GOVERIIMENT OF KARIIATAKA No. FCS 208 EBT 2018 Karnataka Government S ecretariat Vikas Soudha, Ground Floor, Bangalore, Dated: 04.0 1.2019. NOTIFICATION In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 14(3) of the Legal Metrology Act 2009 (No.l of 20lA), it is hereby notified that all the Legal Metrology Officers are empowered to exercise the power confened u/s 15 of the Act within the local limits of the jurisdiction, according to their job chart. By order and inghe name of Goveryrfr of I$tod1afa 1'' \ -''l\ . ,,VaYt'-'j-' ' (JqaoTHr R.J) Deputy Secretary to the Government, Food, Civil supplies, Consumer affairs and LeWl Metrolo gy Dep artment. To, )?, , t The Compiler, Karnataka State Gazelteeraangal6re- to print this Notification in the special Gazette and supply 500 copies. Copy to: 1. The Principal Accountant General (G & SS/t Karnataka, New Building, 'Audit Bhavan', P.O. No.5398, Bangalore 560001. 2. The Principal Accountant General (E &RSA), Karnataka, New Building, 'Audit Bhavan', P.O. No.5398, Bangalore 560001. 3. The Principal Accountant General (A &E), Karnataka, Park House Road, P.O. No.5329, Bangalore 56000 1 . 4. The Controller, Department of Legal Metrology, Bangalore. 5. All the Concerned Officers of the department of Legal Metrology (through the Controller of Legal Metrology) 6. The Director, Department of treasuries, Bangalore 7. The Deputy Director, NMC, Department of Treasuri es,2nd Floor, Khanija Bhavan, Bangalore.: 8. Section Guard frlel Extra copies : Copy for information: 1. Private Secretary to Minister for Food, Civil Supplies, Consumer Affairs and Legal Metrology Department, Bangalore. 2. Private Secretary to Secretary to Government Food, Civil Supplies, Consumer Affairs and Legal Metrology Department, Bangalore. 3. P.A. to Deputy Secretary Food, Civil Supplies, Consumer Affairs and Legal Metrology Department, Bangalore. GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA No. FCS 208 EBT 2018(1) Karnataka Government Secretariat Vikas Soudha. Ground Floor. Bangalore, Dated: 04.0 L2019. NOTIFICATION The earlier Notification No.FCS 147 EBT 201 6( 1 ), dated:20 .07 .20f 6 is herebr. withdrawn and a New Notification is being issued. In exercise of the powers conferred b1' section 14 (3) of the Legal Metrology Act 2009 (No.1 of 2010). it is hereby notified that tlie Legal Metrology Officers mentioned in the column No.2 to exercise their po\\ er and discharge the duties of inspection under section 15 of the said Act ancl the relevant rules rnade thereunder. within the jurisdiction mentioned in the column No.3 st. Designation of the No. officer Jurisdiction I 2 3 Assistant Controller of Legal Metrology. AC Jurisdiction Bangalore Inspection Squad- I, Bengaluru. of l " Circle. I Bangalo Inspector of Legal Metrology, re 2"d Circle und Bungalore 3'd Circle. Inspection Squad- 1, Bengaluru. Assistant Controller of Legal Metrology, Inspection Squad-2, Bengaluru 2 AC Jurisdiction of Bangalore 4t" Circle. Inspector of Legal Metrology, Ramanagara and Bangalore Rural _Inspection Squad-2, Bengaluru District. Assistant Controller of Legal Metrology, Inspection Squad Bangalore and Mysore Division Tumkur. Chickballapr-rra" Kolar. J Shivamogga, Inspector of l-egal Metrology, Chitradurga, Davangere District and Mysore Inspection Squad Bangalore and Mysore Division. Division Assistant Controller of Legal Metrology. Belagavi. lJttara Kannada. Dharward 4 Inspection Squad Belgavi Division head . Haveri. Gadag. quarter at Belgavi Vijayapura, Bagalkote. Inspector of Legal Metrology, Yadagiri, Koppal, Kalaburagi, Bidar, 5 Inspection Squad Kalburgi Division head Raichur and quafter at Kalburgi. Ballari Districts. This notification is issued in supersession of earlier notifications and orders in this regard. By order and in the name of Goverqor ofiKarnataka \l\t ,,iil- ,i\.rl 3"s-' --...a \.r\' /N;'t- ) ' \./' ' ' (JYOTHT R.J) Deputy Secretary to the Government, Food, Civil supplies. Consumer affairs and Legal Metrology Deparlrnent. To, The Compiler. Karnataka State Gazetteer, Bangalore- to print this Notification in the special Gazelte and supply 500 copies. ) -2- Copy to: 1. The Principal Accountant General (G & SSA) Karnataka, New Building, "Audit Bhavan", P.O.No. 5398, Bangalore 560001. 2. The Principal Accountant General (E& RSA), Karnataka, New Building, "Audit Bhavan". P.O. No.53 98, Bangalore 56000 1 . 3. Tlre Principal Accountant General (A&E), Karnataka, Park House Road, P.O.No.5 32g. Bangalore 560001. 4. The controller, Department of Legal Metrology, Bangalore. 5. All the Concerned Officer of The Legal Metrology Department (through the Controller of Legal Metrology Department) 6. l'he Director, Department of Treasuries, Bangalore. 