Federal Communications Commission § 2.1033 Commission shall consult with the Of- industry test procedure that was used), fice of the United States Trade Rep- the date the measurements were made, resentative (USTR), as necessary, con- the location where the measurements cerning any disputes arising under an were made, and the device that was MRA for compliance with the Tele- tested (model and serial number, if communications Trade Act of 1988 available). The report shall include (Section 1371–1382 of the Omnibus sample calculations showing how the Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988). measurement results were converted [64 FR 4995, Feb. 2, 1999, as amended at 66 FR for comparison with the technical re- 27601, May 18, 2001; 69 FR 54034, Sept. 7, 2004] quirements. (7) A sufficient number of photo- CERTIFICATION graphs to clearly show the exterior ap- pearance, the construction, the compo- § 2.1031 Cross reference. nent placement on the chassis, and the The general provisions of this sub- chassis assembly. The exterior views part § 2.901 et seq. shall apply to appli- shall show the overall appearance, the cations for and grants of certification. antenna used with the device (if any), the controls available to the user, and § 2.1033 Application for certification. the required identification label in suf- (a) An application for certification ficient detail so that the name and FCC shall be filed on FCC Form 731 with all identifier can be read. In lieu of a pho- questions answered. Items that do not tograph of the label, a sample label (or apply shall be so noted. facsimile thereof) may be submitted (b) Applications for equipment oper- together with a sketch showing where ating under Parts 11, 15 and 18 of the this label will be placed on the equip- rules shall be accompanied by a tech- ment. Photographs shall be of size A4 nical report containing the following (21 cm × 29.7 cm) or 8×10 inches (20.3 cm information: × 25.4 cm). Smaller photographs may be (1) The full name and mailing address submitted provided they are sharp and of the manufacturer of the device and clear, show the necessary detail, and the applicant for certification. are mounted on A4 (21 cm × 29.7 cm) or (2) FCC identifier. 8.5×11 inch (21.6 cm × 27.9 cm) paper. A (3) A copy of the installation and op- sample label or facsimile together with erating instructions to be furnished the the sketch showing the placement of user. A draft copy of the instructions this label shall be on the same size may be submitted if the actual docu- paper. ment is not available. The actual docu- (8) If the equipment for which certifi- ment shall be furnished to the FCC cation is being sought must be tested when it becomes available. with peripheral or accessory devices (4) A brief description of the circuit connected or installed, a brief descrip- functions of the device along with a tion of those peripherals or accessories. statement describing how the device The peripheral or accessory devices operates. This statement should con- shall be unmodified, commercially tain a description of the ground system available equipment. and antenna, if any, used with the de- (9) For equipment subject to the pro- vice. visions of part 15 of this chapter, the (5) A block diagram showing the fre- application shall indicate if the equip- quency of all oscillators in the device. ment is being authorized pursuant to The signal path and frequency shall be the transition provisions in § 15.37 of indicated at each block. The tuning this chapter. range(s) and intermediate fre- (10) Applications for the certification quency(ies) shall be indicated at each of scanning receivers shall include a block. A schematic diagram is also re- statement describing the methods used quired for intentional radiators. to comply with the design require- (6) A report of measurements show- ments of all parts of § 15.121 of this ing compliance with the pertinent FCC chapter. The application must specifi- technical requirements. This report cally include a statement assessing the shall identify the test procedure used vulnerability of the equipment to pos- (e.g., specify the FCC test procedure, or sible modification and describing the 635 VerDate Nov<24>2008 14:41 Dec 08, 2009 Jkt 217200 PO 00000 Frm 00645 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\217200.XXX 217200 cprice-sewell on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with CFR § 2.1033 47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–09 Edition) design features that prevent the modi- (11) A photograph or drawing of the fication of the equipment by the user equipment identification plate or label to receive transmissions from the Cel- showing the information to be placed lular Radiotelephone Service. The ap- thereon. plication must also demonstrate com- (12) Photographs (8″×10″) of the equip- pliance with the signal rejection re- ment of sufficient clarity to reveal quirement of § 15.121 of this chapter, in- equipment construction and layout, in- cluding details on the measurement cluding meters, if any, and labels for procedures used to