G看ossary of Food A=e「gy Te「ms The fo=owing words and phrases a「e often used to ta肱about food訓ergies. 囲 Acute symptoms - Physical signs that begin suddenly or last only a short amo踊t Of time. Adrenaline - A hormone made by the body (also known as epinephrine), Adver§e leaCtions - An unwanted response to a food 〈such as a rash, VOmiting, etC.). A=ergen - Anything that causes an a=ergic reaction. Allergic reaction - An immune system response to something that the body mistakes as a th「eat. Ånaphyiaxis - A serious a=ergic reaction that comes on quickIy and may cause death. Anaphylactic shock - A symptom of anaphylaxis where there is a severe drop in b10Od pressure, Angiodema (or edemaトSwe用ng of a part of the body. Antibody - A protein in the biood that is meant to identify and a廿ack fo「eign objects like bacte「ia o「 v血ses. In food a=ergies, these antibodies mistake some food p「Oteins as a foreign object. Antigen - Anything that causes the immune system to react when it ente「s the body. Antihis置amine葛A medicine used to bIock the effects of histamine, a Chemical that is reIeased during an aiIergic reaction. Antihistamines do not stop anaphylaxis. Asthma - A chronic disease of the lungs in which the airways become blocked o川arrowed. This biockage can make it hard to breathe. Many people with food a=ergies aIso have asthma. Those wjth both asthma and food a=ergies are at a higher risk for a severe aiiergic reaction. 匿 Biphasic reaction - An aIIergic reaction that h∂S tWO StageS. A請er the fiγSt WaVe Of symptoms goes away, a SeCOnd wave Of symptoms comes back one to four hou「s later. Because of the risk of biphasic reactions, Patients who have a reaction requiring epinephrine shouId stay at a hospital for four to six hours after the initial reaction for observation. 国電 Chronic - Happening often or lasting a Iong time. Cross-COntaCt - When one food comes into contact w輔another food and theiγ PrOteins mix. As a resultずeaCh food then COntains sma= amounts of the other food. These amounts are so sma旧hat they usua=y can’t be seen. Even thjs tiny amount of food protein has caused reactions in people with food a=ergies. 匡 Eczcma - AIso c訓ed atopic dermatitis・ lt is an itchy, red rash usua"y fo…d at the foIds of the elbows and behind the knees. 1t can cause so much itching that the person may scratch until the skin bleeds・ ln young children, eCZema is SOmetimes caused by a food訓ergy. Eosinoph航Esophagitis (EoE) - A disorder that causes iarge numbers of eosinop冊s, a tyPe Of white blood ce=, tO gather in the esophagus (the tube that connects the mouth to the stomach). As a res時the剛ng of the esophagus becomes 潮amed’maki=g it diffic亜for food togo down" EoE can be triggered by certain foods. Epinephrine - Aiso ca=ed adrenalirIe" l自s a seIf-injectabie medicine and is the first-1ine treatment for a severe or life-threatening allergic γeaCtion (anaphyiaxis). Epinephrine is a highly effective medicine that can reverse severe SymPtOmS. it must be given quickiy when anaphyiaxis occurs to be most effective・ Delayed use of epinephrine during an anaphyIactic reaction has been assocjated with deaths. foodaIIergy.org ⑥?0「 7 巨直d細でrこ、Iト車種寄主h ‡と血`証i-,「年九十と) 22 ⑥FARE Glossary of Food Al獲e「gy Terms 『 FA」CPA (Food Allergy 」abeIing and Consumel Protection Act主A federa=aw that took effect 」anuary l , 2006・ lt requires that the labels of foods containing major food a=ergens (m冊, e緩S, fish, CruStaCean She冊sh, PeanUtS, tree nuts, Wheat and soy) note the aiiergen in plain language. Food a=eI.gy - When the immune system mistakes a food protein as a threat and creates an antibody to that food PrOtein. When the food is eaten again, the immune system releases histamine and othe「 chemicaIs that cause an a=ergic reaction, Food ÅlIergy & A間phy!axis Eme昭ency C訓e PIaれ- A documellt that ou輔nes the recommended treatment in case of an a=ergic reaction. 1t is signed by a physician and includes eme「gency contact information. 1t shouId be on fiIe at SChooI for every student with food a=ergies, and it is also useful at home, When traveIing and for educating caregivers What to do in an emergency. 聞 Histamine - One of severaI chemicaIs reieased by the body that causes many of the symptoms of an a=ergic reaction, Hives - Mosquito-bite-軌e bumps that are very itchy and can appear anywhere on the body. Many different things can CauSe hives言nciuding aIIergic reactions to food. 日 ImmunogIobuIin E (IgE) - An antibody created by the immune system that triegers food a=ergy symptoms. lntolerance - A reaction to a food that does not invoIve the immune system. For example. people with lactose 而olerance lack an enzyme needed to digest m冊sugar. When they eat m冊products, they may have symptoms such as gas, bloating and abdom活al pain. 閲 OraI food chalIcnge - A test used in a cIinical setting to confirm o' rule out a suspected food a一一ergy by feeding the Patient, under an a=ergist’s supervision- Very Sma= but increasing amount§ of a possib-e a一一ergen・ 闇 RAST (radio訓ergosorbent tests) - A blood test that measures the presence of lgE antibodies to specific foods, The term is antiquated because modern tests are not ``RAST一, tests. See “Serum test for food-SPeCific lgE." Negative tests usua=y (not aIways) indicate that there is no immediate type of a=ergy, but positive tests do not necessa同y indicate an aiiergy・ Ttsts must be interpreted by your doctor takjng into consjderation your medjcai history. 園 Skin p「ick te§t (S門) - A test that measures the presence o=gE antibodies for a suspect food. SPts are inexpensive, PrOduce immediate res亜s’and can be performed in the doctor,s office. Negative tests usu訓y (not always) indicate that there is no immediate type of a=ergy, but positive tests do not necessarily indicate an a=ergy. 1t蚊s must be interpreted by your doctor taking into consideration your medica冊story. 劉 Urticaria - A medicaI te(m for itchy rash or hives. 測 Wheal輸A raised white bump surrounded by a sm訓circle of itchy red skin" foodal lergy。 Org ㊧-ク〇二/ト印「d A帖「二二Iト車種ar hふさ加C〔面個(FA畦) 23 ⑨FARE.
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