Dr. Tom .Re1hn~r 'in ''.H•nty Flagler<Rem,mbers '' Editorial/Commentary... Page .· {Pages · Features ... Page 5 -Flagler'.students find time tofight firi!s > Music Reviews ... Page 10 .'. Page6 ....· ..•.. Sporls ... Page 11 COLLEGE VOL. XXIIII, NO. 4 SAINT AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA October 24, 1994 Time to 11fall back" WFCF celebrates Remember that hour ofsleep you ·.lost last spring? On Sunday, Oct. 30, its first birthday you will get it back. Two a.m. marks the official end of Daylight Savings Special to the Gargoyle Time. Clocks need to be set back one hour to 1 a.m. for a return to standard A special open house will celebrate time. Flagler College Radio, WFCF's, first birth­ day friday, Nov. 4, from 5 to 7 p.m. in the station's studios at 31 Cordova Street. Re­ freshmen ts, live entertainment and station Corrections tours will be offered. In the Oct. 6 story on the library WFCFbegan transmissionNov. l , 1993, groundbreaking, Dr. William L. Proc­ as the college's first fully-operational, stu, tor was incorrectly identified as the dent-run radio station. Broadcasting on "first and only president" of Flagler 88.5 FM, the station covers the area from College. Dr. Proctor is the college's South Jacksonville to Daytona. WFCF's second president: Roy Carlson was airwaves reach a potential listening audi­ the first president, and Edward ence of about 85,000 people. Carlson briefly served as acting presi­ The community is invited to attend. Marti Travis mans the micro-phone at the production sound board at WFCF. dent. In the same story, Lawrence Lewis, Jr., was also incorrectly re­ ported to have donated $11 million Overflow crowd greets Pran tQ the college. The actual donor is the William R. Kenan,Jr. Charitable locaust survivor and writer Elie Wiesel. "We minimized the violence and brutality. Trust. These corrections are noted in by William L. Willard, Jr. Gargoyle Features Editor "Like my hero Wiesel, I try to awaken the We didn't want to show things that would keeping with the Gargoyle's editorial world to the holocaust ofCambodia, for all chase away the audience." policy. We sincerely regret any incon­ Dith Pran, Cambodian holocaust sur­ tragedies have universal implications." He says that the Khmer Rouge was not venience these errors may have vivor, spoke to a standing-room-only crowd Pran said he feels guilty and distressed fond of taking photos of their atrocities caused. in the Flagler Room Tuesday evening. The about conditions in Rwanda. He said the tl1e way Adolf Hitler was, so there is little lecture followed the Oct. world stopped another ho­ record of them. 12 showing of the award­ locaust from happening in Poor economic and living conditions winning film, The Killing Bosnia,. but unfortunately in Cambodia have put the search for the Fields, which portrays killings continued in culprits on hold. Right now, Cambodians' Pran's ordeal in Cambo­ Rwanda. getting food is more important than wor­ dia. .Pran was pleased to see rying about bringing the Khmer Rouge to Now a photojournal­ the Flagler Room filled to justice. That is why his lectures in the US ist for the New Yark Times, overflowcapacity. "Mystory are so important. Pranwascapturedin 1975 needs to be told. The kill­ Pran has returned to Cambe>dia three by the Khmer Rouge ers need to be brought to times to evaluate conidition there since he while working as a war justice. I want [the Khmer escaped. "The Khmer Rouge still has weap-. correspondent in Cambo­ Rouge] toexplairiwhythey ons and they made a lot of money through dia. He escaped to Thai­ killed so many children. I the holocaust." land in 1979 after surviv­ want to see them explain Recently, Pran's testimony aided in ing starvation and torture to the world," he said. passing the Cambodian.Genocide Justice in the forced labor camps. Pran didn't realize at Act by the US Senate and House of Repre­ The lecture was de- Dith Pran the time of the making of sentatives. The Act was conceived to bring signed to spread aware- The Killing Fields that it Khmer Rouge leaders before an interna­ ness of the little-known holocaust. "I'm a would become such a landmark movie. tional tribune. one-person crusade. I must speak for.those According to him, the film was a very According to Pran, his main goal "is to who did not survive and for those who still accurate portrayal of his experiences. Al­ stop the holocaust from happening again." suffer. I don't consider myself a politician though, Pran s.aid, 'There was a lot we He concluded with, 'The