![Apr. 1965, Vol. 09 No. 07](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
A p ril 1965 purpose of the t k e L a d d ê J i Volume 9 Number 7 Publlihad menthlir by tk* Dauohtari of Bflllli, Inc., o non- piofit corporation, 1232 Morkot Stroot, Suite 108, Son Fron- BILITIS cisco 2, California. Tolophono: UNdorhill 3 — 8196. A tfO*MEN’5 ORGANIZATION FOR THE PURPOSE OP PROMOTING n a t io n a l o f f ic e r s, d a u g h t e r s o f BILITIS, INC. THE INTEGRATION OF THE HOMOSEXUAL INTO SOCIETY PRESIDENT - Cleo Qlenn ....... VICE-PRESIDENT - Del S hearer RECORDINQ SECRETARY - Agatha Mathys CORRESPONDINa SECRETARY - M arjorie McCann PUBLIC RELATIONS DIRECTOR - P h y llis Leon TREASURER - Del M artin THE LADDER STAFF Editor— Barbara GictinKS O' Education of the variant, with particular emphasis on the psych­ Fiction and Poetry E Ji/or— Agatha Mathys ological, physiological and sociological aspects, to enable her to understand herself and make her adjustment to society in all Production^—] OAn Oliver» V. Pigrom its social, civic and economic implications— this to be accomp­ Circulation Manager^—Cleo Glenn lished by establishing and maintaining as complete a library as possible of both fiction and non-fiction literature on the sex de­ THE LADDER is regarded at a sounding board for various viant theme; by sponsoring public discussions on pertinent sub­ point« af view on tk« kom opkiU and rolatod subjaet» and jects to be conducted by leading members of the legal, psychiat­ does not nocOMarily rafloet tho opinion of tk# organiiation. ric, religious and other professions; by advocating a mode of be­ havior and dress acceptable to society. CONTENTS 0 Education of the public at large through acceptance first of the S p e c ia l R ep o rt: A P ra c tic a l P la tf o m ..........................................>1 individual, leading to an eventual breakdown of erroneous taboos Of Woman Onto Woman: The S to ry of and prejudices; through public discussion meetings aforemen­ Michael Field - by Gene Damon and Lee Stuart........................ 6 The Heterosexual Obsession - by L. E. ........... .................10 tioned; through dissemination of educational literature on the The Bosom Theory o f M ascu lln lty -P em in ln lty homosexual theme. In Lesbianism - by R ita L ap o rte.....................................................1° Cross C u rre n ts............................................................................................... ^9 Letter to an Old Friend - by Elizabeth Tudor.............................21 Participation in research projects by duly authorized and respon­ Book Reviews: sible psychologists, sociologists and other such experts directed THE ITALIAN GIRL by I r i s Murdoch - towards further knowledge of the homosexual. Review by Clare B a rrin g e r............................................................24^ CENSORSHIP: THE SEARCH FOR THE OBSCENE by M orris Ernst and Alan Schwartz - Review by Lennox Strong.,,25 Investigation of the penal code as it pertains to the homosexual, proposal of changes to provide an equitable handling of cases involving this minority group, and promotion of these changes Cover; "City Dwellers" by Kay Tobin through due process of law in the state legislatures. Copyright I 965 by Daughters of B llltls, Inc., San Francisco, C a lifo rn ia closing down of gay bars. Noting the bars are run by criminal special report syndicates. Dr. Rultenbeek said American homosexuals should organize clubs like those in Europe, which are run on a legit­ imate basis by the homosexuals themselves, not by criminals A Practical Platform who pay off the police. Dr. R ultenbeek made some Im portant statem ents on psy ch o th er­ apy. "It Is virtually Impossible to 'cure' homosexuality, and psychotherapists treating homosexuals should concentrate on helping them become functioning members of society." Homosexuals should form political pressure groups to fight for their rights. They should also organize and run their own He said psychotherapists should go beyond the standard diagno­ social clubs, like those in Europe. Homosexuality Is virtu­ sis that (male) homosexuality Is caused by a strong seductive ally Impossible to cure, and studies which claim the opposite mother and a weak father, and realize it is also closely re­ are questionable. lated to current changes In our culture, like the new roles of women and the family and the shifting of many social patterns, These were the main points in a talk given late last year to "The patient Is not necessarily served by the therapist's the New York Mattachlne Society by Dr. Hendrik M. Rultenbeek, delving Into the origins of his sexual orientation," a process sociologist and psychoanalyst, and editor of THE PROBLEM OP which may create conflicts which get in the way of solving his HOMOSEXUALITY IN MODERN SOCIETY. present problems. Instead of discussing psychological ori­ gins, analysts and psychiatrists should concentrate on helping Dr, Rultenbeek noted that in the American political