Vol. XX. No. |2 . NUTLEY, N. J.. SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 27, 1917 THREE CENTS COPY HIGH SCHOOL NOTES BOY ROMS WTO DELIVERY WATER CONSUMPTION F O R ..... TRUCK; NOT BADLY HURT PERSONALS ; WEEK SHOWS DECREASE CHARGES DENIED Wednesday afternoon, C. F. McCord Mra. Charles B. Royce, of North oTthePassiic office of the New York Cecil' Romney, seven years old, son road, will return • today from St. The water cbnsumptioir chairt coh- BTPOUa CHIEF Telephone Company, gave a stereo p- of C. V. Romney, of 15 Erie place, ran Mary's Hospital, Passaic, where she tinues to show a decrease. Last week j aeon lecture on the development • of down Yantacaw place from the school, underwent an operation last week. I n d tu tedlI*S® .n4 the telephone. ;------ : ~ --------- the consumption was 2,063,000 and SntcMe €ontra£cts Stateomts h Wednesday noon in a game, of tag Does Ntt Safer nwi ' The Roselle Park basketball game Mr. and - Mrs. Nils B. Hersloff and the-week before 2,100,000. The con­ Letter From BeDeTiBc Board of scheduled for this afternoon ha« been with another small boy. At Brookfield Miss Laura Hersloff, of Edgewood sumption for the same week last year H.C.tf L. cancelled because of the inability of avenue he was going too fast to stop avenue, left Thursday for Baltimore. was 2,233,000. Town Engineer Smith Education About Boy’s Arrest the Roselle team to be present. The and hey' ran .into a delivery wagon They will return on Monday. - ; • says the decrease is caused in part by average good chart shows date for the game has been set for owned by Bamberger & Con of New­ the repair of three fire hydrants which , February 17. ark, driven by Albert Briscoe, of 85 Mrs- W. T. Coeyman, of Chestnut had burs ted from freezing. The chart CONTRACTORS G E T 'E H E H SlO N Norfolk street, that city.' ■' place, spent Wednesday in Brooklyn. shows that from this date last. year A relay team consisting of Dolan, the water-' consumption . increased _ The relation of the teachers’ Kirk, .Armstrong and McGinnity' has Briscoe had seen the boys and brought his machine almost- to a Eugene Plunkett, of San Raphael, every week until the middle of' sum­ F^at denial of ^several statements B^Urics __to th e . present high coat entered the - Central and Hamilton mer, while the indications' are now games both to be held next. week. - . indstill before the mishap occured. CaL, formerly of this town, was a made in a letter from the Board of o- living came in for farther lengthy Putting the boy in. the machine the guest this week of Thomas JL O’Neil, that the chart will show a' decrease Education of Belleville^ to the local At next week’s assembly a debate, of Brookfield avenue. ‘ during the same months- . consideration at th e m eeting o f the Resolved: That the 4J. S. should have driver" started to look for a doctor,iut BoaVd o f Commissioners was . ecu-. of . Education Tuesday night Compulsory Arbitration, will be held >eihg unable to 'find any of tiient at iome, went to Police headquarters. Mrs. Thomas McVeigh, - of Bloom­ tadned in a reply from Chief of Police .Superintendent B eachlerbad prepared by members of the Debating Club. It Dr.JEdward P. Whelan finally was field avenue, spent -the. week. in New PRESERVE CONCERN TO B(|ILD Wright Sutcliffe, which- was read ■ .» chart about twelve fe e t longhand will be a preliminary to the inter­ Yorkr 1 ; . school debating contest between -Belle­ ocated and treated the boy for a Tuesday night at the Commission fire feet high to show how~NufTey ville and Nutley. Harold Smith is in ii^ycutanH^nHse^ raceand Hands. Miss Mabel McAusland, of Passaic The, Hunter Preserve Company, of m^trng^TowrTHair. -in—this-pngfarolar, and itoany- ch arg e.— ----- :---------- —:----- His^ clothigg was badly tom. - In- Brookfield avenue,-Aas-purchased-land- —The Belleville letter stated thattww asmuchas the accident appeared to be avenue,—is—home—from—a stay—in otiers, with the other munkipalities At a meeting of the Senior Class none-of the driver^s-i'ault he was-re­ "Princeton. ' . adjoining the present building-on uniformed men called at one of the in the county. This" waa taken as a Thursday afternoon President Messer which a jiew and enlarged kitchen will eased by the police. - •• .. be built in the near future. The con­ Belleville schools two weeks ago and Ijyis-for the discussion. appointed Miss Edith Iliffe, Wall win ' Miss Laura. Hersloff", of Edgewood arrested a "hoy. in a class-room on a Hasten and William Herbert to secure avenue, has been entertaining--Miss, cern manufactures jams, jellies, ... xhe matter was finally left in the charge of entering a local store and the movies for a night. .: . Helen Coyne, of