SPORTS: BASEBALL TEAM STRUGGLES AGAINST UTA, PAGE 10 1 • FOOD: TESTING OUT LITTLE-KNOWN FORT WORTH RESTAURANTS, PAGE 5 Wednesday, April 24, 2002 TCU DAILY SKIFF In its 100th year of service to Texas Christian University • Vol. 99 • Issue 107 • Fort Worth, Texas • www.skiff.tcu.edu Today'sNews Area mom STATE NEWS Outdoor market under construction FORT WORTH — A Tarrant prepares to County assistant district attorney Over $2.3 million in federal, lo- (plants and fresh cut flowers), has resigned after being arrested Workers transform cal and private funds were used to Frost Bites (Italian ice cream), by police who say she was drunk complete the construction of the Coffee Haus (gourmet coffee, deploy with in public and threatened an offi- abandoned building Santa Fe Warehouse built in 1937, desserts and prepared foods), Hot cer's job. Rawie said. Damn Tamales (Mexican pre- The Pulse on Page 2 into city attraction According to the Fort Worth pared foods), GO Texas (a Texas Air Force Public Market Web site, the mar- store that sells Texas gifts) and NATIONALNEWS BY ANTHONY KIRCHNER ket will be split into two parts in- Lone Star Wines, according to the PLACENT1A, Calif. — A Staff Reporter cluding an indoor six-day-a-week Web site. mile-long freight train plowed Construction workers will be venue inside the Santa Fe Ware- The outdoor market will em- 300 Fort Worth head-on into a commuter train working for the next month to fin- house where fresh food vendors phasize retailing fresh food to its during rush hour Tuesday, killing ish transforming an old, abandoned will operate. There will also be an consumers, hoping to expand the reservists deployed three people and injuring about building in downtown Fort Worth covered outdoor market next to opportunities for local agricul- since October 265, officials said. into a new attraction for residents the warehouse where farmers will ture and food processing and News Digest on Page 4 around the city. sell their produce on weekends at firmly establishing a link be- BY LAURA MCFARLAND The Fort Worth Public Market Fort Worth's Intermodal Trans- tween urban and rural economies, 5al Reporter is scheduled to open May 25 and portation Center. Rawie said. Maj. Susan Crum takes her re- will be located along Jones Street The Fort Worth Public Market Ryan Elot/SKIFF STAFF The outdoor Farmer's Market sponsibilities as a mom very seri- in the Convention Center District, has leases with eight small busi- A man paints the back side of the new Fort OnCampus that will be open Saturdays from Worth Public Market in preparation for its ously. So when she gets on a plane inside the historic Santa Fe Ware- nesses including Seafoodville May 25 to September 21 will show- March 25 opening. The historic Santa Fe in August to fly to an unknown house, said Angie Rawie, market (fresh and prepared fish), Santa Texas A&M class examines Warehouse will house the market when destination for three months, she manager. Fe Produce, The Plant Source (Mo, construction is complete. campus squirrel population MARKET, page 6) said, it's going to be one of the COLLEGE STATION (U- hardest things she's ever had to do. WIRE) — Squirrels running "There is just so much that could around with tracking collars will happen." said Crum, the commander become a familiar site at Texas of the 301st security forces A&M University, as research on squadron for the Air Force Reserve. the ecology of fox squirrels in Delectable dilemma As defense force commander for urban settings is expected to con- a unit that will provide security for tinue for at least two more years. an overseas base. Crum said she is Students enrolled in the already preparing her personnel and department of wildlife and fish- equipment. But at home. Crum said eries sciences' Animal Ecology she also faces the task of getting her 403 course spent the past three 10-year-old daughter and 9-year-old months trapping fox squirrels on campus, fitting them with radio- son ready for her departure. transmitter collars and tracking "We just let them know a little bit them using basic wildlife tech- at a time as to what is going on and niques like radio telemetry and try to prepare them as much as pos- census methodology. sible for their mom being gone for They applied classroom princi- three months." Crum said. ples to the data collected to find Since mid-October, more than 300 information like average survival reservists from the Naval Air Station rate, mortality, litter size and range Joint Reserve Base, Fort Worth have movement, said Dr. Roel Lopez, left family and friends behind while Texas Agricultural Experiment they are deployed overseas, said Don Station wildlife researcher. Ray. public affairs officer. The num- The project began on the main ber is about half of the 665 