Pulse of the Moodowiond*' Wood-Ridge • Carlstadt • East Rutherford • Rutherford • Lyndhurst • North Arlington Ihuisdoy July 17 200B Cancer fighter continues on. despite state's study results By Akxis lbrraxi StMOR RrPORTF* Park with classic melodies and hih on Saturday, JuV'2. For the (u»*xy LYNDHURST — Lyndhursts the concert, pl«m» see B 3 cancer rale is similar to surround- COMMUNITY BRIEFS ing towns and other municipalities in Bergen ( ountv. according to a Showboat casino new study released July 10. However, former township resi- trip set for July 25 dent Lorraine Colabella says she is LYNDHURST — The going to continue to push forward Lvndhursi Department of with more studies. Parks and Ret reation "We are bv no means going to announced tli.it there will be drop it," Colabella said "We are a trip to the Showboat casino continuing." in Atlantic ("itv on Thursday, Concerns over a possible cancer Julv 25. Tickets are S1H per cluster in Lvndhursi due to envi- person, with a cash return ot ronmental effects were recently $20 and $5 food voucher, and raised and brought to the fore- art- on sale at the parks front of the state's attention bv department. Call 201-804- Colabella 2482 for information- "Everyone has someone in their family with it or who died ot it." Colabella said of cancer in a previ- Registration for ous interview Too mam people football/cheering Upgrades roll into Rutherford station have it in one town." NORTH ARLINGTON — Diagnosed with incurable multi- The North Arlington Junior By Susan C. Moeler ple myeloma five years ago. Vikings will hold registration SENIOR RIPORUR Colabella contacted Tht Isadfr, for the 2008 football and asking that the newspaper publish cheer leading teams at the RUTHERFORD — The a brief announcement to help find Rec House on Schuvlei Lime is now t<n re nova lions people with cancer in the Avenue Wednesday, Jul\ 16, to the Rutherford Train Lvndhursi area who would like to from ti p.m. to 8 p.m. Station. Steve Jurow, \J share their stories. Transit's project manager foi The registration fee is $rif> The release was printed on the the restoration. briefed for football and cheerlead- front page of the April 24 edition. members of the borough's ing: $25 foi flag football. Within davs. Colabella said she historicaJ preservation com- received hundreds of calls and e- FoocbMll i» ufMin ui playei s mission and the public about between ages :>-14, and cheer- mails. To help Colabella tackle (In- the, repairs at a meeting Julv leading is open to grades 3-8. growing issue, Lvndhurst Health 14. Participation is limited to Administrator Joyce Jacobson North Arlington residents The state will fund $1.5 jumped aboard and reeled in the onlv. million worth of work on the New Jersey (dancer Epidemiology1 exterior of the train station, Services to conduct a cancer which should be finished by inquiry study. Starfish it seeking December iJOOH or January During the two-month study, volunteer drivers 2009. Then, $1.9 million of federal funding, secured bv the stale reported to Jacobson that RUTHERFORD — t'.S. Rep. Steve Rothman (D- preliminary study results indicated Starfish of Rutherford is once 9). will kick in. and interior the cancer rate in Lvndhursi is again accepting volunteers to remodeling will begin in comparable to that of its neigh- drive Rutherford residents to April of next year, Jurow said. bors, Rutherford and North local medical appointments. Arlington The train station's doors, Photo by Sown C.Motlir The all-volumeei organiza- "It's not that no towns have a with their leaded glass tran- tion is celebrating its 28th William Galloway, president of the Rutherford Historical Preservation Commission, with pictures lower rate, there are probably even soms, as well as the exterior veai of service to the needy of the borough's dilapidated train station. Exterior repairs are under way and slated for comple- some thai have a higher rate," brickwork and columns, are tion by December 2008 or early 2009. Interior remodeling will begin next spring. Jacobson said They are saying Volunteer drivers are all on the docket for repair overall, the cancer rate is similar." asked to make a commitment during phase one. of a few local drives for only But the results weren't enough The contractors will seek accurate reproductions will tion's original color scheme, But, Jurow emphasized, one dav a month or to consid- for Jacobson — she asked the stale to restore and reinstall the be fabricated and used and NJ Transit is committed the old colors aren't always er becoming an cm-call driver instead. original fixtures, but if dete- to a historically appropriate Please Residents are asked to call rioration