Elizabeth. preserves and pickles and has jvist stealing $2 l. :. The letter went on-to■- hands of the teachers’ committee , of -Another school newspaper has made FITTW&BEARST WEDDING finished a prosperous year. .........: criticise the act, calling it sensational, ' which Marion Lewis; is the head, to its appearance and does business Charles Kahre, of Alexander ave­ and stating that the arrest could have w.nyp. a recommendation It is thought ON JAN. 7 JUST ANNOUNCED nue is on a three months’ trip to under the name pf “The -Clamor.” It B. Hopper will' visit in. Long Island been made through the Belleville tiSat while a raise w as practically cer­ is published and run by Harry Han- Floridarand Louisiana. ---- 1 police, in* a much leas objecttonal way. tain it would not be portable to put it Announcement has just been made next week. Mr-Gop will leave Monday nen and Frank Grabe, both of the for a business trip through Pennsyl­ into effect until next September when Sophomore Class. It contains notes of the marriage of John Fitting, of Miss Fannie Ryan, of Church street, Nobody Entered Class-room the new term begins. - . spent the week-end with friends in vania. Mr. and Mrs- T. T. Coe, of of general school interest and is type­ Franklin avenue and Kingsland street, Cape Cod, have returned home after \ Sutcliffe-demed that uniformed men The only opposition to the proposed written by the boys themselves. East Orange. , _ ■ raise seemed to come from Trustees and Mrs. Rose Bearst, of Brooklyn, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Coe. arrested the boy in a class-room.' He .William C. Slavik and Louis Fendrich, At the meetingof the Literary which took place January 7 at SL Miss Mildred Van Wort, of Jersey calledpersonally for the boy, he said, both practical school men, and- they Society Tuesday afternoon an imita­ City, formerly of Nutley, is visiting A. S. Winham, of Prospect street, tion program was given. Miss Jennie Clare’s Church, Delawanna. Both is recovering from a serious illness. ~ apd waited in the principal’s office did riot voice it in so m any words. M r. ad ijeen married before. Mr. Miss Cora Townsend, of Hillside ave­ Lindsrom did not oppose-it* but ad­ .Moxley 7 .president of the club, pre­ nue. until he was brought out^He declared sided, while Miss Madeline Scorso was Fitting’s wife, Mrs. Mar>f B. Fitting, Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeVausney", of j further that his reason for not notify­ vised against precipitate action, say­ died,lr'February 5, 1916, while the ing the Belleville authorities was that ing when the w ar was over1 every­ in charge of the refreshments. Those Miss Ruth Royal, of Summit, spent Chestnut street, entertained a number admitted to the Zeta Phi were the bride’s husband died about four years several days this, week as a .guest oft of friends at their home Thursday he wanted to save humiliation for the thing, including the cost of living and ago. Before her first marriage she boy and his family. He had known the wages, would drop to normal ag ain. Misses Marion Smith, Alita Frobose, Mt.' and 'Mrs.- W.' P: Carter, of Grant evening. Those present were: Mr. Elizabeth Barnes, Sadie Kane, Mabel was Miss .Rose Jameson, daughter of- avenue. ‘ and Mrs. 'Desmond -Timmons, of lad a long time, he said. T^e com­ -.The chart on which the superinten­ Mrs. Martha; Jameson, -also of Frank­ munications were referred to fixe De­ dent had outlined conditions in the Wilks, Audrey* Speer, Mabel Hawks- Paterson; -Mr. and Mrs. William worth, Marjory Fuller, Dorothy lin avenue and Kingsland street. The Miss Kathryn Walsh, -of Centre Schelly and Mr. and Mrs. W alter Mc- partment of Public Safety without county showed that Nutley already bridegroom gave his age as sixty,' comment. - ' - ' ~ . stood well up in the list in the salaries Graves, Emily Blanchard, Marjory street, left Thursday for a ten days£ Nab, of Passaic; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hayden and Jennie Cueman. while the bride is half that old. The Stay in Atlantic City. • . Estelle and Mr. and Mrs. William A request for an extension of time it paid. In the lower grade teachers ceremony was witnessed by members for completing a water main exten­ only one town in the comity averaged Edgar Bellows, of the Sophomore Tice, of Nutley. Class will return to school -next week of the bride’s family, only. The coupLe Mrs. D. A Usina, of Burnett place, sion in New Nutley '"avenue by the higher; that was Glen Ridge. The ^'arTrTnalonjjtheir residence at Mr. Fit- /•hart will he printed in the annual y ill- leave_-^Monriay .^or a .stay—in, Miss -Susan Landon, of Chicago.
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