258 Courses / Dance 302A Modern Dance Technique III (3) 330B Bartenieff Fundamentals (1) 411 Dance Notation II (3) Prereq: 203A or perm. required. Continuation of Exploration and practice in a system of Prereq: 313 or perm. Continuation of 313 with 301A. move ment training designed to improve the func- more advanced reading and writing in notation. tion al and expressive aspects of movement. 303A Modern Dance Technique III (3) 420 Dance Technique IV (2) Prereq: 302A or perm. required. Further 330C Pilates Mat Training (1) Prereq: 320. (A) modern dance, (B) ballet, (C) jazz. development of 302A. Includes laboratory practice of 45 mat exercises that train the muscles to improve body stability 431 Dance Kinesiology Seminar (2) 301B Ballet Technique III (2) and mobility. The Pilates method develops pre ci- Prereq: 331. Assists student to construct an a tom i cal- Prereq: 203B or perm. required. Employment of sion coordination and concentration in movement ly sound and functionally effective dance class. technical skills through more complex balletic while increasing strength and flex i bil i ty. Addresses patterns and expanded classical vocabulary. injury rehabilitation from the per spec tive of 440 Practicum in Teaching Dance II (1–2) Additional em pha sis on performance, phrasing, preventive training. Prereq: 240 and perm. Student teaching under and dynamics. su per vi sion. 331 Analysis of Dance Movement (4) 302B Ballet Technique III (2) Prereq: 231. Explores skeletal alignment and devi- 441 Teaching Dance I (3) Prereq: 301B or perm. required. Continuation of a tion, muscular development and function, and Prereq: perm. Principles of teaching dance and 301B. mechanical efficiency in production of dance their practical application. Dance for children. movement. Basic to course study is thor ough under- 303B Ballet Technique III (2) stand ing of principles of stability and motion as 442 Teaching Dance II (2) Prereq: 302B or perm. required. Further they relate to dance. Prereq: at least 1 qtr of 240; coreq with 440. Prin ci- development of 302B. ples of teaching dance and their practical ap pli ca- 332 Fitness for the Whole Mover (2) tion. Dance for adolescents. 301C Advanced Composition (2) Introduces the basics of fitness in practice and Prereq: 203C or perm. The synthesis of cho reo- theory. Strength, flexibility, aerobic conditioning, 443 Teaching Dance III (2) graph ic elements, devices, and musical or sound and relaxation as a part of the fitness continuum Prereq: at least 1 qtr of 240; coreq with 440. choices into studies having a sense of form and are explored through a variety of approaches to Principles of teaching dance and their practical content. creating and attaining fitness goals. application. Dance for adults. 302C Advanced Composition (2) 333 Pilates Teaching Practicum (2) 460 Senior Seminar (2) Prereq: 301C or perm. Continuation of 301C. This course is designed to provide supervised Prepares students for the field of dance and teaching experience and practice for students related careers. Skills in writing, networking, and 303C Advanced Composition (2) preparing to enter the Pilates Teacher Certification oral presentation, as well as the ability to access Prereq: 301C or perm. Further development of Program. Students will conduct practice teaching available resources, are refined. 302C. on all Pilates apparatus, learning body alignment, exercise prescription and prgress assessment 471 History of Dance I (4) (2H) 304D Jazz Dance Technique III techniques. Development of Euro-American dance in the Refinement of jazz dance skills through a more 20th century with focus on contemporary dance complex series of exercises, spatial progressions, 351 Dance Cultures of the World I (4) (2C) through the present. and movement phrases. Additional emphasis on Introduction to dance cultures of world (ex clud ing performance quality, dynamics, and range of Western art dance). Function of dance in society 472 History of Dance II (4) (2H) motion. and its relationship to other arts. Global dance forms: Study of dances in historical and cultural contexts, their functions in society and 310 Accompaniment for Dance (2) 352 Dance Cultures of the World II relationships to contemporary artistic expressions. Prereq: 111 or perm. Basic problems in ac com pa ny- (4) (2C) Focus on topics from traditional and recent ing dance and analysis of dance forms related to Same as 351. research in world dance. ac com pa ni ment. 353 Dance Cultures of the World III ( 473 History of Dance III (4) (2H) 311 Midi Composition for Dancers (3) 4) (2C) Development of Euro-American dance from clas sic This course is about creating musical compositions Same as 351. times through 20th-century ballet, with em pha sis using a computer sequencer and sample based on Baroque, Romantic, and