THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN page 1 LOCATION DATE APRIL 1, 1985 THE WHITE HOOSE TIME DAY WASHINGTON, D.C. 7:50 a.m. MONDAY IN OUT PHONE ACTIVITY 7:50 The President and the First Lady had breakfast. 8:49 8:57 R The President talked with Secretary of Defense Caspar w. Weinberger . 9:12 The President went to the Oval Office. 9 : 12 9:35 The President met with: George H. Bush, Vice President Donald T. Regan, Chief of Staff Michael K. Deaver, Deputy Chief of Staff 9 : 35 9 : 46 The President met for a national security briefing with: Vice President Bush Robert C. McFarlane , Assistant for National Security Affairs John M. Poindexter , Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs Mr . Regan Mr. Deaver 9:46 9:54 The President met with : Vice President Bush James L. Buckley, Director of Radio Free Europe , Munich, Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) Mr . Regan Mr . Deaver Mr . McFarlane Mr . Poindexter 9:54 10 : 02 The President met with Mr . Deaver . 11:00 11 : 16 The President met to discuss a recent trip to Japan by administration officials and the status of o.s. Japan trade negotiations . For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "A. " 11:19 11:29 The President met for a briefing on his upcoming meeting with the President of the Democratic Republic of the Sudan with : Vice President Bush George P . Shultz, Secretary of State James A. Baker III, Secretary of t he Treasury M. Peter McPherson, Administrator of the Agency for International Development (AID) (continued) THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN page 2 LOCATION DATE APRIL 1, 1985 THE WHITE HOUSE TIME DAY WASHINGTON, D. C. 11:19 a.m. MONDAY IN OUT PHONE ACTIVITY Chester A. Crocker , Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Hume A. Horan, Amba s sador of the U. S. to the Democratic Republic of the Sudan Mr . Regan Mr. McFarlane Phillip H. Ringdahl, Director, African Affairs, National Security Council (NSC) 11:31 The President went to the Rose Ga rden . 11:31 11:45 The President greeted President of the Democratic Republic of the Sudan Gaafar Mohamed Nimeiri . Members of t he p ress . 11:45 The President e s corted President Nimeiri to the Cabinet Room . 11:45 12:07 The President participated in a meeting with U.S. and Sudanese officials. For a list of atten­ dees, see APPENPIX "B. " 12:07 The President returned to the Oval Office. 12:10 The President went to the Roosevelt Room. 12:10 1:03 The President participated in a Issues luncheon. For a list of attendees, see APPENPIX "C ." 1:03 The President returned to the Oval Office. 1:05 1 : 40 The President met with: Secretary Shultz Mr . Regan Mr . McFarlane 1:45 1:53 p The President talked with Rosie Grier, former professional football player. 2:17 2:20 p The President talked with his Deputy Assistant and Director of Private Sector Initiatives, Frederick J . Ryan, Jr. 2:30 2:50 The President met to discuss personnel matters with his Assistant for Presidential Personnel , Robert H. Tuttle. THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN page 3 LOCATION DATE APRIL 1, 1985 THE WHITE BOUSE TIME DAY WASHINGTON, D. C. 3:15 p.m. MONDAY IN OUT PHONE ACTIVITY 3:15 3:31 The President met with: Franklin c. Nofziger, consultant with Nofziger and Bragg Communications, Inc., Washington, D.C. Robert M. Kimmitt, Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs , Executive Secretary of the National Security Council (NSC) 3:32 4 : 03 The President met for a briefing on his upcoming interview with the Washington Post with senior White House staff. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "D . " 4:06 4:35 The President parti cipated in an interview with: Lou Cannon, columnist for the Washington Post newspaper David B. Hoffman, White Bouse correspon­ dent for the Washington Post newspaper Leonard Downie, Jr., Managing Editor, Washington Post newspaper Larry M. Speakes, Principal Deputy Press Secretary 4:40 4:45? The President participated in a photo opportunity with: Representative Matthew J. Rinaldo, (R-New Jersey) Bill Kosakowski, President of the New Jersey State Firemen's Benevolent Association John Gerow, Executive Board Member, New Jersey State Firemen's Benevolent Association William Flynn, Executive Board Member, New Jersey State Firemen's Benevolent Association Charles Donaghue , Executive Board Member, New Jersey State Firemen ' s Benevolent Association w. Dennis Thomas, Deputy Assistant for Legislative Affairs 4:45? 4:50? The President participated in a photo opportunity with: Representative Dan Lungren, (R-California) Mrs. Dan (Barbara) Lungren, wife of the Representative (R-California) (continued) THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN page 4 LOCATION DATE APRIL l, 1985 THE WHITE BOUSE TIME DAY WASHINGTON , D. C. 4:45 p . m. MONDAY IN OUT PHONE ACTIVITY Jeffrey Lungren, son of the Representative CR- California) Kelly Lungren, daughter of the Representative CR-California) Kathleen Lungren, daughter of the Representative CR- California) Nancy J . Risque , Special Assistant for Legislative Affairs 4 : 50? 