(USPS 314 0801 “Your Com m unity Leader " [*ill>ll'.lli'll liy Sulim 11. HI I’ lllllr.llllHI < 'nip ! Ilf Noi III Wih m I Aw Iin.lin N I 1 t n j________ 30 C e n ts P e r Copy A gency takes at local rest hom e t e M AR IANN E ASTAI.OS poratioh could not be approved as a Drasen hail not yet officially purchased The continuing hearing on the con­ buyer because one of its officers had a the home tested Democratic primary election for criminal record "If they don't settle by Sept :i. she mayor and City Council president may Daniel Drasen, one of the other of said, ‘ Drasen will „no longer fie the have one unexpected result: a new look ficers, filed for the business by himself owner and Kube will-be the owner by the state at the Action Rest Home, a A man with a clean record, he wasap What happens then’’ representative of the New Jersey proved by the state agency, Schemelia According to .Scherneli.i cither the Department of Health has indicated. said. This, she noted, look place ap; residents.WBChave to ti£.movfcd.-ouLor The comment by the slate agency proximately one year ago another ■ purchaser w ill have to be spokeswoman came after it was reveal- Drasen received a certificate of need found The problem w ith transferring edjn court last week that Francis Bur for transfer ownership, which is good the residents of the r,-:-' borne .s that :i rascano, director cf the rest home, had for one year; it expires on Sept 3,1982 is could create emotional problems for been convicted of a felony and was still them,Schemelia noted I' also would be Issuance of the certificate meant that on probation when the election was held difficult to find other homes lor them, Drasen became the man in charge of on June 8. she added the business — but he still had to come Chief John Costley of the Federal The rest home; accordi rig to Emanuel to terms with Kube on a purchase price Probation Office in Newark said Bur­ Frangelia of the tax asse- o r - office, is Burrascano, meanwhile, was director rascano was convicted of a criminal of­ a split-level, one frame house of the rest home, fense He was charged with using fic­ with a one-cai . According to titious names through the mail in a Schemelia said Friday that, as of last Burrascano. who has bet-tn there for ap- scheme to defraud. He was put on a week, Kube and Drasen had not yet proximately two years., 16 to \ h people five-year probation on May 28, 1981 agreed on the financial terms and reside at the homo G O O D L IC K IN '-N o e l Poskay, with ice cream cone, and tion programs operated by the Linden Recreation Depart The chief said some probations go to the LaToya Lawton, with caramel apple, sample some of the ment. maximum while others are shortened delights of Al Kalla Day Camp, one of the summer recrea­ ( Photo by Walter Martin) by the judge who handles the case. On Judge rules out ths. Board of Education joins drive Some of the absentee ballots cast at the rest home are at issue in the-suit brought by Council President George Hudak and Gregory Martucci, the un­ a second ballot to restore minimum state aid successful candidates for Ihe mayoral By M AR IANN E ASTAI.OS not he had a poli tic-al sign in front of his and council president nominations, A second vote was declared illegal by- house. Superior Court Judge Harry V Osborne The rest, home director saiil that he Members of the Linden Board of board asked A.R. Taranto, superinten­ state Board of Education in- September respectively. Hudak lost to incumbent Jr last week'as testimony continued in had a sign ■pg^ted- hut at firs' could Education have joined with other in­ dent of schools, if he knew which areas and will received a certified reply in Mayor John T. Gregorio; Martucci was a hearing on '& challenge by George remember only Thgl Gregorio - name terested parties in an effort to restore would be affected by the cut. Taranto January. The voters gat a chance to defeated by Myles Hergert. Hudak and Gregory Martucci to was printed on it. ArtfWje point he said state aid which was cut several weeks said his staff is studying the impact on voice their feelings in March, when the Burrascano was called as a witness Democratic primary election results he thought the name. H t i% L also was ago. the budget. The board must deal with it stand by Howard Schwartz, attorney school election is held. for mayor and City Council president on the sign. The board voted on July 21 to back a right away, since budget work for 1983 Even though the numbers are cer­ for Hudak and Martucci. The hearing will resume Monday After looking at an absentee - bill in the State Assembly whifch would begins in September of 1982. “ We wjl) tified by the state in January, the He was still on the stand when his Floyd teporino of Linden testified Burrascano said .he remembereSs. provide supplemental appropriations to have to figure out a way to minimize” lawyer, Robert Berenson, revealed that amount of minimum aid changes when Thursday he was released from Yard- Hergert s name was on the sign, but restore school aid to cities where it was the impace of the cuts, Conor said. He the state budget drawn up. “ I don’t he was oh probation. Berenson did not ville State Prison in Trenton on the day said he still could not remember if he cut. Bob Gonor, president, said the noted that this year's cut is not as know any business that runs this w ay,” specify the charges on which he was of the primary election, June 8, and was voted for Hergert board also is helping with lobbying ef­ "spary” as the threat last year to cut $1 Gonor said. convicted; however, authorities said on probation. He testified that he voted Burrascano said he was not sure if he forts and has informed all legislators of million. It affects vdters, he explaihed, since that Burrascano has a criminal record for Mayor John T. Gregorio and his run­ could pick out his absentee ballot from its stand. Accusing the state of "playing for passing forged and counterfeit it affects the amount of money that has ning mate, Myles J . Hergert. among those cast in the 7th Ward. 1st However, he said, he is not optimistic gam es," Gonor said the minimum aid federal notes, participating in a drug to be raised by taxes. Gonor said the District. that the bill will be approved because of is tailored to the amount; the state board did not yet know how Linden distribution conspiracy and-for involve­ A recount showed-Gregorio with-5,234 Schwartz questioned other witnesses the state's present financial status.. needs for the budget each year. ment in mail and wire fraud. He has votes for the nomination for mayor to students will be affected by this year’s last week on their voting addresses “ There are so many competing in­ Therefore the formula for aid is always served time in state prison. 5,143 for his opponent, Hudak. This cuts but said, historically, extracur­ Abe Dubrowsky, a teacher at Linden. terests for state money." he said. Un­ changing. "It is management by According to Am y Schemelia of the gave him a victory margin of 91 votes. ricular areas such as clubs, athletics High School, said he atvd his sister own fortunately, he added. New Jersey is crisis," he noted, and labeled it New Jersey Department of Health, the Gregorio's running mate, M yles and the arts are affected. ' ‘Unfor­ a home on Summit Terrace even lagging behind some other states in fun­ "thoroughly inefficient.” . only state regulation tor owners or Hergert, defeated Martucci for the city tunately, these types of items get held though, for the past five years, he has ding for education. - The board president explained that operators of rest homes is that they council president spot by a much closer hostage by state cuts ... and they are as leased an apartment out of town He Linden's minimum state aid was cut the Linden Board of Education will sub­ must be of good moral character margin. Hergert received 4,885 votes important, in m y opinion, as academic said although he has work clothes a! the mit temporary budget figures to the Rest homes differ from nursing while Martucci had 4.869, for a 16-vote by $136,000. At last week's meeting, the areas,” he said. apartment and eats there oc- homes in that the former are only “ for margin. In other business, the board reported casionaliy.noai/vno 111- heka considers ,his Linder the provision of personal c a r e " With Leporino s vote invalidated, two that, for the first time in many years, residence his "home " Dubrowsky said Residents of rest homes are am­ votes for Gregorio have been thrown Burglary suspect found the public school cafeteria system the address listed on his driver's bulatory — able to around. Most need out. Earlier in the hearing, the judge came out in the black at the end of the license, insurance policies and income only to have someone prepare their ruled out the vote cast by.
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