TU ESD A Y , JU N E 16. 195® PAGE POXmTEEM Ayepage Dally Net Prena Run The Weather ^anrhifstpr Snetting Heralb For tha Week Biidetf rareeaet of 0. B. WaatiMr BarMU Map SSrd, 1888 .rnceaaonahlp eeoL OMUeiauul The Story Circle <rf the South ' advanced deilrea in R/tliglmis Edu­ mittM in addition to Richmond are Methodist Church WSC8 will m eet' Parly WcHinesday , cation. has been a lead teacher In Mra. Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Rob­ M eft, . 1 2 ,9 2 5 light abowere tonight. Lu«v 46 8o- About Town I the fourth grade of the church ert Midwood, Mr. and Mra. Donald* SO. Ttinradap elnndp, «y«el, ghuuM In the scout room'" of the church at L. Wolle, W. J. Godfrey Oourley, Member et the Audit ; Ifl 6*clock tomorrow morning for You Should Know . For Reynolds at achool, and waa chairman bf the DAN Bureau of OIrenlaUou of few aprlnklea. High 4M to 86. ' Sancbert^ Uidfs of Mascmi: ■ rug making. children's section of the School of Mra. Herbert McKinnqy and Mlaa; 7 » i ’, M anehetter^A City of Village Charm i»iU hoW * mwUn* tonight nt the Chapel of Church Missions. She ha'a also served as Charlotte ' Hutchins. PESSONI Miaonlr Tempi# »t 7:M. The'M#^- Members and wives of the Man- Ia , Raymond F, Griffin Secrietary of Children's Work for j tar Mwon degreo '*-111 he ponfer-; cheater Association of Insurance* the Woman's Society. • | red. Following the degree work.; VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 219 (TWENTY-rOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 1959 (ClaasUlad AdverUelai en Page 88) AgenU and of the Manchester > One of the two lletitenanU • of Members of South Methodist The end of the association of thei PRICE flVB CBNIV there will be a eooul hour ndth re- !Church will tender a farewell i*e- Beard of Realtors are. reminded of Reynolds -with South Church does | .5b treahmentB. the smorgasbord and dance tomor- ^ _ , ception to the ReT.- and Mrs. not Indicate the end of the | row night at 7 o’clock at the Man- ment Is Raymond F. (for Francis I Charles Reynolds tn the chspel church’s association ■w’lth Slroncha,. The ViUeno>’« Ahimnl- of Oon- Chester Country Club. j Griffin . Wednesday evening from 7 to 9 j hbwever. Through the influence; of WifeWiUTake aecUcut will hold • eporU night «t Occasionallv called "Father." ' o’clock. the Rev. Mr. Reynolds this re-j the Wonder Bar In Berlin tomor­ The VFW Auxiliary will hold a , ..p •Uncle Ray" by mem- Nelson Richmond, chairman of mole Jungle district has been: Latin America row night »t 8:30. Gueel of honor i LIFE ■■egular meeting tonight at Ih ' j,, ,j,p rtepartment. the pless- the reception committee, says that adopted as the church’s Overseas | Governor Long will be Frank Regiln. director of post home at 8 rirlork^ ; ant, rosy-cheeked Lt. Griffin Is. in i he hopes anyone in Manchester Parish. Many individuals, and! athletlce and head foot hall coach at — vtotherei point of service, one of the senior who would like to say "goodbye’* some groups In the church, are Reds Seek, Hours , VUlanova. ! to the Reynolds ■will leave Thurs- supporting children in the village •Sis. To Louisiana f-,^h*w.i?bord aVamnv o f " ’* force. He Joined ;day to take up new duties at the morrow night «t « o rinck „ the j',h * /'’P'‘rt'”*'’t “’e summer of school. At the time this step was' Turmoil Grows Jantei Brian Boyle, eighth grad- lfl2R. / i .Methodist Church . in Attleboro, taken by the Official Board of the | Galveston, Tex., June 17 (iP) ar • at St. Jarhee' School, "ke church property st Bolton Lske His job Is to supervise the men j Mass. They hsve been associated church, the Rev. Mr. Reynolds iMRLE SMHAMABEMr awarded the cltUim»hip prtre at Rarh family is to furnish Us own with South Church for the past By THK ASSOCIATED FKE88 Afluantlal underaecretary, Col. —Mrs. Earl Long arrived in a supper. Further tnformstinn - may dll patrol, seeing thsl sll com­ ststed that the church was to be w Mumno mBUMMaim Sunday'a graduation exerciee m plaints are ■Investigated and re­ seven years. For five years they congratulated on Its vision andj Invasion alarms in Nacara- Manuel Raimundec. Louisiana Air National Guard St, James’ Church The Herald er- he obtained from Mrs. Shirley i were missionaries In Siroheha, mirnuu t ‘74ii Frondixl held a heavily guarded plane at 9:55 a.m. (CST) to­ Mearham or Mra, Frank Findlay. ported. He Is responsible for the mature approach' to misainiis, in i srua, new army pressure in roneoualy Hated his name as sergeants and patrolmen )n serv­ India. For a year following their moving beyond the support of conference'with military, and ee- day