AUTUMN 2013 Esprit de St Sauveur Edition 20 Junior winning float In3 this issue p Out and about in the Parish 6 p Battle of Flowers 12 p Meet the parishioner 16 p Know your limits 18 p Clubs and associations 22 p Gardening competition 24 p Ice Age dig THE EASY NEW WAAYY TO REAT G ERS WARARRANTY 10000,000 MILE A NEW R OFF CA LANCE VVAAUXHALL AT FREE JERSEY Up to £5,000 minimum part exchange Free Insurance on selected Corsa models* ASTRA 1.4 Energy New price £15,995 Min. part exchange £4,000 £11,995 AGILA 1.0 S After min. part exchange New price £9,895 Min. part exchange £2,000 £7,895 After min. part exchange CORSA 1.2 SXI 3dr Plus One year Free Insurance New price £12,495 ZAFIRA1.6 Min. part exchange £2,500 Exclusiv New price £16,995 £9,995 Min. part exchange £5,000 After min. part exchange £11,995 After min. part exchange Longueville Road, Freelance (Jersey) Ltd St Saviour, Jersey 01534 703300 JE2 7SA www.vauxhall.co.uk Ocial Government Test Environmental Data – Fuel consumption gures mpg (litres/100km) and CO2 emissions (g/km). 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AUtUmn 2013 St Saviour Parish Magazine p3 Our cover picture depicts the winning St SavioUr's JUnior float ‘The Out and About Magic RoUndaboUt’, while the inset photo shows world champion dancers - fUll story in the Parish on page 5. Parish Assembly to acquire homes within Visite du Branchage the Langtry Gardens retirement village On ThUrsday, 5 September the second of the bi-annUal visites took place. With the recent spell of dry weather the vegetation has not grown as mUch as is After many years of negotiations an Assembly held on normally expected bUt there were still a nUmber of properties whose occUpiers the 27 AUgUst was presented with the final propositions will receive the cUstomary fine for not complying with the law. It was pleasing to relating to the homes being bUilt on the area of land note that reminders and fines from the previoUs visite had in the main been known as the Langtry Gardens Retirement Village complied with and infringements corrected. enclosed by St SavioUr’s Hill, La Chasse BrUnet and Patier Road. These dwellings are intended to be offered on a rental basis to over 55s with existing Parish Rock in the Park connections. The Howard Davis Park resoUnded to the soUnd of rock mUsic as the Big Gig The two propositions Under consideration were firstly took place over the weekend of 18 AUgUst. The event was attended by a large that the Parish accept the gift of 30 bUngalows and pay crowd of islanders and visitors who despite the inclement weather thoroUghly the legal fees inclUding stamp dUty and secondly enjoyed this event. pUrchase two fUrther bUngalows to ensUre that all the bUngalows woUld be Under Parish ownership. The whole Harley Davidson birthday treat. proposition was admirably explained by ProcUreUr de Bien PUbliqUe, Peter MoUrant and after a series of When asked what she woUld like for her 80th birthday, St SavioUr Battle of qUestions, which were effectively, answered the matter Flowers stalwart of 14 years assistance, MaUreen St George replied: ‘a ride on was voted on. The first proposition was proposed by a Harley Davidson motorbike’. Peter MoUrant and seconded by DepUty Kevin Lewis. This was dUly arranged by a friend and took place on a SatUrday morning at The second proposition was proposed by Geoff EsnoUf 11.30, a few days before her birthday which actUally fell on the 29 JUly. and seconded by Andrew Jelley. The UnanimoUs sUpport MaUreen was picked Up from her Miladi Farm home for the trip she had was given by the Assembly to proceed with the reqUested. This inclUded an intercom set Up with her driver. The joUrney aroUnd necessary contracts. the Island took in a visit to the Five Mile Road and retUrn via coUntry lanes to The Connétable indicated that with favoUrable the St SavioUr Battle of Flowers depot where everyone present joined in a weather conditions the bUildings coUld be completed by celebratory bUffet and birthday cake treat. MaUreen wishes to convey her October 2015. thanks to all those who gave her cards and presents and made it sUch a wonderfUl day for her. Left : MaUreen aboUt to depart on her special trip Left : Some of the properties already completed at Langtry Gardens p4 AUtUmn2013 St Saviour Parish Magazine The States of Jersey Police Force Community policing within our Parish Right : Within the Parish of St Saviour there are two areas of The Parish is policing which parishioners can call upon for immediate divided into a nUmber of help, general assistance or perhaps to pass on information zones by the for use by the intelligence section in combating crime. States Police The Honorary Police, led by the DUty Centenier at the time can initially deal with all these previoUsly mentioned aspects bUt there are certain elements prescribed in law whereby the States of Jersey Police mUst also be informed of occUrrences. Likewise the DUty Centenier of St SavioUr is kept informed, within a time span, of reported events in the Parish. Both forces work closely together and it is encoUraging to see this continUally developing with the passage of time. However in more recent times the availability of the Honorary Force officers has been somewhat restricted by the fact that there is more of a tendency nowadays for those involved to be employees rather than employers or self-employed. The implication of this fact is that availability to deal with certainly matters of Urgency can be somewhat restricted as compared to former times. Importantly the overriding factor however is that if yoU reqUire police assistance, however Urgent, it is available 24 hoUrs a day and every day throUghoUt the whole year by telephoning 999 or 612612. In their wide ranging approach to the mUltitUde of responsibilities which come Under their remit, the States of Jersey Police and in particUlar ‘C’ shift have an important geographical responsibility within St SavioUr which they valUe as a commUnity engagement. ObvioUsly as stated, their remit is to the whole Island so their geographical policing dUties receive attention when time allows bUt they make every effort to condUct these when on dUty. Three States of Jersey Police Officers from ‘C’ shift have each been allocated a compass point area in St SavioUr and their details are inclUded in this article. They welcome contact from members of the pUblic for longer time/slow time policing issUes that they can help them with. Far left : PC365 Alex Guelpa [email protected] Geographical responsibility: East Middle : PC 376 Ben Dupre [email protected] Geographical responsibility: South Left : PC380 Rob McCallum [email protected] Geographical responsibility: West They are available besides roUtine dUties to discUss any particUlar problem which yoU may wish to raise always bearing in mind that it shoUld be of a policing natUre. It has been noted in the past for example that parishioners have been known to contact the police to report that their dUstbins have not been emptied. Acts similar to this which are not Under their remit anyhow can tie Up an officer from a more important investigation or matter. The first ‘CommUnity SUrgery’ was held at Waitrose in May of this year and the accompanying photograph shows Inspector Tim Barnes, the DUty Officer ‘C’ shift introdUcing the technicalities of a police motorcycle to a yoUng member of the commUnity. The commUnity workshops at which they have giveaways in the form of fridge magnets and wrist bands are considered an important aspect whereby the police go oUt to meet the pUblic where they can discUss matters with them as opposed to the pUblic having to come to them. In fUtUre issUes of La Cloche we intend to look more closely at the aims and objectives of the roles of specific officers within oUr Parish inclUding Licensing, Roads’ Policing and schools liaison. Right : A yoUng police sUpporter tries oUt for the force World Dance Championships BREATHTAKING JEWELLERY THAT TRANSCENDS TIME Two young St Saviour parishioners have recently returned from Brighton where the World Dance Championships were held. Having qualified in March and received a medal for doing so, Jennifer Luis and Laura Jorge were financially assisted in their travel arrangements to the event by the Connétable.
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