DEMO RHETORIC ACROSS BORDERS features twenty-one essays and six excerpts from the “In Conversation” panels convened at the sixteenth Biennial Rhetoric Society of America (RSA) Conference. Participants engaged the conference theme of “Border RHETORIC RHETORIC Rhetorics” in ways that not only reinvigorated the border as a conceptual metaphor but also challenged boundaries within rhetorical scholarship. Although the volume includes only a select representation of the work presented at the conference, each section features the diverse perspectives offered in Composition ACROSS and Communication. The first section,Between Materiality and Rhetoric, explores points of interface between rhetoric and materiality. Working from diverse periods and disciplinary orientations, the authors illuminate how attending to the mutuality between materiality and rhetoric engenders a productive revision and/or expansion of our approaches to essential aspects of rhetorical inquiry. The second section,Crossing ACR BORDERS Cultures: Refiguring Audience, Author, Text, and Borders, explores how various forms of translation, migration, and liminality can refigure our understanding of the interplay between audience, author, and text. Essays in the third section, Remapping the Political, OSS examine the diverse genres that broaden our understanding of the res publica and the tactics employed to circumscribe politics. In the fourth section, Contesting Boundaries: Science, Technology, and Nature, authors consider how shifting notions of expertise and competing epistemologies alter our conceptions of science and the environment. The selected essays in the final section,Teaching Across Divides, explore the different BORDERS boundaries that shape teaching in rhetoric and composition. Here, the authors reflect on the challenges and rewards gained by explicitly engaging the borders and boundary- work that often remains invisible to our students. These organizational groupings reflect thematic through-lines in the submissions as well as a confidence in Burke’s perspective by incongruity as a method fitting the exploration of various borderlands. The volume concludes with fragments from select “In Conversation” panels that cover a range of issues from activism and intersectionality to publishing and rhetorical theory. EDITED BY ANNE TERESA DEMO 3015 Brackenberry Drive Anderson, South Carolina 29621 PARLOR http://www.parlorpress.com PRESS S A N: 2 5 4 – 8 8 7 9 ISBN: 978-1-60235-739-6 Rhetoric Across Borders Rhetoric Across Borders Edited by Anne Teresa Demo Parlor Press Anderson, South Carolina www.parlorpress.com Parlor Press LLC, Anderson, South Carolina, USA © 2015 by the Rhetoric Society of America All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America S A N: 2 5 4 - 8 8 7 9 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Rhetoric across borders / edited by Anne Teresa Demo. -- First edition. pages cm Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-60235-737-2 (pbk. : acid-free paper) -- ISBN 978-1-60235- 738-9 (hardcover : acid-free paper) 1. Rhetoric. I. Demo, Anne Teresa, 1968- editor. P301.R425 2015 808--dc23 2015024861 978-1-60235-739-6 (PDF) 978-1-60235-740-2 (ePub) 978-1-60235-741-9 (iBook) 978-1-60235-742-6 (Kindle) 1 2 3 4 5 First Edition Cover design by David Blakesley. Cover image by Nuno Silva at Unsplash.com. Used by permission. RSA 2014 logo designed by Lori Klopp. Copyediting by Jared Jameson. Printed on acid-free paper. Parlor Press, LLC is an independent publisher of scholarly and trade titles in print and multimedia formats. This book is available in paper, hardcover, and digital formats from Parlor Press on the World Wide Web at http://www.parlorpress.com or through online and brick-and-mortar bookstores. For submission information or to find out about Parlor Press publications, write to Parlor Press, 3015 Brackenberry Drive, Anderson, SC 29621, or e-mail [email protected]. Contents Introduction 3 Anne Teresa Demo Between Materiality and Rhetoric 1 Material Rhetoric and the Ritual Transfiguration of Impure Flesh in the Purification Rules (Dead Sea Scrolls 4QTohorot A and 4QTohorot B) 13 Bruce McComiskey 2 Rhetorical and Material Boundaries: Animal Agency and Presence in Small Oceanic Islands 23 Peter Goggin 3 Smellscapes, Social Justice, and Olfactory Perception 35 Lisa L. Phillips 4 Blurring the Boundaries: Projective Embodiment in Videogames 45 Jeffrey B. Holmes Crossing Cultures: Refiguring Audience, Author, Text and Borders 5 Toward a New Understanding of Audience in the Medieval Arabic Translation Movement: The Case of Al-Kindi’s “Statement on the Soul” 59 Maha Baddar v vi Contents 6 All Nations, One Blood, Three Hundred Years: Martin Luther King, Jr., Fannie Lou Hamer, and Civil Rights Rhetoric as Transatlantic Abolitionism 71 Keith D. Miller 