Interview "scales" 30 years of black evangelism pages 4 and 5 EDITORIAL VISITOR STAFF Editor: Kermit Netteburg Managing Editor: Charlotte Pedersen Coe Editorial Assistant: Randy Hall Communication Intern: Elaine Hamilton n the early days of my Circulation Manager: THE ministry, I had a split personality about salvation. Dianne Liversidge Pasteup Artist: "GRACE" I was taught by my college and seminary pro- Diane Baier fessors that I was saved by the grace of Jesus The VISITOR is the Seventh-day Advent- CONTROVERSY Christ alone, without my own works. I believed it! ist publication for the people in the Columbia Union territory. The different backgrounds But I was also taught that I needed to overcome and spiritual gifts of these people mean that the VISITOR should inspire confidence in sin to be fit for heaven, that God would not take the SaviourandHis church and should serve as a networking tool to share methods that people with known sin there. I believed that, too. members, churches and institutions can use in ministry. Address all editorial correspon- I had a problem. It seemed I fit into both cate- dence to: Columbia Union. VISITOR, 5427 Twin Knolls Road, Columbia, MD 21045. gories, and I didn't know which truth would pre- One-ye. r subscription price-47.50. vail. Year after year I mulled over this perplexing COLUMBIA UNION CONFERENCE paradox of grace and works. (301) 596-0800 (301) 997-3414 President R.M. Wisbey This conflict did not disturb my belief in God or Secretary, ASI H.M. Wright Treasurer D.J. Russell love for the church, but it was always gnawing at Undertreasurer R.J. Jensen the back of my mind. I wondered, "If I die tonight, Assistant J. Cullum Church Ministries J. Clements am I good enough to go to heaven?" Or, "Does God Associate B. Manspeaker Communication K. Netteburg love me enough to take me to heaven on potential, Data Processing M. Connor Associate N. Lamoreaux even if I am not perfect?" Education R. Osborn The most powerful appeal of the Seventh-day Associates F. Hoffer, A. Westney RALPH MARTIN Ministerial W.D. Eva Associate F. Ottati President Adventist Church is its idealism. We believe that Publishing—HHES S.D. Pangborn God expects of us seven-days-a-week, 24-hours-a- Associates ... R. LaGrone, G. Sunderland Potomac Conference Treasurer D. Griffiths day morality. There is no room in our church for Assistant N. Lee Religious Liberty A. Westney defeatism about an upright, godly life. Trust Services J. Lastine But that is not salvation. COLUMBIA UNION CONFERENCE ASSOCIATION It was while preaching a series of sermons from President R.M. Wisbey the book of Romans that I began to edge toward Vice President D.J. Russell Secretary J. Lastine salvation by grace alone. Those powerful texts as- Treasurer R.J. Jensen sure us that our place in heaven is guaranteed by LOCAL CONFERENCES ALLEGHENY EAST: Alvin M. Kibble, what Jesus did for us on the cross, not by what we President; Robert Booker, Visitor Corres- do for ourselves or even for Him. pondent; P.O. Box 266, Pine Forge, PA 19548. Telephone: (215) 326-4610. Sin is terrible to God and all thoughtful people. ALLEGHENY WEST: Willie J. Lewis, President; Robert C. Lewis, Visitor Corres- But as ghastly as sin is, the power of the cross is pondent; 1339 E. Broad St., Columbus, Off great enough to overcome it in the Father's plan of 43205. Telephone: (614) 252-5271. CHESAPEAKE: J.W. Coulter, President; salvation. "The wages of sin is death (destruction, Tom Lemon, Visitor Correspondent; 6600 Martin Rd., Columbia, MD 21044. Tele- pain, broken families, bruised lives and depravity), phone: (301) 995-1910; Washington, D.C., area, 596-5600. but the gift of God is eternal life (hope, courage, MOUNTAIN VIEW: Randy Murphy, Pres- energy, happiness and love) through Jesus Christ ident; Ruth Wright, Visitor Correspondent; 1400 Liberty St., Parkersburg, WV 26101. our Lord,"—Romans 6:23. Telephone: (304) 422-4581. NEW JERSEY: Robert W. Boggess, Pres- God—through Jesus Christ—is ultimately the ident and Visitor Correspondent; 2160 conqueror, even of the sin we hate so much in our Brunswick Ave.. Trenton, N)J 08648. Tele- phone: (609)392-7131. own lives. Hallelujah! OHIO: Ed Motschiedler, President and Vis- itor Correspondent; Box 831, Mount Ver- non, OH 43050. Telephone: (614) 397-4665. PENNSYLVANIA: Jerry Page, President; COVER: David Gardner, a freelance photographer from Gloria Bentzinger, Visitor Correspondent; 720 Museum Rd., Reading, PA 19611. Tele- Gaithersburg, Maryland, took this picture of Timothy Ato- phone: (215) 374-8331. ABC, P.O. Box 3641, lagbe, whose father gave up his right as heir to the throne Hamburg, PA 19526. Telephone: (215) 562- of Nigeria when he joined the Adventist church in the 5156. POTOMAC: Ralph W. Martin, President; 1940s. Like the patriarch Abraham, he