•• • t ....-. ., ... ....-.. .... ,..... .... .,. ...... .... h "*"" •. " '_ .,. .... ' _' .... :..... ~ ...... ' .; ..' -' - .... - . '," ~ All the News Home of the Newl of All the Pointes • Every Thuf'$day Morning * * * Cal TUxedo 2..6900 rosse Complete NewsCoveTetgeof All the Pointes ~. .. VOLUME 19~No_ 26 at the Post Office at Detroit, Mich. Sc Per Copy Entered al Second Class Matter GROSSE POINTE,. MICHIGAN, ;JUNE' 26,' 1958 . .. " $3.50Per Year 24 PAGES Fully Paid Circulation HEADLINES New Junior High Schoolf\lmost" Completed of the Insect Infestation 1,600 Enroll WEEK 'h '. ,For Courses As Compiled by the T reatenlngTrees, This Season Grosse Pointe News Five Extra Teachers Hired Afer Unexpected Influx; ThUrsday, June 19 City Officials Say THE SENATE late Wednes- Driver Training Flooded day beat down, 65 to 23, a pro- Oaks in Neff, University and lakeland Area Particularly -'E lIm-- i posalof Senator Paul H. Doug- ; la~ «D. Ill.) to cut Federal Affected; Survey Being Conduc~ed of All Elms s~~ sc;~~sf:s~~f;e: I income and excise taxes six Grosse Pointe City officials are seriously alarmed at hit a new !Ugh," Dr. H. billion dollars as a means of existing threats to their precious heritage of trees. For I Leroy ~]meler, Director of fighting the economic slump. the past couple weeks they have received a nwnber of In~tructlon for ~he Grosse SenatOr Harry F. Byrd (0., calls from residents expressing concern at the recent in- POInte Pub 11c School Va,) f 0 ugh t the proposal festation of insects in their back yards. System said today. "Well strongl)'. He said it could mean The complaints, thus far,~>------------- over 1,600 students are en- • Federal deficit of 18 billion r I have been centered in the area • rolled in our program as ! t dollars in the next year and I I of Neft, Univer&ity, and Lake- FlfSt Music compared to approximately shoot the natior.al debt un to land where there is a con- 1,200 in last year's session." the 300-billion-dollar mark. centratioll of oak trees. Etymo- "More than 850 students artt The D 0 U g 1a s amendment logy experts have identified Fest:valIt ,.J,~et enrolled in the High School for \, was offered to a bill to con- the pests as being of the secondary academic courses," tinue present rates on corpora. "m{ner" species. Miners are For July 9 Dr. Selmeier stated. "Approxi- tion income taxes and excise known to be prevalent in oak mately 300 are enrolled in the taxes on such things as autos, areas where they deposit their elementary cou,rses being of- liquor and cigarets. eggs in the leaves. The oak P I 0 i f k D. fered at Marie and Mason ... ,. leaves,-which suffer a geriously au e s y I Irector, schools, THE W ABASH RIVER'S damagi~g appear~ce, fold .up Presenting Fine Tt:lent In I "A large part of the increas@ mighty flood smashed through to receIve the t~y, b-b like Series at Center can be attributed to the more three more levees Wednesday eggs. Be!ore ha~~mg, ~he e~gs than 500 students enrolled in and powered its way toward behave m. a Mexl~ Jumpmg PaulO 1e f sky, musical the Driver Education pro- the historic city of Vincennes, bean fashIon, poppmg off the d ire c tor of the Grosse gram", he said, "We are plan- Ind. trees and gr!iss. ning for 16 groups of about 32 The Wabash. still on the .Many .~1l'dS Attl"ac.te.d Pointe Summer Music Fes- students each during the sum- rampage after 10 days, went CIty OffjClalShave hesItated tival, is d.epending upon the mer. Fou!:' instructors are in- throhgh dikes at Em i son, to spray the oaks ...because the superlative calibre of his volved exclusively in thi. Prairieto.n, and Oaktown, up- I . It' h r 1 h ' eggs have. attrac~ed large fellow artists, and uJ.X>nhis phase of our program. Driver :,tream from Vincennes. Hun- nspec mg t e Ina touc es being made on the W. BUSHONG, Director of Administrative Services hordes of. birds which appear well-chosen programs, for training classes will continue dreds of thousands of acres of Brownell Junior High School which will be opened J. HAROLD,HUSBAND, Principal CHARLES SALT- ~ be ea~mg up the reproduc- the success of thell~ three- throughout the summer until rich cropland on both the next September are (from left to right), Board of Edu- ZER, 'and architect EARL MEYER. This committee tlve ,bodIes as fast as. they are Lahor Day so that as many as Illinois and Indiana sides of cation Trustees ROBERT F. WEBER and EDW ARD ~as met weekly to check on the progress' Of construc- ~anufactured. r.r:hey fear the possible may l'eceive this in- the river were flooded or PONGRACZ, Superintendent of Schools DR. JAMES tlOn of the new Grosse Pointe school.' bIrds may be serIously harmed struction. Even so, some who threatened. ~ ' ' 11$....