Blessed Sacrament CATHOLIC CHURCH July 25, 2021 The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time John 6:1-15 Fr. Andrew Heiman Pastor Fr. Matt Siegman Parochial Vicar Mass Times Sacraments and Stewardship Monday - Friday When I talk about stewardship, I often think of the 6:30am & 8am “time, talent, and treasure” formula that people my age learned Thursday 5:30pm growing up in Catholic schools. More recently, the diocese has (Extraordinary Form) recognized that stewardship is “the grateful response of a Saturday Christian disciple who recognizes and receives God’s gifts and 6:30am & 4pm shares these gifts in love of God and neighbor.” We can easily Sunday apply this definition to our time, talent, and treasure: After we 6:30am, 9am (streamed), focus our attention, we recognize the vast multitude of gifts we receive from God 11am, & 5:30pm every day. Confession When we try to apply that definition of stewardship to the rest of our lives, Monday - Friday though, it gets a little harder. Time, talent, and treasure give us a nice, clean 7:30-7:50am workspace. But if we limit our stewardship to these categories, we run the risk of Saturday 3-3:50pm getting ourselves stuck in a box. In reality, the entirety of our life is a gift from God. Sunday during Masses The only worthy response is to give ourselves entirely over to God. We can’t settle if a priest is available. for just giving God one hour of my Sunday. That’s only 0.6% of the week, for those who are counting. We can’t kid ourselves into thinking that we are giving ourselves Parish Office back to God by throwing a few bucks in the collection and helping with some 124 North Roosevelt charitable activity every once in a while. Wichita, KS 67208 Our gift to God must have deeper roots. God demands and desires to be Summer Office Hours: present in our lives at every moment of every day. St. Paul wasn’t joking when he 9am - 5pm Mon-Thurs said, “Pray without ceasing.” (1 Thess 5:17) He truly intends for us to lift ourselves Closed Friday during July to God at every moment of every day. In order to do this, God must be a constant Phone: 316.682.4557 companion in our hearts. His love must be the source of all our action. This love starts and is nourished by the sacraments. In Baptism, we are Fax: 316.682.4558 reborn into the life and light of Christ. In Confirmation, we receive the love of the Sacramental Emergency 316.512.2206 Holy Spirit who gives us the strength and courage to (continued on page 2) (continued from cover) Sacramental Information spread and defend our faith. In the Eucharist, the source and summit of our faith (Lumen Gentium no. 11), we receive the love of God in the Eucharist, Call the Parish Office for inquiries on the Body and Blood of Christ, and allow Him to transform us into the people all sacraments, 682.4557. he created us to be. Baptism: Classes held on the Because these sacraments are the source of God’s love in our daily life, first Tuesday of every month and are required for parents. we should take great care as Catholics to ensure we do our best to make use Confirmation: Classes required. of them. Going to Confession regularly, participating at Mass, and following RCIA: Contact the Parish Office. our vocational call to marriage, the religious life, or the priesthood are ways Holy Matrimony: Preparation we are stewards of the life that God has given us, because we are returning to begins at least nine months prior God to allow him to live more deeply within us. One of the major points of to the wedding. the council fathers of Vatican II was for the faithful to recognize the Anointing of the Sick: Contact incredible importance of the gift of the sacraments and liturgies of the Parish Office. Church. In Sacrosanctum Concilium, they wrote “Mother Church earnestly Eucharist to Homebound: desires that all the faithful should be led to that fully conscious, and active First Saturday of the month. participation in liturgical celebrations.” (no. 14) We are bound together by our common worship of God, in which Parish Staff we recognize that all we have been given—our life, our time on this earth, and the salvation won by Christ—is a gift from God. At Mass, we receive this Parish Life Coordinator gift, share it with those around it, and offer the depths of ourselves to God in Samantha Ridder return. The sacraments are where stewardship begins. The Mass is where we Parish Office Manager learn how to practice stewardship and are gathered as a community to share Melinda Foley the love of God. Let us not be afraid to share our gifts in service of the liturgy, Stewardship Coordinators whether as readers, servers, ushers, Mass Captains, musicians, the