to bring the Louisiana Coyle. return they were both students Argentina and prison riot's in Study New Berlin Plan ice when he Is on duty snd.' In the them as individual missionaries, to cuiity advleera. Navy and Air Marvin Baker of IR Griffin Rd. at Drew Theological Seminary In Havana churned up fresh tur­ Force men were kept in their bar­ governor back home. ia In Ml Sinai Hospital in Hert­ shsence. of the caplsin and chief the more Impersonal but still RUMMAGE Mrs. Long was arcompanied by Adyertlaement— of police.! he must assume reapon- Madison, N. .1.. snd were frequent vitally needed support of the par- YOt’R MAN FROM 7-t’P moil today in volatile Latin racks. apparently to prevent ford where he underwent surgery visitors, to the cnurch. The past trouble developing with Army gar­ three doctors, MaJ. Gen. Raymond Monday. albllity for the whole department. i.*h, and whomever might serve America. Hufft and Mrs. Wlilism Ijockhart. VWt Aahford Lake this week­ Promoted In 1947 year the Rev. Mr, Rev-nolds has there. Dan 'was bom in Hartford, but Nicaraguan President Luix Bo­ risons. end—28 miles east of Manche,stcr been associate minister of the SALE ■ Unrest was reported growing in the governor’s exerutive secretary. I^kota .('otincil. Degree of Poca­ 'L t. Griffin waa a supernumer­ Members of the repenilon eom- spends moat of hia lime "over rn ozaiaid he had unconfirmed '3- Hufft is sdjutant genersl of Lou­ —off RouU 44. Tel, Ml 3-.144P. ary patrolman for a 'year and a church, where he was active in i Sponsored By B'nal B’rllh east’’ now - with East Hartford, porta a rebel force of about 80 had hontas. will meet tomorrow night promoting a school of missions, in i Mhnehester and Thompaonvllle (Contlnaed on Page Ten) isians. Western Deal Opens at 7:30 in Odd Fellows hall. Flec­ half before being promoted to the W EDN ESDAY ond invaded hla country from Hon­ Mrs. I-ong told newsmen: alatiia of regular patrolman. He longtime colleague Walter Cas- teaching an Adult Bible Class,! as his 7-Up sUmplng ground. duras. He charged that another tion of nffirars wTll he held A so­ and an eighth- grade membership ' THURSDAY He's a sports enthusiast; enjoys "As soon as we can get thiligs cial hour will follow the meeting. herame a aergeant in the early aeUa Sr., now polbe captain. Po­ group waa potaeil for a atrlke from ready, we’re going to leave." class. He as.«istcd in planning the ' Discount Prices .ir.VK 17 and 18 ‘ ba.sketball. -softball and llahing: Coata Rica. L T . WOOD CO. 1940'a and waa promoted to his lice were stationed at certain Call The Herald I.*mg shouted to newsmen from The wa\ s *nd mesna romnutloe | present rank in November 194 7, limes of year on the oulaklrla of large Missions Fair held st the ‘ All Departmants 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. but still finds time to Join in Bomoza aaid the new invaders Avenues to Summit The Manchester Police Depart­ .\lanches’,ei to inspect garden pio- church in .May. He and Mrs, Rey­ church abd ■community affairs. apparently had landed In Hon­ his second fioor room in the psy­ ICE PLANT of the Guild of Our l.*idy of St. nolds have spoken frequently to VACANT STORE Hia home is in East Hampton For High Schciol chiatric clinic of John Sesly Hos­ 81 BIS8EL1. ST. Bartholomew s parish will meet st ment ronsiated of seven men. in riurc tnic.'.red In tt^m out-of-town duras from Cuba. He sent unita of farms. The !p>Arry v.aa the Eur- groups in .Manchester and aur- ^ ARTHUR DRUG 205 N. Main St. with his wife, the formqr Betty the Nicairaguan National Guard to pital earlier today that the'group Ry JOHN M. HIGHTOWER R o'clock tonight in the ba.sfment' cliidinp ■ Chief Samuel Gordon, rounding communities. Eva Wyatt. Sp ecial Secliojn • would leave for Ochsner Founda­ .Cuhct-Crushcd‘BlocU» of the rectory st 714 F. Middle' when Griffin first pounded a beat rvpean corn borei which often hid (NEAR A*P) the Honduran border to check the (ieiipvn, .Iiinp 17 i/P)—Sovint Koreign Minister Andrei A. i Tn those days there was no 2-way In ears of sweet corn.'Making sure Mrs. Rej-nolds, who hold.< an. reporta. tion Hospital in New Orleans at 11 Tpke, a.m. Gromyko toda.v a.skeri anti got a 24-hour delay in giving his 1 radio and no piilice' teletype. the pest stayed down on the farm Bomoza charged that the In­ Friday’s edition of The The exerutive hoard of the Rob- Transportation was furnished by waa the object of the patrol, but, vaders were financed by Commu­ The governor ehoufed: an.swer to a new wpstein plan for a Berlin stopgap settlement.
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