system, the homosexual function well In society. Dr. Rultenbeek said. minority groups exert pressure on the politicians who repre­ sent them to make their voices heard. We are at present see­ Many studies prove homosexuals can be cured. Dr. Rultenbeek ing an upsurge of the Negro minority. Homosexuals too should observed, but he questions their methods and their accuracy. raise their voices "to establish themselves as persons" and As an example, he cited the rauch-pucllcized Bleber report. demand their rights. Dr. Rultenbeek urged. "It's distressing that it's always misquoted," he remarked. Bleber says 106 homosexuals came Into psychoanalysis, and 27% Locally, in New York's Greenwich Village, he said, there Is a of them became heterosexual, "But in the papers where he Is large enough homosexual population to influence the outcome of quoted, they don't mention that of the 105 patients, 72 were an electlan, but- the homosexuals don't use this power. Re­ exclusively homosexual, 30 were classed as bisexual, and H as cently Edward Koch, leader of the vocally "liberal" group that Inactive. This makes his 27% 'cure' of homosexuals very ques­ ousted the Tammany machine In the Village, received a lot of tionable," Dr, Rultenbeek noted. newspaper space on his campaign to rid the Village of "bums, degenerates and homosexuals." Dr. Rultenbeek, a Village resi­ He objected to the classification "bisexual" as an unclear dent, said he phoned Mr. Koch to protest this derogatory ref­ concept. A person functions predominantly as a heterosexual erence to homosexuals. He said that Koch's surprised reaction or a homosexual, he said. If a homosexual man has intercourse Indicated It had apparently never occurred to him he was ma­ o c c a sio n a lly w ith a woman, th is d o e s n 't make him h etero sex u al ligning a group of perfectly good constituents who might swing or bisexual, any more than the fact that a heterosexual has their votes to the opposition candidate In the next election. some homosexual experience makes him homosexual or bisexual. "Any minority group being persecuted by small-time politicians Dr. Rultenbeek also criticized the Bleber study for claiming should unite and fight," Dr. Rultenbeek advised. Homosexuals ttiat of 28 homosexuals who were In analysis for less than I 50 "must bring political action against those who represent them hours, two had become completely heterosexual. 15O hours at and are Ignorant of their problems." three sessions a week Is less than a year - a remarkably shobt time to effect such a drastic change. Of these 2 patients who Dr. Rultenbeek questioned the concept of "security risks" In reportedly became exclusive heterosexuals with such brief ana­ government. He pointed out that Sherman Adams takes vicuna lytic therapy, one died In an accident shortly after "cure," coats, heterosexuals have mistresses on the sly, but homosex­ and the other was a 15-year-old boy. The latter case doesn't uals are singled out for discrimination in government employ­ count. Dr. Rultenbeek said, because an analyst can put an un­ ment. Security risks, he said, are made by the government, formed adolescent on a couch and create any sexual Identity which makes homosexual activities Illegal. Homosexual or het­ for him. Therefore, he said, "the study by Bleber and his as­ erosexual, a competent person can do a good Job in government. sociates carries no weight and does nothing for homosexuals In "If I heard a transvestite was wortcing In the White House, I'd terms of helping them become functioning members of society.' say, who cares, as long as he's doing his Job," Dr, Rultenbeek proclaimed. In the question period that followed Dr. Rultenbeek's talk, Donald Webster Cory cited an American Mental Health Foundation He observed that the Puritan tradition has left a "narrow­ statement (occasioned by the Jenkins case) that homosexuality mindedness about sex" and a "climate of Intolerance" in Ameri­ ca that results In such harassment of the homosexual as the Is not necessairly linked to disease or subversion, as evl dence that progress has been made In altering the hostile c li­ Though their biographers generally view them as withdrawn from mate of opinion against homosexuals. Dr. Rultenbeek said he the world, the two ladles counted among their intimate friends considered the statement Insignificant in the largely negative many g re a t p eo p le, in c lu d in g - to name but a few - Mr. A rthur atmosphere that prevails, and indicated the homosexuals work Symons, the Bernard Berensons, and Robert Browning. is still to be done. Katherine had published In 1875 a volume of lyrics under the This reporter found It Interesting that Mr. Cory - who at the pseudonym Arran Leigh. She and Emma both worked on a drama, DOB convention last spring lashed out at homosexuals for re­ BELLEROPHON, which was published In 1881 and signed Arran and jecting the Idea of "cure" and pointed out that the Bleber Isla Leigh.
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