faithful Becky Meyer, Erica Zurita, & gathered in worship, or, for some of us, perhaps as a priest. Don Brinkman Bookkeeper For the Greater Glory of God, Dana Howland Fr. Matt Music Director Rachel Dugan Liturgical Stewardship Weekend Mass Schedule - July 31-August 1, 2021 4:00pm 6:30am 9:00am 11:00am 5:30pm Matthew Burgardt Steve Freach Glen Fondaw Mary Short Bobby Johnson Lectors Barbara Carson Joe Wurtenberger Mark Fiebach Andrew Meyer Toby Wilson Pete Gann Aiden Lyons Jack Engle MC Beau Dalian Kevin Gipson Ryan Kisling Cody Lee Offertory Family Family Family EMHC Kathy Harter David Saunders Michael Hogan Richard Suniga Megan Burgardt R. Kuchinskas, T. K. & D. Arkin, E. Yost, Dan Brooks Dan Alcala, Will, Mat- D. Brinkman, E. Rudy, B. W. Schlotterback,T. Alex- Shay, L. Carmichael, A. Lyons, S., B., & T. Ushers Chris Shank thew & Ella Kerschen ander, K. Kochenderfer Murphy, M. Endsley Brennan July 17 July 18 July 18 July 18 July 18 Mass Count 293 137 267 266 221 Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church Page 2 Week at a Glance Mass Intentions Sunday, July 25 Saturday, July 24 2Kgs 4:42-44 Eph 4:1-6 Jn 6:1-15 6:30am Int/Marty Bryant 10:00am - Coffee & Donuts (Commons) 4:00pm +Elizabeth Bennett 7:00pm - Pickleball (New Gym) Sunday, July 25 Monday, July 26 6:30am People of the Parish 7:00pm - Acts Bible Study (Bishops Hall) 9:00am Int/Gretchen Postiglione 11:00am Int/Jude Hickerson Tuesday, July 27 Ad Orientem 6:30pm - Called & Gifted (Spanish Room) 5:30pm Int/Amanda Bina Wednesday, July 28 Monday, July 26 5:25am - Summer with the Saints - Kapaun’s Men (Bishops Hall) 6:30am Int/Bill Dwyer Thursday, July 29 8:00 am +Hoan Nguyen 6:30pm - Summer with the Saints - Kapaun’s Men (Bishops Hall) Tuesday, July 27 Friday, July 30 6:30am Int/Danny Davis Parish Office Closed 8:00am +Justin Real 3:15pm - Chaplet of Divine Mercy (Church) Wednesday, July 28 Sunday, August 1 6:30am Int/M.H. Thiessen Family Ex 16:2-4 Eph 4:17, 20-24 Jn 6:24-35 8:00am +Shelby Smith 10:00am - Coffee & Donuts (Commons) Thursday, July 29 7:00pm - Pickleball (New Gym) 6:30am +Joseph & Betty Bryde 8:00am Int/JoAnn Robertson Extraordinary Form (Latin) 5:30pm Int/Susie Palmer Parish Office Hours Friday, July 30 Summer office hours: 6:30am Int/Dr. P.J. Hutsey Monday - Thursday 9:00am-5:00pm 8:00am Int/Aaron Davis Fridays (in July) - Closed Saturday, July 31 6:30am +Dave Burrus 4:00pm Int/Maureen Foley-Dime Join us in Prayer Sunday, August 1 Prayers for the Sick 6:30am +Beverly Jo Kuhlenkamp Bob Collins, Devon Dionisi, David Leiker, Marilyn Alcala, Mike Dionisi, 9:00am +Logan Matzeder Alan Brown, John Polson, Steve Bell, Robert Lang, Pauline Rittlinger, Jesse 11:00am People of the Parish Phares, Emma Padgett, Mary Edgington, Lynn Channer, Karen Hurley, Ad Orientem Bob Stenz. 5:30pm +Jane Steffens In Memoriam Bonnie Tenbrink, Logan Matzeder, Mary Dean Sander, Robert Knoff, Donald Somes, Mary Kay VinZant, James A. Clark, Kenneth Gebhart, Elizabeth Bennett, Ella Mae McGuire, Juan Yanez, Carolee “BeBe” Skolich, Jane Steffens, Betty Rott, Berniece Boerstler, Justin Real, Polly Snow, Cath- leen McCarthy, Kenneth Squires, Shelby Smith, Patricia Hurley. Page 3 www.blessedsacramentwichita.com Ministry Updates Women’s Bowling League Did you know??? Bowling burns 100+ calories per hour, builds muscles, and strong bones. 3 Midwest Catholic games = 1 mile of walking and more! Family Conference Don’t miss the Midwest Catholic The new season of Blessed Sacrament’s Women’s Family Conference, “Go to Joseph” Bowlling League will begin on September 9. No August 6th to 8th at Century II. experience necessary. We will have a meeting While your children are participat- at The Alley (13th & Greenwich) on Thursday, ing in the youth programs you can September 9th at 9:15am followed immediate- listen to great speakers and take ly by bowling. For more information, contact advantage of daily mass, adoration, Carol Mesa @ 683-9087. and a beautiful outdoor Eucharis- Exercise, fun, fellowship, and stewardship-how tic procession. Register online at can you go wrong? catholicfamilyconference.org, or R.C.I.A. call 316-618-9787. Who asks you a lot of questions about your faith? Who do you know that is interested in the Catholic Church? Who is God calling you to invite? RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation) is the process of reflection, prayer, St. Vincent de Paul instruction, discernment, and formation for those wishing to learn about Save the date! The annual drive for the Catholic faith. RCIA meets on Wednesday nights 6:30 – 8:00pm in the children’s underwear and socks will school library.
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