7. The Deputy Director, NMC, Department of Treasuries,2nd Floor, Khaniia Bhavan. Bangalore. B. Section Guard File/Extra copies/compendium folder. Copy for information: 1. Private Secretary to Minister for Food, Civil Supplies,Consumer Affairs. and Legal Metrology Department. Bangalore. 2. Private Secretary to Secretary to Government Food, Civil Supplies, Consumer Affairs, and Legal Metrology Department, Bangalore. 3. P.A to Deputy Secretary Food, Civil Supplies, Consumer AfTairs. and Legal Metrology Department. Bangalore. GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA No. FCS 208 EBT 2018(2) ", rrnataka Government Secretariat Vikas Soudha, Ground Floor, Bangalore, Dated: 04.01 .2019. NOTIFICATION The earlierNotificationNo. FCS 147 EBT.2016(2) dated 20.07.2016 and Corrigendum Notification No. FCS 147 EBT 2016(2) dated:13.02.2017 is hereby withdrawn and a fresh Notification is being issued. In exercise of the powers conferred by section 14(3) of the Legal Metrology Act 2009 (I.{o.1 of 2010), it is hereby notified that the Legal Metrology Officers mentioned in the column No.2 to exercise their power and discharge the duties of verification and stamping under section 2,1 of the said Act and the relevant rules made thereunder, within the iurisdiction inenlioned in the coiuinn No.3 sl. Designation of the officer/offices Jurisdiction No. I ) 3 Tank lorry calibration including Devanagonthi oil company terminals, Weights, measures, weighing and measuring instruments used in Assistant Controller of Legal Distilleries, Microbreweries, Breweries. 1 Metrology, including storage tanks, kerosene overhead Central laboratory, Rengaluru tanks, kerosene dispensing pumps of Bangalore Urban district. New Auto and Taxi meters of Mannfacturers and dealers of Bangalore urban district. New goods of weights, rrr€a.SUr€S, weighing Assistant Controller of Legal and measuring instruments of the 2 Metrology (HQA-Technical), Head Manufacturers and Dealers in Bensaluru Office. Bengaluru Urban District ILM Yeshwanthapura Sub-Division ILM Yeshwanthpura- 1 Assistant Controller of Legal 3 ILM Yeshwantlpura-2 Metrology 1't Circle, Bangalore II.M Hebbala Sub-Division ILM Civil Area Sub-Division ILM City Market-1 Sub -Divisron Assistant Controller of Legal ILM City market-2 Sub-Division 4 Metrolo gy 2"d Circle, Bar:;aiore ILM FIAI, Sub-Division II-M r('-;iamansala ILM Malleshwaram Sub-Di,.'rsion ILM Chamaraj apet Sub-Division Assistant Controller of Lesal 5 II-M Rajajinagar Sub Division Metrology 3'd Circle, Banga-lore il-M Rajajinagar -l II-M Indiranaqar ILM J ay anagara Sub-Division II-M Wilson Garden Sub Division Assistant Controller of Lesal 6 ILM N.T.Pete Sub-Division Metrolo gy 4'h Circle, BangJlo.e ILM Rajajinagar -2 l_t-Vt luyu"ug*- t A*trt*t C""t."tt". off .g"t 7 \ Bengaluru R.ural District Metroloqv Benealuru F. ,t,: \r.' "l'ai +--J- 2... 'rt 1l it -2- Assistant Controller of Legal ILM Ramanagar Sub-Division MetrologY ILM Kanakapura Sub-Division Assistant Controller of Legal Metrology, Tumakuru District Tumakuru Assistant Controller of Legal Metrology, Kolar Distnct Kolar Assistant Controller of Legal Chickballapur District and ILM work of Chickballapura municipal town limits' Chickaballapur Legal Assistant Controller of Chitradurga District and ILM work of Metrology, Chitradurga municipal town limits' Chitradu Assistant Controller of Legal Davangere District Davangere Assistant Controller of L ogal MetrologY, Shivamogga District Shivamo Legal Assistant Controller of Mysuru District except ILM Nanjanagud Sub- MetrologY, Division. Legal Assistant Controller of Chamaraj anagar District and ILM Metrolo gY, . Nanj anagud Sub-Division' Assistant Controller of Legal VfetrologY, Mandya District Mandya of I Assistant Controller egal I MetrologY, Hassan District Hassan Assistant Controller of Legal MetrologY, Kodasu Assistant Controller of Legal Chikkamagaluru District and ILM work of Metrology, Chikkamagaluru municipal town limits Chikkamagaluru tt-M Vtungaluru Sub-Division- 1 Assistant Controller of Legal ILM Mangal uru Sub-Division-2 MetrologY, ILM Bantwal Sub-Division Dakshina Kannada, ILM Puttur Sub-Division t, CuPi Srrb-Division Assistant Controller of l-ggal ILM Sub-Division Metrology, I'-M KundaPura ILM Moodabidri Su1:'-Division -@cept the j urisdiction_ of Assistant Controller of Legal ILM Savadatthi Metrology, ILM Aihani Sub-Division and Belaqavi Sub-Division Assistant Controller of Legal !'ijayapura Disrtict and the jurisdiction of ILM MetrologY. Sub-Division .,' Athani Viiavaoura i -3- Assistant Controller of [,egal 25 Metrology, i 6 adagDistrict Gadas Assistant Controller of Legal Haveri District and ILM work of Haveri 26 Metrology, municipal town limits Haveri Assistant Controller of Legal 27 Metrology, Dharwad District Hubballi Assistant Controller of Legal 28 Metrology, Uttara Kannada District Uttara Kannada Assistant Controller of Legal Bagalkot District and
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