7 Cumulative Index to the HOUSE OF LORDS Parliamentary Debates SESSION 2006–07 15th November, 2006—12th July, 2007 (VOLUME 687–693) £00·00 Obtainable on standing order only - © Parliamentary Copyright House of Lords 2007 Applications for reproduction should be made in writing to the Copyright Unit, Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, St Clements House, 2-16 Colegate, Norwich, NR3 1BQ Fax: 01603 723000 e-mail: [email protected] ISBN XXXXXXX INDEX TO THE PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES OFFICIAL REPORT INDEX FOR SESSION 2006–07, Volume 687–693 15th November, 2006—12th July, 2007 EXPLANATION OF ARRANGEMENT AND ABBREVIATIONS Dates of proceedings are indicated by numerals in brackets. Volume numbers are shown in square brackets. Bills: Read First, Second or Third Time = 1R, 2R, 3R. Column numbers in italics refer to Written Answers. - - “Titanic”: Addiction: Addington, Lord—continued Question, [691] (1.5.07) WA193. Question, [689] (5.2.07) WA83-4. Offender Management Bill, Report, [693] (3.7.07) 962-3. Abduction: Addington, Lord: Olympic Games 2012: Question, [692] (13.6.07) WA251. Airports, Elderly and Disabled Debate, [689] (1.3.07) 1673-5. Costs, Question, [690] (22.3.07) 1344. Abortion: Passengers, Question, [690] Hackney Marshes, Question, [691] Question, [690] (15.3.07) WA145; (13.3.07) 613. (23.4.07) 498-9. Autism: (29.3.07) WA291; [692] (16.5.07) Heritage and Arts Funding, Debate, WA35. Blue Badge Scheme, Question, [691] [692] (17.5.07) 351-2. (23.4.07) 501. Logo, Question, [692] (13.6.07) 1706. Accession (Immigration and Worker Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Stadium Design, Question, [691] Authorisation) Regulations Question, [690] (6.3.07) 111. (1.5.07) 958. 2006: Battersea Arts Centre, Question, [689] Olympic Stadium, Question, [690] (20.3.07) 1140-1. Approved, [687] (4.12.06) 1029. (1.3.07) 1642. Children, Healthy Eating, Question, Palace of Westminster, Asbestos, Act of Union Exhibition: [687] (22.11.06) 343. Question, [690] (8.3.07) 316. Pensions: Statement, [692] (6.6.07) WS85. Compensation Act 2006 (Contribution Holden Trusteeship Review, for Mesothelioma Claims) Acton, Lord: Question, [688] (11.1.07) 326. Regulations 2006, Approved, [687] Occupational Schemes, Statement, Airports, Heathrow, Question, [692] (4.12.06) 1032-4. (14.6.07) 1776. [689] (22.2.07) 1216-7. Crime, Reoffending, Debate, [689] Autism, Blue Badge Scheme, Pensions Bill, 2R, [692] (14.5.07) 45-6. (1.2.07) 393-5. Piped Music etc. (Hospitals) Bill [HL], Question, [691] (23.4.07) 502-3. Disability: Gambling: 2R, [690] (16.3.07) 996. Disabled Facilities Grant, Question, Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974, Question, [690] (20.3.07) WA183. Reform, Debate, [687] (6.12.06) Betting Offices, Question, [690] [687] (19.12.06) 1892. VAT, Question, [691] (1.5.07) 956. 1231-2. (15.3.07) WA152-3. Shipping, Naval Wrecks, Question, Casinos, Question, [690] (15.3.07) Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (Amendment) (Further Education) [687] (6.12.06) 1152. WA153. Sport: Regulation, Question, [688] (11.1.07) Regulations 2007, Approved, [692] (5.6.07) 1097-8. Debate, [693] (28.6.07) 766-9. 