Diaghilev pe ri ods. synthesizers. The primary objectives are gaining a 370 Viewing 20th Century Dance (4) working knowledge of a MIDI and investigating Prereq: not open to students who have had 170; 474 History of Postmodern the qualities and parameters that are basic to jr and above. Art of dance from broad point of Choreography and Practice music composition and how they relate to dance view, involving dance viewing, literature, and This course explores postmodern dance composition and performance. participation. Deals with aesthetic, psychological, (1960–present) from theoretical and practical social, and cultural aspects. perspectives. Theoretical and historical readings 312 Music for Dance II (3) from dance studies, performance studies, and Prereq: 111 or equiv. Also for music composition 380 Practicum in Dance Production (1) cultural studies on postmodern dance will majors who wish to write for dance theater. Prereq: perm. Supervised lab practice in pro duc tion combine with the application and invetigation History of music for dance. Choreographer- and/or performance. May be repeated. of choreographic theories in the dance studio. As composer re la tion ship. the dancing draws on an everyday or pedestrian 385 Dance Repertory (3, max 12) movement vocabulary, no prior dance experience 313 Dance Notation I (3) Prereq: majors only, audition, and perm. Re hears al is necessary. This course will cover artists such as Prereq: perm. Principles of dance notation. and performance of choreographic works taught Yvonne Rainer, Trisha Brown, David Gordon, and by choreographer or reconstructors with aid of Bill T. Jones. The postmodern dance aesthetic 315A Laban Movement Analysis I videotape, film, and/or dance scores. is interdisciplinary in nature: choreographers This course surveys the movement analysis theories frequently collaborate with artists from other of Rudolph Laban. Particular attention is given to 401A Modern Dance Technique IV (3) disciplines, such as music, visual arts, and theatre. identifying the dynamics and spatial relationship Prereq: 303A or perm. required. Employment of This course is appropriate for students interested in of movement expression and function. The course technical skill to address the more subtle demands intellectual and experiential artistic practices. includes movement observation, description of per for mance focus, projection, expressivity, and and practice in a wide variety of settings and dy nam ic range. 480 Production Problems applications. No previous dance experience is required. 401B Ballet Technique IV (2) for Dance Theater (3–6, max 6) Prereq: perm. Includes choreography, per for mance, Prereq: 303B or perm. required. Employment of and production aspects of senior projects and other 318 Collaborative Skills for the Dance technical skills and performance demands within dance events. Musician (2) the classical ballet tradition. Technique and skill training for pianists in 488 Dance Choreography accompanying ballet and modern dance techniques 402A Modern Dance Technique IV (3) classes. Includes class and lab sessions. Prereq: 401A or perm. required. Continuation of and Video Techniques (2) 401A. Prereq: perm. Designed to increase awareness 320 Dance Technique III (2) of the possibilities of video in dance, both as a Prereq: 220 or equiv. (A) modern dance, (B) bal let, 402B Ballet Technique IV (2) recording tool and a creative tool. The basics (C) jazz. Prereq: 401B or perm. required. Continuation of of video production and digital editing will be 401B. introduced in order for dance choreographers to 330 Dance Movement Lab (1–5) become familiar with video technology ap pli cable Prereq: perm. Addresses individual problems 403A Modern Dance Technique IV (3) to dance. related to the production of movement. Means to Prereq: 402A or perm. required. Further aug ment physical function and expand the qual i ta- development of 402A. 490 Independent Study (1–10) tive range of the mover are explored. Prereq: perm. 403B Ballet Technique IV (2) 330A Pilates Reformer Training (1) Prereq: 402B or perm. required. Further 494 Internship (1–16) Designed to condition students using resistance development of 402B. Prereq: perm. Provides credit for internship ex pe ri- training on the Universal Reformer and other ence in which some dance majors may par tic i pate. Pilates apparatus. Students learn exercise prin ciples 404D Jazz Dance Technique IV Internship allows individual to gain actual ex pe- and techniques on specialized equipment, focusing Advanced development of refined jazz dance ri ence in field of dance and related areas, e.g., on correction of body alignment prob lems, muscle skills that address the demands of preprofessional apprentice/performing,
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