moved to raise his Rabbi Pierson, Visitor Correspondent; P.O. family away from worldly influences. Today Atolagbe Box 1208, Staunton, VA 24401. Telephone: (703) 886-0771. ABC, 8400 Carroll Ave., plans to use his training as a chemical pathologist to Takoma Park, MD 20912. Telephone: (301) serve the people of his country when he returns to lba- 439-0700. don, Nigeria. He is currently a member of the Chesapeake Printed by the Review and Herald Publish- Conference's Laurel, Maryland, church, where he serves ing Association, Hagerstown, MD 21740. as elder and director of personal ministries. February 1, 1990 Vol. 95, No. 3 2 VISITOR, February 1, 1990 HARVEST SO NEW JERSEY CONFERENCE—Pas- lay evangelistic workers. An English Revelation Seminar lay tors and lay leaders in New Jersey believe evangelism training program will also be presented. BAPTIZE that more than 500 baptisms will be the re- • Six new congregations will be organized by June 30. sult of their combined efforts over the first But the soul-winning efforts will not end on July 1 with the six months of the year, reported conference conclusion of Harvest 90 during the General Conference ses- President Robert Boggess. sion in Indianapolis. "We will hold the course we have already successfully been "Plans for the rest of 1990 include a lay evangelism con- following," he said, and laid out their strategy. gress," Boggess continued. "Funding will be increased by the • Every church will conduct evangelistic meetings during launch of our 'Final Decade Evangelism' theme developed for the first half of 1990, baptizing converts as they are ready, conference-wide outreach ministries for the 1990s until the while planning to have four or more prepared to participate beginning of the next millennium or until Jesus returns." in the Vision 2000 Baptism on Sabbath, May 19. • Teachers and church pastors will hold baptismal classes OHIO CONFERENCE—The Revelation Seminar held at in every elementary school in the conference, and the Garden the Canton church during October and November resulted State Academy Bible teacher will hold a class on that school's in the baptism of eight people and one profession of faith on Tranquility campus. November 25. • Adventist Youth federations will conduct weeks of prayer Church Communication Secretary Jim Nock reported that to culminate on May 19. the classes, conducted by conference Evangelist Trevor Mac- • Ministers' meetings will have a renewed emphasis on Gowan and local Pastor Steve Rude, ran three nights a week evangelism, as will church leadership sessions. for seven weeks, with an average attendance of 50 people. • The Hispanic Lay Evangelism Training School will con- And there is more to come. "Six people are still taking in- tinue to meet weekly with a curriculum designed to develop struction," said Nock. "God bless them all!"—CPC FACE TO FACE: Profiles of newly baptized people Florida Brit- Dean Toumbs, Michelle Mi- Germaine Mi- Kris Yama- Katrina Ernest Shobe, ton, Baltimore Forest Hills, Po- cheo, Cleve- cheo, Cleveland naka, Parkway Shobe, Blue Blue Mountain First, Chesa- tomac. After land Spanish II, Spanish II, South, New Jer- Mountain Acad- Academy, Penn- peake. Florida months of Bible Ohio. "I'm glad Ohio. "I'm very sey. Kris, who emy, Pennsylva- sylvania. Pas- joined the Bal- studies, Dean I accepted Jesus happy because I was baptized in nia. Katrina tor Lester timore First was baptized on as my Saviour, know that I did November of was baptized Merklin bap- congregation's the same day in and I hope my the best thing I 1989 by Pastor the same day as tized Ernest Spanish group September of baptism in Au- could do for my- Cordell Reiner, her father, Er- and his daugh- by profession of 1989 he mar- gust of 1989 will self: I gave my is a student at nest, by Pastor ter, Katrina, on faith in Novem- ried the woman be an example life to Christ" the Parkway Lester Merklin the same Sab- ber of 1989. who had invited to other young during August South church during August bath in August him to church. people." of 1989. school. of 1989. of 1989. VISITOR, February 1, 1990 3 EVANGELISM Editor's note: May 19 is the date of the Vision 2000 Baptism, when the Columbia Union plans for a baptism to be held in each local church. Ad- ventist leaders believe more than 2,000 people will be baptized that day. From The Visitor staff asked Vikki Mont- gomery Fields, former proofreader on our staff, to interview Pastor William Scales, North American Division min- isterial director, about the changes he has seen during his 30 years of evan- tents gelistic outreach. How did you get started in evangelism? My parents gave Bible studies and to worked in summer tent efforts as singing evangelists and visitation workers.
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