1111110!!:3H record !!!!- Dedicated To dOHSzoos-3 NNIn Serving The A 3AY kunino Needs Of The ONZN CZ Music & Record 11111 NY1NZOM Industry CI cuvH3ra world ho-s eptemter6, 1969 60c In the opinion of the editors, this week the following records are the SINGLE PICKS OF THE WEEK WHO IWAINTIMRWMA IN THE IOVI 01INI COON PEON MAW MD 0 00V Elvis Presley sings one of TheWinstonswillfollow- JamesBrown,whokeeps The Monkees bestrecord the songs fromhis Vegas up "Color Him Father" with combiningthebeatwith is now on the market. It's WORLD act, "Suspicion Minds" a smash. It's "Love of the thesocialmessage suc- called "Mommy andDad- (Press,BMI), whichisas Common People" (Tree, cessfully, has "World" dy" (Screen Gems -Columbia, good as anything's he's BMI) and has a won't -quit (Brown. BMI)intwo parts BMI)andMonkeeDolenz done (RCA 47-9764). beat (Metromedia 142). andit'llgo (King 6258). wrote it (Co!gems 5005). SLEEPER PICKS OF THE WEEK CatMotherand theAll The Baskerville Hounds are EdwardsHandis a new CaptainMilk(EdwinHub- NightNewsboysask the thefirst group from Avco duoproducedby George bard) plays the flute with vitalquestion,"Can You Embassy andtheirrocky Martin. Their first single is great facility,and crowds Dance to It?" (Cat Mother- initial release is oldie "If I Thought You'dEver willlovethisrepriseof Emm - Jay - Sea - Lark, EMI) "HoldMe"(Robbins, AS - Change Your Mind" (Al Gal- "Hey, Jude" (Maclen, BMI) (Polydor14007). CAP). Hot (4504). lico,BMI) (GRT13). (Tetragrammaton 1542). At Atlantic Signing To ALBUM PICKS OF THE WEEK Distribute Stone Flower Label, from Left: Atlantic VP Nesuhi Ertegun, Dave Kapralik, Stone Flower's Legal Counsellor Marty Machattlan-tic Exec VP JudyCollinsispresented The Vogues' "Memories" John Mayall, alongwith RobertaFlackwhoplays on "Recollections" in a extend back into the '50s Jon Mark, Steve Thompson piano and sings somewhere Jerry Wexler and, Seated, number of folk songs she when "Moments to Remem- and Johnny Thompson, bow between Washington, D. C., Sly Stone. Story Inside. recorded between 1963 and ber," "Earth Angel," "P. S. their drummerless group and Nina Simone, is a new 1965.Collinsloverswill I Love You" were popular on "TheTurning Point" greattaking herbitter- unite(Elektra EKS 74055). (Reprise RS 6347(. (Polydor 24-4004). sweettime(Atlantic SD 8230). This week Record World introduces a new weekly tape tape section in conjunction with the 1969 NARM Tape Convention. world AmericanRadioHistory.Com "Love and Let love" #74-0228 introducer The Hardy Boys: Saturday morning's Love Kids. Saturday mornings will nevEr be the The live rock group appears at the "Love and Let Love" c, w "Sink or same. beginning and end. Swim-). Looks like, sounds like The Their music is heard throughout. Hardy Boys are going to be giving and Not with The Hardy Boys rur ning all getting a lot of loving. in a lot of over the world, singing "Love and Let Add to that personal aopearances all different ways. Love" and other new songs 3n their °ye, the country. brand-new television series (It Then there's their new album, 'Here premieres Saturday, Septenbe- E at Come the Hardy Boys," LSP-4217, 10:30 A.M.) featuring songs written espec ally for The show is both live and ar imated. the group (like their rising new single, AmericanRadioHistory.Com Record World In Buddah Does $1 1/2 Mil West Coast Expansion At Second Convention 1 MONTICELLO, N. Y. -A Inhisconventionspeech, LOS ANG L'LES-As of Sept.asEditorialAssistant.Miss hefty turnout of 250 attendedBogart recapped the short but 15 the West Coast officesofGroman was formerly with thelast week's four -day Buddahsuccessful history of the disk- Record World will be moving toBraverman-Mirisch publicre-Records conclave from Sunday,ery. He went on: "When we new and larger quarters in thelations firm, and most recentlyAug. 24, to Wednesday, Aug.or one of our labels sign a new Sunset Vine Tower. was an account executive with27, at the Laurels Country Clubunknown group, we/they, some- Contemporary Public Relations.here on Sackett Lake. Sales in bodywillinvest15,20,40 Address and phones remain Ron Baron has been namedexcess of one and half millionthousand dollars in their first the same-the new suite num-Assistant Manager and in addi-dollarswas accomplishedatalbum-we've taken on a re- ber is Suite 526. At the sametion to his present editorial re-this second convention. sponsibility and an obligation. time, Jack Devanr,; West Coastsponsibilitieswillnowtake According toNeilBogart,You also have taken on a re- Manager,announcestheap-over duties in the magazine'sVP and General Manager, 740sponsibility! We must put that pointment of Charlene Gromanadvertising department. thousand LPs were sold. Tworecord out-we must give that of the albums were double pock-record the opportunity it de- ets,at different prices: "Theserves. We're not order takers, Isley Brothers at Yankee Sta-neither you, nor us. We must HowellNashboroPresidentdium," at $5.98; and "Confront-back our labels and our artists NASHVILLE - B. S. (Bud) ationatHarvard,1969,"atand you must back us. Howell, Jr., has been named $6.98. (Continued on page 18) President