331-2. Medicine, Questions, [689] (19.2.07) Health, Stem Cell Therapy, Questions, Disabled Persons (Independent WA203. [691] (17.4.07) WA45. Living) Bill [HL], 2R, [687] Ticket Touts, Question, [693] (5.7.07) Iraq: (15.12.06) 1804-6; Committee; 1126. Muqtada al-Sadr, Question, [689] [690] (22.3.07) 1419-25. UN, Convention on the Rights of (29.1.07) WA12. Economy, Outdoor Recreation, Persons with Disabilities, Question, Refugees, Question, [692] (11.6.07) Question, [688] (23.1.07) 1001. [688] (16.1.07) 567. 1464; [693] (26.6.07) WA137. Energy, Gas Safety, Question, [687] UN Convention on the Rights of Supreme Council for Islamic (5.12.06) 1052. Persons with Disabilities, Debate, Revolution, Questions, [689] Health, Sports Medicine, Debate, [693] (25.6.07) 477-9. (19.2.07) WA186-7. [692] (4.6.07) 958-61; Question; Vehicle Registration Marks Bill, Mental Health Bill [HL], Committee, [689] (22.2.07) 1173-4. Committee, [693] (28.6.07) 777. [688] (15.1.07) 478. House of Lords (Amendment) Bill Victims of Overseas Terrorism Bill Prisoners, Women, Question, [689] [HL], 2R, [692] (18.5.07) 425, 428. [HL], 2R, [691] (20.4.07) 454-5. (1.2.07) WA79. Houses of Parliament, World Squares Welfare Reform Bill, 2R, [689] Prisons: (29.1.07) 88-91; Grand Committee; Overcrowding, Question, [690] for All, Question, [687] (7.12.06) 1240. (20.2.07) GC4, GC9, GC28-30, (19.3.07) 1004-5. GC33, GC39-40, GC53-4, GC56; Lord Chancellor (Modification of Vulnerable People, Question, [687] (28.2.07) GC171-2, GC192, Functions) Order 2007, Approved, (27.11.06) WA27. GC197; (1.3.07) GC297-8, GC302; [692] (14.6.07) 1857. Universities, Visa Fees, Question, [688] Report; [690] (19.3.07) 1027, 1053, (17.1.07) 646. Mental Health Bill [HL], Committee, 1055, 1060, 1073, 1122. Zimbabwe: [688] (8.1.07) 58. Women, Debate, [690] (8.3.07) 370-2. Debate, [691] (16.4.07) 75-6; NHS: Statement; [690] (26.3.07) 1469. Debate, [687] (7.12.06) 1261-2. Adebowale, Lord: World Food Programme, Question, Denial of Treatment, Question, [692] Health, HIV, Question, [692] (14.5.07) [689] (26.2.07) WA296. (6.6.07) 1125. WA7. 4 15th November, 2006—12th July, 2007 Adebowale, Lord—continued Adonis, Lord—continued Adonis, Lord—continued House of Lords, Reform, Motion to Children in Care, Statement, [693] GC310-3, GC316-8, GC325-7, Take Note, [690] (13.3.07) 710. (21.6.07) WS32-3. GC329, GC333-4, GC336-7, Mental Health Bill [HL], 2R, [687] Climate Change, Question, [688] GC339-41, GC343-9, GC352-7, (28.11.06) 704-7; Committee; [688] (17.1.07) WA155; [689] (27.2.07) GC359, GC361-2, GC366-8, (8.1.07) 22-5, 65-6, 79-80; Report; WA299; [690] (7.3.07) WA50-1; GC370-2; (25.1.07) GC425-7, [689] (19.2.07) 893-4, 912-3. (19.3.07) WA164-5; [691] (3.5.07) GC433-41, GC443-4, GC456-72; Offender Management Bill, 2R, [691] WA234; [692] (17.5.07) WA56; Report; [689] (27.2.07) 1497-500, (17.4.07) 152-5; Report; [693] (21.5.07) WA70; (11.6.07) 1502-4, 1506, 1509-10, 1512-4, (27.6.07) 630-2. WA228-9; [693] (18.6.07) WA6. 