REES & VERVOORT: HYDROIDS JOHN MURRAY EXPEDITION 3 HYDROIDS FROM THE JOHN MURRAY EXPEDTION TO THE INDIAN OCEAN, WITH REVISORY NOTES ON HYDRODENDRON, ABIETI- NELLA, CRYPTOLARIA AND ZYGOPHYLAX (CNIDARIA: HYDRO- ZOA) by W. J. REES and W. VERVOORT Rees, W. J. & W. Vervoort: Hydroids from the John Murray Expedition to the Indian Ocean, with revisory notes on Hydrodendron, Abietinella, Cryptolaria and Zygophylax (Cnidaria, Hydro- zoa). Zool. Verh. Leiden 237, 16-ii-1987: 1-209, figs. 1-43, tabs. 1-37. - ISSN 0024-1652. Key words: Cnidaria; Hydrozoa; genera; relationships, new species; deep-water fauna Indian Ocean. Fourty-four species and one variety of hydroids were identified in the John Murray hydroid collection, obtained from the Gulf of Aden, the Arabian Sea and the northern part of the Indian Ocean, largely from deep water localities. Of these 44 species 2 could be identified only to genus, 1 species is doubtfully mentioned and 5 are new to science. The 44 species we assigned to 2 families of athecate and 6 families of thecate hydroids. In many instances the species have been compared with the type material which, where necessary, was redescribed. A number of additional species, not represented in the John Murray collection has also been redescribed and/or figured. Practical• ly all the John Murray hydroids are figured. Deposition of spirit-preserved type and other material (alc.), including microslide preparations (slds) in the collections of the British Museum (Natural History) (BMNH) and in the collections of the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie (National Museum of Natural History), Leiden, Netherlands (RMNH), is indicated. Holotypes, and where necessary paratypes, have been indicated of Zygophylax millardae sp. nov., Zygophylax tottoni sp. nov., Sertularella whitei sp. nov., Cladocarpus indicus sp. nov., and Cladocarpus sewelli sp. nov. Holotype and paratype material of all these species has been deposited in the BMNH collections, Department of Zoology; schizoholotypes and some of the paratypes have been placed in the Coelenterate collection of the RMNH. W. J. Rees (deceased), Zoology Department, British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, England. W. Vervoort, Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, P.O. Box 9517, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands. CONTENTS Introduction 7 List of stations and species collected 8 List of abbreviations 9 Taxonomic section 10 (List of species; * means: discussed in present paper but not in John Murray collection). Family Solanderiidae Marshall, 1892 Solanderia procumbens (Carter, 1873) 10 4 ZOOLOGISCHE VERHANDELINGEN 237 (1987) Family Clavidae McCrady, 1859 Corydendrium parasiticum (Linnaeus, 1767) 12 Family Haleciidae Hincks, 1868 Genus Hydrodendron Hincks, 1868 12 Hydrodendron dichotomum (Allman, 1888) 14 * Hydrodendron mirabile (Hincks, 1866b) 20 *Hydrodendron parasiticum (G.O. Sars, 1874) 20 * Hydrodendron gorgonoide (G.O. Sars, 1874) 20 *Hydrodendron arboreum (Allman, 1888) 20 *Hydrodendron caciniforme (Ritchie, 1907a) 20 * Hydrodendron paciflcum (Stechow, 1913b) 20 * Hydrodendron gracile (Fraser, 1914a) 20 * Hydrodendron carchesium (Fraser, 1914b) 21 *Hydrodendron