Annals ofthe Rhewnatic Diseases 1991; 50: 321-322 321 CASE REPORTS Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/ard.50.5.321 on 1 May 1991. Downloaded from Polymyositis, not polymyalgia rheumatica N D Hopkinson, D J Shawe, J M Gumpel Abstract prednisolone 30 mg/day; two weeks later there The distinction between polymyalgia rheu- was improvement and the ESR had fallen to 14 matica and polymyositis is important for mm/h. Six months later she again had proximal treatment and prognosis. Four elderly patients muscle pain but also weakness and she reported were diagnosed and treated for polymyalgia: numerous chest infections, all responding raised creatine kinase led to muscle biopsy poorly to antibiotics. Hospital referral and and a diagnosis of polymyositis. subsequent admission confirmed a broncho- pneumonia and marked proximal muscle wast- ing and weakness. Investigations showed a Polymyositis and polymyalgia rheumatica may haemoglobin concentration of 119 g/l and the both present with a similar distribution of white blood cell count was raised at 14 9x 109/l proximal muscle pain but are not normally with a neutrophil leucocytosis. The ESR was confused. In polymyositis tenderness or weak- raised at 100 mm/h and creatine kinase was ness of muscles may be marked and there may raised at 600 IU/1. Needle biopsy confirmed a be other helpful diagnostic features-for moderate myositis. example, dysphagia, whereas muscle pain or stiffness without weakness are the more prominent symptoms in polymyalgia rheu- CASE NO 3 matica. In older patients the differentiation may A 77 year old woman presented to her general not be easy, especially when muscle weakness is practitioner with pain and weakness of the not marked. We report four such cases, seen in proximal muscles of her arms and legs. She had one year in one rheumatologist's practice, who difficulty climbing stairs and in rising from a were originally diagnosed and treated as poly- chair. Investigations showed a normal full blood myalgia rheumatica when the correct diagnosis count and an ESR of 6 mm/h; no muscle enzyme determinations were requested. Poly- was polymyositis. http://ard.bmj.com/ myalgia rheumatica was diagnosed and pred- nisolone 15 mg/day started; there was no improvement after four weeks so she was Case reports referred to us. Examination confirmed marked CASE NO 1 An 83 year old woman presented to her general proximal tenderness and weakness. Investi- practitioner with proximal muscle pain and gations showed a normal ESR, but the creatine stiffness. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate kinase was 2493 IU/l and aspartate transaminase Needle on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. (ESR) was 65 mm/h, but no muscle enzyme 251 IU/l (normal range 10-35 IU/1). determinations were performed. A diagnosis of muscle biopsy confirmed a severe myositis. polymyalgia rheumatica was made and treat- ment was started with prednisolone 30 mg/day, CASE NO 4 which led to improvement and the ESR fell to A 69 year old man presented to his general 10 mm/h. Three months later treatment con- practitioner with a one month history of pain tinued with prednisolone 10 mg/day. At this and stiffness in both thighs and upper arms. stage she was referred because of further pain The stiffness was most marked in the morning and stiffness and a recent onset of proximal and he had difficulty dressing. He was referred muscle weakness. On admission to the rheuma- to us when investigations showed a haemo- tology ward she was found to have wasting and globin concentration of 147 g/l, an ESR of 18 weakness of shoulder and pelvic girdle muscles. mm/h, normal aspartate transaminase, and Investigations showed the haemoglobin concen- creatine kinase raised at 230 IU/1. A diagnosis of tration to be 129 g/l, the ESR 56 mm/h, polymyalgia rheumatica was made and treat- aspartate transaminase was normal, but creatine ment was started with prednisolone 15 mg/day kinase was grossly raised at 517 IU/l (normal with subsequent improvement. Over the next Department of range 20-205 IU/1). Needle muscle biopsy few months his creatine kinase rose to 747 IU/l Rheumatology, confirmed a moderate myositis. and aspartate transaminase to 42 IU/1. Although Northwick Park Hospital, Watford Road, Harrow, he felt well and muscle weakness was not Middlesex HAI 3UJ present a muscle biopsy was performed, which N D Hopkinson CASE NO 2 confirmed a mild myositis. D J Shawe A 74 year old woman presenting with proximal J M Gumpel muscle pains and stiffness had an ESR of 96 Correspondence to: Dr Gumpel. mm/h, but no muscle enzyme results were Discussion Accepted for publication obtained. A diagnosis of polymyalgia rheu- Our four cases highlight the occasional diffi- 12 March 1990 matica was made and treatment was started with culty in distinguishing polymyositis from poly- 322 Hopkinson, Shawe, Gunpel myalgia