EIGIIT PAGES. DAILY EAKT oaKGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. THURSDAY, JUNE , 110. PAGK TURKIC AND COMPETITIVE SALE AT - ALEXANDER'S DEPARTMENT STORE - TT Pendleton's Largest and Best Store announces a 10 days sale on greatest collection of bargains ever offered by any Ml institution. On account of lack fo space it is impossible to tell you on this page of all the June White Day and Competitive offerings. In addition to this full page advertisement, you will find innumerable unadvertised specials throughout the store. Unparalleled reductions on all white articles. Substantial Savings on Suits, Shoes, Gloves, Hosiery Corsets, Men's Furnishings at lowest prices. Dress Skirts Great Bargains in Our Clothing Dep't. Childrens and Misses Wash All at sale prices. You will find here the Suits and Dresses very latent styles and patterns, including white Prices that are absolutely lower than others. We quote a Both white and colors. servos and black voiles. $5.00 Values $3.00 $2.00 Values $1.25 number of special bargains in the list below. $4.50 Values $2.25 $1.75 Values $1.00 $12.50 Val $8.75 $6.00 Val $4.75 $3.50 Values $1.75 $1.50 Values 85?-- $5.50 Val. $10.00 Vaul $6.75 $4.00 Our great Clothing Sale, which we have $3.00 Values $1.50 $1.25 Values.-- .. 75 $5.00 Val.. $3.75 $2.50 Values $1.50 $1.00 Values...... 60 $7.75 v. .$U.OO $15 0Q Va $1150 been running for three weeks will be continued $0.75 Val $5.00 $10.50 Val. $12.00 during this sale. Absolutely your choice of any suit in our store for Great June Sale on Towels POXGEE and CLOTH OF GOLD COATS, We also have a special line, of two-piec-e suits, ucs for double the price iriven and will be of all Kinds which we will close out for the bargain looking over, even you do not intend $27.50, $25.00 $18.75 price worth if of $5 a suit. These suit are very good val- - to buv. 50c Turkish Towels 33?. 35c Turkish Towels 25 Bags 25c Turkish Towels 18 Ladies' Hand Men's Soft Hats IIUCK TOWELS. 25c, Sale Price, dozen $2.25 Large and small sizes, black and colors, all We are able to offer you a great saving in 20c, Sale Price, dozen $1.85 lit sale prices. The assortment is small but 15c, Sale Price, dozen . $1.35 ihose coming early will find some special Men's Hats. A line of 5 dozen hats in good wISL 12 c, Sale Price, dozen 1-- 81.15 things. Your choice at 2 price. colors and new snaps. Regular $3.00 and $3.50 . your choice of any hat in this lot, for $1.50. A bargain you cannot afford to miss. Ladies Gloves Muslin Underwear Chamois Lisle Gloves, look like chamois but Boy's Hats wash better, regular 75c Gloves in black and We have the best lines of Muslin Underwear colors, special at 45. curried any place in the state. This statement Five dozen Boys' Soft and Stiff Bosom Ladies' Lace Gloves, regular 75e values in can Ixi backed up by any one who has looked Shirts. Regular 50c and 75c values, absolutely black, sizes 5 1-- 2 and 6, sale price 25. over our stock, but. as every article is reduced, your choice during this sale for 25 each. A great sacrifice. the underwear must go at these prices: Suits, Jackets All greatly reduced. $7.50 Val $4.75 $2.50 Val $1.85 Specials in Men's Golf Shirts. Five dozen $0.50 Val $2.00 Val $10.50 Wool Suits $8.75 $1.25 $1.45 shirts, regular $1.00 and $1.25 and $1.50 val- $5.00 Val $3.45 $1.50 Val $1.10 $1S.50 Wool Suits . $12.50 $1.50 Val $3.00 $1.00 Val 65? ues at 50?. $22.50 Wool Suits .. $12.50 $.100 Val $2.25 50e Val 35 $25.00 Wool Suits $16.50 $27.50 Wool Suits $16.50 X EC K WE ATI. $30.00 Wool Suits $16.50 CHILDREN'S nOSE. All $1.00 Xirkwear, sale price 74? $32.50 Wool Suits $17.50 All "5c X'li-kwea- sale price 62? mm! f ill $35.00 Wool Suits $18.75 Heavy ribbed, good wearing, fast dves. reg- All 50c Neckwear, sale price 42? $37.50 Wool Suits for $19.50 ular 15c and 20c values, at this sale 3 25?. All 35c Xeckvvear, sale price 25? ik? A 1 $12.50 Wool Suits $22.00 iiiiiiS mini MOSQUITO NETTING. All White Goods Reduced HOYS' SUITS GKEAT VALUES. WOT All colors, 50 bolt, 8 yards to bolt $(!.50 Boys' Suits, sale price $1.00 French Lawns $5.65 1 65? $o.00 Boys' Suits, sale price &W Bed Spead Sale 75c French Lawns 50 $4.95 $.