avail- book and software reviews, and pointers to the ex- able software for special functions. Another goal isting literature for the non-specialists. This list is to establish some working relationships with of instructive survey articles and texts is a new the various SIAM journals, especially the one on feature of the print newsletter and has been well mathematical analysis, with the view of sporadi- received. cally sponsoring some invited or contributed arti- This SIAG requests that the SIAM Council and cles." Board of Trustees renew its charter for a three- It has complemented SIAM's activities and sup- year operating period beginning Jan. 1, 1999. ported its proposed functions as follows: The Charles F. Dunkl SIAG has sponsored a minisymposium at each ([email protected]) of the recent annual SIAM meetings. There is a printed newsletter which has three issues an- October 1997 Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions Newsletter 4 Reports from Meetings and Conferences Many participants told me that the session was a pleasure.
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