rheumatica; the distinction is important Polymyositis is a rarer condition with an because a diagnosis of polymyositis has different estimated incidence of 0-5 per 100 000. In implications, such as a higher risk of underlying adults the peak incidence is between the ages of Ann Rheum Dis: first published as 10.1136/ard.50.5.321 on 1 May 1991. Downloaded from malignancy and the need for a higher initial 45 and 54 and decreases thereafter.6 The most dose of steroids, and the possibility of immuno- common presenting symptom is proximal muscle suppressive treatment. Both patients 1 and 3 weakness, but muscle pain and tenderness may responded to an increase in their steroid dose also be prominent. Other clinical features may and the initiation of azathioprine. Patients 2 and be present, including dysphagia, Raynaud's 4 responded to an increased steroid dose only. phenomenon, and arthritis. In one series the Polymyalgia rheumatica and its close relative, ESR was normal in 45% of cases of polymyositis giant cell arteritis, are not rare conditions and and only 19% had an ESR of over 50 mm/h.7 their incidence increases with age.' The diag- Muscle enzyme activity, especially of creatine nosis of polymyalgia rheumatica is one of kinase, is usually raised in active polymyositis exclusion as firm diagnostic criteria do not exist. and falls with successful treatment. Electro- Patients describe muscle pain and stiffness often myography is abnormal in about 90% of cases around the shoulder girdle initially but later and muscle biopsy is usually diagnostic.78 In spreading to affect the pelvic girdle too. Stiff- about 20% of cases an underlying connective ness is usually the main feature and is more tissue disease will be present and there is also an marked after resting; it may prevent the patient association with malignancy.9 rolling over in bed or from getting up in the Polymyositis is managed with high dose morning. Criteria for the diagnosis of poly- steroids and initial daily dosages of prednisolone myalgia rheumatica were tested by Bird et al.2 of 60 mg/day or even higher are often needed The seven most useful criteria were: bilateral depending on disease severity; these high doses shoulder pain and stiffness; onset of illness of may need to be maintained for long periods. less than two weeks' duration; initial ESR Immunosuppressive drugs, such as azathioprine greater than 40 mm/h; duration of morning or cyclophosphamide, are often used in associa- stiffness exceeding one hour; aged 65 or over; tion with steroids in a steroid sparing regimen: depression or weight loss, or both; and tender- they are not helpful in polymyalgia. ness of both upper arms. They suggested that In summary, the distinction between poly- three of these criteria made a diagnosis of myositis and polymyalgia rheumatica is not polymyalgia rheumatica probable. These criteria always easy at presentation; patients presenting were not tested in patients with polymyositis, with proximal muscle pain, stiffness, or weak- however, and at least three of these criteria were ness should therefore have a careful history satisfied in all four of our patients. taken, a full clinical examination to distinguish In the vast majority of patients with poly- stiffness from weakness, and initial blood tests myalgia rheumatica the ESR is raised.3 4 A should include an ESR and determination of completely normal ESR therefore makes the muscle specific enzymes such as creatine kinase. http://ard.bmj.com/ diagnosis unlikely but not untenable. Anaemia may occur, which may be either hypochromic or normochromic. Abnormal liver function 1 Bengtsson B A, Malmvall B E. The epidemiology of giant cell tests, especially increased transaminases may arteritis including temporal arteritis and polymyalgia occur,3 but muscle rheumatica. Arthritis Rheum 1981; 24: 899-904. specific enzymes such as 2 Bird H A, Esselinchkx W, Dixon A St J, Mowat A G, Wood creatine kinase are normal. P H N. An evaluation of criteria for polymyalgia Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents may rheumatica. Ann Rheum Dis 1979; 38: 434-9. 3 Chuang T-Y, Hunder G G, Ilstrup D M, Kurland L T. on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. be partially effective in the treatment of Polymyalgia rheumatica. A 10 year epidemiologic and clinical study. Ann Intern Med 1982; 97: 672-80. polymyalgia, but corticosteroids have a more 4 Kyle V, Hazleman B L. Treatment ofpolymyalgia rheumatica dramatic and sustained effect.3 Polymalgia can and giant cell arteritis. 1. Steroid regimens in the first two be months. Ann Rheum Dis 1989; 48: 658-61. controlled in most patients with 15-20 mg 5 Behn A T, Perera T, Myles A G. Polymyalgia rheumatica and prednisolone/day4 or less,5 though the rate at corticosteroids: How much for how long? Ann Rheum Dis which 1983; 42: 374-8.
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