4:55? The President met to receive the "Chair of Excel­ lence Award ," an annual award given by a group of concerned North Carolina citizens to an American f or making an outstanding contribution t o the employment sit uation in North Carol ina wi.th : Representative Howard Coble , (R- North Carolina) J . Paul Brayton, President of the Brayton International Collection, Righ Point , North Carol ina 4 : 55? 5:00? The President met with : Mrs . Slade (Sal ly) Gorton , wife of the Senator CR-Washington) Mrs . Jeannett e Schaefer, mother of three children who suffer from Usher ' s Syndrome , a rare disease affecting hearing and eyesight Zachary William Schaefer, 12 year old from Lynnwood , Washington, who suffers from Usher's Syndrome, a rare disease affecting hearing and eyesight Abraham Martin Schaefer, 10 year old from Lynnwood , Washington , who suffers from Usher ' s Syndrome , a rare disease affecting hear i ng and eyesight Jeanette Allison Schaefer, 9 year old from Lynnwood, Washington, who suffers from Usher ' s Syndrome , a rare disease affecting hearing and eyesight Mildred Jeanette Sarver, grandmother of the three children who suffer from Usher ' s Syndrome , a rare disease affecting hearing and eyesight Alli son Louise Bell, Staff Member , Senator Slade Gorton (R- Washington) Pamela J . Turner , Deputy Assistant for Legislative Affairs (Senate) THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN page 5 LOCATION DATE APRIL 1, 1985 THE WHITE ROUSE TI ME DAY WASHINGTON , D. C. 5 :04 p . m. MONDAY IN OUT PHONE ACTIVITY 5:04 The President returned to t he Roosevelt Room . 5:04 5:12 The President attended a farewell reception for U. S. Representative to the United Nations (UN) Jeane J . Kirkpatrick. 5:12 The President retur ned to the .Oval Office. 5:14 The President participated in a message taping session for: Tenth Ann iversary celebration of Strong Memorial Rostpial in Rochester , New York Television Academy Hall of Fame Senator Pete Wilson ' s fundraising dinner Adam Walsh Missing Children TV segment 5:14 The President went to the White House library. 5 : 28 The President returned to the second floor Residence . 7:00 The President and the Fi rst Lady had dinner . 10:00 The President retired . TME WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN page 1 LOCATION DATI APRIL 2, 1985 THE WHITE HOUSE DAY WASHINGTON , D. C. 7:45 a . m. TUESDAY IN OUT PHONE 7:45 The President and the First Lady had breakfast. 9 : 00 The President went to the Oval Office. 9: 00 9:33 The President met with: George H. Bush, Vice President Donald T . Regan, Chief of Staff Michael K. Deaver, Deputy Chief of Staff 9 : 33 10: 02 The President met for a national security briefing with: Vice President Bush Robert c . McFarlane, Assistant for National Security Affairs John M. Poindexter, Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs Mr . Regan Mr . Deaver 11:05 11 : 26 The President met for a briefing on his upcoming meeting with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey with: Vice President Bush George P. Shultz, Secretary of State James A. Baker III, Secretary of the Treasury Caspar w. Weinberger, Secretary of Defense Robert Strausz- Hupe, Ambassador of the U. S. to the Republic of Turkey Mr . McFarlane Peter R. Sommer , Director, European and Soviet Affairs, National Security Council 11 : 30 11: 37 The President met with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey Turgut Ozal . Members of the press (in/out) . 11:37 The President escorted Prime Minister Ozal to the Cabinet Room . 11: 37 12: 15 The President participated in a meeting with U. S. and Turkish officials. For a list of atten- dees , see APPENDIX "A . " 11: 50 11 :51 p The President talked with Robert L. Pugh, career member of the Senior Foreign Service attending the Executive Seminar in National and Interna­ (continued) THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN page 2 LOCATIOfl DATE APRIL 2, 19 85 THE WHITE HOUSE DAY WASHINGTON, D. C. 11: 50 a . m. TUESDAY IN OUT f'lotONE tional Affairs, Foreign Service Institute. 12 : 15 The President escorted Prime Minister Ozal to t he State Dining Room. 12:15 1 : 20 The President hosted a working luncheon for Prime Minister Ozal . For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "B. " 12: 25 The Presidential party went to the first floor family dining room for lunch. 1 : 20 The President escorted Prime Minister Ozal to the South Grounds . 1:21 The President and Prime Minister Ozal exchanged departure statements.
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