pain will never or a hero. I'm a messenger." didn't show. The actual killing fields were leave me. Those responsible for the kill­ Pran compared himself to Jewish Ho- worse than the movie." He pointed out, ings must be brought to trial." \ / -- Page 2 Gargoyle October 24, 1 994 EDITORIAL OPINION Architecture difficult to-digest you discover two features they didn't tell you about: the card By tile time I finished my sophomore year in college I By W. DEREK PARKER carries 17 percent interest and it can talk! It's true. Those little realized tllat I had a disease: I was a creditaholic. Including an Gargoyle Editor-in-Chief pieces of plastic emit super-sonic, subliminal messages that obscene amount which, when paid, I'm convinced bumped The other day I got a letter from urge, "Use me! I'm so convenient! I'm so easy to use!" AT&T into a higher tax-bracket, I was in debt way over my head the. friendly people over at Architec­ I began my explorations into the world of credit fall on six credit cards. It was so bad, in fact, tllat I had to take a year turalDigest magazine. Please don't ask semester of my freshman year in college. I was away from home off from school and get a real job in tl1e real world. µiehowtheygotmyaddress. Myname for the first time other than summer camp as a kid and it seemed Well, to make a long story longer, I managed to pay off has found its way onto mailing lists I'd like a pretty easy way to get much of my debt that year, never even imagined existed. (By the some extra money. Those pay­ but only tllrough bo·tll Divine way, if anyqne has any connection checks from working in tl1e When you get to the point · and parental intervention. I with the "Asparagus Lovers of dorm cafeteria just weren' t managed to land a fantastic America" or the "National Association of Quantity Surveyors," enough. So I ordered a Visa where you are ordering new job with a Fortune 500 corpo­ tell them to get off my back.) This letter offered me a free card. I rationalized tl1is deci­ ration, andmyparentshelped sample issue of ArtichecturalDigest "at no risk." All I have to do sion by promising myself that I credit cards to pay for spring · me more tllan I care to admit. is agree to take a look at tlieir magazine. Ifl decide I don't like would (singalong,youallknow After a year, I was able to re­ it I don't have to subscribe. tl1e words) "Only use it for break, you have a problem. turn to tile world of academia I agreed to look at the magazine. I can admit it - I'm emergencies." a bit wiser about the ways of desperate for mail. At least I haven't called to order information The first emergency tl1eworld (nottomention tile about "Rogaine "just in case I start losing my hair someday. Yet. sprung up shortly after I got ways of collection agencies). A few days later I got a "Subscription Verification Form." As the little demon-card. I was attacked in a department store by a · Now,Iadmit,Iamnotcompletelycured. Creditaholicsare the name might suggest, they wanted me to verify my subscrip­ pair of$85 Girbaudjeans and a beautiful $110 sweater. Quick! never really cured. I am a recovering creditaholic. I'm down to tion by kindly sending them a check or money order for $62.80 Call 9-1-11 two credit cards and I'm taking tilings a day at a time. It's not for ten issues. Also, for my convenience, if I prefer I can simply That card was "maxed-out"before I got my second bill. I was easy. I still can't watch tile Home Shopping Network for fear write my credit card number on the form and send it back. Isn't back where I started from, except I had a few pieces of new that I'll suddenly become aware of an undeniable need for a that nice of them? clothing that, at $15 per month, I would still be paying for when_ "Miracle-Mop" or an "Ultra-Wool Designer Flannel Blazer," a It's getting so easy to use credit these days. You can use my kids enter college. bargain for only $67.95 if you call right now. creditjust about anywhere. You don't even have to go inside the Then I really got out of hand - Spring Break. The point of all tl1is (yes, tllere is a point) is to be careful gas station anymore. You just slide your plastic through the I was going to Washington D.C. to visit my girlfriend at her witl1 credit. Learn from my lesson if you can. Resist the machine and viola! college. Of course, I was broke. The answer came to me in a temptation to "establish good credit now," while you're "still a Personally, I believe that credit cards are evil incarnate.
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