of Nashboro Record Co., Inc., with headquarters in Nashville. Howell joined the firm in 1967 as VP of Sales and Richard Peirce Named President was promoted toExec Vice President and General Manager in 1968. Of Happy Tiger Records UnderHowell's guidance, Nashboro has grown to include LOS ANGELES - W.M. a large number of top name (Wayne)Hoffman, Universal - spiritualartists.Also during International Corporation this time, several other record Chairman of the Board, has an- companies have been establish- nouncedtheappointmentof ed by the firm. They include Bud Howell Richard H. Peirce to President CreedRecords, a spiritualFrance, Belgium,Australia,andChiefExecutiveOfficer, label; Nasco Records, special-Holland, Luxembourg and theHappy Tiger Records, a Divi- izing in pop music and countryformer French Colonies of Af-sion of U.I.C. gospel; and Excello and A -Betrica. Plans are being processed SimultaneouslyPeircewas Records, with a"Solid Soulfor locaions in the balance ofelected to company's Board of Sound." the European countries. Directors. Parent company is Howell said, "We are cur- In addition to the firm's in-primarily in the leisure time rently increasing the produc-creased distribution of records, field,andfinancialservices. tion of 45 rpm and LP albumsHowell has licensed the Gen-With the formation of Happy on all of our labels. The en-eral Recorded Tape Co. and theTiger Records several months thusiasm with which the publicInternationalTapeCartridgeago, they further extended their is showing toward our artists,Corp.to transfer thefirm'sactivitiesin the leisure time Richard Peirce and the increased demand formasterstoeight -trackcart-field. team with such highly visionary our records in over-the-counterridges and tape cassetts, both Hoffman said: "We are de-people as Wayne Hoffman and and rack saleshas broughtstereo. lighted that Dick will head ourhis associates. These are truly about the need for increased Howell, a native of Nashville,company. His long and distin-professionalpeople whoare world wide distribution." received his high school educa-guished career, in nearly everydedicated in their belief that The firm currently has dis-tionfromMontgomeryBell facet of the entertainment in-thedecadeofthe70swill tribution points throughout theAcademy and graduated withdustry, has earned him an en-emerge as the most fantastic nation and in Canada. Plansa B. A. Degree from Vanderbiltviable reputation. It would beperiod in the history of the have been finalized for pressingUniversity, both in Nashville.superfluousifwe attemptedleisure time field. For this rea- and distributionfacilitiesinHe is a member of NARAS. toembellishhisaccomplish-son, they have firmly committed ments, they're a matter of rec-themselves to total involvement ord." in every sense of the word. I Peirce will be based at Happyam happy to be a part of such Atlantic Distribs New Stone, Tiger's Home Office in Holly-a vital group." wood,effectiveTuesday(2). Peirce comes to the corpora- Kapralik Label Stone Flower Reached for comment, he said:tion following a tenure at Dot Jerry Wexler, Executive Vicemanager Dave Kapralik. Stone"Itishgihlystimulatingto (Continued on page 26) President of Atlantic Records,will be the A & R head of the announced this week that thelabel and willproduce both company had concluded negoti-singles and albums. Both Stone ationstodistribute the newand Kapralik will seek out and Capitol Realigns Sales Execs Sly Stone-Kapralik label Stonesign new talent for Stone Flow- Flower. First singles on theer. Signings of the first two HOLLYWOOD - SalIan-CapitolTowerinHollywood new label are expected to hitacts for the label are expectednucci,PresidentofCapitolwill be expanded to include a the market in about a month,next week. (Sly's own record-Records, announces a restruc-National Sales Manager, effec- with distribution through At-ings with Sly and the Familyturing of top -echelon positionstive Sept. 1. Jossey has been lantic distributors. Stone will continue to be re-in Capitol Records Distributingserving a dual role as CRDC Stone. Flower Recordsisa leased on Epic where he is aCorporation's sales department.Vice President and National joint venture of Sly Stone and (Continued on page 38) John C. Jossey's staff at the (Continued on page 26) RECORDWORLD-September6, 1969 AmericanRadioHistory.Com Nuccio Directs 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I Cap Indies record fiFM HOLLYWOOD - Charley world_mi.EU Nuccio, promotion Vice Presi- Tape Convention dent of Capitol Records Distri- 200 W. 57th St., New York, N. Y. 10019 buting Corp., has assumed the Fairmont Hotel, Dallas, Texas Area Code (212) 765-5020 directorship of Capitol's inde- a pendent labels program. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 Theprogram,callingfor 9 :00 a.m.-6 :00 p.m. Registration Publisher more than 150 singles a year12:00 Noon Opening BusinessSessionLuncheon - BOB AUSTIN meeting on independent labels, was ini- 3:30 p.m. -7:00 p.m. tiated in June under the direc- Person to Person conferences Editor -in -Chief 8:30 p.m.
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