Vol. XI1 MAY, 1934 No. 5 I Looking southward across a gleaming, quiet pool toward the Gieat Dome of the Travel and Transport Building at the World's Fair in Chicago. This is the "building that a' breathes, its roof rising and falling with changes in temperature. Inside this giant structure the story of the evolution of transport is told. vvv R. H. CARR MRS. R. F. CAHR T. E. CARR 1 / Consolidated Lamp Company LIGHTING SPECIALISTS Afients for R. H. CARR LUMBER CO. WESTINGHOUSE LAMPS 1622 Chemical Building JASPER, ALABAMA St. Louis, M0. 1 "STRONG AS EVER FOB THE FRISCO" 1 Dense Timbers-Car Decking-Siding-Finish-Framing CHAS. R. LONG, JR. RAILROAD MATERIAL OUR SPECIALTY COMPANY LOUISVILLE CHICAGO C. W Booth & Co. "AB", THE IVEW FREIGHT IlRAKCThrough new features Railway Supplies in design and mechanism, pro- RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. vides efficiency and economy CHICAGO, ILL. heretofore impossible. THE NEW YORK AIR BRAKE COMPANY Logan Iron and Steel Co. 420 Lexington Avenue All kinds of Railway and In- Genuine Wrought Iron NEW YORK CITY dustrial Paints. Varnishes and Lacquers. WORKS: BURNHAM, PA. Plant-Watertown, N. Y. Magnus Company INCORPORATED JOURNAL BEARINGS and BRONZE ENGINE CASTINGS NEW YORK CHICAGO May, 1934 Page I CHAS. K. SCHWEIZER CO. RUBBER & STEEL STAMPS Time Stamps-Daters-Self-inkers HIGH GRADE STEAM Tie Hammers AND DOMESTIC COAL Stamp Pads-Numbering Machines Gem them from #he orfglnal cochpnerr of baric llet infortuntion-up to date-- 422 N. 3rd St. St. Louis, Mo. Chemical Bldg. ST. LOUIS, MO. I nccurate--gumranled. ------I I ~e11a mht your war we11 help rou find the orwoects. Na ob. CENTRAL BOARDlNG & SUPPLY COMPANY COMMISSARY CONTRACTORS F. J. ENGLB3lAX. President 10% 31. O'DOWD, Supt., Bprln@leld. Jla 0. I. PITZCERALD. Vlce-Pres. and Sec'y GUY KRESS, Supt., Eprlnpbeld. 310. CRAB. GRAY, Manager, Springfield, Mo. >I. S. ESGLE'hIAN, Vlce-Pres., Dallas, Tex. General Ollca: Rnllaay Exchange Bldp.. MXSAS CITY, MO. Branch Offlces: ST. LOUIB, MO., SPRINCIPIELD, MO., FT. WORTR. TES., DALLAS. TEX. - ,- .. -.- -. - . - -.. -- .- - - Showsyw how to er special lism by rer- ( ritories mnd lux of%win- Auto lists of ali kinds. , I Shows vou how to uae he -ils to sell ltg HERCULES" -Red Strand- Polk B1dg.-Detroit. Mich. Brancftes In Principal Cities Warld'r Latgcsc City Directow Publimbcn +4ailing List Cam ilcrs. Business Smllr 1x8. Producers of 8ircct Mail Advrrcirina. I he PRICHARD-BLATCHLEY DRUG COMPANY The Rexall Store F~~CyBOXES I I S. W. Cor. M'LIn & Wall Phone 170 PLAIN FT. SCOTT. KANS. I I w0-2871 BLUE PRINTING we Guarantee IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Does Dependable 1 ART a DRnwlNo MATERIALS I Your Fuel Delivery 1 1 110 lbcust street St. Louis. Me. Uniform Contract Quality Protect? Competitive W. H. (Bill) REAVES Price 1169 Arcade Bldg. St. Lou.is, Mo. SAINT LOUIS & O'FALLON COAL CO. Representing the P. & M. Co. SAINT LOUIS I C. A. ROBERTS CO. ( "SHELBY" St. Louis Surfacer and Seamless Steel Tubing Paint Company CHICAGO ST. LOUIS DETROIT INDIANAPOLIS RAILROAD PAINTS, VARNISHES LAUNDERING--- ENAMELS At Popular Prices From 2%~Per Pound Up JElYermon 0414 Arlington Ave., and Terminal Belt Ry. ST. LOUIS, MO. BECHT LAUNDRY CO. I he FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE II ROOM 8 3 I FRISCO BUILDING .. ST. LOUIS JOHN U'. NOURSE, Gcrteral Passenger Agent In Charge MARTHA C. MOORE, Editor Vol. XI1 MAY, 1934 No. I II VISIT THE 1934 FAIR! The gates to the World's Fair at Chicago will swing wide to welcome Permission is given to reprint with or without credit. visitors on June 1. Those in charge in part or in full, any article appearing in this Magazine of the Fair advise that so many new features have been added that it will be of new interest to man, woman and child. If you went last year, don't fail to go again and see the things Contents of This Issue you missed, and, in addition, all the new features. Pages Effort is being made to present at- Early Life Adventures of Frisco Roadniaster tractive all-expense tour plans to all Make Colorful Story............................................................ 3-4 persons in Frisco territory. The aid of clubs on Frisco Lines will be en- Pensacola Lures the Traveler From Far and Near, listed, and it is hoped that the Frisco by Bill Barr............................................................................ 5 will handle double the number han- Frisco ~nlplo>es'Hospital Association Statement ..............6 dled last year through the St. Louis gateway. Friends Bleet and Honor D. L. Forsythe.................................. 7 There will be important changes in Kansas City Has Boy Genius..................................................... 8 the physical layout of parts of the Exposition grounds. New and expres- Meritorious Service ...................................................................... 