Marine. campus in February, and Lopez Air Force, Navy and Texas Air Na- said the response has been over- tional Guard reservists from the base whelming and positive. The class trapped 10 squirrels that have been activated, Ray said. during the research, Lopez said, Crum said that she and her hus- and from the data students esti- band, a commercial airline pilot, mated there are 125 to 150 squir- have talked to their children about rels on campus. the countries she might be sent to Lopez said the squirrels use and the duties she will have. the ledges on buildings as super- "I've told them all about al Qaeda highways, moving around more and they know who Osama bin than he had anticipated. Laden is." Crum said. "They have "These suckers really move said they are a little worried and they quite a distance," Lopez said. ask me if those people have guns." "They just run and run in circles." Treva Smutz, the mother of TCU Jennifer Cearley, a research student and Marine reservist Lane technician for the class and a jun- Smutz. said she is not as worried ior rangeland ecology major, said the project has two purposes. about her son as much as she was "Wildlife departments are crit- when he was first deployed over- icized because the courses are so seas. His job keeps him primarily in strenuous and there's not alot of very protected areas because he works as a structural mechanic on time for field work," Cearley Vail) Bnurmon/SKIFF STAFF C-130s, a four engine, propeller said. "We need data on fox squir- Shane Perkins, a freshman biology major, looks at the options available Tuesday at the truck-load sale organized by Sodexho Marriott Services. Free popcorn and snow cones will rels because nothing like this has be given away for the second day in a row today in the Reed-Sadler mall as part of the on-going sale, said Imogene Bundage, retail manager Designed to give students with excess driven transport plane, she said. "These are very expensive planes, been done before and we're al- money on their meal cards a chance to buy bulk items, Bundage said all the items offered are 5 percent off the normal retail price. "Most of the Gatorade. soft drinks and Red Bull lowing students to get good ex- seem to be selling well, but we'll have plenty more to sell (today) too," she said. "We have cases of everything from laundry detergent to snacks!' The sale will run from 11 am. to so they do try to keep the planes as perience." 4 p.m. today. — Kami Lewis I More on RESERVES, page 6) — The Battalion InsideSkiff SGA considers student-run Pontiff denounces sex abuse The Pulse/Campus Lines 2 by priests as sin, crime Opinion 3 National Digest TV channel for next semester BY VICTOR L. SIMPSON The cardinal of Los Angeles said International Digest VuocutM Plan the pontiff had taken a strong step in channel in a random conversation, flags yet," Perella said "It's not VATICAN CITY — Pope John favor of "zero-tolerance" for abusive Features Proposal could if approved, it will serve as an im- going to be too hard though." Paul II told American church leaders priests. But he and other Americans Etc. portant tool for SGA. Perrella said the chancellor thinks Tuesday that there was no place in at the meeting said there was no dis- Sports 10 air fireside chats "SGA's channel hasn't been it's a great idea and is enthusiastic the priesthood "for those who would cussion of the possible resignation of utilized, but by doing this, it's a about the fireside chats because they harm the young," saying sex abuse by Boston's Cardinal Bernard Law, by chancellor way for us to communicate and will allow him to inform the stu- priests in the United States was both entertain," Hudson said. "It has a dents on what the administration is a sin and a crime. (More on VATICAN, page 7) BY COLLEEN CASEY lot of potential." working on. theWeather Staff Reporter Hudson said The channel A new student-run channel is pro- that although "SGA's channel hasn t been will also adver- THURSDAY posed that will air general interest the start-up cost utilized, but by doing this, tise, show news, Catholics' response High: 66; Low: 53; Light rain programming for the TCU campus will come out jjj a way for us to eommuni- weather, sports Results ot recent polls of U.S. Catholics'attii including fireside chats conducted 3GAs and allow or- FRIDAY "' "" cate and entertain. It has a church s handling of sexual abuse of chili by the chancellor, popular movies budget, in the ganizations on lot of potential." High: 68; Low: 63; Scattered future the chan- campus to an- and up-to-date announcements, said - Chelsea Hudson thunderstorms Joshua Perrella, student director of nel's paid ad- nounce for free, the channel for the Student Govern- vertisements MarKley said.
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