has rendered them Paint samples will )>e ana- paini job on the wood sur- Please see TRAIN on see on 201-4S8-S4O6 foi more infor- bevond repair, historically lyzed to determine the sta- faces. PageA6 mation on how to personallv PageA6 make a difference in the lives of people in the community. Moving on up I Carlstadt buys building for police station police liaison. The police By Akxis Tarrazi department demands certain SENIOR RIPORTTJI criteria not demanded by a normal office, such as places CARLSTADT — It's a bn to detain someone ... and the cramped in Carlstadt's bor- way it is laid out right now ough hall. Police detainers can be very difficult." are kept alongside adminis- The new property at 510 trative offices, with council Jefferson St., with its 100-fooi- fisabtt chambers and storage areas by- 100-foot double-sized lot, nearby. But the mayor and is the ideal location for the rMnUd Wwlly council have just purchased police, according to 251 Ridg* Rood some elbowroom — in the Councilman Joseph Crifasi. Lyndhurcl, N) 07071 form of a building directly Periodical poslog* paid ot The building, which will cost g p across the street from the the borough around d Ml 07070700 municipal building. 5ubicriphon$U $650,000, used to house the Out of Araa $33 "Right now the police M.J. Maguth & Son USK 611-680 department is the most Machinery Company. PotlmoiMr, pl*OM Mod all oddr*u crowded department, and it "We didn't pay too much chanoMto251 Ridg* Rd, is squeezed into the smallest lyndhunt, NJ 07070 amount of space," said Craig Please see POUCi www laod«N*wipop*n n« Lahullier, councilman and © 2008 Uodw NawiGroup, UC on Page A6 Tel: 201.033.1120 • Fax 201033.1220 711 Rt. 17 North, Corlstodt NJ, 07072 THtHAPBI Clarification »VI id !) .IDlH.Mt NI S IntheJuh-lOistueofihe Man claims five men robbed himt Nnmpapm, a letter mod-Ridge police smett something fishy submitted by the Rev. Donald M. Pilches included an incorrect telephone num- Hackensack Street stop and tioning by Wood-Ridge ber. For more on the effort SENKK REKWTU contacted police at 11:43 a.m., Detective SgL John Kurin and to remember Fr. Mychal call claiming he was mugged while Detective Joe Ruugliano. Pitches 201-4S8-5526. WOOD-RIDGE — After on the vehicle. Basile reported However, during the interview, i . • M i : lilt claiming to have been mugged the males had stolen his wallet Basile changed his story, and it In the story titled, "A seri- by five Hispanic main while and cell phone. was discovered that Basile still ous injury ..." (July 10 issue of The Leader), it was quoted traveling on a public trans- "He gave us a very good had his cell phone in his pos- session and was never mugged. that Rich Mariano's father, •RT portation but, Anthony Basile. description of all five males, was the only parent in the 19, of Patenon, was arreued which we thought was unusual "We don't know why he stands at St. Mary's track July 10 for filing a false police at the time," Ruugliano said. lied," Chief Rutigliann said. meets. Mariano would like to report, authorities said. "(He) said the males fled in Basile was charged with fil- clarify that his father was one five different directions." Wood-Ridge Police Chief ing a false police report, a dis- of the only attendants who ONUNE Joseph Rutigliano said Basile Basile was brought into orderly persons offense, and filmed the track meets exited the bus at the headquarters for further ques- was released on summonses. www. LeaderNewspapers net Police files ... When you need a good lawyer ANTHONY J. RIPOSTA, ESQ. Crrttfied by the Supreme Court ofNJ Burglary LYNDHURST — Brain Theft Theft from car at a Civil Trial Attorney Delgado, 22, of Lodi, was COUNSELLOR AT LAW NORTH ARLINGTON arrested on Julv 11 at 2:09 EAST RUTHERFORD — RUTHERFORD — On — On July IS, an Arlington a.m. for DWI. careless driv- A Herman Street resident Julv 14 at 7:50 a.m., police ( all today for a free phone consultation Boulevard resident reported ing, failure to signal, driving reported that sometime reported that someone that sometime between while suspended, being an between [ulv H and July 7. entered three unlocked cars 201-991-0067 12:45 a.m. and 10 a.m.. unlicensed driver, refusal to someone stole 22 gallons of parked in a driveway on someone entered through take a breath test and having diest-l fuel and the fuel tap Grove Street. A 2008 432 Ridge Rd , North Arlington, NJ the rear window of the home a warrant out of Montclaii. from his 2001 CMC delivery Mercurv was entered, and www Kifx**(al aw com and stole the car keys, Police Delgado was lau-i released truck, while parked on $7 in change was stolen.
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