Issue #4 - 2005 A Publication of Ransom Fellowship CritHelpingique Christians Develop Skill in Discernment 04 The Darkened Room Million Dollar Baby raised a lot of discussion. As Drew Trotter reveals in this review, the real issue in this finely crafted film hasn’t received enough attention. 08 Reading the W orld Is arguing with people about right and wrong really engaging them with the gos- pel? The 13th in the Babylon series, about being in the world but not of it. 10 Tuned In 04 Bruce Springsteen’s latest CD can help us see reality more clearly—that is, if we are willing to see. A review of Devils & Dust. 07 Resources Reviews of The Sacred Cosmos; Drawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess- 13 Worshipers, and Other Pagans in America Today; and Dylan's Vision of Sin 14 The Discerning Life Asking someone to step down, either by firing them as an employee or replacing 02 Editor’s Note them as a volunteer is a painful process. It is also worth thinking about. 03 Dialogue 16 On the Web 15 Out of Their Minds Francis Schaeffer talked not just about art, philosophy, and faith, but about caring for the earth. Many conservative Christians might be shocked at what he said. Critique Issue #4 - 2005 Editor Denis Haack Layout & Web John Hake Contributing Editors Jennifer Disney, Steven Garber, Editor’s Note R. Greg Grooms, Donald Guthrie, Dialogue Marsena Konkle John Mason Hodges, Preston More than slogans Jones, David John Seel, Jr., he controversy serve as a foundation to the conclusion of the Andrew H. Trotter, Jr. around Clint film. As Andrew Trotter’s review in this Critique Board of Directors TEastwood’s film, reveals, more is at stake here than a political Steven Garber Million Dollar Baby agenda for end-of-life debates. In fact, the film Scholar-in-Residence (see the review on raises issues so foundational that, until they are The Evermay Project pages 4-7), was hard addressed thoughtfully, the arguments against Washington DC to miss. I think the euthanasia will make little sense. controversy suggests There was a curious lack of compassion in Donald Guthrie Vice President for several things. most of the debate that I heard. One of the rea- Academics at Covenant First, popular cul- sons I love the art of the cinema is that it allows Theological Seminary ture generates discus- me to be transported into someone else’s world, sion about things that matter. It’s not just seri- without for a moment giving up my own convic- Denis and Margie Haack ous novels or solemn essays that raise worthy tions and values. In Million Dollar Baby I was co-founders of Ransom Fellowship issues. I am always surprised at the number swept into the world of boxing, and came to care Rev. Ed Hague of people who dismiss popular culture is for several characters that, though fictional, Pastor of Adult Discipleship nothing more than shallow entertainment. were compellingly portrayed. The world Wildwood Presbyterian Church If we wish to be part of the conversations of the film seems to me to be a seamless that matter, we need to be aware of what continuation of the world Eastwood has Bonnie Liefer is generating them. shown us in Unforgiven and Mystic River. It Director of Communications Second, the controversy around Million is a dark world, with real suffering but few for Coalition for Christian Outreach Dollar Baby suggests that just because a answers, an impotent church, and a level debate in the public square is loud and furi- of injustice that seems to suck all mean- Henry Tazelaar MD ous, it may not be very persuasive. Did the ing from life. In that world, what Maggie Professor of Pathology, debate help people reflect thoughtfully on wanted and Frankie did, makes sense, and Mayo Medical School the deeper issues involved, or was it merely it grieved me that people created in God’s one more example of activists preaching to image could be so lost in so much darkness. Submissions the already convinced? I may be mistaken, Million Dollar Baby should move us, but Critique considers unsolicited but I think the answer is obvious. less to anger than to tears. manuscripts only for poetry. The controversy was also a reminder of I’m not sure the evangelical activists and [email protected] or mail with SASE to: how a technically correct answer might not conservative pundits are as helpful in sup- Ransom Fellowship be a sufficient answer. Million Dollar Baby is porting traditional Christian values as they 1150 West Center Street a rich story, richly told, not a simplistic tale with imagine. Rather than outrage, we should express Rochester, MN 55902 one-dimensional characters. To respond angrily delight at the chance to discuss things that mat- that euthanasia is wrong made me wonder if ter with those who do not share our deepest Correspondence