9 sive colors will add interest and gaiety to the architecturally original Agency Changes ..............................................................................9 Fair buildings. Illumination will be News of ,the Frisco Clubs ......................... .. ..........................10 greatly enhanced, presenting new panoramas of light and color. The Important Conventions ................................................................13 architectural and lighting features of The Pension Roll .......................................................................... 14 the lagoons will be improved and em- bellished. New design and decoration In Memoriam ..................................................................................15 will add effectiveness to the important Merriment ............................ .. ...................................................16 entrances to the grounds. There will be better transportation for the visit- News From the Mechanical Department ..........................17-19 ors, more con!forts and conveniences, Frisco Family News ................................................................20-32 and new, attractive eating places on the grounds. Come to the Fair of 1934-interest your friends in the trip! MEMBER THE FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE n The E'risco Employes' Jlagazlne Is a monthly publicntlon devoted prlmarlly to the lnterests of the actire and retired omployes of the Frlsco Lines. It contalns stories, items of cur- rent news, personal notes about employes and (heir famllfes, arllcies dealing with rarfous phases of railroad work, poems, cartoons and notices regarding the service. Good clenr photographs Suhble for reproductlon are especially deslred, and wl11 be returned only when requested. All cartoons and drawlngs must be In black India ink. Employes are fnvlted to write artlcles for the magazine. Contrlbutfons should be type- wrllten, on one slde of the sheet only, and should be addressed to the Edltor, Frlvco Bullding, st. Louis. xo. Distributed free among Frlsco Employes. To others, prlee 16 centrr a copy; subsctipllon rate, $1.50 a year. Advertislw rate will be made known upon application. 176 W. Adams St.. Chicauo, Ill. May, 1934 Pnge 3 Early Life Adventures of Frisco Roadmaster Make Colorful Story T WAS August 1914. W.A. Schubert Talks News flashed around the world I that Germany had declared war. of Ships and Foreign The S. S. Mercian, an English ship Countries in Brief carrying general cargo and passengers from Liverpool, England to Central Re view American ports and the West Indies, had returned to Galveston and an- chored in the bay awaiting orders, its At Texas City the two, Mr. Schn- captain expecting to be sent to New bert and his friend ;McDonald, stayed Orleans to pick up a load of cotton. In in a soldier's camp for a short time, its crew of 67, were 66 Englishmen then tramped to Houston. There and one German boy, and the latter they found a railroad camp where was much concerned over the an- raliroad men were boarded. They de- nouncement. The captain of the Mer- cided to make application for a job cian told him that when the ship re- and were sent to the Southern Pacific turned to Liverpool he would probably Yards. On making out the application be made a prisoner of war. the man in charge informed Mr. Schu- Just what he was to do was the big hert that, due to his age, he would problem confronting this nineteen- have to secure a release from his year-old lad. And so he took his parents, and he told him he could troubles to a Scotchman, also a mem- not, that they were in the old country. her of the crew and they decided to But ingenius as he was, he left desest the ship while it was at the camp and returned three days anchor. later. He had changed his name to Accordingly after boat drill, these "Hargraves" and he said that he was two left their boat in the davit just 21 instead of 19. Although applying above the water where they could to the same man for a job, he "got get it easily that night. The second hy" without further questioning. mate, in charge of the late watch, was All was well, and these two were always hard to awaken, so these two eating regularly and working hard, just neglected to call him that night. when one night they overheard two in 1922, is married and ,&s two tal- They took another member of the Norwegian men telling about two boys crew in their confidence, and the three ented children, a 17-year-old daughter who deserted the S. S. Mercian, and sailed to Texas City, where the and an 11-year-old son. But let us that the authorities were looking Scotchman and the German boy dis- recount for a short time, some of the for them. Without further ado, embarked, sending the lifeboat back experiences which led up to his pres- Schubert and his friend NcDonald by their confidant. ent happy surroundings. packed their few belongings and stole And that was a w a y, bumming the beginning of their way to the eventful ca- Waco. They slept reer of w. A. in a gravel car Schubert, r o a d- outside of Waco, master of Frisco suffering s o m e- Lines on the what from cold Southwestern di- and fatigue. The vision. The trials next morning they a n d tribulations w e r e awakened which he went by the section through s o u n d gang and the sec- like an exciting tion foreman fiction story of gave them a job the adventures of on the I&GN.
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