-,.- Boys" Suits, sale price $1.50 Spreads G5e French Lawns $4.15 $3.25 40? $1.50 Boys' Suits, sale price $3.50 Spreads $2.75 50c French Lawns 30 $3.85 sr ff $1.00 Boys Suits, sale price $3.00 Spreads $2.25 50c India Linons 35 $3.15 Spreads Boys' Suits, $2.50 $1.85 1-3- $3.50 sale price $2.95 10c India Linons 33 ? $2.00 Spreads $1.50 l-- Shirt Waists Spreads .'15c India Ljnons 27 2 $1.75 $1.35 o0c India Linons 23 12? Trunks Special lot Waists, white lingerie and col- Waists, 25c India Linons 18?. ored tailored $1.50 and $2.00 values, Two dozen medium sized Trunks which we your choice Silkoline-Ne- w Assortment 2-- 75? 20c India Linons - 16 3 will sell at a great sacrifice. 1-2- All colors, both plain and fanev. 15c. Linons 11 ? India All 1-2- $10.00 Trunks, sale price $8.65 Fancy Ribbons 15c values 11 ?! 35c Long Cloth - l-- 1-2- 25? All $0.00 Trunks, sale price $7.65 12 values 9 ? '. eou-ention- al 25c and 35c values, plaids, stripes and 1-3- 25c Long Cloth IS? 10c values 8 ?. All $7.50 Trunks, sale price $6.15 designs, special at 18? 20c Tng Cloth 15 All $(i.50 Trunks, sale price. ....$5.15 15c 1mg Cloth 12 12( Unparalled Offerings on All $0.00 Trunks, sale price $4.S5 Bargain Giving All $1.50 Trunks, sale price $3.45 Great Event Curtains, Scrims, Etc. All $."..50 Trunks, sale price $2.65 in 75c quality Ginghams, Extra Special Ladies Parasols ......59? 25c quality ... 19? Now is i ho time to prepare for your vaca- COc qualitv 42? o0c quality 16 23? $1.50 Values $1.10 $3.00 Values $2.20 l-- tion, and we positively assure you that we can 50c quality 39?. 15c quality 12 2 35c French Ginghams, 36 in. wide 23 Values Values with bar- $2.00 $1.45 $3.50 $2.55 c 25c Zephyr Gingham, 30 in. wide 1S supply you any of these trunks at a 35c quality 27? 12 qual. 8 145? gain price. $2.50 Values $1.85 $5.00 Values $3.75 15c Dress Gingham, 27 in. wide $2.75 Values $2.05 $6.00 Values $4.50 12 Dress Gingham, 27 in. wide 9 We will offer during this sale only, a line of Our Great Domestic Dep't. 10c Dress Gingham, 27 in. wide 7 Walkover and Florsheim Oxfords, at exactly 1-- 2 price. This lot includes all new shapes Dress Goods at Great Red. Offerings and styles that, are being worn now. TJemem-be- r 1-2- 15c Mnsline . .. ? anv $5.00 oxford in this On Serges. Cassitneres. Battiste, Panama, 12 lot for $2.50, and l-- June Remnant Sale 12 Muslins . $1.00 and $1.50 oxford Broad Cloth, white, black and all colors. 9? :inv for $2.00 and 10c Muslins Consisting of n largo purchase of Mill Ends, or ... 7? So l-- 3 Values $1.50 Values S c 1-4- 50c 33 $1.10 Muslins ... 6 ? mostly ginghams, percales, wnistings, muslins, 60- - 1-- 75e Values $1.75 Values $1.30 35c Sheeting . together with remnants of all kinds at 2 price. 27 12? P.IG BF.DFCTIOXS OX STBAW HATS. $1.00 Values 73?: $2.50 Values $1.73 30c Sheeting 23 12? Men's $1.50 Sailors, sale price $4.00 $1.2 Values 94? $3.00 Values $2.10 25c Sheeting 21? Men's $3.50 Sailors, sale price $3.00 10 c Crash Towels 13 An Extra Special on all 15c Crash Towels 12 12? .Men's $5.00 Panamas, great values, sale l-- Corsets 12 Crash Towels . Shirt Waists at. these low prices: price only $3.95 10c Crash Towels Odd Corsets, both B. S: G. and Xenio, values ... 7? $2 00 Waists $1.60 $4.00 Waists $3.10 Soft $3.00 Straws, sale price $2.45 $1.25 to $5.00. These Corsets will In? sold dur- $2.50 Waists $1.75 $4.50 Waists $3.45 Soft $2.50 Straws, sale price $1.95 ing this sale at less than half price: $3.00 V Waists $2.20 $5.00 Waists $3.05 Your Choice of Any Soft $2.00 Straws, sale price $1.45 $1.25 values, B. ,v G 9S $3.50 Waists $0.00 Waists $4.35 $2.65 $1.50 values. B. G S1.20 Ladies Oxford or Pump in 2.00 values, B. & G $1.60 'Pr' thie Persian Lawns, Indian Linons, Mazelica Lawns $3.00 values.
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