people had seen the film, or if they had watched convictions and values. Those discussions should All other correspondence it thoughtfully. The problem with this response be thoughtful, warmly human, authentically and changes of address: is not that it isn’t correct, but that it gives the compassionate, and marked by careful listening. Critique impression that Christian faith is limited to sim- Technically correct slogans are not sufficient— 1150 West Center Street plistic answers. The film deserves careful watch- not just because they are not compelling, but Rochester, MN 55902 [email protected] ing, because it is a well-made, compelling story; because they make a mockery of the rich nuance it deserves careful discussion because it raises the and splendid depth that is built into the very Copyright © 2005 by issue of euthanasia within a story well-developed fabric of the world God created. ■ Ransom Fellowship enough to probe into ideas and assumptions that ~Denis Haack http://www.ransomfellowship.org Critique #4 - 2005 2 Dialogue re: the Chosen People and Gnosticism s a Jew, I at times find Christians to be is true, because most evangelicals are dualist overly zealous (understandable in this when it comes to matter. David Naugle in Apost-Christian world, but insulting to Worldview: The History of a Concept raises the Jews, when we view ourselves as the “Chosen question of whether a sacramental view of Send e-mail to: People”—and not in “need” of “salvation” reality is in fact necessary for a thoroughgoing in any way) and perhaps blindly fanatical. Christian worldview. God came to redeem [email protected] Now, I am of course, stereotyping—but only not simply the spiritual life or the secular life, to explain that I approached your Ransom but the whole creation. There is an earthi- Fellowship website with trepidation. I was ness to the Gospel that is lost among those searching for discussions on a book, The who do not see the incarnation as God’s cos- Life of Pi which I’d just read for a book club mic Yes to His creation. Celtic Christianity and wanted to get some ideas on delving has this aspect of dirt-under-the-fingernails deeper into its meaning and message, etc. Christianity, a kind of “bawdy spirituality.” Your article on Life of Pi was truly excellent. Christians have little to say to the embodied You are invited to take part in Intrigued, I browsed thru more of the website. questions of sexual identity without such a Critique’s Dialogue. Address all Very impressive. Despite the fact that it is a physical view of God’s indwelling real pres- correspondence to: Christian website, your message of “discern- ence. Sex and spirituality are intrinsically con- ment” and living a Godly life is dead on and nected (see 1 Corinthians 6:12-20). Without Ransom Fellowship inspiring. Even to this Jew. So, that’s why I’m a sacramental view of reality, icons will not 1150 West Center Street writing. To thank you all for the wonderful make sense and we will not be able to bring Rochester, MN 55902 website and wish you much success. I intend the full redemptive aspect of the Gospel to a to come back to it often and recommend it practicing homosexual or to our own gender or e-mail: to my friends as well. Thank you for provid- confusions. This is an issue that goes beyond [email protected] ing a resource for moral people (even non- loving birds by understanding what God Christians) to practice and hone the discern- came to redeem. Paul says in Romans that Unfortunately, we are unable to ment and contemplative skills that seem so creation groans waiting for its redemption. It respond personally to all corre- lost to today’s secular society. probably also groans at our view of its groan- spondence received, but each one Shalom, ing. is greatly appreciated. We reserve Cindy A. Thielman It should also be remembered that the the right to edit letters for length. via email Nicene Creed (381), in the end, came down on the side of icons. The creed itself was viewed iconographically as seen in its official hank you for reviewing Windows to title, the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Symbol Heaven [Critique #2-2005]. Icons are of Faith. More than an affirmation of belief, T only meaningfully understood in light it was viewed as a picture or window into of a sacramental understanding of reality. the character of God. Ancient Gnosticism As most evangelicals have a nascent Gnostic coupled with modern rationalism has done mindset (see Philip Lee’s Against the Protestant much to weaken contemporary evangelicals’ Gnostics), it is almost impossible for them understanding of God’s real presence—in our to understand icons as anything other than own lives as well as His created order.
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