1521-7, 1532-6, 1539-47, 1558-61; Cyprus, Universities, Question, [691] Adjournment: 3R; [690] (6.3.07) 143-7. (19.4.07) 328-31; [692] (13.6.07) Government Departments, Telephone [687] (19.12.06) 1983-6. WA256-7. Numbers, Question, [691] (26.4.07) Administration and Works Department for Education and Skills: WA155-7. Committee: DEL, Statement, [689] (20.2.07) Health, Colitis and Crohn’s Disease, WS60-3. Membership Motion, [687] (27.11.06) Question, [692] (4.6.07) WA160. Winter Supplementary Estimate, Higher Education, British Overseas 551. Statement, [687] (21.11.06) Report Agreed, [691] (9.5.07) 1463-6. Territories, Statement, [687] Statement, [689] (31.1.07) WS15. WS23-6. (21.11.06) WS41-3. Disability, Communication Aids Higher Education and the Economy, Adonis, Lord: Project, Statement, [687] (23.11.06) Debate, [691] (19.4.07) 403-9. “Titanic”, Question, [691] (1.5.07) WS58-9. Immigration: WA193. Disability Discrimination Act 1995 Children, Question, [688] (18.1.07) Adoption, Same-sex Couples, (Amendment) (Further Education) WA183-7; [693] (26.6.07) WA136. Question, [690] (7.3.07) WA47. Regulations 2007, Approved, [692] English Language Courses, Question, Aviation, Aircraft Noise, Question, (5.6.07) 1096-8. [689] (19.2.07) WA184; (22.2.07) [687] (6.12.06) WA142. Disabled People: WA272; [690] (13.3.07) WA111-2. Building Schools for the Future, Adult Social Care, Question, [689] Unaccompanied Children, Question, Question, [687] (18.12.06) 1826-8. (8.2.07) WA154; (27.2.07) [689] (6.2.07) WA127. Child Protection: WA300-1. Industrial Training Levy List 99, Statement, [689] (28.2.07) Education, Question, [687] (29.11.06) (Construction Industry Training WS123-5. WA57-8. Board) Order 2007, Debated, [689] Schools, Question, [690] (26.3.07) Education: (21.2.07) GC106; Approved; WA233-4. Diploma Gateway, Statement, [690] (27.2.07) 1495. Children: (28.3.07) WS138-9. Industrial Training Levy (Engineering Debate, [690] (29.3.07) 1837-44. Further Education Institutions, Construction Industry Training Abuse, Question, [689] (19.2.07) Question, [687] (14.12.06) WA219. Board) Order 2007, Debated, [689] WA172. Post-16, Statement, [690] (22.3.07) (21.2.07) GC95-9, GC103-6; Care, Question, [689] (6.2.07) WS94-6. Approved; (27.2.07) 1495. WA115. Social Background, Question, [687] Information Systems, DfES, Question, Care Matters, Question, [693] (4.12.06) WA93-4. [690] (19.3.07) WA167. (26.6.07) 495-7. Young People in Custody, Debate, Intelligent Design, Question, [687] Custody, Question, [690] (19.3.07) [691] (8.5.07) 1351-5. (18.12.06) WA258. WA162-3; [691] (16.4.07) WA9. Employment: Israel and Palestine, Academic Disappearance from Care, Question, Graduates, Question, [691] (19.4.07) Co-operation, Question, [693] [690] (22.3.07) WA214-5. WA90. (18.6.07) 10-2. EU Accession Countries, Question, International Graduates Scheme, [690] (19.3.07) WA163. Manchester, Question, [690] (19.3.07) Question, [693] (27.6.07) 589-91. WA169. Every Child Matters, Question, [693] Unskilled Jobs, Question, [693] Obesity, Question, [688] (17.1.07) (11.7.07) WA219. (21.6.07) 312-4. WA161-2. Physical Exercise, Question, [692] English for Speakers of Other Prisoners, Skills, Question, [687] (12.6.07) WA240. Languages, Debate, [689] (26.2.07) Physical Punishment, Question, [693] (4.12.06) WA107.
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