7 “Carry Your Green Book With You”: The Green Book as Representative Anecdote 83 Elizabethada A. Wright 8 Gertrude Stein on the Borders of Identity 95 Patrick Shaw 9 (Re)Bordering the Scholarly Imaginary: The State and Future of Rhetorical Border Studies 107 Antonio Tomas De La Garza, D. Robert DeChaine, & Kent A. Ono Remapping the Political 10 Peacemaking and the Chancery in Medieval Cairo: Revisiting Medieval Arabic Rhetoric 121 Rasha Diab 11 “What It Is to Be a Queenslander”: The Australian State Parliamentary Motion of Condolence on Natural Disasters as Epideictic and Regional Rhetoric 134 Rosemary Williamson 12 Going Digital: Rhetorical Strategies in the Enhanced State of the Union 146 Jeffrey A. Kurr 13 Redrawing the GOP Borders? Women, Reproduction, and the Political Landscape of the 2014 Midterm Election 159 Lora Arduser & Amy Koerber Contesting Boundaries: Science, Technology, and Nature 14 Localized Science Sentinels: TEDx and the Shared Norms of Scientific Integrity 175 Ron Von Burg Contents vii 15 Citizen Science in Lower Hood Canal: The Emergence of the Lower Hood Canal Watershed Coalition (LHCWC) as a Forum for Environmental Education, Policy Development and the Shaping of Political Will 187 John Angus Campbell 16 The “Native” as Not So Creative Commonplace in the Borderland of Environmental Writing 199 Alexis F. Piper 17 Technologies of Mediation and the Borders and Boundaries of Human-Nonhuman Animal Relationships in Marine Species Advocacy 213 Amy D. Propen Teaching Across Divides 18 “What did you do in the war, Mommy?” Competing Constructs in the Women in Military Service for America Memorial 227 Amy Milakovic 19 Service-Learning in the “Borderlands” at an Hispanic Serving Institution in South Texas 236 Susan Garza 20 Assessing the New Media Rhetoric: Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries 245 Kathleen Marie Baldwin 21 Positioning Rhetoric at The Heart of the Matter: Engaging Faculty, Engaging Students 254 Jane Detweiler, Margaret R. LaWare, Thomas P. Miller, & Patti Wojahn In Conversation: Fragments and Provocations 22 Fragments from “In Conversation: Critical Rhetorics of Race” 265 Keith Gilyard & Kent A. Ono viii Contents 23 Fragments from “In Conversation: Rhetoric and Activism” 267 Dana Cloud & Seth Kahn 24 Fragments from “Coalitional Gestures, Third Spaces, and Rhetorical Imaginaries: A Dialogue in Queer Chican@ Feminism” 269 Karma R. Chávez & Adela C. Licona 25 In Conversation: The Rhetoric of Disability and Access 274 James L. Cherney & Margaret Price 26 Fragment from “What Role Can/Should Academic Journals Play in the Future of Rhetoric Scholarship” 278 Barbara Biesecker, James Jasinski, & Kelly Ritter 27 Fragments from “Rhetorical Theory: Questions, Provocations, Futures” 281 Bradford Vivian & Diane Davis Contributors 287 Index 297 Rhetoric Across Borders 1 Introduction Anne Teresa Demo he location and timing of the sixteenth Biennial Rhetoric Society of America (RSA) Conference made “Border Rhetorics” a relevant and generative theme for the over twelve-thousand attendees who con- Tvened in San Antonio, Texas from May 22-26, 2014. San Antonio’s history reflects the constructed and contested nature of boundary-work at all lev- els—geographic, cultural, and communal—and inspired conversations that addressed the realities of material divisions while also recognizing the po- tential of intersectionality. Held during a year that marked the centennial of an organizational division between English and Communication (when public speaking teachers broke away from the National Council of Teachers of English in 1914), the conference featured twelve “In Conversation” panels that paired prominent scholars from Composition/English and Communication. These panels addressed concepts foundational to rhetorical inquiry such as agency, activism, and publics as well as issues with such shared investments as the status of rhetorical education and the role of journals in the future of rhetorical scholarship. To be sure, such conversations predate the 2014 confer- ence; however, these panels (and the selected excerpts included herein) sought to provoke new dialogues and cultivate the flow of inquiry and collaboration across the disciplinary borders of rhetoric.1 As RSA President Kendall Phillips 3 4 / Anne Teresa Demo noted, “RSA was formed in large part as a bridge across this border and that is still one of the driving forces of the association” (5). Conference participants engaged the theme of “Border Rhetorics” in ways that not only reinvigorated the border as a conceptual metaphor but also challenged boundaries within rhetorical scholarship. In addition to panels on contemporary geo-political borders, panelists leveraged the sense of move- ment and divergent cultures
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