THE WORLD CUP IS A LEGACY CONTINUES BON VOYAGE! COMING TO BRAZIL Boys track and field Students and teachers Students predict who the works hard to meet its reflect on times spent champions will be. |11 season goals. |12 exploring the world.|6 TheLighthouse Vol. XXVII, No. 7 Lyndhurst High School May 2014 Annual Poetry Slam kicks off spring festivities By Emma Flusk lude with the classic song, “Someone to Watch Over Me.” Junior Lucinda Garcia also provided vocal en- Spirit filled the library for LHS’s twelfth annual tertainment, singing Jason Mraz’s “You and I Both,” Spring Poetry Slam on April 11. With more partic- with accompaniment by Choir Teacher Ms. Wise. ipants than ever before, the event was marked by Freshman Sarah Almeida was accompanied by Ms. laughter and tears, with emotions running high. Wise as well in her solo of the punk rock hit, “If I Die Sophomore Kislande Joseph captured first place Young.” Senior Chris Gold was accompanied by Ms. for the second time this year with “Letter to Marilyn Fencik while he performed “I Can’t Get Started” on Monroe/Norma Jeane Baker.” Joseph captivated the his saxophone. audience with her rap-style recitation and unique Freshman Xavier Locke participated in both poet- rhythm. ry slams this year. Locke said his experiences have Junior Melanie Suarez earned second place with taught him that it is best not to be shy when reading her memorized rap, “Confessions.” Sophomore Me- poetry aloud because it is an opportunity for stu- lissa Bonacarti took home third place with “I won,” a dents to showcase their talent. poem about the power of inner strength. “It shows who you are and [also] your thoughts Honorable mention went to Junior Ruka Olunlade and visions through your writing,” Locke said. “I for “If I Could,” Senior David Damian for “Hindered definitely learned how to express myself through my Thoughts” and Sophomore Zachary Rossano for “My writing and how to understand other people’s feel- Nightmare.” ings when they read their poems.” Accompanied by Theatre Tech Teacher Ms. Fencik, English Teacher Mrs. Falco, who was part of the Junior Shanice Aquino performed a musical inter- judging panel, said the judges were looking out for poems that were heartfelt and passionate. She said students should share their poetry with others be- cause everyone has a wonderful gift that is meant to be communicated. Photos courtesy of Christiane Piezas Freshman Janie Mackin also participated in the Senior Kara Mackin reads “Sock Poem” in her last Spring winter and spring slams this year. She said by read- Poetry Slam on April 11 in the library. ing her verse, she has come to believe that poetry can play a role in her future. Bonacarti said at first she felt anxious about read- “If I’m going through a rough time, I’ll write poet- ing her poem aloud, but then felt welcomed when ry,” Mackin said. “When I write poems while going she walked into the library. through a tough time, it kind of gets my emotions “I liked the fact that people can openly express out in a different way. Instead of talking and telling themselves, whether through their poetry or music, Photos courtesy of Christiane Piezas people, it’s easier for me to write down my thoughts and it was just accepted. It was a nice change from Supervisor Mrs. Klein (left) and Senior David Damian and make poetry out of them.” everyday high school,” said Bonacarti. (right) read their poetry to over 50 students. National Teacher Day swings its way into May By Julie Pacillo these days.” “Mrs. Falco has been just a large in- According to the National Education Senior Sean Dello Monaco regards fluence on me in general,” Sirio said. Association, approximately one-third Teachers are known for lending a Band Director Mr. Dellosa as a father “Taking her education class for a sec- of all new teachers leave the profession helping hand whenever needed and figure. ond year now and having had her in within their first three years. Forty-six stopping at nothing to share their “The Band Director, Mr. Dellosa, at four previous classes, I’ve never met percent are gone within five years. De- knowledge with their students. Na- LHS is one of my most credited sourc- someone so passionate and sincere spite these statistics, there are benefits tional Teacher Appreciation Day is an es of inspiration to become a teacher. about her work.” that come with a career in education. annual holiday to pay tribute to them He saw my potential in music before I The class