australe (Bale, 1919) 21 *Hydrodendron gardineri (Jarvis, 1922) 21 * Hydrodendron armatum (Stechow, 1924) 21 * Hydrodendron sibogae (Billard, 1929a) 21 * Hydrodendron tottoni sp. nov 21 *Hydrodendron corrugatum (Fraser, 1936) 22 *Hydrodendron laxum (Fraser, 1938a) 22 *Hydrodendron negligens (Fraser, 1938a) 22 *Hydrodendron alternatum (Fraser, 1938c) 22 * Hydrodendron expansum (Fraser, 1948) 22 Hydrodendron cornucopia (Millard, 1955) 22 *Hydrodendron daidalum (Watson, 1969) 22 *Hydrodendron sympodiforme Millard & Bouillon, 1974 22 *Hydrodendron leloupi Hirohito, 1983 22 *"Diplocyathus minutus" Leloup, 1930 23 Halecium cf. beanii (Johnston, 1838) 23 Halecium delicatulum Coughtrey, 1876 25 Halecium labiatum Billard, 1933 · 28 *Halecium lankesterii (Bourne, 1890) 30 Halecium sp 30 Family Lafoeidae Hincks, 1868 Subfamily Hebellinae Stechow, 1913b Halisiphonia megalotheca Allman, 1888 31 *Halisiphonia spongicola Haeckel, 1889 34 *Halisiphonia nana Stechow, 1921e 34 *Halisiphonia arctica Kramp, 1932b 35 Hebella scandens (Bale, 1888) var. contorta Marktanner-Turneretscher, 1890 35 Hebella sp 36 Subfamily Lafoeinae Hincks, 1868 Acryptolaria conferta australis (Ritchie, 1911b) 37 Filellum serratum (Clarke, 1879) 39 Lafoea dumosa (Fleming, 1820) 40 *Lafoea benthophila Ritchie, 1909 44 Subfamily Zygophylacinae Stechow, 1921d 45 Genus Abietinella Levinsen, 1913 45 *Abietinella operculata (Jäderholm, 1903) 46 *Abietinella grandis (Wolfenden, 1910) 46 Genus Cryptolaria Busk, 1857 47 *Cryptolaria prima Busk, 1857 47 REES & VERVOORT: HYDROIDS JOHN MURRAY EXPEDITION 5 *Cryptolaria exserta Busk, 1858 48 *Cryptolaria pectinata (Allman, 1888) 49 *Cryptolaria chazaliei (Versluys, 1899) * 50 *Cryptolaria adhaerens (Fraser, 1938a) 50 *Cryptolaria pinnata (Fraser, 1938c) 50 *Cryptolaria rigida (Fraser, 1940) 51 *Cryptolaria spinosa Millard, 1980 51 Genus Zygophylax Quelch, 1885 51 *Zygophylax antipathes (Lamarck, 1816) 53 *Zygophylax robusta (Verrill, 1873) 53 *Zygophylax pinnata (G.O. Sars, 1874) 54 *Zygophylax convallaria (Allman, 1877) 54 Zygophylax elegans (Fewkes, 1881) 55 *Zygophylax rufa (Bale, 1884) 55 Zygophylax profunda Quelch, 1885 56 Zygophylax cyathifera (Allman, 1888) 62 *Zygophylax tizardensis Kirkpatrick, 1890a 66 *Zygophylax thyroscyphiformis Marktanner-Turneretscher, 1890 67 *Zygophylax geniculata (Clarke, 1894) 68 *Zygophylax halecioides (Allman, 1872) var. annellata Pictet & Bedot, 1900 68 *Zygophylax flexilis Pictet & Bedot, 1900 68 *Zygophylax operculata Jäderholm, 1903 69 *Zygophylax junceoides (Borradaile, 1905) 69 *Zygophylax cervicornis Nutting, 1905 69 *Zygophylax biarmata Billard, 1905a 70 *Zygophylax armata (Ritchie, 1907) 70 *Zygophylax grandis Vanhöffen, 1910 71 *Zygophylax carolina (Fraser, 1911) 71 *Zygophylax concinna (Ritchie, 1911b) 71 *Zygophylax levinseni (Saemundsson, 1911) 72 *Zygophylax curvitheca (Stechow, 1913a) 72 *Zygophylax sibogae Billard, 1918 72 *Zygophylax brevitheca Jäderholm, 1919 73 *Zygophylax stechowi (Jäderholm, 1919) 73 *Zygophylax pacifica Stechow, 1920 74 *Zygophylax recta Jarvis, 1922 74 *Zygophylax valdiviae Stechow, 1923a 75 *Zygophylax africana Stechow, 1923c 75 *Zygophylax brownei Billard, 1923a 76 *Zygophylax abyssicola (Stechow,* 1926) 76 *Zygophylax unilateralis Totton, 1930 77 *Zygophylax arborescens (Leloup, 1931) 78 *Zygophylax bathyphila Leloup, 1940b 78 *Zygophylax elegantula Leloup, 1940b 78 *Zygophylax crassitheca (Fraser, 1941) 78 *Zygophylax bifurcata Billard, 1942 79 *Zygophylax brevitheca (Jäderholm, 1919) var. sibogae Billard, 1942 82 *Zygophylax crassicaulis (Fraser, 1943) 82 *Zygophylax adhaerens (Fraser, 1938a) 83 *Zygophylax reflexa (Fraser, 1948) 83 *Zygophylax rigida (Fraser, 1948) 83 6 ZOOLOGISCHE VERHANDELINGEN 237 (1987) *Zygophylax geminocarpa Millard, 1958 84 *Zygophylax infundibulum Millard, 1958 84 *Zygophylax crozetensis Millard, 1977a 85 *Zygophylax inconstans Millard, 1977 85 *Zygophylax sagamiensis Hirohito, 1983 85 Zygophylax millardae sp. nov 86 Zygophylax tottoni sp. nov 89 Family Campanulariidae Johnston, 1836 Subfamily Clytiinae Cornelius, 1982 Clytia linearis (Thornely, 1900) 94 Family Syntheciidae Marktanner-Turneretscher, 1890 Synthecium patulum (Busk, 1852) 95 Synthecium megathecum Billard, 1925a 98 Synthecium megathecum Billard, 1925a var. parvulum Billard, 1925b 101 Family Sertulariidae Hincks, 1868 Dynamena crisioides Lamouroux, 1824 103 Salacia tetracythara Lamouroux, 1816 103 Sertularella dubia Billard, 1907c 1°4 Sertularella whitei sp. nov 108 Sertularia turbinata (Lamouroux, 1816) HI Family Plumulariidae Hincks, 1868 Subfamily Halopterinae Millard, 1962 Antennella secundaria (Gmelin, 1789) H3 Antennella varians (Billard, 1911) H7 Halopteris buskii (Bale, 1884) H9 *Halopteris heterogona (Bale, 1924) I23 Halopteris campanula (Busk, 1852) i24 Subfamily Kirchenpaueriinae Stechow, 1921 Kirchenpaueria triangulata (Totton, 1930) I29 Subfamily Plumulariinae Hincks, 1868 Nemertesia ramosa Lamouroux, 1816 133 Plumularia antonbruuni Millard, 1967 135 *Plumularia diploptera Totton, 1930 137 Subfamily Aglaopheniinae Broch, 1909b Cladocarpus alatus Jarvis, 1922 139 Cladocarpus distomus Clarke, 1907 I42 Cladocarpus indicus sp. nov I44 Cladocarpus dofleini (Stechow, 1911) I49 Cladocarpus sewelli sp. nov l^2 Gymnangium eximium (Allman, 1874b) 156 Gymnangium expansum (Jäderholm, 1903) 163 Gymnangium ferlusi (Billard, 1901) 166 Gymnangium gracilicaule (Jäderholm, 1903) 168 Gymnangium hians (Busk, 1852) I?2 Lytocarpia flexuosa flexuosa (Lamouroux, 1816) 175 Macrorhynchia philippina (Kirchenpauer, 1872) 177 Unidentified material 180 Acknowledgements 180 References 181 Index 202 REES & VERVOORT: HYDROIDS JOHN MURRAY EXPEDITION 7 INTRODUCTION The John Murray hydroid collection had originally been entrusted to Dr W.J. Rees, at that time curator of the coelenterate collection, BMNH, for scientific study. At the beginning of 1966 Dr Rees suggested to the second author to prepare a joint paper on this important and interesting collection: the material had at that time been provisionally sorted by his assistant Mr E. White and a number of microslide preparations had been prepared. Dr Rees's untimely death in 1967 made it necessary to continue single handed with our joint venture. A large number of additional microslides preparations had been made and a voluminous bundle of notes on the various species, the majority of which had been identified,
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