demonstrate com- controls and meters and sufficient pliance. views of the internal construction to (11) Applications for certification of define component placement and chas- transmitters operating within the 59.0– sis assembly. Insofar as these require- 64.0 GHz band under part 15 of this ments are met by photographs or draw- chapter shall also be accompanied by ings contained in instruction manuals an exhibit demonstrating compliance supplied with the certification request, with the provisions of § 15.255 (g) and (i) additional photographs are necessary of this chapter. only to complete the required showing. (12) An application for certification (13) For equipment employing digital of a software defined radio must in- modulation techniques, a detailed de- clude the information required by scription of the modulation system to § 2.944. be used, including the response charac- (c) Applications for equipment other teristics (frequency, phase and ampli- than that operating under parts 15 and tude) of any filters provided, and a de- 18 of the rules shall be accompanied by scription of the modulating wavetrain, a technical report containing the fol- shall be submitted for the maximum lowing information: rated conditions under which the (1) The full name and mailing address equipment will be operated. of the manufacturer of the device and (14) The data required by §§ 2.1046 the applicant for certification. through 2.1057, inclusive, measured in (2) FCC identifier. (3) A copy of the installation and op- accordance with the procedures set out erating instructions to be furnished the in § 2.1041. user. A draft copy of the instructions (15) The application for certification may be submitted if the actual docu- of an external radio frequency power ment is not available. The actual docu- amplifier under part 97 of this chapter ment shall be furnished to the FCC need not be accompanied by the data when it becomes available. required by paragraph (b)(14) of this (4) Type or types of emission. section. In lieu thereof, measurements (5) Frequency range. shall be submitted to show compliance (6) Range of operating power values with the technical specifications in or specific operating power levels, and subpart C of part 97 of this chapter and description of any means provided for such information as required by § 2.1060 variation of operating power. of this part. (7) Maximum power rating as defined (16) An application for certification in the applicable part(s) of the rules. of an AM broadcast stereophonic ex- (8) The dc voltages applied to and dc citer-generator intended for inter- currents into the several elements of facing with existing certified, or for- the final radio frequency amplifying merly type accepted or notified trans- device for normal operation over the mitters must include measurements power range. made on a complete stereophonic (9) Tune-up procedure over the power transmitter. The instruction book range, or at specific operating power must include complete specifications levels. and circuit requirements for inter- (10) A schematic diagram and a de- connecting with existing transmitters. scription of all circuitry and devices The instruction book must also provide provided for determining and stabi- a full description of the equipment and lizing frequency, for suppression of spu- measurement procedures to monitor rious radiation, for limiting modula- modulation and to verify that the com- tion, and for limiting power. bination of stereo exciter-generator 636 VerDate Nov<24>2008 14:41 Dec 08, 2009 Jkt 217200 PO 00000 Frm 00646 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\217200.XXX 217200 cprice-sewell on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with CFR Federal Communications Commission § 2.1043 and transmitter meet the emission imum power or field strength ratings limitations of § 73.44. shall not be performed without applica- (17) Applications for certification re- tion for and authorization of a new quired by § 25.129 of this chapter shall grant of certification. Variations in include any additional equipment test electrical or mechanical construction, data required by that section. other than these indicated items, are (18) An application for certification permitted provided the variations ei- of a software defined radio must in- ther do not affect the characteristics clude the information required by required to be reported to the Commis- § 2.944. sion or the variations are made in com- (d) Applications for certification of pliance with the other provisions of equipment operating under part 20, this section. Changes to the software that a manufacturer is seeking to cer- installed in a transmitter that do not tify as hearing aid compatible, as set affect the radio frequency emissions do forth in § 20.19 of that part, shall in- not require a filing with the Commis- clude a statement indicating compli- sion and may be made by parties other ance with the test requirements of than the holder of the grant of certifi- § 20.19 and indicating the appropriate cation.
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