started by discussing edu- “Teaching is the single most reward- and the work they do for the commu- did,” Dello Monaco said. “He gave me cational practices, theorists and theo- ing job out there. Few things in life nity. It is celebrated on the first Tues- a gentle nudge in the right direction, ries. On every last A Day of the week, really give you that sense of purpose. day of the first full week in May. This and I took off with it. He gives advice the students go to Franklin and Roos- It’s worth sticking with it to know that year, that date falls on May 6. to all his students when they need it, evelt Schools to observe and facilitate you may have an effect on a growing Not only do teachers further their and we can always go to him if we have classes ranging from first to eighth mind,” said Sirio. students’ education, but some even a problem.” grades. Sirio said this is where the become role models. This is how Ju- Dello Monaco is currently enrolled in most hands-on work happens because nior Bobby Giangeruso regards Histo- LHS’s Introduction to Education. The she and her peers get a glimpse of what ry Teacher Mr. Kiefer. full-year course is open to juniors and it would be like to enter into the teach- “Mr. Kiefer and I have a lot of simi- seniors. Led by Mrs. Falco, it offers a ing profession. larities outside of school, which allows behind-the-scenes look at the teaching “Students striving to be a teacher us to have a friendly relationship,” Gi- profession. In this college-level course, should know that being a teacher is angeruso said. “What I find most iron- students research the latest trends in very difficult and doesn’t pay amaz- ic is we both have a PB&J sandwich at education and travel off-campus to ob- ingly, but it is worth it,” Dello Monaco night usually while we watch films, not serve real classrooms within the Lynd- said. “If you want to be a teacher, do together, of course. I still have yet to hurst School District. it, because as a teacher, you affect the make my own jam, which [Mr. Kief- Senior Daniela Sirio is another mem- next country’s leaders, workforce and er] actually recommended I do one of ber of the education elective. general populous.” Courtesy of Evangelia Pelidis Check out “The Lighthouse” on the LHS website! May 2014 2 TheLighthouse Question: What advice would you give to graduating seniors? COLUMN COLUMN What would What would Newman do? Carrucci do? Compiled by Bianca Fata Compiled by Bianca Fata My advice for the seniors is to go out There are a lot of teachers at LHS into the world, have fun and be what that are much wiser than me. Some you want to be. Now, RELAX for a min- teachers might even be referred to as ute. That’s not my blessing to go out Courtesy of Bianca Fata learned doctors. Therefore, in order Courtesy of Bianca Fata and be uncontrollable or ridiculous. to maximize the great advice, I should with your mind. What I mean is that fate has it that An earlier version of this first share some of the advice of my The last teacher I’ll quote is the ex- you are in the United States of Amer- response was published in colleagues. tremely wise Mr. Tessalone. Last year ica, the greatest and most successful the May 2012 issue. I’ll begin with Mr. Falcicchio. Mr. at graduation, I heard him telling se- country in the world in 2014, and you Falcicchio is a very popular teacher at niors, “One does not simply walk into have every opportunity to choose your Here’s news for you American haters, LHS. Students seem to like him be- Mordor.” To be honest, I have no idea own path in life. a ton of them come here for the best cause he is polite and rarely late. He what he was trying to say. I think he We are all truly blessed to be in this colleges and universities in this world! also likes to eat ice cream, and he real- was speaking another language, possi- life, at this time, and at this place. Sure You will meet so many international ly enjoys a nice pair of slacks. Since the bly Elvish. you can go out there and make You- students when you go to these schools. moment he started working at LHS, Now we’ll turn to my seven pieces Tube videos of nonsense, but that’s Why are so many people desperate Mr. Falcicchio has had one great piece of advice. I hope all graduating seniors not using your good fortune to the to come to the U.S.? Because the NFL of advice for all graduating seniors: In pay attention here, because this may fullest.
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