--------------.;..--- 'by the spray ~nd are hopeful desired the course could not be The River had burst through '. that nature ~11l take care of accommodated as. our facilities levees at least five points in 24 hours as its crest swept the 60- Form New ISCh00 I 0 fficials Report 3 PoUcemen the%o~~mm'::';::me~ewtiiy :~~n~:,l permit more to be mil e distance from Terre · Lo N B IIJ .- , of GrOSfoePointe will conduct .- Haute to Vincennes. I-OW", ,UDle"Or 0' om' "le.- its alinu4l1survey of public and Hire Extra Teae~ers . ennlS Op, ew ne:, . H!l.gh" Pr' '~t'ed,U n, privately-owned Elm trees, Enrollment at the HIgh • • • T ool MICHIGAN legislators re- F Ch eld B .ld. N CIte rID Sh " commencing about the 1st of ;':,>"~' Scr: so far .exceeded expec- ~rned to Lansing at noon to- or l ren UI lng "ear, omp e Ion' .0',. "E," .. ' ores July, by which time all ElJrW;.,.,' tatlons that five extra teach. day, Thursday, to decide how , will have foliated sufficently ~rs were hired. The total teach. much m 0 n e y shall be ap- F.' I T h' ' -'. --- ~r study'. The second. foliage, ~g staff ~~w num:bers 23 plus propriated for the State Police Both ,Boys and Girls Invited Ina oue eds Being Put on Big Structure in Ch.lfonte Vitlage H~s' T~o Ueuten.. spray will follow the survey, I~:>urteacnmg DrIve-x: Educa- and other departments in- To Join Little League at Roa ; Smooth Opening for September : t f. F-' t T- . S. beginning a'bout the mid'Clleof tl~n .. Jerry J. Gench, .the volved in public safety and de- , hb ' T N A d an s or -Irs, Ime Ince neXt month; Sufficient notice prmclpal of the Grosse Pomte fense. Neig orhood' Club . '- ,'erm OW" !sure ,,' , . T9-49;rPa+r~rm~n Made.Sgt will ,1nposted in advance in High School, is in charge of The issue has to be settled Little League baseball and, "We expect the S~uel Miller Biownel1 Junior High' .: - ~ ' I ' • •• the NEWS. the summer session. before July 1. when the new football have became so School ~,obe tu~ed over to us by the .co~tra.ctors' very For the' fIrSt ,trme ~nce New Trees Planted Enrollments were particular .. fiscal year starts. Gov. W.i1- successfulI.n the POI'nte that shortly, ~upermten. dent James W. Bushong of the 194~, th~ Sh?res combIned Norbert Neff, City Clerk, ad- ly heavy in the foreign langu- liams therefore called a specla 1 G P t Publ S hIS t t too hi' e.k Pollee a d F T'\~ rtm t vises residents that the City of ages, reflecting the national . 1 t t it more or less has dI'ctated rosse Oln e IC C 00 ys em sat s we • n Ire .u;-.pa en 8ession of the L~glS a ure ,0 "Almost all of th'" ork' ~ . WI'll have tw Il'eutftiroants Grosse Pointe has plallted, on PAUL OLEFSKY concern for shortcomings in ~ <:; do 1 Wh d 15 ' , , d' () ::-.e o:;u '. , ,street property, new trees s area. pam', enc an th"'"deCI'SI'on. the patt""rn to Iftollow to ' ... to thi S 'sh Fr h d meet • • ,. keep you n g s t e r s busy ., n~;r ~~ar { :-o~g la~' and detours. By' constantly accor mg lluorrnatIon (primar:ily Norway Maples and series concer~the first of Latin are being offered for the mg Friday, J~ 20 th gh t th ~or. s a 0 gm ~ 7 checking the progresa o{ work reI e a's e d by Chief, Fred Moraine Locusts) to replace which 1'8 to be held o'n the first time in several years. In rOll ou - e year. ~esk$, and o,t,her fu;ms"hi~gs aUlainst oril1inal and amended Duemling. A patrolm'an_w,' h' hi ddit. t th n th roo s h d W th. I!> P .£:;1. as, t ose w ch have died due to Terrace of the War Memo- a Ion 0 ese, most courses THE SENATE Sm a S h e d th 0 gh Pre sid e n t Eisen- At ~ Neighborhood Club I em, e sal. t, timetables ifihey assisted very' also elevated 1;0 the rank of disease or by na,tural causes, in mathematics, social studies, h:~~r's noo-tax-cut line Thurs- Little. League Tennis. is bf;ing over. two mop,ths. left for at- materially in keeping eon- sergeant ~ The new growths rane-e in size rial C en t e r Wednesday, English, and typing are of- .ght and vot-.J over-' or.gamzed and regIstratIons te-?,ding to these and other de- 9bruction on schedule." rm.', ~ July 9 d'ay m eu I be k M taIls we are assured' of a .1.U.
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